Post corny comics

Post corny comics.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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This is actually witty, not corny. Get this trash out of here.


I don't understand. Everyone is getting some chicken before getting punch?

There’s no punch line.

Oh fucking hell.
That's genius and I am ashamed of myself.

>think its an edited picture to remove the joke
>turns into the best joke I've heard in ages

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>image looks like something an adult drew but tried to make look like a child's drawing
I'm unsettled

Attached: workers.png (398x127, 11K)

What about it looks like an adult drew it?

lmao get that unfunny nazi shit out of here.

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Just pay for advertising you faggot

OP said corny comics, not cringe

Attached: Sinfest2006-09-03.gif (700x1087, 277K)

Post the one about consent; I have a good idea for an edit but I don't want to actually look for it myself.

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Not bad.

Don't remind me of how good Classic Sinfest was. You just make me sad.

>that's good
If that's the case, I'm glad he changed.

I don't get it. Where's the punch line?

The image is a literal ponch (punch) line

This isn't corny so much as it is a 12-year-old's idea of "adult".

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It's terrible and yet brilliant.

I almost said it.

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It took me embarrassingly long to figure this one out

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i jerk off and complain about menial shit on the internet

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The only good things that came out of this cringeworthy shit are the anti fascist edits.

>pic-unrelated, because it’s for the thread

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the eyes mostly

reminds me of don martin

Holy shit...

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das raycis

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I thought incels were super dangerous to women and constantly harassed and raped them or something?

was this made before or after the start of the yellow vests protests?

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>Anything I disagree with is fascist.
>Anti-fascism is the act of silencing all opposition

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That must be her only friend.

I wonder why I always laugh at punny shit like this.

This one's even better due, it's a double joke, AND it makes good use of the comic medium. That's awesome

Yellow vests don't even have anything to do with the right wing, the right wing just latched on to it because it's against a president who happens to appear liberal (?) and they want some legitimacy as a voice of the people after they fucked up shit like Brexit.

Who said anything about incels? Those are just nerds.
>Anything I disagree with is fascist.
Nobody says this.

Who the fuck is talking about right wing shit? I'm talking about an actual worker protest. Could you please fuck off with your arbitrary dichotomies?

>Who the fuck is talking about right wing shit?
We are, retard, scroll the fuck up. The guy was responding to a right wing comic by sarcasitcally asking about the yellow vest riots. You stupid moron.

I am referring exclusively to the comic, no one cares about your gayass discussion. That guy was me, it wasn't sarcasm, it was amusement.

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They're things that you do voluntarily and also derive enjoyment from, you pedantic bitch. They're fucking hobbies.




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>disagreeing with me is silencing my opinion
>editing comics I like is silencing my opinion

Why did you slide "friends" over?

Reasonable chuckle.

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Pretty much. Sinfest was never very good. The art is great, but the writing has always been pretty meh.

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>I am referring exclusively to the comic
A rightwing comic depicting what it wants to show as a left wing protest. Hold the fuck on did you think it was about the yellow vest protests because there's a guy with a yellow vest in it? Are you really that fucking dumb?

I get money, you sad housewife

I don't know who the fuck drew that. I just think it's funny the author is complaining about workers picking up the protest's mess, with the France protests with actual workers going on right now.
Please don't tell me you got upset because it's making fun of antifa types, because that's literally a zero effort joke.

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Are you really that fucking dumb, dipshit? Leftwing Rightwing bullshit isn't what's being discussed here.

That guy's talking about how the comic depicts people protesting for workers and people who actually work as two separate groups. It's about protests and workers. The file is called workers.png

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Such a simple way to make your call out clear.


>literally >we live in a society

I don't think he is capable of understanding that some people on "the left" do actually work.

For other user.

Ecomic left is wanting the government to control your economy.
Economic right is wanting the individual to control their own economy.

Neither Left Not Right define having a job or not. Both left and right has jobless people.

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Highlights on the eyes, relatively proportional, relatively symmetrical, letters all similarly sized and spaced out neatly.


Fuck me I thought it was in reference to that one cult

I thought the same thing

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It's literally depicting, specifically, an ANTIFA protest you dumb shit. Why would you bring up yellow vests then?
You are so confused after getting called out so accurately that you couldn't do better than this inconsistent mess of an explanation. Stonetoss readers truly are cavemen.

both have a sad life

I should have been more clear. When I said "That guy" I was talking about the guy who brought up the yellow vests, not Stonetoss. I'm not the user you've been arguing with previously.

Here we can see the classic "butthurt faggot". Whining at whatever they dislike.

Ah yes, the cringe nazi comic.

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Its because you belong in reddit.

>It's not funny because it offends me

This goy.

So... What's so corny about this one?

>Was thinking of queue rather than line
Damn my Bong-ness

Ah yes, the cringey tranny user

There isn't? Then what's the point of- oh...

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Christ, what an asshole

took me a while to get it

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By holding a job, Beatrice actually isn't a housewife.

This is probably the one good comic he ever did

Getting money is what happens TO YOU at work.
But what do YOU DO?

I don't know, it feels outdated now that the person those people were protesting refused to pay the workers at the last panel for over a month. If anything it makes those protestors seem justified.

Only when they are behind a computer screen.

Is this comic from the 00s?

"Selig lächelnd wie ein satte Säugling"

Twist: it's the same guy

And you unfailingly manage to demonstrate the point of the comic. Which is ironic, since I thought it was kind of condescending and pedantic until you showed that it is accurate.

its so hard to explain this to people
what if i only want a job so i can support my fucking passion? is it really that hard to comprehend?
success doesnt only come from monetary gain, money cant make you a great cook or dancer, i would never have the time to draw or play the piano or learn a third language or practice a new recipe every other day with one of those 60 hours a week jobs

Well, it's different if the secretary has fulfilling hobbies, then it's just semantics.

But the suggestion is clearly that she pours all of her energy - her life - into her work.

Without kidding, that actually did make me think.

It makes an extremely worn point in a very drawn-out way: you work to live, not the other way around.

I don't know if it's about any protest in particular. The general point is that the people who are most heavily into communism are rarely working class themselves, and often wind up doing things that just make life harder for the exact people they're trying to help.


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This. Look up anything of the G8 summit in Hamburg. Fucking scumbags on a rampage through the streets, vandalizing stuff, burning cars because they're so anticapitalist. Meanwhile the people whose cars get burnt can't go to work because they actually have to support a family or just make ends meet. Fuck antifa and fuck modern "socialsts". Karl Liebknecht and Ernst Thälmann and Lenin would rotate in their graves if they knew what these people are doing.
If anything, Antifa are helping globalization and not the proletariat.

Commies, antifas and leftists in general shouldn't be treated as people.
Now post corny comics.

Well... Lenin might not because he was a prick.

>The general point is that the people who are most heavily into communism are rarely working class themselves, and often wind up doing things that just make life harder for the exact people they're trying to help.
And the point that I was making is that it's outdated because they were protesting Trump, who outright refused to pay those workers for an incredibly stupid reason. might cry crocodile tears over the car that might belong to a worker, but will he acknowledge that federal workers across the entire nation were wrongfully denied their pay by the president for over a month?

This is funnies that the actual strip.

its ok user, once they achieve their goals and everyone is poor we will all be living in floating cities in the sky made of gold

Some people are in the struggle so that they CAN actually get to where they have a job that allows them to support their passion.

You're not wrong about money =! success, but that's not what everyone is doing.

Also, if Beatrice weren't a smug asshole about it, maybe Margaret wouldn't look like she's on the verge of a breakdown

Nah, this was made before incels were a thing. Incels evolved from the nerds who were mad that nerds were actually accepted by society now because they defined thier personalities as being unrespected underdogs.

Margaret looks like she's having an existential crisis

is lenin a prick or were you just told he is and you never questioned it

Don't get me wrong, dude. I know that workers are exploited, Trump is a monster, Stonetoss is an idiot, and that red-scare paranoia has brought this country way WAY too far to the right. But communism (ACTUAL communism, not right-wing GOP "all labor concerns are communist" communism) is still bad.
Truth be told, I'm not sure what the "original subject" of this comic is that you keep talking about. So I'm not sure whether I'm right or wrong, here. But taken without that "political context" (whatever it is), read in and of itself, it's pretty spot on.

>But communism (ACTUAL communism
That's called "Marxism". Are you saying that Marxism is "bad"? Is this the hill you want to die on, white boy?

Don't worry, he left without paying.

Fuck off Yea Forumsumblr. Your idiot college friends smashing stores and trash cans in the streets isn't going to do anything except make people resent you and the retarded movement you support.
Keep being the lapdogs of billion dollar corporations.

And yes, those evil cars, stores, and trash cans fucking belonged to somebody. You can shit yourself over Orange Man all you want, but literally none of your actions connected to suffering for him. You were just shitting on the people you needed support from, but were too stupid to make that connection in your head.

do you guys think this version is better quality?

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Fuck off, incel was used as a new word to insult virgins, without actually saying virgins

>Is this the hill you want to die on, white boy?

What are you - Vietcong?

Marxism has been shown to be bad, or at the very least unrealistic.

>Has a job that can sustain him his whole life
>Has enough job security to last in it

Must be nice.

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any job that gives you enough free time should be fine unless your passion is something expensive
some of the most brilliant inventors in history worked shit jobs that left them with a lot of free time for their projects

>Marxism has been shown to be bad
Dude, 1/3 (or something like that) US sociology professors self-identify as Marxists. Almost all American leftists and most feminists are Marxist.

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By who, other virgins?

No, no you're not.

Not him, but yes actually, incel started as an r9k term. It was picked up by Reddit after that, and that's when everyone else started using it.
They like using it more than 'virgin' because most of them are limp-wristed virgins themselves.

God you sound like a limp wristed faggot. Liberals are such braindead losers

watch this bait be taken

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fucking genius

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>work long enough, and well enough your boss gives you a fucking Rolex watch

Don't those things go for a lot of money?

If so why is Mr. Average so displeased about getting it?

Being given a watch when you are forced into retirement is nothing but a reminder of how little time you have left

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>or something like that

I am going to need a source on that, user.

They move past it in time, but right after it happened they will be pretty fucked-up about it.

>Liberals are such braindead losers


he had 1 job that seems to give more than enough money and also happens to be a safe place with a steady work, working in the same place since young that would give a load or retirement money, whats hes complaining ?
some people cant understand that some just want a quick and safe passage to life

That is so silly, but I love it.

It's not my job to educate you on fucking Yea Forums of all places.

120% of all statistics cited in an internet argument are bullshit. "Not my job to [support my argument by] educat[ing] you" is a tranny move.

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Woah, cool it with transphobic remarks, boy!

this conversation is hilarious if you know where that image comes from


>not wheresthejokefuckley.tiff

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Has banner potential.



lmao at all the trannies triggered by 3 panels

>not posting the rest of the strip
Fuck you, the punchline is the best.

and where does it comes from faggot?


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>this was made before incels were a thing.
"Incels" have always existed. You just didn't start using the term until Reddit said it was cool.

Unironically based.

these posts are child pornography

>Yea Forums.png

If the lifetime service award was something big, it all would have been worth it.


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Okay, this is epic.

This is something my mother would write to make herself feel better.

nice I hate women

Don’t expect these reactionary neckbeards to understand what free speech actually means.

SMBC and XKCD have both already done this joke

>waiter is so smug she makes her friend who works hard to support herself and maybe even family cry in public because she doesn’t have as many random talents

epic reference!
*bro fists*

are you my twin??

Everything Marx warned about capitalism was true, but unfortunately everything he promised about communism wasn't.

Doing your job is still a thing to do if you want it. Being successful in is its appealing and worthy of effort, as much as doing your hobbies its. In fact, a person who finds his job being like a hobby is the luckiest of them all.

This wouldnt be so bad if we assume thats her friend who knows the bussiness girl fucking hates her job and its trying to get her out of it, but otherwise it just looks preachy and stupid.

The final panel is unironically brilliant in its simplicity.

so the joke is that there's no joke
that's hilarious


>dont take things at face value
>question authority
>draw attention to yourself
>start small businesses
>go to shithole countries
>write a book

Got it, I'll become a conspiracy theorist and write a book about the jews faking the moon landing


pay for ads like everyone else

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It was still pretty funny.

Actually, that's remarkably average.

you forgot to start a /biz/ tho

Wish I could get a job

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based spidey

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>Woman talks about her job that flourishing well and has exciting future prospects
>Other woman who is a dead-end waitress immediately tries to shit on her and ruin her mood

>he gets out

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Talk about an inner child!

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The Antifa edits were fucking atrocious, what the hell are you talking about?

>be from Yea Forums
>tell a pun using clown frog
>forget calros is traditionally the one who tells the puns
One job

I ain't using no pun spic

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Self-describing again?

Is she not wearing pants?

That’s right, this is MAGA country!

tag urself i'm the weeb

Jokes on him. Those geese are in fact horny as hell, and will rape the shit out of him

Would you if you didn't have to?

I just need to know for...reasons.

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>Margaret realizes she's an NPC

>be from Yea Forums
>recommending Carlos instead of Ultros

Surprised they always cut that scene out of the tv version.

That joke is as old as the phrase "I'm afraid not."

1. if people are honest you actually can
2. see 1
3. don't go to college period because it's a fucking scam and you can learn just fine by READING A FUCKING BOOK
4. do this in real life i dare you, find yourself unemployed very quickly
5. "safe and easy" means you get to go back home in one piece and not in a body bag
6. yes and how's the college loan going for you? you DID follow point 3, right?
7. if you don't spend time speaking a language you will lose anything you don't spend time speaking regularly. no one will understand your accent anyways.
8. no one reads books any more, see point 3
9. let's buy another loan and risk bankruptcy! see point 6
10. -all the time. no one likes an attention whore.
11. you were going to do this anyways

> giving an old man a watch for him to count down his last hours with
how you know you've been scammed all your life and the society you lived for should be destroyed with all the devils in charge of it being sent to the lowest circle of hell.


better than the original

>Being nice makes you a white knight
>Being mean makes you an incel
No wonder men don't know what women want.

I expect baffling shit from Stardust, yet this somehow still caused me to double-take


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It's a knockoff



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My favorite part about this post is that that whole thing was a hoax

>I suffer in the 1st world

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Hang out with my bitter bitch friend, apparently.

For someone who promotes art so much, Zen Comics is incredibly mediocre. The messages have no nuance, subtlety, substance, or say anything new. His artstyle is functional, but never pretty or charming in any way. His subjects are constantly "make art" just because. He doesn't comment on the beauty of art, because he doesn't produce beauty.

Looks like that one struck a nerve. LoL. Pathetic.

You have to be blind to not at the very least find them both cringeworthy. That being said, he can be pretty on the money sometimes. The four corner comic with the commie and capitalist and the libertarian and fascist on the same side is pretty much the best encapsulation of the modern political fight I have ever seen.

Well, did you find it?
Well yes, but...
It was occupied!..

>Yeah- I like this country.

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I don't get why you'd bring up the yellow vests as a "workers protest". The Yellow vest protest was started over gas prices, it's a working/lower middle class protest against traditionally left-wing policy ideas. It's a protest driven by drivers one might say. Not "unfair" working conditions.

Remember the days when you'd ask to go to the washroom, and the teacher would encourage the other students to make water/splash/etc noises in an attempt to make you piss your pants before actually letting you go to the washroom?

That was fucked up.

Remember when you would ask to go to the toilet and the teacher would say no? Now that was fucked up.

>traditionally left-wing policy ideas
If you think Macron and his cabinet is left you're retarded. These are the first tries at right winged climate change policies where they force all the punishments on the lower classes while they enjoy their private jets. Macron is not for the people, he's for bullshit compromise.

I like this character

nigga what?

You have something you need to get off of your chest user?

I wasn't molested, that time, I swear. This actually happened regularly at this school I attended. Must have been around 6th or 7 grade. It was like a school thing or something and everyone thought it was funny, unless it was happening to them.

kek'd and check'd

Both of you shut up. We're trying to have a good time here.

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user what the fuck

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a 7 yr old drew it

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I chuckled

I never saw the original. What is it? Just "I am female" or something?

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So it was bullshit. Why didn't you just say so?

Aww. That first panel, I just want to put my arms around her.

I think the joke is that she's deliberately sought out an environment where she will be miserable.

I just remember it was "to get you ready for middle school where they won't just let you go" then it was "to get you ready for high school where they won't just let you go" and then by high school they almost always just let you go, to say nothing of college, where you don't even ask.

Yup. Fucked from both ends. Coming down from the trees was a mistake.

What are those tools for? I mean that's probably a saw...but those other things?


I don't remember, I think she made a pair of boobs using the rocks or something.

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>Everything Marx warned about capitalism was true
Not really. His labor theory of value was completely fucking retarded, and also predicted that communism would first take hold in first world countries, when historically it's only been third world retards who fall for the communism meme.

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Explain why the labor theory of value is retarded without conflating price and value.

It's a translation but accurate.

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Here, take your

As a general rule of thumb, you probably shouldn't take economic theories from a welfare queen, in the same way that you shouldn't take investing advice from the homeless crackhead who lives behind your local McDonalds.

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Was this a French comic?


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Women want you to not be a neckbeard at all.

Sounds like a comfy life desu, just a wife and kids

>those polite well written letters
things used to be better


Criticizing the person who made the theory doesn't disprove the theory in the slightest. As for the criticisms listed in the wikipedia page,
>mudpie argument
Value =/= Price
>contradiction between capital vol 1 and vol 3
Marx was speaking at a different level of abstraction in Capital volume 1. He is speaking about actual long term price of production in volume 3.
>difference in rate of use value depreciation and exchange value depreciation in fixed capital
One rate determines the other, they do not exist separately.
>value is subjective
Individually yes, the market does put a definite value on commodities outside of subjective appraisals.
>Labor is energy over time
Does not change the outcome of the theory, or the idea of the falling rate of profit. Just traces value back to sunlight.

I remember one time an intern at my middle school hid his phone in the bathroom in a bag with the camera facing the toilets.


based and redpilled

This is a great comic. Instantly exposes who is a soulless drone and who actually enjoys life.

This is literally my life. I've already checked off most of those 11.

I will say that you have to be born in a life of, well, privilege, to turn away from any of those things
I mean, questioning authority in the wrong place can be a death sentence, but there are still so many people who 1. go to college because they have no other choice and 2. don't get the chance to go to college

This big picture stuff that is supposed to make you think and change your life is literally just for white people
Like, great, you have all of this stuff that people are literally begging for and you have the gall to say "don't do this, its too average"


That's because you're assuming the black haired bitch works in some mindless minimum wage job, and not in a field that requires skill and expertise.
I think about 50% of the time at my job, I learn something new. I gain more experience, and learn more useful, specialized skills. Why would someone cry about that? Compare that to the blonde bitch, who's useful skills are... what again? "Playing with her dog?" "Being such a shitty writer/artist that she can't even support herself doing it?"

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Okay, how about the fact that labor has no inherent value because it's completely arbitrary how much labor anything requires?

You're exactly the kind of person the comic mocks. Utterly soulless, only thinking about money and utility, unable to comprehend actually using your precious time on earth for yourself.

So, she's basically Penny from BBT?

You have your head up your ass and so does the comic's writer

Labor having no inherent value doesn't mean that labor itself is not valuable

there's no specific one point that labor has, but that doesn't mean it's not worth anything

So pointing out that it's all relative to whoever is doing the thing doesn't matter because if labor = X, X is still a specific value
even if that Value isn't a fixed point

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>Utterly soulless, only thinking about money and utility
But the blonde bitch is also concerned about money and utility. That's why she works at a restaurant.
The main difference between me and that character is that she presumably goes to work for 8 hours a day, just the same as me... but she's a retarded, deadbeat loser who's only marketable skills are literally service industry bullshit for minimum wage, were as I have an awesome job that I love which also allows me to grow as a person and develop new skills at the same time.
And when I get off work? Guess what, I still get to play with my pets, and partake in my own hobbies like shitposting on Yea Forums, but with a nice fat paycheck. And when people ask "What do you do?", I can proudly give a much better answer than "I play with my dog".

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>These are the first tries at right winged climate change policies
imagine being this delusional that you have to foist every stupid fucking idea from your side that fails on the right. That stupid idea of yours automatically comes down on the lower classes because you can't have higher taxes without capital flight. It's the same in every single country that has tried this. Massive tax rates across the economy from rich to middle to poor. It's all the same. Economist tell you charlatans this every fucking time but you never ever listen. Not to mention that these policy proposals have never and will never be made on the right side of the aisle so throwing them at our feet is just an exercise in futility. We DGAF! If you wanna "sav da erf" you hippie dirt bags should eliminate your own carbon footprint, I know you cunts don't like guns but get creative. Have the dignity to own up to your own side's garbage ideas! Fuck! I mean ourside's solution was to go nuclear. That was our solution but that was too fucking much to ask wasn't it! You hippy fucks had to ruin that too. 70% of France was nuclear you little shit 70% but then you ruined it you little degenerate. I'm so goddamn mad at what you people have done. Look at the Americans! What have they done. Advanced their petrochemical industry to the point where they've achieved the fastest rate of carbon reduction in the entire G20! That's our solution. Action! What do you pieces of shit do, you moan and expect your betters to solve everything for you. To pay your bills, to care for your children. Do the world a favor, start you goddamn revolution already so we can be rid of you useless swine.

Different people may take different amounts of effort, but its the average labor time it takes society to create a commodities that determines value.

Which only goes to show how much better we are than everyone else when we have achieved that as our everyday life. Now, what you said has some truth to it, but only in the sense that plebs want these things, just because they think they are the sole reason for the prosperity of 1st world countries and all their greatness, not because they realize it's true value. And lastly, of course this was made for white people. One, because only they have unrestricted access to the internet and two, because the only people that ''artist'' has ever come in contact with are, for all intents and purposes, white and heavily influenced by white culture. Do you think anyone who can afford to make mediocre garbage for a living while sitting in a home with central heating wearing a dildo up his as can in any way relate to any real problems, whatsoever. Get a grip sweety desu.
pic unrelated

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Not him, bt's clear you haven't really thought about this very hard.
Not all work is equal, regardless of the amount of time it takes, which you probably would have realized if you have ever actually had a job.


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>it was bullshit
If you were actually interested in this convestaion you'd googled it yourself. But for some reason you just chose to remain ignorant.
I'd understand it if it was Facebook or even Reddit, but we're on an anonymous forum.

>no /fit/ edit with bodybuilders afraid to talk to girls

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I don't know why, but this really tickles me.


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>all the butthurt wagies replying to this
giving me lots of epic hahas over here

Is this the mythical "only good stonetoss"?

Skilled labor adds different amounts of value based on the reproduction cost associated with training, interchangeable jobs like factory work or menial labor with no reproduction cost has equal value. If the theory was so retarded that it missed the fact that different workers are paid different amounts, how would it have stood up so long with the soviets?

I'm not the dude you're responding to, but 100% of the time that a SJW retard has gone "le educate yourself le bigot", and I have, it turns out that they're not only hilariously wrong, but even more wrong than I even suspected.
This is 4channel. Nobody is expecting a term paper, but if they unironically take their advice and "educate themselves", they're more likely to only swing further to the right if you can't even provide a link to some lefty propaganda to support the bullshit you spew.

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Are you unironically using Soviet Russia as an argument for how Marxism is good?

Attached: Comrade I don't feel so good.jpg (487x604, 80K)

The best comic

Attached: oakland kek.jpg (640x480, 29K)

>just 40 hours a week of work
>lasting for a life time
it just bothers me how casually he says it, like is something you can just get without even triying and therefore the sign of an unremarkable life, i would kill for 40 hour weeks

I was saying that if a theory is that retarded then it wouldn't have become one of the major economic systems of the 20th century.
But yes, the Soviet union was impressive economically. It moved Russia from a peasant shit hole to an industrial super power in a single generation and ending the cycle of famine in the Russia that had been going on for thousands of years. While it was undoubtedly dictatorial, on the lower levels workers still had a much larger role in society that a capitalist system, even during the worst times of the great purge. (by the way the guy in the picture next to Stalin is the NKVD director who orchestrated the purge)

I think the worst part is that he's a webcomic artist.
He probably hasn't worked 40 hours a week in his life, and just sits around collecting disability for some bullshit like "anxiety".

>swing further to the right
I have no problem with this. What are you gonna do, vote Republican?

Attached: next time it will be LGBTQI+.jpg (410x230, 18K)

hah, classic

>Soviet union was impressive economically
They literally starved around 10 mil. people to death. not in the Middle Ages, in the fucking 1930s-1940s. Mostly in the fertile Ukrainian land. And then Mao did the same, only with a much higher death count.
>lower levels workers still had a much larger role in society that a capitalist system
Jesus fuck.
Commies are evil and retarded.

>I was saying that if a theory is that retarded then it wouldn't have become one of the major economic systems of the 20th century.
And it's fucking failed everywhere.
It was retarded on paper, and somehow even more retarded in practice, and it only appealed to retards.
Economists stopped taking Marx seriously before either of us were born, the same way psychologists don't take Freud seriously. The only difference is that Freud made an honest effort at contributing to his field... all Marx did was be a deadbeat welfare queen while imagining what it's like to actually manufacture anything of value, and obviously got it hilariously wrong.

Attached: larry-gooseman-just-found-my-old-science-teacher-from-jr-21401367.png (500x420, 54K)

Attached: lol thread starter.jpg (1920x1080, 335K)

Labor has value, but it isn't evident that it's inherently valuable. I think that's the contention. The value of labor correlates directly with the DEMAND for that labor that exits and inversely with the SUPPLY that exists. There for labor is worth the VALUE that people are willing to pay. If you perform a task that anyone with hands and an IQ 85 and above can perform the value of your labor is very small, it isn't to say that it wasn't massively beneficial, it's just not worth very much when anyone could have done therefore it does not command a high wage. If it did it then it would artificially inflate the cost of producing the given good. When machines can do what you do then the value of your contribution is limited. I think what Marx is making is more of a moral argument where he believes that value is produced by the good that working to produce whatever the product is achieves. A capitalist takes the goods produced and sells them with the intention of profiting, not rewarding the activity of labor. The argument being that the capitalist owes the laborers for their work. Which I think he does, well all do, but the question is "how much are they owed." What about the person who took the risk to found the business in the first place? Or studied the skills and spent the time necessary to solve a problem. What should their reward be? Who is entitled to dispense such a reward on behalf of a society, the market or the party? Should we accept inequality as a result of choice or seek to ensure that no one is in station above the other etc. Who determines what particular labor is valuable if not the customers. So on and so on. You can see how things in these regimes break down now that I think of it. To many questions for t0o few people to answer. It loathes complexity but produces nothing but.

Attached: 1506457598094.png (525x809, 822K)

>They literally starved around 10 mil. people to death. not in the Middle Ages, in the fucking 1930s-1940s. Mostly in the fertile Ukrainian land. And then Mao did the same, only with a much higher death count.
Famines happened all the time in Russia before the Soviets. A particularly bad one, based on the natural causes and the complete destruction in the civil war happened in 1921. After that they completely eliminated famine (except the one caused by the Nazi invasion, which can hardly be said to be the fault of the USSR).
>Commies are evil and retarded.
Read Origin of the great purge if you want to see a history of the USSR that actually takes the archives until account instead of recycling cold war bullshit speculation.
It was a massive economic success that ultimately failed because of a few critical policy mistakes under Stalin and Khrushchev. The USSR was dissolved undemocratically and suddenly and its dissolution caused a sudden downtown in the Russian economy and life expectancy.

The LTV is descriptive not prescriptive. It describes how he thinks the capitalist system is, not how he thinks society should be.

So what you're saying is that Marxism caused a failed state, just like fucking everywhere else it's been tried.
I'm seriously not sure how you can possibly be this retarded on The Year Of Our Lord 2019. Even if you're too dumb to notice all the contradictions on paper, the absolute failure of results should speak for themselves.
And this is all on top of the fact that, of course, there was literally never a single reason to ever consider Marx an authority on the subject in the first place.

Attached: red-between-the-lines.png (1000x962, 474K)

>Famines happened all the time in Russia
Never on such scale, not even close.
>happened in 1921
I'm talking about the one that was coincidentally happened after the "collectivization" of the early 1930s.
>they completely eliminated famine
As someone who grew up in Russia I've heard a lot of "dystrophy" jokes from the older people. You know, like the Jewish jokes, jokes about mother-in-law, etc. - there was a whole subgenre of them about severley malnutritioned people. That's Communism for you.

Granted, but even so it is not an accurate description. The Aristotelian model was also descriptive, but it was unable to correctly explain celestial phenomena, thus, it was discarded. Policy derived from such an understanding is flawed. I was talking about Marxism in general not LTV when I said Marx is making a moral argument derived from his belief in the model of the LTV.

I think the overarching flaw in communist ideologies is the idea that "If this person owns something, that means that they're a retarded useless asshole who does nothing and simply mooches off of exploitation of other people."
When they murder all the farmers, unsurprisingly, it causes a famine, because running a farm takes skills and expertise. When they murder all the business owners, the business collapses, because guess what, running a business also take skills and expertise.
It's incredibly fucking stupid, because all it would take for Marxists to understand the difficulties in running anything is to literally get a job, and look at the sorts of things that their boss has to deal with, and understand that there are glaringly obvious reasons why they don't run a business beyond "lack of capital".

Attached: communism-working-class-comic.png (1500x500, 76K)

For point 4 you've probably never had a shitty corporate manager desk job where your work consists of nothing but waiting for people to respond to your emails, respond to their emails telling them they sent you the wrong thing and writing reports.
I basically can spend days doing nothing but fucking around at work but I ain't telling my boss

>tfw when your poorfag friend keeps acting haughty

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-09 co - Post corny comics - Comics Cartoons - 4chan.png (172x171, 54K)

>As someone who grew up in Russia I've heard a lot of "dystrophy" jokes from the older people. You know, like the Jewish jokes, jokes about mother-in-law, etc. - there was a whole subgenre of them about severley malnutritioned people. That's Communism for you.
HA that's surreal. I'm impressed at you're trying to reason with this guy. You're arguing with a person who saw the dying torch of this God forsaken ideology lying next to a pile of malnourished corpses and was said "well... worth a shot." God speed my guy.

>Read Origin of the great purge if you want to see a history of the USSR that actually takes the archives until account instead of recycling cold war bullshit speculation.
Let's see Origins of the Great Purges, published ...
>Takes the archives into account
Holyshit pick one. Hard doubt that in 1985 the U.S.S.R. gave this fucking American access to data that essentially said the U.S.S.R. was built on blood and lies.
Makes sense though, considering most of the literature afterward the collapse doesn't even try to pretend that Stalin, or the institutions of the U.S.S.R. were anything other than bloodthirsty and repressive.

To be fair, the punch line is obscure.

I feel like "only good stonetoss" is a meme he has his moments like any other. I lean right though so I'm sympathetic to some of his stuff, your mileage may vary. This however, is my "only good Stonetoss."

Attached: 1537550839511.jpg (1000x1000, 189K)

The irony with stonetoss is that his previous comic looked better because he put more effort into it.

I'm a weeb in demeanor but a mall ninja in spirit.

>every time a business throws its lot in with (insert random social justice cause)

The joke is the two females are treated like actual character while their owner isn't there, coud've been more subtle there.

>I feel like "only good stonetoss" is a meme he has his moments like any other.
It's a pretty dumb meme.
Every single time, it's "I hate Stonetoss, but this one is pretty funny. Okay, this one is funny too. That's also a funny one."
This is Yea Forums. Nobody's going to tell your employer that you laughed at a semi-offensive comic made by some Twitter troll. You don't have to feel bad or explain yourself to anonymous people over the internet.

Attached: price-gouging-comic1.png (1500x500, 84K)

Seriously this fags comics are so shit I hope he gets hit by a car and dies horribly

are you actually clinically retarded?

Is only comic, user. Why you hef to be mad?

Except that quality of live had increased exponentially under capitalism unlike what Marx thought and ironically severely declined in Marxist economies

The pendulum is tipping.


Opiate epidemic and climate change say what

ironic shitposting is still shitposting user.

Attached: problematic-artists-comic.png (1000x1000, 280K)

>strawman: the comic

>climate change
>the world will END in 12 years if you don't give us ALL the power RIGHT NOW
>definitely not a scam

Attached: 1503882008-dcshhh3uqaefkpf.png (500x500, 40K)

It's just making the point that "the artist was bad in some way" isn't actually criticism of the work itself.

It's funny that he used that parody of his work in the first panel.

>implying half this board isnt currently here to shitpost about the latest mouse movie

I'm strangely attracted to the stonetoss girl.

Karl Marx lived during the late 19th century are you seriously arguing that life isn't exponentially better than then?
Also the opioid crisis isn't even a real crisis alcohol and cigarettes do significantly more damage its purely the visceral effect of opiate addiction that causes a scare like plane crashes getting more attention than car crashes even though cars are significantly more dangerous.
And most people don't feel the effects of climate change if they did there actually might be some real action being taken instead of the can being kicked down the road

"Mad Max" director is woke af. And Disney is run by Jews.

>Artist supports a total free market country with small government
>Is surprised when post secondary education is not free because the colleges and universities have to get money somewhere as they not funded by the government

Agreed. Also I lolled hard at that one, if the "only good Stonetoss" meme was true this'd be the one one.

Except textbooks and colleges aren't price gouging is this guy retarded.
Although yes textbooks and colleges are over valued their prices have a legitimate rationale behind them though perhaps not sensible
I'm wondering why the artist didn't include healthcare as well its obviously because it would have gone against his beliefs

>all these stonetoss posters

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Is he admitting to being a bigot?

Say what you will, but Zen Pencils serves as a pretty good litmus test for groups.
Anyone who calls it 'bold', 'inspiring' or anything better than 'bland' should be avoided. Those are people who don't read books, just the summaries and notable passages.

Every time I see one of his 'inspirational' messages on 'art should be your life!', I think of all the wonderfully talented musicians I know who live paycheck to paycheck with a drinking problem in their 50's.

Attached: 15 - karEbQ7.jpg (1280x317, 235K)

>Is surprised when post secondary education is not free because the colleges and universities have to get money somewhere as they not funded by the government
>American college
>not funded by the government
Someone didn't go to college.

Attached: (you).jpg (560x577, 49K)

>sociology professors
>American leftists
Implying any of these opinions matter.

Attached: 4dbe192fa60a1047a68014fa8d6459c13f490209e337d047ae95a38ece63a151.png (1278x543, 361K)

Not sure about that considering that most of the criticism I have seen of him on Yea Forums has been "he's a Nazi." Meanwhile this site was founded by an Asukafag, how are we all not Nazis?

This except unironically.

Attached: anime-nazi-comic.png (625x605, 59K)

>Except textbooks and colleges aren't price gouging

imagine believing this
>you need to take this unrelated class to graduate
>you need to buy this year's version of the textbook the professor wrote

Because Asuka is objectively a better character than Rei.

See , and about how people can separate the art from the artist.

Because Rei is a pastiche on token moe uwu characters

Wow, I have seen wrong. But I ain't never seen wrong like this. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. You are so impossibly, inhumanly wrong. Incredible. Truly. This is bait.

Attached: (you)are.gif (480x287, 704K)

Yeah. Asuka's only competitor is Misato.

"Better character" can be conceded but better person?

I Got suspended over petty shit like that.....

>Can I Go to the restroom Ms. Burke?
>I Don't know,CAN YOU?????

At which point I Threaten to piss on the floor,she calls my bluff and I Unzip myself and attempt to whip it out.

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Attached: what_the_hell.jpg (349x326, 26K)

Asuka actually has a personality. Rei is an emotionless piece of meat.

and then the whole bus started clapping and the mayor got you a key to the city

That's actually true. I witnessed it.

Oh I don't know, I would add one more... even is she was a fool... like her mother.

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"Haha, these stonetoss comics are really funny"

Attached: kekistan.png (966x660, 1.07M)

>Except textbooks and colleges aren't price gouging
>is this guy retarded.

Attached: dean24.jpg (297x294, 12K)

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I see... I see... but might you consider.

Attached: lol.png (580x577, 403K)

Did you ever ask you professor why the book was so expensive?
Unless your professor is some dick who is doing it for the money most textbooks cost a lot to make due to all the rights and research that go into making them my professor showed our class all the work that went into his textbook but did tell us that some companies are dicks who charge hundred of dollars for a few rearranged chapters but that's not the norm for any respectable institution.
And about doing unrelated classes you should have gone to a technical institute then you moron you chose your college could have chosen one that doesn't require extra circulars.

Attached: 38-1024x548.jpg (1024x548, 193K)

The goose is loose

No,She lost her shit and I Got suspended for three days,where the fuck do you think we are? Tumblr?

>due to all the rights and research that go into making
>new edition every year
okay professor

Attached: 1544938086095.jpg (1600x3564, 1.74M)

unironically funnier

>Except insurance companies and hospitals aren't price gouging is this guy retarded. Although yes healthcare and surgeries are over valued their prices have a legitimate rationale behind them though perhaps not sensible I'm wondering why the artist didn't include higher-education as well its obviously because it would have gone against his beliefs

p.s. they are price gouging as a result of artificial demand generated by massive Government subsidization. It's tardo grande.

This is the same guy who drew a comic about a dude who quit his job and left his wife to larp as a game of thrones character in the woods as though it was something inspirational

Attached: 1 rXy8-NplLdH0OgwXRQq-Tg.gif (200x199, 133K)

yes Hank

>Not ending the comic with a panel of the little girl saying "Because it's got snowballs"

That's actually hilarious! Especially because it's true.

Lovecraft didn't hate blacks, he just thought they were alien. People blow the "Niggerman" story well out of proportion.

“When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove’s fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th’Olympian host conceiv’d a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a ______”

>The match had been between Kid O’Brien—a lubberly and now quaking youth with a most un-Hibernian hooked nose—and Buck Robinson, “The Harlem Smoke”. The negro had been knocked out, and a moment’s examination shewed us that he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla-like thing, with abnormally long arms which I could not help calling fore legs, and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon. The body must have looked even worse in life—but the world holds many ugly things.

is this a motherfucking Jojos reference?

Not so subtle DENTAL PLAN reference

Attached: 1550044588239.gif (600x863, 272K)

You guys will love this one!

Attached: 1552090963977.jpg (14x125, 1K)

Why is the principal's placard facing him and not the student?

>text this to my girl who loves puns and is bright
>lead her to the joke
>she says it's not funny and doesn't count as wordplay because there aren't any words
Women, amirite?
My dad and brother didn't laugh either.

Attached: 1505676818920.jpg (953x772, 248K)

No, he was pretty bad even for the time. He hated most white people too except for wealthy anglos. His jew wife left him

No seriously what dogshit textbook is getting a new edition every year what kind of ass backward college did you go to
Colleges are expensive due to amenities that students demand and administration costs to attract students ergo prices go up a simple google search will teach you this
Also incorrect for durgs eqiupment and surgeries their prices are so high due to the high R&D costs they need to make up for. For every successful durg hundreds fail and other countries refuse to enforce the patents meaning the money must be made in the American market alone. Hospitals have to deal with the costs of people who cut out on their bills as well as the expensive drugs, machines and doctors. insurance companies need to pay these high bills with a customer base that has a high chance of getting sick and being unable to spread the risk among healthy patients due to their high prices ergo subsidies become necessary.
The major issue is that drugs in America are given way too long of a patent and should only be 25 years at the most

I have no idea what it is, because the thumbnail is too small, but maybe it`s interesting.

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The Spanish doctor in that one story was depicted as a cool dude.

This may well apply to certain disciplines, like Chemistry or Pharmestry or other cutting-edge sciences

But there is no way in hell that it applies to math. And we had to get the newest, most cutting-edge textbooks for that thing every god damn year.

The only difference was they'd change around some of the problems. I'm a math major, and you can't tell me my textbooks were reasonably priced.

It's a chili recipe.

Attached: chilli.jpg (440x400, 67K)

Ah, sorry, just /ck stuff.

Attached: 15259729898880.png (660x680, 91K)

>corn in chili

Attached: 1545968991175.jpg (680x680, 85K)

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Attached: skull_of_regrets.png (650x2047, 339K)

>regular sugar instead of brown sugar
>Browning the beef in a pan instead of the pot
>Not sautaning the veggies in the same pot that you used to brown the beef
>Adding the bear at random instead of using it for deglazing
What amature made this shit?

I was no math major but I did have to take math and none of my textbooks had questions in them we'd use a website or workbook instead like the fuck why would a college math textbook have questions I stopped that shit in middleschool

> Gibson
At least he's not a full-blown Nazi
> Disney & Lovecraft
Those other artists came from more racist times, so their views can be understood as products of their circumstances. Stonetoss doesn't get that excuse

Did Disney actually hate Jews or was that just a smear from the communists who wanted to take over his company and turn it into a propaganda mill?

I think that one is really good, always gives me a chuckle.

>No seriously what dogshit textbook is getting a new edition every year what kind of ass backward college did you go to
Probably over 75% of them. They also charge students for access to the online quizzes the class requires which requires a new copy or a separate code of at least $50. Sometimes they don't even include the pass with the book.

that's so kafkaesque

The WHOLE DAMN building on fire was what melt the damn steel beam! Fuckin truers.

You tell me. Sounds like you lucked out, buddy. At least our teacher helped his students pirate the textbook

Attached: 1544826603291.png (310x301, 57K)

Fuck me, you got me for a good minute

Attached: 1548783709610.jpg (368x285, 18K)

But his company was a propaganda mill and it's neither hatred or a smear.

The second one.

While I agree that he probably should have used brown sugar, not everyone wants that specific flavor profile

Ground beef doesn't have a lot of fat, depending on the grind. In my experience, you just get a lot of liquid that just ruins the product if you keep it. So browning the beef in a pan and transferring it to the pot makes a bit of sense

And because the ground beef might not have the fat, it might not have enough to saute the veggies with

But yeah, he definitely should have deglazed with the beer, because why the fuck would you not
It can only help increase the flavors you already put in

And besides
He's telling you to throw away your chili mix and then mix your own using exactly the same brand
he doesn't even think to try blooming the spices or at the very least caramelize some of the onions to make up for the lack of brown sugar


nah, the lines are ugly and it lacks color

You don't even need to melt it, getting it to the halfway point is enough to weaken it by more then 50%.

>Did you ever ask you professor why the book was so expensive?

He told me, "If you want to make easy money, just get into academic publishing"

>more racist times
Are you sure sweaty?

Attached: DRUMPF-1.jpg (466x700, 313K)

They were lynching black people back then, so yeah.

Cry some more enslaved idiot.

Is shitposting on Yea Forums considered a hobby? I'd feel gay calling myself an "animation enthusiast."

No one will ever remember Hockey Zombie....

Yes, yes, it's punny and all. However, at a buffet like that, it's usually customary to load up a plate of food before grabbing a cup of punch. Since grabbing a cup of punch takes less time than loading food onto a plate, there wouldn't normally be a backlog of people forming a line at the punch bowl.


Attached: 1518815303982.gif (400x225, 756K)

>cow tools
it would be way more funny if the caption was "no meat touching, ma'am!"

Maybe you guys should have gone to a good college then what can I tell ya?
If my professor told me he was making us buy his textbook just to make money he would have been fired on the spot.

>Conservative comic in cutesy tumblr art style
The absolute state.

Also the message bugs me because these are in no way related. It's “like the holocaust” only because they're putting people in camps against their will. It has nothing to do with the premises for why people are being put into camps.

>I wasn't molested
>that time

>amenities that students demand
They don't


Attached: cringe level omega.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

>Colleges are expensive due to amenities that students demand
Most of the budget goes into spending money on things that will make people who donate happy
new stadiums/fooball stuff, gigantic buildings for stem
Like that's all good, but we all know that colleges don't make money exclusively from textbooks

A French comic probably would have been sexier.

Actually, I heard he mellowed out when he became less of a neet.

I'm a teacher.

I do this.


Good taste.

Hah, dicklet.

I wish there was actually some magic nerd who went around reforming thots.

That changes literally nothing

An e-celeb says his niece drew it.

>It's “like the holocaust” only because they're putting people in camps against their will

By that logic any prison is "like the holocaust".

do children not draw anymore
I really don't see anything in the drawing that shows an adult drew it, people are expecting children's drawing to be awful in every single way

or k-12 school

You would usually expect a punch line in a joke or comic. You would not expect a punch line at a buffet.

but there's still no punch line


It's not a matter of expectation. It's just word play.


>ironically severely declined in Marxist economies
This isn't true. Cuba is the most glaring example of the opposite.

I would only want to get fit so I could deny women

Oh fuck's sake

Now that's a reference I haven't heard in a long time, a very long time...

Attached: Obi-Wan-Kenobi_6d775533.jpg (1536x768, 138K)

Why would someone post stonetoss then?

>But what do YOU DO?
Your mom

I want to go vegan but I also don't want to cook for myself, so I run into this situation frequently and just end up eating a lot of ramen.

Why don't you just compromise and go vegetarian instead?

Damn autocorrect, I meant semen

I don't like milk and I'm allergic to eggs.

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lmao you got the butthurt tranny brigade on you. You point out that they are entitled upper middle class leeches completely removed from the working class they claim to fight for, and they tear their hair out. Pretty funny stuff

Margaret should n't even care. She seemed to be enjoying her job until her friend gave her thoughts on it.

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Your shitty ideologies don't work and the world will be a much better place when you finally give in and commit suicide. Thank you.

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this is good.

let it go

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you realize that in the entire history of lynching(in the US) it only happened like 5000 times, and about a third of that was done to whites

That made me smirk


>and about a third of that was done to whites
Wow. What a gross overrepresentation of lynchings in a country that was 98% black at the time. Whites should demand reparations for this injustice.

They're 13% and 2/3rds!

>chaotic evil

Oh no, Lenin was a fucking prick.
He was playing everyone and is aware how retarded the people following him are, you know before he purged them when he no longer needed their support.
He was such a prick Stalin thought himself as a nicer guy than that asshole.

>Post corny comics!
Why are you all like this? Do you never get bored of the same faux outrage, rehashed talking points, and deliberate stirring of controversy?

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written by a motherfucker who doesn't live in the real world

you must be really fucking pathetic and self-loathing when the image in the left is the first thing you imagine.

They're being put in camps because they broke the law and have to be placed in an appropriate facility where they can be watched until the proper paperwork can be put through so they can be legally deported. The alternative would be to just kick their asses out immediately, which would be great, but that isn't how it works from a practical standpoint.

somehow this comic took something i 100% agree with and made me want to disagree with it

Hello friend. Welcome to Yea Forums. Stay awhile, wont you?

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>[we are] civil servants... who begin the day with a one-hour review of the funnies.

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Ha! That's so funny, what a snarky attitude, it's so irreverent juxtaposed with something so mundane, a modest chili recipe. Let's repost it for decades

Goddamn it.

You are all so wrong it hurts.

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im smiling terribly hard at this one

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housewives are measurably happier than career women, legbeard. and the gap is increasing

Being a smug asshole for no reason is the surest way to make even the most agreeable of positions seem unpalatable.

jews cant even fake the holocaust. what makes you think they could fabricate the crowning achievement the Earth's greatest nation

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these comics literally only make sense if you have alt-right derangement and subscribe to their specific worldviews that are removed from reality, it's honestly fascinating, it's like seeing a comic by an alien where you have to study the culture before you can get the joke only the culture is mental illness and Facebook consumption.

Get that stick out of your ass.

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I like this one.

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did you quote the wrong comic or something

You're an asshole and teaching your students a bad lesson about asking permission before doing things

Do you even know what's happened to California? I used to be one of the world's strongest economies. It's now in rapid decline and living conditions are so bad people are fleeing the state.

took a second readthrough

I did this to my teachers and my fellow classmates,I also corrected their pronunciations and would clarify things they where saying during presentations. By the end of HS I could waste entire periods talking with teachers about things and giving out anecdotes. I helped that I could get into arguments with people over tangential subjects by asking questions or offering novel interpretations of subjects. It was fun as shit and I started getting good enough to crush peoples views with a few sentences

kek, underrated

LA has had literal Typhus outbreaks because of all the filth and homeless.

And too many of the "emigrants" are spreading the cancer to their new homes, apparently uncomprehending of WHY California went to shit.

perfectly ultimate

Noooo, I'm sure that's just because moms aren't vaccinating their kids!

>everyone else vs my genuinely insane self.jpg
anyone else /madlad/ because they can't see any value in anything?

I was wondering if the measles outbreak was actually because of vaccinated immigrant kids and the anti-vaxxers were just a scapegoat. The news would definitely lie about it but I don't know how to find out if it's actually true or not.

Doing God's work user.

The bastard child of French, Dutch, British and German degeneracy.

This explains entirely too much about the government

ahh yes the country where thousands of people escaped persecution braved 90 miles of open ocean with nothing but a liferaft some water and ten other families

Cuba was a Soviet puppet-show to mock the USA and has been a sad joke ever since the rubles dried up.

A Rolex watch is pretty good, what did he expect, a new house?

its just practise for arguing in real life except we wont because we're all cringey retards

this is cute

>all this derangement
>USED to be one of the world's strongest economies
This is literally just class envy masquerading as... I don't even know what you're pretending to know because you're so off-base with fucking everything that it's honestly amazing, like how do you do it? How do you manage to be so wrong about so many things at once?

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its hatred for a nation that flaunts its wealth, threatens to leave the union and gets then upset that some get pissed that they dont ever follow through

It's because they don't get banned.

People who don't use Yea Forums are measurably happier than people who do.

No, don't push that stick further in!

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>This is literally just class envy masquerading as
Why is every Californian on the internet like this? Is it because they don't realize they're free to leave just like anyone in the country is free to move there? There's not a single other state that produces such twats (which are distinct from assholes)

Keep moving the goalposts faggots. Just check any sort of indication of quality of life in Cuba before and after the revolution.

>Mfw Texans spent years whining that Californians were trying to spread liberal cancer in Texas only for that one study to find out that transplants of all backgrounds were much more likely to vote right wing than natives.

It's always nice to have a reminder that Americans are always completely full of shit.

>threatens to leave the union and gets then upset that some get pissed that they dont ever follow through
You are completely delusional if you think that was ever taken seriously by anyone aside from a few nuts.

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>cool dude
You're talking about the guy that melted right? nice joke

He did, as it came off from his personal correspondence over the last few years of his life.
He was basically a shitposter that would bitch about 13 & 50 online but he had friends that were gay, jewish, leftist and he liked them and never bitched about them, not even behind their back. His racism mostly came from an intellectual pose than his actual day to day actions in the real world.

It's delusion.

One of my favorite pages.

Happy National Women's History Month, every one!