Captain Marvel flopping in China

For some reason movies with ugly actresses don't go over well there.

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You're getting desperate/tv/

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>mfw the ass did not even!

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Is Gavin Feng an avatarfag?

pestilen/tv/ermin are Yea Forums's greatest scourge. No matter the cost, they must be purged.
Report each and every single live action thread on sight.
If they aren't deleted, or if you get wrongfully banned, politely appeal to the mods by using the feedback function and speak to them directly on IRC explaining why the threads should be removed (they lead to gratuitous amounts of off topic shitposting, political bullcrap, psychotically belligerent brand fanaticism & false flagging for the sake of trolling, etc.). Furthermore, you can try to convince them that by consolidating discussion of all live action movies and TV shows to Yea Forums, their jobs will be made much easier since their attention to shitposting in those threads will be more focused if they're on one board instead of two.

>world domination instead of equality

I don't think people typically self insert into super heroes like that. This person needs therapy.

Maybe you should go back to your discord tranny.

>made less than Venom

>power hungry rant
And people think there would be no war in a word without men

Venom was a box office juggernaut in China.

No, see, I went to see Ironman in 2008 and I immediately started to build my own arms company and by 2010 I had my own weaponized suit of armor and was flying into other countries and battling terrorists. But had I the misfortune of being a woman, I wouldn't have had anything to inspire or motivate me to be the better amazing super hero of a man I am now.

>movie about a third rate Spider-man villain (WITHOUT SPIDER-MAN) obliterates MCU movie which is about the first MCU solo female superhero, who the avengers are named after, and which is set up to directly impact Endgame

They are clearly a people of refined taste.

>third rate Spider-man villain
SM3 is the highest grossing Spiderman movie ever. Venom is the exact opposite of a third rate villain in people's eyes

so what ? i mean he is right 21 threads a out captain fungus , this it's COMICS AND CARTOON , and if even it's about comic , it's B O R I N G

Yeah, it sounds like you need to go back to your discord.

Ya seething ?

guess we're all just ignoring that Venom was absolute fucking shit in both movies.

Yes, but it isn't a Mouse product, so Yea Forums will defend it regardless.

But most "male" superhero movies aren't about ego. Iron Man is about taking responsibility for your actions. Thor is about learning humility. Doctor Strange is about learning that the world doesn't revolve around you. The entire theme of the GOTG movies is about getting over yourself... I mean for fuck's sake GOTGv2 is literally about a villain named Ego! What the fuck is this inane comment?

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>claiming 32.11 million vs. estimated 32 milllion is obliterated

This is just sad.

>Considering it a success when Venom is even close to it's earnings
That's a big yikes

>expecting women to understand anything beyond themselves

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Go woke, get dabbed on

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How many times are you going to make this thread? I know I saw it a few days ago.

He speaks the truth.

You should try read the thread, buddy

Aquaman made more money.

For some reason, Chinks really like underwater scenes.

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>tips fedora

>Aquaman made more money.
It literally didn't.
Overtime, that'll probably be the case, but CM made more on opening day.

Venom was a massive hit in China. Why are you saying this like it's a bad thing?

>Aquaman made more money
Not even close

Why the fuck are you retards on Yea Forums when you have no fucking clue how anything television or film related works? And then you fucking have the nerve to come here and spew your retarded fucking bullshit

She's not going to have sex with you, no matter how long you white knight on the internet

>I would have already made the world mine
With alien probing or without?

Nice attempt at divide and rule tranny

Jesus Christ. I've never gone to a superhero movie to feel "empowered". Are these really adult's talking ? It's just fucking capeshit

>tips fedora again

Have you seen the loonies that attend shit like fan conventions? This shit doesn't even compare, newfag.

Identity politics in a nutshell.

Based slant eyed bug-men

China are notorious footfags and Brie has cheese for feet.

Has anyone seriously not realized that the Chinese just like to watch action flicks? They don't care about the plot at all.

Why did I get a fedora for my post about ego?

except for Star Wars

Well yeah, cause Star Wars sucks.

Jesus Christ, grow up. I don't base my fucking ego of entertainment like a normal fucking person you absolute sped

They don't like Star Wars cause they see it as a western bastardization of Taoism and Buddhism

They aren't posting in these threads

My biggest question about this movie is why they needed to have Fury be the comic relief SHIELD agent, rather than making someone up like the CIA guy in Black Panther and then have him hand the beeper over to Fury at the end. You could still have the Coulson cameos with no other changes without having Fury act out of character for the entire movie, or retconning his backstory from Winter Soldier into him getting scratched by an alien cat

For that matter, why did they need to use Ronan rather than some other Accuser? It's not like they can follow the subplot of him wanting to use Carol as a weapon, he's fucking dead. Unless they make a sequel out of this. Oh god they'll have that come up in the sequel won't they?

because Fury is the stand-in for the audience so when he learns about the plot, the audience does too and this is young Nick Fury who didn't believe in aliens and superheroes so he's out of his element.

there's no retcon, Fury was always vague about what happened to his eye. of course he could tell everyone that the cat is actually an alien monster but why would he do that when he could just lie about it like spies do?

Come the fuck on. The movie was so-so and I don't like Larson as an actress but the very least that can be said about her is that she's pretty.

Yup, she's a real beauty.

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What is this from?

She is average at best

They're saying now the only capeshit movie to open higher in China was IW.

Let's just go ahead and call it

Captain Marvel is the first Billion dollar movie of 2019

I'm so confused
When I see Thor or Captain America doing impressive heroic things, I think "wow, good for those guys for having the self-dedication to get into tip-top shape" and not "boy, I'm going to be them. I want to be Thor, with the whole "I'm an alien" or I want to be Rogers with "I was born over 100 years ago"

Do women really self-insert themselves so this chick wanted to be a fucking alien?

Girls that don't work out and aren't overweight tend to have small asses, that isn't new. I'm disregarding the picture of her doing a face because nobody looks good grimacing

I'll give you the feet but that's hardly a dealbreaker unless you're a footfag. I'm more surprised that she didn't go to a dermatologist before going on the red carpet with heels on - I've gotten infections like that before and they take like 10 minutes and a few days of applying an antifungal cream to sort out. It never cost more than 10 bucks either.

>Do women really self-insert themselves so this chick wanted to be a fucking alien?

If you cherry pick over the entire Internet you can find any group saying hundreds of batshit things about anything. Some will be autists or weirdoes (especially for genre fandom shit) and many will be trolls making fun of those people, and it's hard to tell the difference. Looking at what's written online by socially inept nerds and trolls is really the worst way to make any judgments about what's normal or typical for any group.

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Asia is literally FULL of fujoshits.

No fucking duh they prefer to see Venom which is a buddy story about a sharp-toothed monster and a man vs. some fully-clothed non-fan service warrior lady.

I think she's confusing cape shit with crime films.
Like if she was talking about Scarface then I'd sorta get it.

But in Superman the crazy egotist who want to take over the world is the bad guy.

For too long, savage, mindless hordes of pestilen/tv/ermin have been ruining this board, no longer will we sit idly by and allow them to further degrade the quality of our home. As such, I'm issuing a call to arms towards each and every single true Yea Forumsmrade. The "mods" have deliberately chosen to prioritize the profitability of Yea Forums over the quality of it's various communities, we have no other option but to take matters into our own hands and force live action posters to scurry back to their quarantine zone by utilizing scorched earth self moderation tactics like Yea Forums does. Spam all Yea Forums threads with stuff like roll charts, dubs, porn, gore, anything and everything in order to purge these worthless subhumans from Yea Forums.
This is our home and they are not welcome here.

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I hope you realize that in that comparison, its implying that captain marvel is opening bigger than all the other superhero movies.

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Your home is

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This shit remind me of Eddie Murphy joking about Italians acting all tough after seeing Rocky. Jesus christ, who goes to see a superhero movie to feel empowered? If that's what motivates people in life, they clearly have a shitty one

I agree with your cause but not your methods.
In solidarity however, I will pack my bags with you.

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Frontloaded by mcu chink fanboys, it won't have decent legs there.

Honestly, if you take out the nostalgia, there isn't anything really good about Star Wars, so yeah it does indeed suck.

*tips pussy flaps*

The most emberassing part of this whole mess is that it really wouldn't be anything more than another by the numbers generic superhero flik whenever Marvel needs to fill space between the big blockbusters, had it not for the amount of publicity drawn from both sides of the aisle trying to stir up controversy.

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With this pattern seeming to be the case, I imagine the 1st MCU movie next year will be some asian hero or maybe a gay/bisexual one.

It's kind of amazing that people still haven't realized all the negativity will do is drum up free advertising for Disney. Everytime someone posts a hashtag on twitter talking about how Captain Marvel murdered a bunch of Pakistani kids, all you're doing is ensuring is make #CaptainMarvel trending.

Just stop talking about things you want to fail. It's that easy.

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Put a translator on this, it's hilarious.

>A reminder is that many female have half holiday on International Working Women's Day, so Cap Marvel might not have a notable increase(+35% from it's first Friday) on Saturday like most comic book films.

Just like it did for Ghostbusters huh?

>I-I-ITS FLOPPING IN CHINA I SWEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok incel

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There is a Shang-Chi movie in the works actually.

that was an actual shit movie
but he's right, usually these autistic anti-sjw boycotts just make the product do better, like nikes stock going up high when retards on twitter were burning their own shoes

Ghostbusters did fail, so what's your point?

It's one of the laughably few times Yea Forums was ever right

>footfag thinking he has any say in the matter

Or people buying Star Wars toys just to burn them, because it apparently triggers the libs.

Look at it this way.

>Ant Man 2
>nobody gave a shit about it
>nobody even talked about it, even ghost being genderbent was rarely raise
>quietly faded from the public eye in months

>Black Panther
>Nobody could stop talking about how it was a surefire bomb because china hates niggers, or that it was LITERALLY THE MOST DIVERSE MOVIE EVER
>it was actually just another passable marvel movie
>made a billion dollars

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Uh, the first real mainstream "superhero movie" came out in the 1970s.

So how does her argument hold up for the entirety of human history before that? Before cinema itself?

>its going to fail

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What? I'm a Chink and I think feet are gross.

How many times do whiteys have to find out? We. Don't. Like. Niggers.

(((She))) was not born yet...

And apparently, a lot of these "socially inept nerds and trolls" are the women that this movie caters to.

I love you nigger faggots arguing over asinine movies

Never change Yea Forums

this movie is supposed to be making at least 20% investment return
please advise why it isn't

Yeah, this young generation seem to have a massive blindspot for times outside of their meager lifespans.

Which is weird. I'm in my 30s and I've seen and appreciate a lot of "old" stuff. Movies, literature, music, art. But I work with kids in their late teens/early 20s and they're all so self-absorbed in their current "now".

It's sad, but it is how it is.

>third rate Spider-man villain


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>third rate
Nigger, the 90s generation was raised on fuckers like Venom, Wolverine and Punisher. Everyone under 35 knows Venom from Spider-Man TAS, Marvel vs Capcom, the 90s comics and Spider-Man 3.
Carol Danvers was too damn obscure before the mid 00s. And even then, it didn't took off at all until she was rebooted as Captain Marvel.

When is the government going to step in and take care of these trolls?

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As if you didn't grow up consuming countless male lead media that inspired and motivated you subconsciously. This is what we call male privilege.

That's like asking who spends all their free time bitching about capeshit movie just because it has a female lead?

Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology, especially the stories of demigods like Hercules, etc. They were the superheroes of their day and most of the ones doing really heroic stuff like battling monsters were men. Of course that's because they are a reflection of what men actually do/aspire to do, as opposed to what her argument seems to imply which is the opposite; that men feel powerful because their heroes are powerful. Of course it's the other way around. Our heroes are powerful because they're a reflection of what men aspire to be.

You can spam this as much as you want, but the fact remains that it's a shit character, played by a shit actor, in a shit movie.

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Hating CM for having a female lead is perfectly fine imo, after all it's the only reason anyone likes it too, turnabout is fair play

Amerimutts BTFO