Let's settle this once and for all
Who's a better character?
Catwoman vs. Black Cat
They are pretty similar but i think Catwoman is more charismatic.
Black Cat. It's not even a debate. Specially because DC eventually aped Black Cat.
Neither are good characters
Catwoman. It's not even a debate. Specially because Marvel eventually aped Catwoman.
They are pretty similar but I think BlackCat is more charismatic.
Have they ever hung out in a crossover event? I think they'd get along well enough.
Only one of them has a movie. I'll let that speak for itself. Take it as you will.
but can she beat three Flashes?
Black Cat has done more for her universe than Catwoman did for hers, despite Slott and Kevin Smith's garbage.
They'll just have to fight it out.
Buh, they should have a coffee/tea and chat about cat burglaring adventures, or how cumbersome dating a hero can be. Felicia would get quite a laugh about how stoic Bats is, for sure.
post ballast
Selina is more recognizable and iconic.
Of course this has also caused her to stagnate a great deal. Especially after the shit King has done with her. The best versions of Catwoman are always the AU and animated versions, because at least those versions are allowed to grow.
Felicia on the other hand, despite Slott's bullshit and being much less known, has actually had a lot of development over the years and has grown as a character a lot more than Selina ever did.
So. Felicia.
Does Felicia have her bad luck powers?
>Felicia on the other hand, despite Slott's bullshit and being much less known, has actually had a lot of development over the years and has grown as a character a lot more than Selina ever did.
Bullshit, Slott simply murdered her character completelly.
rate my boy
The only good thing to come out of that shitty, shitty run.
This fucking stupid panel. Ballast is something you can easily throw off to light yourself, so unless she's got fakes over a-cups this never made sense.
>Bullshit, Slott simply murdered her character completelly.
And his damage has already been more or less undone.
Felicia got all of her memories back of Peter prior to Strange's spell, she's no longer a criminal overlord, she's back to being one of Peter's closest friends, and she's not a complete cunt anymore.
She lactates gallons to decrease her weight, do you need the joke spelled out for you?
>Ballast is something you can easily throw off to light yourself
Not always true. Sea-going vessels have ballast to change mass and make the ship more stable; it's not something that's changed on the fly.
Does Pussywoman have a pic related analogue with Batman?
Sorry I made such a big deal about it then.
I suck cocks and female anatomy humor escapes me. My apologies.
Didn't the part where she sings from Cats to make a criminal talk come from that or I am scrambled?
Oh. I think you might be right.
However now is part of her character forever that she will turn into the generic le evil villain if you ever upset her, Sure you can ignore that Slott awful run ever happened but it will always be canon and will possibly influence future works and comics.
Fuuck enough with the depressing shit. Here's a reverse edit.
Catwoman has had some great books. And is a really compelling character when in the right hands.
It's actually not.
Part of why that happened is because the majority of Felicia's personal growth and development was basically locked away when her memories of Peter Parker were erased from her from Strange's spell.
No knowledge that Spider-Man is Peter Parker also wiped out all the good changes that happened to her as a result of knowing the two were one in the same.
She now has all those memories back.
So there's no more reason for her to fly off the handle at the tiniest bit of scorn. The whole thing was played off like a light switch being flicked on in her brain that immediately brought old Felicia back.
Catwoman is a thot and two-faced. Black Cat only steals but has never endangered innocent lives or has been an outright villain.
>or has been an outright villain.
****Barring that time Slott sucked dick. Which was all the time.
Huge breasts are inherently a part of Black Cat's character design whereas Catwoman has sometimes been depicted with a slender, catlike frame.
So Black Cat is better.
Dick sucking can at least result in two happy people, his run achieved the opposite.
They're literally the exact same character, but Black Cat is ultimately better because she gets to play off of a better romantic foil.
Every Batman/Catwoman encounter is basically the same. Batman bumps into Catwoman on a rooftop, Catwoman flirts with Batman for a little while before spilling whatever information is necessary for the story to continue, and then she distracts Batman somehow before running off while making Daffy Duck noises. Batman, for his part, never reacts to any of this. He always just stands there with his cape flowing around him, thinking about crime and justice and his dead parents.
Spiderman, on the other hand, is an actual fucking person. He reacts to Black Cat and takes her seriously. In fact, one of the most interesting parts of their dynamic is that he takes their relationship way more seriously than she does.
In the earlier comics, there's this one scene where Spiderman takes off his mask and proposes marriage to Black Cat. She responds to this by dropping the flirty cat act, sobering up, and telling Peter to put his mask back on. You'd never see that kind of reaction from Catwoman. Catwoman wouldn't be able to drop the flirty cat act, because the flirty cat act is literally all she is
In other words, they might both be clawed, whip-wielding, leather-wearing, cat-themed cat burglars, but Black Cat is better because her relationship with Spiderman is more interesting. Batman is a one-note scowling statue, and Peter Parker is an actual hormonal teenager. You do the math.
Also, I'm gonna post the "Every Catwoman Encounter" thing from that one thread, since it's kind of relevant to my point
I want to see this animated.
They are kind of the same. You may as well be asking if you like blondes or brunettes.
Your description about Batman is pretty wrong, he usually play cool and try to look "professional" but his interactions with Catwoman are diverse, sometimes she lead him to desperate situations and put him into a lot of pressure, plus it forced his to get out of his confort zone several times showing him vulnerable under his serious facade.
t.never read any actual Batman or Catwoman
Felicia is the original so that's that, Period
nah, he tried and murdered himself instead
> beating her up as gently as possible
It won't translate well.
y tho
Black Cat currently because Nick Spencer is fixing her while King is ruining Catwoman.
The viewer
>She proceeds to drape herself all over a fully erect Batman but before suddenly kicking him in the dick or something and backflipping away.
Loses some of its appeal when your animators can't into human ass, legs or back anymore.
Anyone who says Black Cat is retarded. Modern Selina is shit thanks to King, but at least she had a good run with Brubaker. What dos Felicia have other than chasing after Peter's dick?
They teamed up to fight Carnage. Venom was there too. Also pic related.
t. deeceekek
So Selina hangs out with Ivy and Harley if things are quiet enough and occasionally work with the other rogues, but has Felicia any relationships with people other than Peter? She did team up with Venom and Morbius? decades ago, and she was recently "Queenpin" with Hammerhead at her side, but other than that?
Meme regurgitating casual
She tried to hire Silk when she was playing evil crimelord, but it was awful.
It must be some kind of sick hobby of hers, going around bars in disguise to attract super-villains and then stealing their loot. Is she a sociopath? Was she bored of burglary? Is it a sex thing?
I can believe it. So I guess she could maybe chat up Janice if they're imprisoned somewhere together now, so they can hang out together for a girl's night after this hunt business is over. Is Tombstone currently alive or dead? Maybe he could give her some protection against Hammerhead if she brings back his girl save.
I didn't count Boomer because she was just messing with him the entire time to get that painting.
She didn't even KNOW about the painting until after he'd told her! She's fucked up enough to start dating a guy in case he may wind up with a painting, something that was astronomically improbable. Hell she spent several hours as Owl's hostage as a result, and lucked out that Owl even let her go.
And Boomer really fell for her, he was literally only imagining her in his bouts of horny unconsciousness whereas normally it'd be many women. Poor guy.
The entire story of Superior Foes is told by Boomer to another bar patron called Peter, and dear Fred Myers is not really an accurate source of information.
Why would he lie in such a convoluted way?
>Normally, Pete, I have like a million chicks riding me during my concussions. But this babe, right? It was just her, and she wouldn't even let me remove her bra without drowning me!
Brubaker is the only one.
>sometimes she lead him to desperate situations and put him into a lot of pressure, plus it forced his to get out of his confort zone several times showing him vulnerable under his serious facade.
Every villainess does this to him.
He's a twisted little man from down under.
black cat is hotter
catwoman is better character
One of them has a movie starring an in-name-only version of her. The other has a movie in development that might end up being closer to the comics.
We will never see Felicia and Selina teach the joy of sex and the sex of joy to this little french blonde shota.