Look guys! Goku is standing next to superman!
Look guys! Goku is standing next to superman!
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Goku vs Superman vs Sun Wukong
who wins?
Goku IS Sun Wukong.
What's the biggest thing superman has destroyed? can superman destroy the moon? is he even on roshi level?
He sneezed and destroyed a solar system one time.
Thats Jackie Chun in your image though, not Roshi
They would probably be buds if they actually ever met.
Goku would probably still try to get Supes to fight him, though.
thats jackie chun man, roshi is just an old pervert
>roshi is just an old pervert
Have you ever actually met Muten Roshi?
>Try to prove stealth topic posters are massive faggots
>By making a stealth thread
You're no better than they are
They should smooch
Well that is because Superman couldn't defeat the monster of the week and thus needed to call Goku and ask him to defeat it for him. Now Superman knows how useless the rest of the Justice League feels when Superman is around.
A tower of infinite alternate realities made by a 5D imp (rebirth).
An artificial universe (for tomorrow).
A god so massive he was dragging the multiverse into a black hole (Final Crisis)
Can Goku beat Captain Marvel?
Goku always job to the monster of the week
Goku doesn't know what that is. He usually gets vegeta to do it for him.
And now Goku knows how rest of the Z-fighters feel when Gohan killed the monster of the week that was bullying Goku.
Goku curbs stomps the monster of the week. The big bad of the crossover event is a coin flip.
The big bad is the monster of the week in Dragon Ball. Seriously, when was the last time Goku won a battle without jobbing first?
Wukong, easy.
He's waaaaaaay stronger than these two.
wow, that's bad writing
The monsters of the week are the henchmen and such. In DB it is the Red Ribbon army guys and lower bracket tournament entrants, in DBZ it is Napa, Ginyu Force, Babidi's scrubs; the Furry Trio and other weekly battles in Super's ToP. All got squashed effortlessly. The big bad can't be the monster of the week because their presence lasts for 50+ episodes.
At the start. Then Goku foes the Goku thing and Superman tries to intervene. Someone makes an ironic/attempt to make it look ironic comparison of Batman and Goku not killing their villains; yadda yadda yadda, Goku gets told to calm his fight boner down because it isn't endearing or fun to watch people die... In a world without dragon balls, which are waaaay more bull shit than typical ways comics try to undo death. Except One More Day; that is the only one I can think of atm that out bull shits the balls.
It ends with a hug and Goku probably trading his current gi in for a more sleek/super hero version.
Goku's getting there, and Superman Prime could probably match with him.
Which of them would win at Hungry Hungry Hippos?
Yeah but the original Sun Wukong would style over both of them. When it comes to power creep, few can beat the Chinese.
>meeting in the superman's 'verse
You really didn't read or watch DBZ did you?
In Comics, most events can only last a few chapters. Which means when something shows up, it has to be resolved at minimum within the chapter. At most it has to be resolved within 2-3 issues.
And the same is true of things when Comics go to TV: Stuff have to be resolved within the same episode as its introduced
And THIS is what leads to the "monster of the week" formula.
Which means you end up having a lot of 'unique encounters' but you can't actually resolve anything of value without it being the final issues/episodes of the season. The creeping compilation of this menace is that you might have a puppet master introducing monsters, each week, thats meaningless.
You can still have good shows with this setup, like Samurai Jack: Where in each episode Jack grows as a character, yet each episode is standalone.
In DBZ, its a manga. A shounen manga.
Shounen manga runs on the premise that anything is fine, so long EACH WEEKLY CHAPTER IS FUN. Weekly shounen jump ranks each chapter, each week, to gauge if a series is good in the first place. And some point during the first World Tournament arc the popularity of Dragonball skyrockets, meaning Dragonball is now working completely different than before: Being popular each chapter do not have to be 'the very best', but the consistent pacing across chaptersi s now more important. The end result as it shows up in Toriyama's writing is that each succesive arc is longer with more characters, and more interaction. But in each chapter stuff happens.
If you want to argue for 'monster of the week', Buu saga starts off with this. Robbers, Gohan's Saiyaman conspiracy, the M people, Pui Pui and Yakon is 'MONSTERS OF THE WEEK'.
But the rest of the saga isn't anything like that, because Shounen manga do not follow superhero comic structure for popular series.
Each arc is unpredictable in length, content and quality. But the pacing is always really great
Friendship ended with vegeta
>In DBZ, its a manga. A shounen manga.
This board is filled with retards.
Captain Marvel has the wisdom of Solomon, so he could easily outsmart Goku.
Its fine to hate fun user
But be honest
Post more than a line saying your ass hurts
The Wisdom of Solomon prevented him from being with a nice girl like Stargirl and lead to the JSA believing that he is a pedophile.
You sure about that?
Depends on who is writing it.
Sun wukong cant even die
>A tower of infinite alternate realities made by a 5D imp (rebirth).
>An artificial universe (for tomorrow).
Issue #'s?
Is that Ganesh?
>Adam bringing the bantz
I love that the Rock is playing him. If anyone can rock the mic, its him.
Superman 215
Action Comics 976
Superman with prep time
Why doesn't Goku share his cloud?
The Wisdom of Solomon doesn't shield him from bad writing.
Is Clark pure of heart?
What if Clark adopted Goku?
For sure.
What an appropriate name you've chosen for yourself
Very cool! I love power level stuff. Definitely checking these out ASAP!
Superman has done some pretty high-level stuff in the recent Snyder JLA. He repaired the moon from particles in seconds and survived a radiation onslaught from a spectrum entity which was more powerful than Cyborg could quantify.
bad edit is bad
How was it a bad edit?
He didn't destroy it, but he once pulled a chain of planets across the galaxy. Unless this was Superboy.
He smashed a planet in half after Lex won the presidency to vent his anger.
I would read every issue
>you're already bread
>twist of the northstar
I love this.
it implies that it's a regular silver age power he had
This, but when Goku does it its good writing because I fucking love asian people!
It's literally just him sneezing. Do you think Superman can't sneeze?
How is it bad?
Because magical sneezing powder is magical. Unless you can prove that the magical aspect in the magical sneezing powder is doing nothing besides making him sneeze.
Is there anything in the text that says its somehow amplifying his sneeze?
Nigger. It's just sneezing powder that works on Superman because magic bypassed his silver age IMMUNE:ALL power.
You really think it increased the force of his sneeze? The fuck would you think that?
Only valid answer.
You know western comics and cartoons are very fond of ongoing, continuity-heavy conflicts, right? Monster-of-the-week isn't hat common a format these days.
Because it's motherfucking magical. I don't need further proof than that. People have been posting that Superman sneeze without the context of the magical sneezing powder for years. Only to not make people realize what really happened. If it was just a normal sneeze people wouldn't need to only post the sneeze part without the context. I've been watching the vs community for ages. Their bias towards Dragon Ball is horrible. They know that people would call them out with the magical powder. But now it looks like newer people are just going to deny that it affects anything. Disgusting.
Oh come off it.
>I don't need further proof than that
Yes you do. Read the page. Read the story. Nowhere does Superman or Mxy mention that he's been amped when he sneezed only that sneezing powder can make him sneeze because its magic.
>Why would they only post the sneeze part without the context?
Because the feat is what is being highlighted, not the surrounding plot of Mxy dicking with Superman.
>Their bias toward Dragon Ball is horrible
Eat a dick. It's the same community that argued Dragon Ball era characters were FTL and that making shockwaves means you can punch the universe to death. The ONLY character to ever kill a universe in DB is Zeno and yet they're constantly wanking the fighters to be able to blow up universes by twitching their noses like a cosmic Samantha Stephens.
The vs community is horrifically biased FOR Dragon Ball.
>But now it looks like newer people are just going to deny that it affects anything. Disgusting
You're the only one disgusting. Where in the story does it EVER imply that the powder is amping Superman rather than just aggravating his normally impervious sinuses?
Are you THE Salt the Programmer?
It's a magical sneezing powder. How about you prove to me that it isn't amping up his powers.
Showing how he sneezed is important you dumbass. That's how you know if the feat is legitimate or not. That's how the vs community work. You fucking piece of shit. Do you know what OOC, BFR or even outlier means in the context of the vs community?
Dumbass. If you ever know the vs community you would know what is taken seriously and what isn't. Your dumbass also don't understand how DB powerleveling work. Yes user. In DB, you can directly compare powerlevels. If A > B. And B can destroy a universe, it means A also have enough energy to also destroy a universe.
Oh, so before this, people like you never even brought up the sneezing powder but now you want me to prove that it isn't amping up Superman? Again, how about you prove to me the powder is doing nothing besides making Superman sneeze.
Chinese Wuxia mcs are Absurdly powerful
There used to be a bunch of these back when Yea Forums was less shit.
>the VS community
Those autistic faggots are still a thing? Imagine being over 20 and still caring about that shit. Pathetic.
It was HER turn!
>How about you prove it isn't amping?
Because no where in the text does it say it enhanced him. Nowhere.
"Okay Super-Man! You asked for it! You're invulnerable to everything--except my magical powers!"
"Th-That magical sneezing powder is about to make me sneeze!"
Where does it show its amping him? It's sneezing powder that works on him because its magic.
And here's something else. If you read the story you'd know that the people of metropolis exposed to it just sneezed normally.
Go hug your bodypillow weeb.
No I don't care but I hate comicfags in the community. They can accept all the bullshit that comics keep spouting but when DB does the same with Super, suddenly it doesn't count. That isn't fair. That isn't justice. Stop fooling idiotic people.
>Prove that it's not amping his powers?
Uh, maybe by reading the text?
Also, reminder that Goku will never be powerful enough to defeat Jiren by himself let alone Superman. GG fanboy.
>That isn't justice
How old are you?
No one is fooling anyone Salt the programmer. You're the one trying to spin the sneezing powder (which didn't turn the people of metropolis into solar system destroying bombs).
You're the fanboy spin doctor.
Stop being stupid man. Of course it won't be solar system exploding sneeze for everyone because they're humans. But they are sneezing way more because you know MAGICAL sneezing powder.
Are you autistic? The only reason the sneezing powder was magical was so that it would actually make him sneeze, since he doesn't have special protection against magic. Regular sneezing powder has no effect. It's magic SNEEZING POWDER, not magic "sneeze amplification powder."
>Muh character can destroy a universe by flexing
>dropped by a laser pistol
>killed by an exploding planet
Should have called it "Glass Cannon Z"
I really have to respect GT for giving the dragonballs a consequence, and putting the prospect of real tension back into the series for the first time since Demon King Piccolo. Even if it was only for the very last arc.
Jiren should have won.
yes. he wanted to puff-puff my gf.
You should read up on Occam's Razor.
It is more reasonable to assume that the powder simply makes him sneeze rather than assume that the powder both makes him sneeze and amplifies his power, given the information we're given (just that it's powder that has a magical attribute which causes the victim to sneeze.)
Also, the vs community are a bunch of dumb dipshits if things like DB and the vs wiki are anything to go off of.
Jiren lost because he rejected friendship
Manga did a better job not only of making Jiren much, MUCH more of a good guy albeit a prideful one but making his loss a clear consequence of the rules and the other team having better teamwork. Manga Jiren wasn't taken near to defeat by UI Goku like he was in the anime. He also wasn't a prick that shot at the stands just to get Goku to fight him harder.
>implying people aren't mad at toyodog manga
See anyone who read it. People that hate it call it non canon. People that don't care just don't care. People that like it gives excuses. People on Yea Forums? They shitpost.
>I really have to respect GT
Manga legit was better than the anime especially with the ending to TOP.
To be fair, it's established that the characters aren't particularly durable unless they're focusing their ki in a combat situation or some shit.
So if Flash decided to just straight up murder Goku, he could.
>legit better
>weaker everbody
>no showings for human characters
>UI Roshi
How about no?
>making his loss a clear consequence of the rules and the other team having better teamwork
That is what happened in the anime. And in a way cooler way.
>He also wasn't a prick that shot at the stands just to get Goku to fight him harder.
He did it to prove a point (to himself)
Toppo should have inspired Jiren to remember what it means to be a true hero, and to remember to fight not for himself but for all the innocent people in his universe. Then it would have made sense when he would be the one to wish for all the universes to come back: he would care about all the innocent people in every universe.
It could also justify why he didn't just speedblitz every fighter once the tournament started, by explaining that he subconsciously trusted and believed that his team didn't need his help. Lack of trust creates a huge plothole.
Only if Flash has decided to kill Goku before even meeting him and Goku knowing about him. That's not how a fight usually happens though.
Manga ToP was a complete shit show. The anime was way better.
>No showings for human characters
>Then complains about Roshi showing Goku there's more to fighting than RRHH ME STRONKER!
>implying that having humans showing mean to break any concept of power level
>implying that Jiren speed is at the level of what Roshi can sense, see or process
Oh BULL FUCKING SHIT. The "consequence?" You get a bunch of weakass monsters who are only a threat because the main characters are a pair of idiots. The "tension" was completely artificial and only existed because the other dozen cardboard cutouts they called characters were sitting on their asses doing bum-fuck nothing. GT did everything within its power to fuck up this idea. There's a reason the series got canned after it.
>To be fair, it's established that the characters aren't particularly durable unless they're focusing their ki in a combat situation
>Bulma hits Goku who is shopping with her car and the car breaks
It makes no sense
>Roshi showing Goku there's more to fighting than RRHH ME STRONKER
That was fine. Roshi fighting Jiren better than blue Goku, Vegeta and Hit was fucking stupid.
>Jiren speed is at the level of what Roshi can sense, see or process
I thought that was the point. It's all "instinct" and no processing. I guess it would kind of make sense, but the speed difference is too great for that to work.
Actually you know what, this could be fixed by having Roshi do speed training since he knows he can't keep up with the other guys' power. Why didn't they do that instead?
It's like this. Human durability is 1. You can train but that can increase it so much. You need to further enhance it. That's where ki comes in. So, if you train, your body durability can go up to 10. But with ki it goes to how much ki you havem Now Goku is a saiyan. away high3r durability even without ki. Lets say 100. Then he can further increase it.
There is an ever increasing discrepancy between the characters. It is a problem, but that problem can't be fixed by simply pretending it doesn't exist sometimes. It would take writing to actively undo.
Step one would be to stop giving the same two characters even more literally above-godly powerups, but maybe the writers are just inevitably trapped in the shonen pit they've dug for themselves.
Showing another character use ultra instinct is actually a good idea, since it is the first powerup in decades that has no ties to Saiyan DNA. Giving it to the character who officially gave up keeping up with everyone else and retired back when they were still all kids is the biggest problem here. Tien would have made the most sense. Krillin would have been okay too, as would Gohan, though as a Saiyan they've already given him enough options, so that might have also been a waste.
Goku is naturally durable enough to tank a car, but nowhere near durable enough to tank a super hero without using his ki
>"Manga did a better job not only of making Jiren much, MUCH more of a good guy"
>Toppo told him the universe was going to be deleted and he didn't give a shit
>only fought to the tournamant to get his selfish wish
>mocks people for being weak like in the anime
>Vegeta said a few mean words and that was enoght to drove him insanely mad
>but Vermoud said he was super good so that makes him better than anime Jiren
Sucks, man. Jiren had the potential to be such a great character.
I blame Toriyama. It seemed both Toei and Toyo wanted a more heroic Jiren.
And look who they're fighting!
What would the Darkseid cookie/candy taste like?
Like raw chocolate with no sweeteners.
The greatest thing that doesn't exist....but really really should.
The Flash actively trying to murder you... that shits terrifying! I mean what can you even do??
That whole comic was bullshit...
Catwoman has a higher powerlevel, since she defeated three Flashes at once.
People still forget the time Krillin casualled chucked a rock at a Goku who was sleeping in SS form to see what would happen and it clocks Goku who shouts about how painful it was. Directed ki shielding has always been a thing, getting zapped by a gun by surprise is totally within reason.
Goku living in the same universe as Superman would be pretty awsome. The main problem I see with trying to intergrate the Dragon Ball world into the DC universe (aside from everybody in DB having only one pun-esque name) is the whole Ki power system. If Ki was replaced by a much more balanced and creative power system like Nen from Hunter X Hunter, it would actually be alot more engaging to watch.
Its an Android 18 and 17 team up with the Titans episode....
Ah fuck now I want that to happen.
Batwank extends to those who catch his dick
When will Powerlevel autists accept this?
More? This is wonderful.
Gorky can fly though...why is he in the flying nimbus?
Vegeta let his guard down
>hating fun
What a fag.
>When it comes to power creep, few can beat the Chinese
The Japanese win again
Buu is quite literally the only character in Dragonball (besides angels) that couldn't be cheapshotted by someone weaker than themself. They even make a point of showing that powerlevels are not as important as strategy. Frieza/Cell are the only fights where the villain was completely dominated through sheer force.
Raditz, Vegeta and arguably Kid Buu are the only characters in the series that lost to characters weaker than them. Sheer force wins every other time
>Goku vs Sorbet
>Vegeta vs Frieza (round 2)
>Jiren vs Frieza/18/Goku
>Dyspo vs Frieza/Gohan
>ZAMASU vs Trunks
Oh yeah I always forget to count Super
The seond half of the list is mostly Toei and not Toriyama.
Buu is debatable. SSJ3 Goku could keep up with Kid Buu for a while, when it comes to them I think it's just the fact they can't take permanent damage and never tire that makes them win. Unless they're vastly overpowered to a point they can be completely wiped out on a cellular level they just keep getting back up and into the fray like nothing happened.
The comic industry.
It’s very clearly a powder that makes people sneeze. Superman’s sneeze is just stronger. The one with the bad edit is you.
>Prove it isn’t amping his power
If the powder amped his power, everyone sneezing in this picture would have amped sneezing power. This is literally in the panel before your picture.
Would magical sneeze still count as a feat if there was an instance where he sneezed and the galaxy WASN'T destroyed?
Why is the feat of pulling planets counted if it's clear they are nowhere near the scale of real planets by the picture alone?
Like I know powerlevelling calcs are all bullshit, but it seems odd everything is assumed to be as reality unless noted, when it clearly nothing is like reality unless noted.
In that case why not treat DBZ like a cardboard universe where everything is extremely weak?
But i do? I'm against most calcs, especially the planet busting ones. That doesn't meant there isn't genuinly impressive stuff like super buu's human extinction attack, but all in perspective.
This is the closest to a well written DB x DC crossover.
>is the whole Ki power system.
The author made it so in the same way not every human is a meta-human, not every human (or alien) can use ki.
The first chapters are pretty much bussiness as usual but things change when kid goku finds and gets into a fight with kid diana- i guess you could call that the "divergence point"
My only complain is that superman is kinda weak here, but i guess that makes sense at this point in the timeline
Reminder DC & Toei/Toriyama like each other. Facts.
Better than the shit Super was doing. Turned the idiot dial up to 11 saiyain god super saiyan. Plus they didn't create artificial bull shit to TRY and jump saiyans up to modern anime "top tier".
But that is GT vs Super. Compared to OG DB and Z, yeah.
Retarded GT. Super did more for the non-saiyan characters than all Z and GT.
So he doesn't waste "go super saiyan gas" before the fight starts. Flying, energy beams, not dying like a pussy to a basic bitch blaster? All ki things.
I kind of want to see a thing happen where one of the saiyans is going full throttle non stop towards some guy, runs out of ki, transforms to basic, then does a Wile E Coyote.
The dude can move entire suns by breathing on them. It’s actually consistent with his breath/sneeze feats.
goku and superman would definitely bone each other given the chance, i don't think they'd fight, they're just fuck a lot
I was talking in general. If we're going purely humans, then that is solely OG. In Z they are cannon fodder and Goku's cheerleaders; except Tien MAYBE twice. GT doesn't do shit with them, agreed. As for Super; the closest they get is the ToP, which is all.but nothing. A couple throwaway fights save for Roshi's wank. Krillin gets "soi boi'd". Tien is there then not. Androids are not human. Everyone else is not human.
Oh, and Yamcha won a tantrum fight Baseball game for spoiled cat. That happened too.
Again, even accounting for wonky perspective, exactly how big is that star? And don't claim it's the same size as a giant star in real life, because it cannot be much like the distances between stelar objects are not the same.
>Androids are not human
They are
>complaining that the scale of a Star in a Silver Age Superman story isn’t 1:1 scale to how it should be in real life.
This is the level of autism we’re on right now.
Unlike reality, unless noted.
Got a laugh out of me.
About as human as the saiyans. Capable of breeding with humans? Yes. Overpowered due to Toriyama bull shit? Yes. Were absorbed by an arc's enemy and later released from said absorption? Yes. Humans; who get tired, have teeny tiny ki pools, and have never even fought an arc's enemy on near equal footing? No. Big no.
name a more OP ability than combining sun wukong's hair and the 72 earthly transformations technique
>exactly how big is that star?
giant star
it says so in the comic
OMG DBZ FAG FUCKING OWNED! HAHAHAHA, WHAT A DUMBASS! I love seeing faggots get btfo!
Yeah I’m sure some 70’s era artist really wanted to go out of the way to make his Superman comic had a 100% scaling of a giant star for us.
Like, if you’re gonna get this autistic about perspective, how about point out that it would be impossible for Superman to condense enough air to move a star to begin with, let alone what moving a fucking Star with air would do. But no, it’s the perspective that’s throwing you off.
based autistposter
Never in my life I needed something so much and never knew untill you showed me this.
honestly, i would love if they teamed up
>Oh, and Yamcha won a tantrum fight Baseball game for spoiled cat. That happened too.
That episode alone was better than most of GT ever tried to be.
Well Lord Beerus had done it, Universe 7 had won it
With Son Gohan clucking all the while
Tenshinhan's tragic illness made us smile
While Goku lay unconscious on the ballroom tile
We're talkin' Draaaagon Ball~
From Yahhoy to West City
Talkin' Draaaagon Ball~
Krillin and Mr. Satan, and Piccolo's grossly swollen jaw
Vegeta, and his run-in with the law
We're talkin' Yaaaaaamcha
Trunks and Champaaa~
We're talkin' Draaaagon Ball~
From Yahhoy to West City
Talkin' Draaaagon Ball~
Krillin and Mr. Satan, and Piccolo's grossly swollen jaw
Vegeta, and his run-in with the law
We're talkin' Yaaaaaamcha
Trunks and Champaaaaa~
Look how small it is, they would have to bro hug to both stand on it at the same time.
Ha, not bad
As a idea? Yes
Have you read Spawn? Because Spawn is very much what happens when you go from 'monster of the week' to 'monster of the month'.
The same idea is prevalent in all modern comics, and very easy to spot if you start to read something like INVINCIBLE.
Now the format has evolved
Its more like
'Monster of the VOLUME', which gets released later.
So the idea is still intact, and its still done like that. So instead of solving a alien invasion in 20 pages, or maybe on 2-3 parts, solving the alien invasion is going to take a entire volume.
So the next volume is going to deal with a different problem of the volume.
And He-Man could kill them both.
Sometimes you just want to ride a cloud.
Cant' really think of an instance of him sneezing off the top of my head, but Superman has total muscle control. He's had it since the Golden Age and uses it to do things like stop and restart his own heart. He'd be able to control how hard he sneezed provided what was making him sneeze wasn't magic/kryptonite/from a planet with a red sun.
>By the picture alone
How can you tell its not just the artist doing his best to convey Superboy moving several planets at once?
Unironically this.
>Superman and He-Man will never have an adventure where they don't fight, just team up and wreck shit.
depends, if the star is small enough it could be actually possible. Of course, that would mean fusion reactions are substantially easier to start, but that would actually make sense considering the tech going around.
Pointing out it would be impossible means you have to discard the feat because it didn´t happen.
Yeah but if it's DB, everything isn't possible right? Like that black hole? That isn't a real black hole in DB. FUCK YOU.
Mastered Ultra instinct is Deity Level
>Says its a giant star in the text
>Looks like a giant star
>"But muh perspective!"
Meanwhile the black hole "feat"
>Heart shaped
>Created by a magical girl
>Can breathe and talk inside it
>Doesn't suck up the audience or the arena
Bitch please.
>Unironcially linking to Salt the Programmer
Livestream your suicide
We don't know how big that planet is because he fought Urko in a vague area of space. As for the star, there's tons of wiggle room for "giant star" but it's atleast bigger than the sun.
Superman is just shooting his super breath across cosmically vast distances.
Fun fact--His breathe can also be colder than the vacuum of space and he's used it to freeze stars before.
And both agree, Dragonball Evolution was a better movie than Captain Marvel.
Superman x Goku is old and busted
Superman x All Might is the new hotness
Firstly, what the hell does Superman mean when he says "A long dead Universe", I thought he was travelling to another Solar System, the two aren't interchangeable. Secondly, the idea that Supermans uncontrollable bodily functions are so powerful they can destroy entire solar systems/Universes?? is not only stupid but such a glaring weakness. Fuck Kryptonite, Lex Luthor should just fill Metropolis with cats and pollen so Superman can't go anywhere near him.
And what about his other bodily functions? When he blinks does he create shockwaves that can shatter windows, when he farts or burps does he have to travel to deep space? How does he even sleep? Won't his yawns create soundwaves that destroy the planet? Man his fucking Sneeze can destroy planets, that makes Black Bolt look like a chump, how is Superman even able to talk let alone move without destroying everything miles around him instantly.
During a friendly spar, I mean.
I remind you all that Mister Satan ended up being the only victorious fighter after a brawl between him and pic related. (They just laughed it off after realizing up they had lost, by the way.)
The Champ is immune to preptime.
Because nobody can ever truly prepare for him.
>looks like a giant star
>somehow similar in size to a space cloud that´s just 10 times bigger than superman
Too bad comics aren´t a strictly textual medium, huh? But maybe that´s what amounts to a giant star in their universe.
The only main DBZ character who canonically hasn't died even once.
>Is baffled that a giant space-cloud monster can change his size.
I know Shonen isn't exactly creative with superpowers but come on now.
Unless superman has the same power to change size, panel 4 drops that theory since he´s right next to supposedly large space cloud monster.
>Right next
We actually have no way to accurately tell how near or far away they are to each other. Superman could just be wayyyyy into the foreground staring askance at the background.
He's not even looking at Urko. He's walking away while the poor bastard burns some quadrillion billion miles behind him.
fucking great
>Salt the Programmer
This is the guy who argued with a DBS writer when they flat out told him that Goku wasn’t universe level. The dude’s a hack.
Except he´s looking ahead to observe the green cloud, while he would have to be looking backwards if it were wayyyyy into the background. He isn´t looking through a mirror.
Chad comes flying in
Wouldn't it being a tiny star actually make the feat far more impressive? If we interpret it to be as small as possible we're talking about something smaller than a magnetar. The magnetic field it emits and its gravitational attraction would be insane.
By arguing that its smaller you're arguing that the feat was greater.
>Looking ahead
But the vapor trail is behind him...
Wait, isn't Seth that autist that started shit with that artist named Kuro or something because he got triggered by his Ben 10 videos?
Get the fuck out of here Seth and stick to Yea Forums no scratch that fuck off from all the boards in general and yes I know you it's you faggot.
How come Superman doesn't have anyone as embarrassing in his corner?
How do you know there isn't anyone embarrassing? Maybe there are but comicfags will defend the guy saying that everything he said is true.
>Salt the Programmer tries to take art meant to communicate the idea of "Superman blows a giant star at the bad guy" to 12 year olds in the 70's and use it to call a push with the "heart shaped black hole" feat.
>Doesn't realize he's arguing that Superman's breathe blew some kind of freakish magnetar anomaly.
Because Superman fans usually receive shit from Bat fags and Goku fags daily for just liking Supes.
Superman fans are sometimes obnoxious but in general, keep to themselves unless provoked.
Yes. Then Kuro completely BTFO him to the point where Seth did a complete 180. It was hilarious.
Seth is a fucking retard. About 5 years ago I was in a Skype call with him and others and he lost his shit when some kid said Phoenix Ikki I think was stronger than Goku who was laughing when he said this. We tried to calm the situation down but the autist continued to sperge out and attack the kid.
I have noticed Gokufags tend to be the ones to instigate the debate.
No evidence of magnetic fields or gravitational atraction, both of which would be visible (charged particles and gravitational lens effect, respectively). You have to assume you don´t need that much gravity to make a star in the first place.
Vapor can only go in linear paths now? He´s looking ahead because the picture shows it so, and he´s looking at the sun consuming the space cloud because he says so.
How could I forget. I'm glad Kuro BTFO his ass out the little freak needs to chill with his Dragon Ball dick riding and learn not to act like a retard at any given moment.
>trying to argue that something else than what he first argued
>uhhhhh DB can't do that because it's bullshit
Yeah user. What do they call it? Moving the goalpost? Sad user. Sad.
Because Superman is dad. He puts up every fan drawing of him sent his way on a giant fridge... he will sit with you when you need an ear to listen... a shoulder to cry on. Superman in-universe is a good man, like a superpowered Mr.Rodgers.
Goku is just Goku...
I'm neither solely a Goku or Superman fan I kind of like both, but from what I've seen and can confirm. Yes, it is indeed Gokufags that instigate most of the shit storms. The idiots are still sperging out from those last Death Battles meant to be for fun.
We don't mean to be obnoxious and we are sorry if we are. Thanks for the constructive criticism.
It wasn't for fun. If it was they won't be using an amalgamation of Superman.
>No evidence of magnetic fields or gravitational attraction both of which would be visible
If the entire thing was being moved at once by super breathe why would you need particles and a lens effect?
>You have to assume you don't need that much gravity to make a star in the first place
The more you try to argue that it's not a giant star Superman threw at Urko the more powerful the feat becomes.
Death Battles aren't meant to be taken seriously and it's funny how they can a reaction out so many angry fans.
>There was no charge particles or gravitatonal lens
Hey, remember when Goku shook the universe? I bet he didn't actually do it since that would have caused all the stars to vibrate and create a mess of photo-anomalies.
It is what is user. Superman fans rarely annoy me. So you're good
>Firstly, what the hell does Superman mean when he says "A long dead Universe",
Exactly what it says, that whole solar system is devoid of life.
>Fuck Kryptonite, Lex Luthor should just fill Metropolis with cats and pollen so Superman can't go anywhere near him
The only things that can make him sneeze are special exceptions like Kryptonite, dumbass. Also every other question has snow answer, he has total control of his body.
>Because he says so
He says so and then talks about how he needs to go and make sure not to build a base in space before. It was common in old comics to have the character mention something they did "between" the action and for the on-panel action to display the last part of their narration.
Rebirth was a long time ago. You should know that current Superman is literally an amalgamation whose New Earth feats all count.
Choke on a dick Salt the Programmer.
>Long dead universe
Crossing over to other universes was MUCH more common in the Silver Age. Green Lantern, Superman, Dr. Fate, and sometimes Flash could all break the vibrational barriers between worlds by changing their own vibrational frequency to match. They all could also time travel at will by going faster than light--how much faster we aren't sure as SA Barry pulled several times FTL without breaking the time barrier and needed the cosmic treadmill to help him do it.
No prob.
Because for whatever reason Gokufags think Supes is a boring, unrealistic, unrelatable OP god who can do anything and he never has to struggle with anything, and they're always so smug about it. But the second you turn all that back on Goku they chimp out.
In short, they're idiots who don't know how to argue.
What about when Frieza blew up Earth in his movie?
So in short savage apes like their beloveded Goku?