Questionable Content: Do not Read

Everyone is gay. Can't even get an apartment without having a gay couple being landlord and building contractor.

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>my wife

Because we can't have gay dudes in the super accepting virtue signalling comic. It must always be lesbians.

Do the other hand next time, Jacques.

What are you talking about? They might not appear often anymore but Marten and Claire are still in the comic.

You know that reminds. You know what I really liked about Blaster Nation (before the creators cancelled it for that shitty porn comic those fucking sellouts)?


Jenny's a trans woman who isn't super femme and tiny. She has clear masculine traits like muscles and broad shoulders, but no one ever judges her or treats her poorly. She's a woman and everyone just accepts that despite not looking like what society deems a women has to.

In short, what's up with virtue signallers who are only fine with trans people as long as they cater to their views?


if you stop posting it, people stop talking about it

Based "terrible" poster

Characters in fiction need to be attractive because as a viewer we empathize much more easily with attractive people. It's not some secret conspiracy come on.

There's also Marten's dad, if we're talking about characters that haven't shown up for 10+ years.

Let's settle this once and for all. Is Marten straight or not?

Without pre-existing knowledge of Brun, she's come off more as a stoner in the past couple of strips than an autist.

>no gregarious and burly, hard gay, metalhead leather daddy couple to treat Brun like a surrogate daughter

Why do you feel the need to keep reading it and making threads about it? Go do something you enjoy. Read a book. Go for a walk. See a therapist.

I'm just saying that you'd think the kind of people who are allegedly serious about representation and diversity and all that shit would be the ones taking time to include them because they realize that Queer is a broad spectrum of diverse people and lifestyles, not just cute dykes all the time.

Like it's not just a matter of being hot, it's that people like Jacques are only interested in trans women (and only trans women) as long as they cater to their fetishes.

Depends if Claire has a monster dong or an actual good looking semi-future vagina.
But we all know it's the dong that don't quit and he sure ain't pitching. So yeah, he's gay.

There's not necessarily anything wrong with that and it doesn't make them wrong to give some positive representation to something they like.

Is it really positive representation if it only happens because the creator gets off to it?

Otherwise known as the David Willis factor.

it's definitely not perfect, but beggars can't be chosers

But posting QC is what he enjoys.

If the only affirmation about my sexuality I ever had was shitty webcomic writers like Jacques and Willi I'd probably have stopped wanting to suck dick a long time ago.

I have actually awesome queer men comics now. I don't need to rely on these jizzslingers.

Jeph and Willis don't really care about queer men though.

>she's come off more as a stoner in the past couple of strips than an autist.

As an autist, bitching about lights is something we do a lot.

Claire, your hair dye is fading.

oh I get it, its a reference to that SomethingAwful thread about the terrible bathroom remodelling

Marten is whatever his partner wants him to be.

>Do the other hand next time
He has already done both of them.

Literally who cares?

Born a male, always a male. Marty McFag is haveing sex with a man. 100% GAY.

>strong black woman and autistic brown woman are shown an apartment by a gay woman whose gay wife does construction work
How much more progressive can we get? They should invite Claire over to look at it.

Brun confirmed gay but doesn't want to come out of closet.

he's a bitch

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based, I was just about to make a "since when were Claire and Marten married?" joke

>says not to read QC
>I only read this shitty comic when it's posted on Yea Forums

this shit has sucked for like 10 goddamn years stop posting it you fucknut

This might be a rather petty point, but even if the realtor would keep her nose piercing inserted during work hours, she would 100% position it within her nostrils while she was with customers.

Everyone in this fucking universe has the same aesthetic preferences as recent college grads bumming around their college town for a few years before they're forced to find actual paying work.

Only remembering the correct details in one panel really adds to the authentic JJ feel.

the realtor has a nose ring? what?

It's an OG webcomic, most people have read it at some point like I did growing up. Even if no one cares anymore it's still kind of interesting how it becomes a more exagerated version of itself as time goes on so it's always interesting when someone posts it.

I like to imagine people 100 years from now stumbling upon this shit and thinking "holy fuck, everyone in the 2000's was a turbo-homo"

My wife did the bathroom. Its to code. Did I mention my WIFE did the work? That I, a woman, have a WIFE?

Also even if you were a certified engineer or whatever you really shouldn't sign off on your own work, just to avoid potential conflict of interest and liability

Oh good I was hoping to vomit this early in the morning.

Actually I have a better idea for the first panel.

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