Are Skrulls good or bad? Something isn't right

Are Skrulls good or bad? Something isn't right.

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>Are Skrulls good or bad?

They're people. They do good and bad things, like all people, doubly so those in a bad situation.

Good until they aren't

MCU Skrulls are good boys. Dey dindu nuffin.

I always assumed that both the kree and the skrulls were assholes but the skrulls were always more vindictive since there planet got eaten

What's the big deal? DnA GOTG had Skrulls refugees in Knowhere who just wanted to be left alone but everyone wanted them dead and gone. They're not a hivemind, this is nothing new.

In comics they used to be good, then those savages Kree and the Skrull religion ruined everything.

What I'm really wondering is whether they went that far to deceive Carol. Isn't that like a pretty Skrull thing to do?

The Kree are basically Saiyans, right?

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Sure, why not

Who would win the Kree-Saiyan war?

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Saiyans by a land slide.

They’re Christians so they’re good guys.

What are the kree?

They're bad. They're refugees, but because they are they feel justified in doing horrible shit, and because of their abilities, they have the means to easily do so, and that basically earns them a "genocide on sight" protocol level. They qualify as "vermin".

Those ones were good. Leader guy said there were thousands of others out there though.

Atheists. Marvel boy mentions they have an equation that disproves the existence of God, and that it’s taught to all Kree children.

I don't want to be that guy but does anyone else think they make great a great allegory to Muslims?

Well yeah. Of course.

The kree are assholes, the skrull are evil. When a Kree breaks free from Kree culture, they become 100% good boys. When a Skrull is good, it is only so he can manipulate everyone for his own needs.

>t. Kree

I can get behind them.

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They're bad by merit of Captain Marvel needing a backstory of oppression. If humans did the conditioning, then her backstory wouldn't have the same impact, so the Skrulls needed to be the ones to do it. Captain Marvel good, Skrulls bad.

You know it's a shame that the movie didn't make both the Kree and the Skrull a war mongering race. Kree going for brute force while Skrull going more for a guerilla tactics
>talking shit about Super Skrull like that
Super Skrull has done more to save the galaxy then any Kree scum

I think the Skrull still could be.

>the skrull are evil
That's mean, user. They just want love.

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That's 100% wrong though. The Skrull's dickishness is completely cultural and learned, and a direct result of their contact with the Kree. They were a peaceful race of traders before the Kree got mad about losing a contest and attacked. The Kree on the other hand, did not change their core culture of militaristic aggressiveness all the way from their caveman days until today.
Both civilizations have had peaceful defectors who don't want the war, the skrull refugees in GotG, the Priests of Pama from the Kree, the difference is that for the Kree culture, war is and always has been a central tenet of their dominant society. Not so for Skrulls.

Not in MCU and MCU is the new canon.

Time for orcposting.

In MCU canon they just want to reunite with their families and find a new home though.

In the comics, the Skrulls were a peaceful merchant race until they tried to uplift the Kree. Kree got pissy that they lost the contest and attacked the Skrulls and they preceded to go to war with them for millennia.
Basically space jews vs space nazis.

...or do they?

Cmon man. Mar-Vell alone puts the Kree well ahead of the Skrulls. Phyla was a retard but she was important in Annihilation and Conquest and her edgy phase ultimately allowed the Guardians to beat the Cancerverse. Genis... well, Genis at least cleaned up most of his fuck-ups

If they fight Captain Marvel they are evil through and through, no exceptions. Kill them to the last. They shouldn't have messed with humanity's Goddess.

>Mar-Vell alone puts the Kree well ahead of the Skrulls
How many Skrulls have died of cancer? Yeah that's what I thought

I mean they're the good guys in the Captain Marvel movie, though. The Kree are the bad guys. Sorry, was that a fucking spoiler? We knew that.

>They shouldn't have messed with humanity's Goddess.

But Storm isn't even in the MCU yet.

I'm sure given enough time nursing their wounds in some remote part of the universe, they could come back seeking revenge against the Kree. The important thing to note here though is that in this story, they don't really have any reason to hate the Earth or humans. Fury, Carol and Maria formed an alliance with them and fought off the Kree attacks, with Carol going with them to find a new world for the Skrulls.

To be fair I don't think anyone cares about spoilers for a movie where the narrative outside the movie is more engaging than the plot inside the movie.

>When a Skrull is good, it is only so he can manipulate everyone for his own needs.
i recall several relative good skrulls:
Xavin from runaways, the one from the initiative that try to help during secret invasion, i think the Super Skrull had a daughter friend of she hulk.

also the beatles, better than the real ones at least.

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>humanity's Goddess
I know you're memeing, but the movie makes perfectly clear that Carol is on the wrong side at the beginning, and the only reason they mess with her is that they believe she's just another Kree soldier.

The movie is passably entertaining for a couple of hours on a weekend. The narrative outside the movie is just irritating and stupid culture war. That's not interesting, because it's just so repetitive.

>i think the Super Skrull had a daughter friend of she hulk.
That's Jazinda.
There's also Z'Reg, Fiz, Anelle...
At this point there are probably as many named good Skrulls as bad ones.

But they could be deceiving them. Like Skrulls.

There are good people and bad people of every race, that's the message.

Although the ones in the movie are grey area at best.

Good Lord, enough with these threads. Do you fuckers even care or do just want something to be outraged about?

>GOD stop having opinions on things! Just mindlessly consume product then get excited for next product! Independent thought is so cringe!

Skrulls were always more interesting than the Kree so I liked this twist
based captain marvel

I'm not outraged. I wanted to discuss the alignment of these Skrulls.

your independent thought IS cringe

No fuck that, no one on this board cares this much about the morality of Skrulls. This is clearly just outrage farming

I liked the movie. I just am not sure the Skrulls aren't tricking her.

Better question is why exactly do the kree hate the skrull in the first place? Are they just racist? I just saw the movie and I honestly have zero idea what the basis for this war even is

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This... I hope to God the Skrulls were playing Carol and Fury. I thought that was going to be the end credits stinger, to be honest.

If it pays off later, this movie will watch much differently.

Exactly my point. Plus, I was hoping Phase 4 was a Skrull invasion/infiltration of the MCU, eventually leading to a Kree-Skrull-MCU battle in the crossover.

I mean that's gotta be what's happening. They have to illustrate the length they go.

Well, their general did give Mar-vell (their greatest enemy) a medal, while the Kree did nothing. That should tell you something about the Skrull.

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is he doing a nazi salute there?

Sometimes wars are like that

>Based MCU not including that gender fluid nonsense.
That's what i am talking about.

The kree are basically space religious terrorists.

Okay, buckle up

The Kree lived on a planet with sentient plants called the Cotati. The kree ignored them because, as carnivores, they didn't give two shits about plants

The Skrulls had developed space travel and were going to inhabitated planets, offering the locals Skrull technology, knowledge, and protection in exchange for open trade and diplomatic relations. Seeing two sentient species inhabiting the same planet, they offered a competition.

A group of Kree and a group of Skrulls were put onto separate moons and given Skrull tech, infinite resources, and a year. The Kree built a large, gleaming city, but the cotati completely terraformed their moon into a lush planet.

The Skrulls favored the cotati, so the Kree killed them all, total genocide, hoping to tip the scales in their favor. The Skrull delegate was horrified, and declared the Kree unworthy of Skrull knowledge.

The kree murdered him and reverse engineered his ship, forming the Kree armada, and declaring a war of extinction on the skrulls for the insult of not wanting to hang out with a bunch of fucking homocidal cavemen.

They played Carol and Fury like the idiots that they are and had Carol fight their war against the Kree for them.



In fact, fuck it, story time.

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>>Show how much fun the Skrull scenarios can be in first half of film
>>Throw that all out for a Dr. Who level plot.

Like, why make them good guys?

So who else realized they have been pronouncing Skrull wrong this entire time?

Shit, even now I just pronounced it wrong in my head.

Basically starting a race war between the Kree and Cotati which led to the latter being wiped out.

I think I posted these all out of order, but fuck it, here's the important page

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They're not very smart, but they never figured the Kree would fucking genocide their neighbors

There's more than one way to pronounce Skrull? How do they say it?

Like scroll.

I have been pronouncing it like it rhymed with skull.

Holy fuck

Just throwing it out there; there’s no reason why we can’t have Skrull extremists show up in the future. Perhaps they’ll fight The Fantastic Four

Good since they are played by white people while the Kree are white traitors and mixed race mutts.

How would Yea Forums feel if most Deviants in the MCU are either shown either to NOT have facial appearances that would be considered to be aesthetically unappealing to many people OR to NOT do more bad things than the heroes in the MCU.

It seems like some people might claim that the Deviants having aesthetically unappealing facial appearances and also doing villainous things might be mean to people with facial deformities; even though the Deviants in the comics were supposedly the origin of some ideas about demons which have often been portrayed as aesthetically unappealing in art through out history.

Also, what does Yea Forums think about the idea of the Deviants having a limited amount of variation in appearance than they've frequently had in comics?

It's seems like having them have lots of different variations in appearances might make them seem less memorable to audiences and also might take away the novelty of somethings that could be used for other beings in the MCU like various alien groups.

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I think thats how they pronounced it in the cartoons ang gAmes

Skrulls are losers, arent they? They were already traversing stars when they met the kree and by the present its the kree thats known for science and skrulls known for being brutes

>peaceful merchant

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To be fair, that's pretty condescending.

>Marvel boy mentions they have an equation that disproves the existence of God,
I thought it was DC that had this staggering lack of understanding of mathematics.

>Like all people
Name one good thing a Gypsy has EVER done

Ironic, since them look as Piccolo.

Gypsy jazz.

Nappa alone would wipe out a quarter of them.

I thought it was just a group of skrulls that were good?

They're arrogant douchebags, but they weren't cold blooded killers at least. At worst they were just those smig pricks from your work