Is she a strong and independent woman?

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No she is a bird

The whole story was driven by the fact that she was desperately dependent on Greg & Wirt.

Then... why the hell women likes her?

What do you mean?

>Hey white gurl, you don't mind if I ride Wirt's cock right?

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Isn't the whole thing of the strong and independent women used so much lately because women are tired of the "she needs being helped by men" girl like character?

>Stay away Harlot

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Birds are great


I can't wait to see her duckling version.

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she's fucking dead

Er... it's hard to describe. Basically Wirt and Greg "returns" to their home and Wirt begins to get along with Sara, Beatrice gets jealous and they fight for it, Beatrice returns later and Wirt has to choose between her and the image that he constructed of Sara. He chooses Beatrice.

>Fairy... is it true that you are dead?

I have the impression that McHale's version of Pinocchio will show us the first evil version of Blue Fairy, my prediction is... this girl will be something similar to a female Beast.

By the way... guys I had read some comments about this picture suggests a romantic/sexual relationship between Pinocchio and the Fairy because the way she holds him. Do you notice it? I don't see nothing weird in how she hugs him.

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Who cares, she's an endearing and a fun character for that show.

She didn't so much as needed help as used Wirt and Greg for her own selfish, but understandable ends. When the moment of truth came, she had a change of heart, and was willing to sacrifice her fereedom to save the boys. After that, she followed them cause she genuinely wanted to help them.

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She's a birb. Birbs aren't strong, they are however very independent and she's quite female. 2 out of 3 ain't bad

she was independent but as the story progressed, she learned to trust Wirt and Greg more making her more selfless.

>she was independent but as the story progressed

She isn't independent, she can't do anything by herself.

Of course she can't she's a bird!

I'd fuck the Blue Fairy if I had eternal morning wood too.

Independent doesn't really mean self reliable. What she was doing at the beginning was somewhat parasitic but there were hints of genuine care for the boys.

When was Mchale doing a Pinocchio show?

Because most people like characters who are interesting and not centred around a single word description. Bait somewhere else.

It's a movie and it will be release in 2021, I heard that they will use that design. McHale considers it part of a trilogy with OTGW being the first work related to this trilogy. McHale wants to create his own Divine Comedy, with OTGW representing the Inferno, Pinocchio The Purgatory (I can give you the floors if you want to, I have studied both of them Pinocchio and The Purgatory) and an unknown work will be The Heaven (he probably wanted to make a sequel but CN has the rights of OTGW so he looked for a work similar to OTGW).

Based in McHale's hints that he posted in Tweeter I have discovered some details of the story of this version.

OTGW's characters will be portrayed with an equivalent in this story:

Wirt-Pinocchio (a character portrayed as a clown. Pinocchio was portrayed as a clown in 1970 with an anime).

Beatrice-Gina, Gina is an expanded character who has become in Pinocchio's eternal and definitive romantic interest. This girl is sometimes portrayed as a little girl or sometimes like a yellow bird (not necessarily a duck), normally she doesn't have an origin but my bet is that McHale will portray her as a cursed princess (Yeah like a fucking Princess!) I can give you more details if you want to.

Greg-Cricket: I don't have many information about it but I think that would be his equivalent

The Beast or Sara - Blue Fairy: She will most likely a romantic interest for Pinocchio but at the same time she will most likely being a witch which is related to Pinocchio's origin. Some versions of Pinocchio portrays her as a living tree and other versions mentions that her forest is cursed.

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That sound really painful for her

She's a big girl.

BTW, Guillermo confirmed the other day that they're deep in pre-production on Pinocchio in Portland, constructing the sets and puppets and such. It being filmed there made me curious that if it meant that Laika was doing the animation, but apparently it's ShadowMachine who did Dino Stamatopoulos' shows.

They didn't used to be based in PDX though and I've gathered their stop motion division set up shop there because their 2D animation team's workload grew large enough to demand use of their entire LA facility (between BoJack Horseman, its' sort-of spinoff Tuca & Bertie, Final Space and various other things in production).
It was also likely done with the explicit intent of sniping some talent from Laika. It seems Vera Brosgol (who wrote Anya's Ghost and did boards for several Laika movies) might be working on this one, she recently mentioned picking a day job back up and going to a birthday party for the producer of the film she's working on after having just announced last year that she was retiring from animation work to work on her books full time, so she must have gotten a decent offer.

>Then... why the hell women likes her?
Because she is just like them

is this an actual comic or fanmade?

Real comic, there's a bunch of them actually

But is canon? How he's meeting her again if he returned to his own dimension?

I mean the Adventure time comics are official but not canon.

He crossed over in his dreams

It's an official comic, but not canon. It's not written by McHale, which explains why it's so fanfiction-y

She's a cute lil' birdie


This thing was directly written by McHale, that's ridiculously obvious.

any place to read it online or download?



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It's a shared hallucination.

It is written by McHale, I think the one your thinking off is the limited comic series set between the episodes.

Wirt = Beta
Funderberker = Alpha

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No, he is thinking in Dreamland the comics between the episodes were written by McHale and they are completely canon.

I literally just googled "over the garden wall comic free" you lazy piece of shit

Not exactly? Like and say, she needed Wirt and Greg's help (and they need her, too). She was hot-headed at first, but eventually lightened up.

McHale was not involved with Distillatoria. It was written by Jonathon Case and illustrated by Jim Campbell. The only comics McHale wrote were the first few that took place between certain episodes. Distillatoria is not canon.

Funderburker has a 12 inch dick. Wirt got a complex about him after seeing him in the locker room.

>desperately dependent on Greg & Wirt
You got it the other way around dummkopf, Greg and Wirt were desperately lost in the woods when Beatrice came in and told them that Adelaide can help them. It was this leverage that Beatrice used to take advantage of them

>McHale was not involved with Distillatoria. It was written by Jonathon Case and illustrated by Jim Campbell. The only comics McHale wrote were the first few that took place between certain episodes. Distillatoria is not canon.

Distillatoria is completely written by McHale, it simply show us too many elements and ideas very own of McHale, to write that story as it is the writer needed knowledge of McHale's interviews and point of views of certain relationships between the character which wasn't very know among the people, just like Wirt being in love with Sara's disguise. At the other side the comic portray certain ideas very own of McHale, for example, the plant Nephetes appears in the artbook of OTGW in one of the many sketches about Wirt's design (we can see him falling in the plant) the plant was supposed to be part of the original prototype of OTGW.

The story ends with a sad poem just like McHale's previous work often show us some kind of poem.

The writer knew that McHale wanted to make a trilogy related to OTGW. (No one except for McHale can know something like that because Pinocchio, the second part of the trilogy had just been announced).

It presents a dilemma that only McHale uses, a confrotation between reality vs fantasy.

The story has so many details and it's so different of the works of other writers related to OTGW comics that obviously the real author behind the story is the original one.

>Distillatoria is completely written by McHale
