How does it manage to still be funny after all these years?

How does it manage to still be funny after all these years?

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You mean just up to and including the first movie, right?

It doesn't

because there aren't any other funny cartoons left, it's all about world building and cringey lore now

same as first seasons of simpsons, it's all about emphasis on good writing. Shows that rely more on storyboards tend to age like milk

Fuck this mcdonalds/burgerking's comercials shit.

You mean the original series and first movie, right? Not that new canon trash.


so do you enjoy the new episodes or did you just always hate the show?

You must have the humor of a young child, most jokes from the later seasons including the newer ones are fucking awful. If you have to do the turn your brain off bro shit then you're admitting that it's very fucking low level garbage like TTG, which has similar humor as SB sometimes has now days.

It's high level garbage. The animation and voice acting is still great.

I'm strictly speaking jokes here, or a broad sense of writing perspective. They refuse to fix Spongebob and Patrick being 5 year olds who can't pronounce one syllable words and that's part of where some of the humor comes from, and it's shit.

Most people who hate the new Spongebob seasons are fucking NPCs anyway

What you just said is the equivalent to making a blank post.

most people who hate them never watched them

They watched season 5-8 and think the newest seasons are the exact same, so they didn't bother. Their loss.

That has always been the case and the show was accused of causing kids to become dummer in the early years.

Adding multiple stupid facial expressions doesn't make the new seasons good, why everyone is saying that SpongeBob is back? That's literally all,the show it's still boring,and let's doesn't talk about that ink episode

>you just dont know what you're talking about otherwise you'd HAVE to agree with me
eat shit, just because they're trying harder with the animation doesnt make the new seasons good

I wouldn't call the new seasons good overall, just very hit or miss with a lot of missing.

>Hating on season 5-8
They were the show's peak

low bait

Everything past Season 3 is 2zany4me. (Just like all of Nick’s worst toons)

Season 5 was alright actually. They had some very shitty ones like the WhoBob and Atlantis specials, but it also gave us some great ones like Freind or Foe and Rollar Cowards. This was also the season that gave us Handsome Squidward.

These are the average people that unironically find Nu-spongebob funny, folks. Actual children.

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all seasons have some alright episodes but the meh and bad episodes usually outnumber them

Roller Cowards was the first time I realized the series had changed, the voices and personality became strictly apparent to me. Of course I wasn't watching in order online or on DVD, just whatever episodes I'd catch.

I always thought it was weird how Fear of a Krabby Patty was different than everything before and after it.

I already realized as a child that the 4th season really sucked and stopped watching any episodes after that, I started catching up with the show just recently
also I talked with a normie friend about the show and was surprised how much they hated the new episodes

Yea Forumsnfession: I still watch zombie shit like nu South Park, Simpsons, Spongebob and Family Guy.It's 100% out of nostalgic comfort at seeing the characters and voices, but with the excitement of watching new episodes even if I know they're disappointing.

Sounds comfy. I understand that


Same here, even when I was a kid I noticed a pretty hard decline when the show resumed new episodes after the movie. I remember pretty much dropping it after only a few episodes and sticking to the old ones. They way they hyped up Atlantis Squarepantis got me interested, and that was such a massive letdown that I just totally gave up on having hope after that.

because its good