Reminder THIS episode of KND foreshadowed litterally everything wrong with our society today. KND warned us.
Reminder THIS episode of KND foreshadowed litterally everything wrong with our society today. KND warned us
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I came here to make fun of the idea but you might have a point
Who's Numbuh 4?
If this timeline somehow goes down; who do y'all bet is the bitch that sends her past self the tech to pull it off?
i always wanted to intentionally be shot with one of those guns
Hillary for sure. Guaranteed.
An entire world full of cute girls doing cute things doesn't sound too bad.
what a boring world
Which episode is this?
No dick.
are you telling me they lived in a society, and now we're living in one?
>Would devolve into bitter passive-aggression, then to countless mean-spirited feuds, before eventually exploding into a planet-scale catfight that would escalate in savagery until every human dies.
Hard pass.
I'm not arguing that some shit is fucked, but really, literally everything wrong, like everything?
Which treehouse was your favorite? I thought the moon base one was cool.
Someone fill me in on what the fuck this episode was about? Pretty sure it was a two parter
Elliot Rodgers
Some time-travelling villain has a ray gun that converts masculinity into femininity and tries to take over the world. Can Feminize both boys and girls if I remember right.
Before that, there was Homer Badman.
I remember masturbating to this episode every time it was on when I was like seven or whatever
forced feminization has been in cartoons for a long time. It started my fetish in it
Kids Next Door was cringecore to me as a kid
I remember when it first came out and every single commercial break had that annoying promo with "HANG ONTO YOUR UNDERWEAR! HAHAHAHAHA!"
The divide-and-conquer gender war idea is spot-on, but it's still missing the idea that girls acting girly is sexist and somehow the boys' fault.
I recorded the part of this ep where all the boys were shot with the girl gun onto a VHS, and would play it over and over while masturbating.
I-imagine shooting yourself h-haha
W-wouldnt that be dumb haha
Women have been cunts and have been ruining things since the beginning of time. It's only just recently that we've removed the social restraints that allowed Western civilization to get this far by telling them they're just as strong as men/stronger than men and taking their word as truth to overcompensate for past deeds (in America, this might also translate to how daintily we have to deal with matters concerning the negroids.) Combine that with the fact that women are incomplete, irrational subhumans, and you've got modern feminism where the feelings of a woman matter more than hard evidence provided by a man.
This is the correct answer, and the thing about women fighting is that unlike men who mostly only fight with the guy who they have a problem with, Women will lash out with everything around them.
In other words, put yourself between two guys fighting and they'll walk around you or shove you to keep fighting, put yourself between two women fighting and they will tear you apart and then keep fighting.
Did you watch the Mexican version?
>until every human dies
It's not like people have some other option in the real world. Though one difference is that there would not be new humans being made.
This scene is in the FUTURE , after all population was turned into girls .
SO , where did these little girls come from?
Until they call you a pervert 4 saying that.
And give you life
They're all Clanner scum.
The dub was fucking based though, certainly the most memorable thing about the show.
OP is a faggot in denial confirmed.
One defector mentions a father. I think the subtext was that a couple of men were kept around as breeders.
>this post
maybe OP has a point
that's kinda hot
>foreshadowed litterally everything wrong with our society today
crazy feminists have existed for the last 30 years
just cause the internet made them more noticeable doesn't mean they only started existing 10 years ago
you see back then writers had to deal with those people first hand and decided to poke fun at them. now writers for tv are all stooges for the crazy cunts
Yep, it turns Numbah 5 into a girly girl, it doesn't effect Numbah 3 because she already was one. It's thanks to her granddaughter and old man Numbah 4 that the future was corrected.
Hard to top that.
Fuck off feminist dyke.
The only things wrong with our society are entitled little shits threatening content creators over petty bullshit and rampant racism and sexism from both sides of the coin.
You're fucking adults. Get over your "girls have cooties" phase and maybe then they'll get over their "men are disgusting" phase.
Ooh ow. I’m triggered. It hurts me so. That the best you got?
What happened to him?
Self harm and bullying
Hell yeah, every human should die. Being alive is a nightmare. Moralistic pricks like you don't understand that antinatalism is the way to go. Everything would be so much easier if we all willingly decided to stop procreating and enjoy the good things in our lives as they are.
Forced gender reassignment and brainwashing doesn't strike me as cute. You've outed yourself as a psychopath.
I liked the super prison beneath the Ice. Cool concept that played with the tree house theme.
Brie Larson. I mean just listen to her. She’d totally do it if she had the power to
>that episode where the kids faked the moon landing
That's stupid. The actual issue is women have equality with men now but we're still treating them like helpless China dolls. Since they're human and thus equally prone to being shitbags, more than a few take advantage and/or feel entitled to princess treatment.
Thanks for exposing yourself.
So in this society would the tomboys become the new target of the neo neo feminists?
What about her views is especially extreme relative to other people? I've never heard much about her other than the usual progress-minded talking points about women having greater agency. If we're setting the bar for extremism at "Supports ladies and is critical of the president," that opens up a pretty broad range of people considering that more than half the country doesn't approve of his actions. Like, that's not exactly advocating for total female supremacy like Sinfest does. You'd want to pick someone like Valerie Solanas, or whoever her modern predecessor is.
Her push for women isn't an issue when isolated from her desire to exclude certain segments of society. It's pretty clear she's not so much an activist as a bigot hiding behind a good cause.
>her desire to exclude certain segments of society
>It's pretty clear she's not so much an activist as a bigot hiding behind a good cause.
Could you please elaborate? What did she say specifically to indicate that? I don't follow capeshit drama closely, but this is the first I'm hearing of whatever it is you're referring to.
>I'm gonna go le epic raid on Yea Forums!!
This show was terrible and is way overrated
>mfw i'll never cuddle with hooni and tell him he's worth it in my eyes.
And let’s not forget comments she made when it comes to some of the training she went through for the film about walking down the street and looking at a guy and just thinking that she can toss him. Who makes that kind of statement aloud that that’s what goes on in your head and are that full of yourself?
You were raised by your parents, freebirth.
Why did Numbah 1 turn into Lucy from Peanuts?
Look out, Yea Forums!
Based Zeke. Good job on killing the manlet, btw.
His plan is boring.
Why? She can't hit me, girls suck at shooting.
This 1000 times
Trips don't lie.
Did you not notice the world was just a desolate landscape besides the one walled city?
Reminder that Beyonce has Jay-Z by the balls and if he divorces her, he's fucked.
Wish she had me by the balls
Lets have a genderbend thread. Lets suppused the girls from F.U.T.U.R.E go on a multiverse conquest.
How things go? Which shows they change?
A moving target is harder to hit
It is dumb. Let someone else do it.
TLDR fuck off to /r9k/ or /pol/
What was the best KND weapon? Pic related
and you by a test tube. And all births in the Free Worlds League are free by definition. MERICK!
tfw no episode about evil fujoshis
What episode is this? also bump
Holy shit you're right
This wouldn't work irl because there's a clear ass divide between girly girls, to boys, fujoshits, and normal girls. Fujoshits would obviously win because they'd get the to boys on their side by the two not threatening each other's way of life.
>maybe then they'll get over their "men are disgusting" phase