Japan(one country)vs west

>japan(one country)vs west


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All Japan produces is mediocre garbage. But NPCs love it.

Just as a heads up the west (really the US) is coming back.

Except Yea Forums media

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Everything the west produces is cheap trash. But plebs love it.

When people say the west, they usually just mean the US

Yeah, forgot about those ones. They are quite talented when it comes to games.

Except Yea Forums-media

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Their best stuff was American outsourcing anyway.

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muh japanime animashun

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Why did you post this on Yea Forums and Yea Forums?

They can produce pretty cool animation every now and then, but the industry is extremely incestuous pun intended I suppose
But even the western animation has also becoming excessively incestuous in style recently especially America, France is still good tho

South Korea sucks ass in the comic department.
China and North produce nothing but propaganda.
Nobody reads Indian comics because they're made of processed shit.

Cowards that think they have allies(they don't, nobody likes amerilards)

That was done in The Philippines as Toei has a very nasty habbit us outsourcing there.

>Nobody reads Indian comics because they're made of processed shit.
Well, now I really want one.

Case in point....

It has good games, but also lots of garbage, same with anime, they just churn out more so more good stuff is made


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Post related.

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It shouldbe divided into Europe/france, America, and Japan with rated
Japan(minscule gap)Europe=indie U.S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mainstream U.S
Small Japanese projects with lots of love and care=occasional indie western animations>Europe>>>mainstream japan=mainstream U.S
Japan>>>U.S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all those that speak French

>That Char
Even in animation errors he's still an absolute CHAD

Japan produces roughly 60% of the worlds animation. They can hold their own. There's a reason Anime fans can't discuss shows for very long when compared to western animation fans, they are literally drowning in content.

Don't make me fucking laugh.

Oh so that's the cabbage that shamed all of Japan to such a point where they are now forced into making food look as realistic as possible or be made to commit sedoku

Not true...

Golden age US>Silver age US>>>Japan>>>>>>>>>Modern day US>Everyone else.

I knew I should have put sometimes in parentheses next to that, but I didn't and now I look retarded

>cums inside the anime industry

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>it's a sleuth anime/manga thread

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I bet there are Japs who are extremely angry that 3d in Japan looks like trash, hell even I'm angry about that

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>3d looks like trash

All the west produces is mediocre garbage but faggots love it

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Quality over quantity.

where were you when the west did loli better than anime?

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>better than anime
Doing something better than anime isn't much of an accomplishment

Then again, this everything outside Japan = Western thing is bullshit. Besides, the Japanese can't do CG that's good.

This is not the place.

That CG remake of Pokemon the First Movie is solid however.

The west is defined by similar styles and work cultures and Japan is big and influencial in itself, it's industry consumed by a variety of people and not just kids networks want to sell toys to and a few adult comedy shows.

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Similar reason Europe gets lumped together as a singular entity when being compared to the US.

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>Western cartoon
>A single anime based character become way more popular than multuple western based characters in the same movie


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Eastern art/animation powerhouse vs. Western art/animation powerhouse (and Europe & Canada)

Out of all the Yea Forums lolis you pick the most Yea Forums one you could find... user, what were you thinking?

>mediocre garbage

How about no?
>Kingdom Hearts
>Devil May Cry
>One Punch Man
>Dragonball Z
>One Piece

Need I go on, voidbrain?

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>Complain about animation
>Post still pics

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>How about no
>names mediocre garbage
Need I go on voidbrain?

It's okay they fixed it in the BD eventually

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cause weebs. if it werent for them, anime would still be a fringe genre which no one outside art hoes would watch.

Are you really trying to pretend Mass Effect is an example of a good Western series? Because that's sad.

>>Kingdom Hearts
>>Devil May Cry
>not mediocre garbage

This has to be bait

And everybody hated Japan before two nukes turned them into the West's tech-bitch.

You're right, they're not.

>North Korea
They did a corto maltese movie

its a Yea Forums thing.

on Yea Forums its always japan vs america. american cartoons are fucking trash and no comparison tho. to begin with americans
cant even animate anything 2d anymore. they cant make cartoons. Yea Forums always tries to hide its all made in korea, and
act as if they still make cartoons.

What do Non-playable characters have to do with it?

Japan also outsources animation more commonly now. Koreans are the true enemy

Yeah the only hope for western animation is France and independent a animators taking advantage of streaming services and the internet

he's probably a basement dweller who lives off of (you)'s. His energy is enhanced by the number of responses he receives in a given thread.

>there's no animation studios in america anymore it's all done by muh koreans
i bet you actually fucking believe this.

This. It really should be "Japan/US/Europe"

Latin America is showing some strong competition though, with stuff like The Wolf House, Pachamama, Tito and the Birds, Nimuendaju, etc.

This. I usually only watch a couple of shows per anime season, and last year I think I watched more new anime than there were different shows on Cartoon Network total. And that was just the shows that interested me enough to get me to devote time to them, not even counting the more than a hundred shows I never touched.

Its mindboggling just more much more prolific japanese animation is to US. And when you are chugging out that much stuff, even if only 5% of it is good you are still going to end up with a lot of winners.


It looks like we supported the wrong side. If north Korea won then we wouldn't have this problem.

>OPM, DBZ and OP
>not mediocre garbage
You just outed yourself, normalfag.

Le't be honest, no matter what he had posted, you would have called it garbage. He could have said Evangelion, Madoka and Cowboy Bebop and it would still be garbage. He could have said any Ghibli movie, some 80's OVA and literally anything else and it would still be garbage.

Korea tends to get lumped in with Japan in terms of comics (manwa) and to a lesser extent pop music, so it's sort of them as well. Nobody ever talks about China's entertainment media though. Don't know why.

Why are weeb circlejerks allowed on Yea Forums again?

what? I've never heard anyone do that.

Because Yea Forums would never allow these kind of threads.

>Nobody ever talks about China's entertainment media though. Don't know why.
It's kind of a shame really, since there's some interesting stuff being released, especially independent media.
Little Rabbit be Good and Have a Nice Day are the two that immediately spring to mind.

Most of it is either communist propaganda and stolen knock offs (remembered what happened to AT & Gumball), thats why.