How can you do all this but still lose to a purple spaceman?

How can you do all this but still lose to a purple spaceman?

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The space gems gave him advantage.

It was the only way.

Who knows if Strange is even at full power here. All we know is that everything he does, his only motivation from the time he used the Time Stone onwards, was just going through the motions. He already knows the one path that will lead to victory, and any straying from that path will lead to Avengers losing (which we know won't happen). How can he do all that but still lose? He knew he would have to lose and what it would take the whole time.

Because purple spaceman can do this.

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He didn't actually grow 16 hands. It was an illusion.

Because he went into multiple timelines and found the one where they defeat Thanos, and it is the timeline where Thanos gets the stones, but Tony survives.

Sorry but it is Captain Marvel's turn to beat the purple man.

This bothers me, The avengers roster had a lot of heavy contender's, Vision, thor, Iron man, dr. Strange, hulk and I'll throw in spiderman too!

Now that is cut in half, what can the avengers really do? characters like black widow, hawkeye, and ,cappin are pretty weak. Sure it was cool when they saved new york but this such a bigger scale. There is going to be a major ass pull to justify all this.

>Oooohhhh! Right in my infinity stones!

Still not as strong as Captain Marvel

Because Captain Marvel wasn't there

Halfway into the movie every fight Thanos had he only won by convenience to advance the plot

He looked into the future and recognized that he needed Hawkeye to be mega super pissed. His whole part of the fight was just doing RNG manipulation to make sure Clint's whole family got dusted.

I thought he was going to open a portal and cut off the gauntlet, like how he cut off the hand of one of Thanos' henchmen.

No, just a flat ass pull.

One could assume doing that would have a negative butterfly effect somewhere down the line. Meaning that probably Starlord would have picked it up and tried to get Gamora back and probably somehow become an even worse galactic threat by abusing his powers to bring mommy back and destroying time itself. Or Tony picks it up before he's ready and has another dangerous PTSD moment.

Poor guy's family can't catch a break.

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So were all the spells they were casting illusions? Because putting a bunch of magic chains on somebody seems like a wasted effort if only one of them is real.

do you think thanos is into cbt haha?

>made you look lol
>made you look lol
>made you look lol
>made you look lol
His was a moral victory.

Thanos fighting was pretty much like Super Shredder from Turtles in time that he telegraphed every move with bright colors, if the Avengers weren't retarded they would bait him with someone fast and attack all at once when he opened his guard or switched the gems

He was up against Big Thanos, Titan’s Hardest Man.

Thanos dusted himself. Strange saw this.

Captain America unlocks Spiral Power?

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>Sure it was cool when they saved new york but this such a bigger scale
More like Hulk, Iron-man, and Thor saved NY while the rest of them "helped".

He probably saw that even if they defeated him, the Avengers having the infinity stones would create a shitty timeline.

How can Strange do all that and yet not have a single healthy functioning relationship?

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I dunno, user, why do anything in comic book movies happen?

Strange didnt do that though. That was wong. Plus would portals work? When thanos has the space stone of all things under his control?

>he chose to go through the timeline where Captain Marvel flopped and forced Disney to use the Captain America ending

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multiple gems > one gem
easy lmao what a brainlet

Something something end game. Something something sacrifice queen to check mate something.

Long story short, we'll have to wait till the last OG Avengers movie come out before we will know whether there are any plotholes.

He used the infinities, silly.
You can even see that he has to use every single infinity he has to keep up with him.

Attached: strange.webm (720x405, 2.68M)

He wasn't willing to bargain.

>His costume
>His whole first movie
He's just "Cultural Appropriation Man"

fucking love that fight

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Man OP... just... just I’m so sorry you tried to think


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I'm assuming that the entire fight occurred only so Tony could inject part of his nanotech suit into Thanos while also instilling a measure of respect for Tony in Thanos. That way when Thanos inevitably won he would spare Tony allowing the nano particles to circulate in his system and either propagate or latch on to a crucial structure and cripple him at the right time.

I mean alternatively they could have just sent a mystical telegram to Thor saying "Aim for the head". But that would have been boring.