1 day until the hiatus is over

>1 day until the hiatus is over
How will Della get back to Earth? If she does by the time the season is done how would they incorporate her into season 3? How will she explain who the father is

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Other urls found in this thread:


They will make her the pilot while launchpad goes to help darkwing

The promos show her making recording for Huey, Dewey, and Louie. My guess that the Duck family will receive one of them.

It's possible Donald already explain. The triplets always express about the mother before and after, but never the father.

Donald is the father.

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Why is /co so obsessed with incest...

Donald is the father is a meme at this point I doubt anyone takes it seriously

But after the christmas episode showed that he looked like a college lesbian as a teen I'm partial to the trans donald meme myself

>college lesbian
Have you seriously never heard of fucking grunge?

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This is actually what I'm thinking. They said Darkwing would actually have a presence and it's known he was in both, so it gives a chance to get him out (coming back on occasion) and make room for Della
Probably because it's a meme, so ridiculous and un-disney that people can run with it
and honestly if you've been around here just about everything that could be applied to donald sexually has been

So will the Jim Starling actor thing just be a cover for SHUSH?

This was my theory from day one. Make it a show, make it a bit out there and explicitly fiction, so if people saw a real person dressed up like Darkwing they'd think he's just imitating the show when he's really Darkwing

When Duke was having his dreams and the voices kept mentioning a boiler I was expecting him to have had an actual background in ships where something went wrong with one in his past, but apparently not

I guess that it was referring to something from his memories but I haven't puzzled out what it was

Zoomers will never understand 90s grunge.

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Well he took up fishing pretty quick, maybe he did work on a boat once.

There was a join SHUSH billboard in the in-universe tv show.

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come ON nigga

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>Dressed as the Ice Climbers

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kino and funny

>Nana playing incest with big bro

I know it's disney, but I kind of would love for them to say "Dell's doesn't know who the dad is because she slept around e with a lot of coo dudes she met in adventures" .


We can innuendo it

>College lesbian

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Because in this situation it happens to be true.

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You mean Nana and Popo weren’t supposed to be Lovers?

Based and canon.

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>have to spend all night in a sleeping bag huddled close for warmth
Donald's a cool dude.

The coolest

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How white ducks can even compite?

Everyone is worried about who's with Della or Webby when everyone is ignoring the greatest ship

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He wasn't laughing when he got deleted in Mexico

Black shirt Donald is older than Blue shirt. He’s been through this song and dance before, and it ain’t all that.

Both twins want to bang Ness

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The Climbers have never actually been said to be siblings, but are treated as a romantic pair by Smash.

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What a romantic date fighting to the death

That's their kink


Good God that scene came out of nowhere and hit me like a truck

Those dsl

They put a firecracker under his chair.

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Not in this continuity. Della left before they even hatched

How mad will you be if they stretch this out by having Della fail to get back to Earth or somehow go missing again?

They already have Donald, they aren’t left wanting for a father figure.

When is her arc?

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She went from job applicant to reporter.

Honestly this could very much be it. We very much joke about incest but he is and always will be their father to them even if he truly isn't, while not only would their mother probably not be explained in bad terms like the dad might be but she would be the mother figure and Donald's brother. There's more interest finding her then the father

>or somehow go missing again?
>finally gets home
>she leaves them for a solo adventure

She would 100% do this too

Della really does deserve to be explained in bad terms though. Speaking of which, i reall hope they don’t just have her be accepted as if everything was fine as soon as she came as if she hadn’t just abandoned them and knew jack shit abot being a mother. I mean, I expect Dewey to immediately accept her because he’s and idiot and would naturally gravitate to only other irresponsible idiot like him around, but I’m hoping at least for Louie and Huey to be at least a little sore/awkward with her just coming back into their lives and saying she’s their mother now.

I'm saying more that Donald didn't even really speak of what happen, they didn't know until they uncovered it.
She was known to them as their mom for years so she'll be accepted, but like you said I hope she gets shit for her stunt. Knowing the directors I'm not sure they'll do that

Op, make a new thread for tomorrow morning's premiere don't use this one.
It's time

>How will Della get back to Earth?
she wort.

Also sister and not cousin

She hitches a ride from the Covenant?

Solid Snakes codec call in Brawl outright states that they are siblings.

Nice robot leg

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Fixed in the Donald’s nephews short.

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It’s a workable prosthesis but not what I’d call a robot leg

God a shiny hi-tech metal leg would be hot though

>workable prosthesis

Which I felt too lazy to type.

It's out already?



how did you get this gif before 3am?


>still watching dyketales

Muh moral high ground

Stopped watching the show after that episode where the whole Della drama starts.

Having an uncle who despite his vast fortune can never fix a shitty mistake he made is such an interesting premise and I wish they stuck with it.

But no, it's Disney, the only time a character dies is in the prologue or a villain.

Plus I still can't tell who's Huey, Dewie & Louie. I guess I'm getting too old for this safe playground-tier class of cartoons.
Wander over Yonder was cancelled for this. Fuck ducktales.

>Ice Climbers
>Snake: So those two are the Ice Climbers, huh?
>Mei Ling: Snake, have you ever heard of a "blood bond"?
Snake: Sure.
>Mei Ling: It refers to a bond between two people that's so strong they'd die for each other. The Ice Climbers have conquered frozen glaciers and dangerous mountaintops together. I think they've formed a bond that we can't even fathom.
>Note: The "blood bond" that Mei Ling mentions is a reference to the strong sense of camaraderie between Popo and Nana.

Just to make it clearer, the japanese used for "blood bond" is 刎頸の交わり(funkeinomajiwari).

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Bless you user!

thanks. I liked

thankfully Della is not a Mary Sue like in the DT comic. moon guys are the villain for this season.

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So, Della's a cyborg now?

I liked how the tentacleface moonbug monster spits on Della's name.


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That was truly a nice episode. Also, nice singing rendition to the famous DuckTales 1987 video game moon theme.
Della's struggle was harsh. On the other hand, she really does deserve it, as she's not the type to reflect on her mistakes, obviously.
All in all, I like the depiction of Della Duck in the DuckTales 2017 cartoon. She is an adventurer thrillseeker, she is vainglorious, she is apparently considered even dumber than Donald, she can be motherly and still be very flawed.

Who's stuck, with all the bad luck? It's definitely Donald and Della Duck.

Less cyborg and more of Hiccup if he existed in a universe he has the technology to go to the moon

In other news, Gyro Gearloose seems to have invented a gum that can be used to end world hunger and can be used indefinitely (or at least for years). All you need to do is to be willing to forever taste black licorice.

Surprised Scrooge approved of a rocket that runs on gold.

>Sometimes we just throw it in the trash, which is also made of gold.

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Well, gold has to be useful for something to make it valuable, and Scrooge only likes gold in the first place because it's considered valuable by other people as well.
But it's most likely that Scrooge didn't know exactly about the gold itself being used as a fuel source, and might just have thought that the gold is used for integrated circuits and so on, like in most electronics.

Scrooge is the villain in all this

>In other news, Gyro Gearloose seems to have invented a gum that can be used to end world hunger and can be used indefinitely (or at least for years). All you need to do is to be willing to forever taste black licorice.
can he invent something that isnt evil


Gold hasn't turned evil yet.

He just needs to have initial evil intents with it

Genius idea. If something is made evil from the start, and then it turns evil, then it will turn good, because evil * evil = good, just like in mathematics.
Truly, we are genius
>turns out that everyone was wrong
>evil wasn't a negative version of good, it was good that was the negative version of evil
>evil squared is just even more horrible evil, while good squared automatically becomes horrible evil as well

>metal-munching moon mites

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Frank Angones said she was written to be flawed, which hopefully they will commit to going forward. I was incredibly worried (and still am to a lesser extent) that just because she's one of the few female characters in the cast, they'd make her too perfect. And hopefully, their definition of flawed doesn't mean has a robot leg that she can run around with as well as with a real leg.


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>and wonderful mother
I an extremely worried.

Just watched the episode how long will she be stuck on the moon or are they gonna cop out and leave her in space. She could easily replace Launchpad as the pilot if they made a Darkwing show.

She's been focused on returning home to be a mom. And she showed empathy to a fellow horrible mother monster. If she had been at home, she'd definitely have been a terrific mother.
Now, of course, because she wasn't there, she's a terrible mother, so sometimes, you win, and sometimes, you lose.

You oughta put question marks the next time for your question. Also, to answer your question, guess you'll have to watch the show.

I guess this confirms that she'll be back with the gang at the end of the season and become a regular, probably season finale
She can't be a mother like she said if she was never with the kids in the first place

Well, she is already better written than Webby. But how can she really be a "wonderful mother" when she hasn't spent a single minute with her children due to her own retardation?

The fact that she’s portrayed as the kind of person who would be a good mother despite the self-centered irresponsibleness that put her in that sotuation in the first place in the first place is not a good sign.

It was only half-self-centered. The rest was for her kids. After all, she had a 100% success rate with all her adventures so far. She's the niece of Scrooge McDuck, the world's most famous adventurer trillionaire ever. And her brother's also not bad at all.

What could go wrong? *ominous thundercrack*

>It was only half-self-centered. The rest was for her kids.
That is the stupidest, Most bullshit excuse i have ever heard.
>After all, she had a 100% success rate with all her adventures so far. She's the niece of Scrooge McDuck,
Nigger, I’ve seen either you or someone else make this exact same argument before and let me tell you right now, if the shiw runners think arrogance is a proper justification for that kind of irresponsibility like you seem too, she’s just to come off as a massive twat.

One can tell that you're being unironically angry right now. Chill out, Della.

I am worried that you might actually be a showrunner or angones right now, and that this will be the prevailing mindset for her character direction

I just realized that the Duck family is kind of dysfunctional.

I guess our issue is that she isn't getting shit for her actions when she should. Even then, she could very possibly be a changed person when she returns and start acting like an actual mother, you can't be sure
At the same time, Della can't escape her mistake now. If she looks down she sees her fake leg, when she makes it to Earth when she looks up she'll see the moon she was trapped on, if she looks forward she'll see her kids that she missed most of the time she'd be with them. She has to live with that guilt wherever she goes for the rest of her life. She doesn't need to be shitted on to feel awful about it

You vastly overestimate 4channel's Yea Forums as a place for show runners to stealthadvertise upon. Those people do so rather openly on tumblr, twitter and reddit.

Creators may advertise on sites with more publicity, but there are pletny of people in the industry who just post or lurk here in their free time.

For that, they'll just use a generic intern with the fancy title of social media manager to generate interest in the show by pretending to be an utter moronic hater who hates the show with the dumbest reasons ever, or an annoying superfan, which in the end doesn't matter as long as discussion would be generated anyway.

I think the new Ducktales cartoon might be better than the original.

At this point it is, especially the amazing second season finding its form and being really strong while og Ducktales was bland
Its problem isn't its battling the original show, it's battling being associated with the top-tier comics. It doesn't help Caballeros is almost perfection for a Disney show

According to some definitions of the term, the physical attachments humanity has with even the most basic technologies have already made them cyborgs.[4] In a typical example, a human with an artificial cardiac pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator would be considered a cyborg

the promo at the end of the episode said that Ducktales is returning in May.

>No new Ducktales episodes until May

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>December to May with 1 episode
Ducktales you're killing me. At least we have duck treads here to pass the time

The real tragedy of the episode. I need more duck in my life, they’re neat, fun, and wholesome

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Read the Comics then you panicky pleb.

I must say I'm totally impressed. I never expected the writers to have her actually cut off her leg.

At least she had something to eat other than the OxyChew.

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So Disney saw the need to change her name from "Dumbella" to "Della".

If you wear glasses, than you're a cyborg, since you have an artificial part that helps a bodily function (eyesight).

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Glasses aren't built onto my body

You can see the family resemblance

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Maybe Della's leg is detachable.

I just feel like they've written themselves into a corner with Della, as it's impossible for her to return and for the dynamic of the show to stay the same. She would make other characters obsolete with her mere presence. She would have Launchpad's skills. She would have Donald's love for the boys. She would have Scrooge's love of adventure.

How do you bring her back and still have the same show? There will be no more "dad donald" moments because if the boys need something they'd just go to their mom. That annoys me.

It is.

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It is but it also moves to her wi

Whatever issue it might cause, they're incorporating it for the third season anyway, so we don't have to give a crap about it. That's the job of the writers at Disney on how to make it good enough.

Yeah, can´t wait until she has one episode where she does something wrong and then she never shows any weaknesses ever again.
They already showed that they aren´t gonna take the risk of making her crazy due to years of isolation.
She will do all the roles and the writers will pretend that this isn´t a problem.

Chill, that's not how we get people into the comfy

When Lena "died", Webby was so sad about it that she immediately forgot and started playing in money. In season two, she hasn't even been sad about it one bit and even stopped wearing the friendship bracelet.

The writers are incapable of handling a plot with any degree of nuance. It's the same trap Gravity Falls fell into when they refused to have a genuinely sad moment when Stan regained his memories at the end.

I mean even if this episode we see she got angry at a book mocking her so she tore it up and rebuilt the rocket the wrong way setting her back

I'm getting the impression this show is a continuation to the NES game and not a remake of the 80s show.

There probably will be an episode where the boys go to Della with their problems instead of Donald, but imo Donald will still be the primary care-giver. Donald raised them their entire lives, Della will be cooler at first because she's new, but Donald will still be their "dad"

Donald can't be their "dad" because his sister is their mom. The boys will never call him dad. Hell, they never did.

I meant metaphorically. They'll still call him "unca"but he'll continue to do dad duties.

>Donald can't be their "dad" because his sister is their mom
I don’t see how one excludes the other.

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>The boys will never call him dad. Hell, they never did.
He’s still basically their father in terms of his role and their relationship. He doesn’t literally needto be their blood dad to be their father figure you colorless clod.

>Implying duckcest isn't canon
Even then it doesn't matter if he is and is called their uncle he is their dad to them

My point is that the boys will never say as much. Donald referred to them as "my kids", but there will never be a scene where they call him dad. They should call him dad. They should have had a line like that in season one's finale.

My point was that Della being rescued makes that narrative arc impossible. Disney won't do it because it's bad optics at that point.

Hell, I'd have been happy if they called him dad in a flashback, but he corrected them and made them call him uncle because he never gave up on Della. But I don't even know if they could do that at this point.

She is basically Dewey with Donald's anger issues.

>dumbella confirmed

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It's not new. Both names have been used interchangably. Some comics had "Dumbella" be her nickname.

I liked how Della put the signalflare that she used as a light candle upside down inside her makeshift moon mudcake to extinguish it, just like Donald was shown trying to extinguish the promethean eternal candle in the early shorts for DT2017.

>character uses their peg leg as a weapon

I crack up every time this happens

Might sound bad but when I got over how cool her new detachable leg is I thought of how good the possibilities are for various types of porn

That's rich. Nobody draws porn for this show.

>It's not new. Both names have been used interchangably. Some comics had "Dumbella" be her nickname.

That may explain

Young Donald actually did call her that in Last Christmas.

cute tantrum!



just now?

I do plan on it I only jumped onboard recently though

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>tfw the Moon theme

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Shouldn't Scrooge have been able to find that wreckage? Considering her last known location, and the fact that her wreckage was basically right out in the open. I know she technically crashed in a little valley, but from orbit, you'd still be able to see that shit.

Show implied Scrooge spend practically all his fortune and failed. Did they not bother to land on the goddamn moon and look? Did he spend that money just flying around the solar system, assuming she went into deep space, when occam's razor would say to check the moon first?

And scientists have been able to get pings off of dying rovers on Mars that have been without power for years. You're telling me that rocket gave off no signals at all?

I have defended the ducktales reboot a lot but i really did not like this episode

i get what they are trying to do is show that della has all of the traits of her kids, but all of those traits combined into one character are really annoying

Like for fuck sake show some fucking regret for stealing a fucking rocket and leaving your kids behind, maybe it's just her voice she sounds to smug all the time, i was expecting some time traveling shit because scrooge sent fucking hundreds of rockets looking for her

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There was that pig astronaut that missed Della because the moon mite pushed up a cloud of dirt. As to why none of Della's transmissions made it through to Scrooge, who knows?

The moon is quite big, and as we found out, the spear of selene type ships all run on gold. And who knows, perhaps the moonlanders have weird cloaking technology that makes it that telescopes directed to the moon don't see any interesting details.

Today's episode was good until those aliens appeared. They were an ass pull, just like that thing about the rocket running on gold.

It’s just the Deweyness in her. He naturally sounds like an undeservedly smug prat, the kind of guy you just want to slap.

Why should that be an asspull? Aliens in the DuckTales setting existing is completely normal, just like the existence of all kinds of demons, elementals, dragons, fairy beings, deities and whatever on Earth.
And I've read an Euro Duck comic where gold was used as a fuel source to power up a submarine, so it's not like unheard off.

>Aliens in the DuckTales setting existing is completely norma
What about alien Ducks?

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Foreigners like Glomgold Flintheart also already exist.

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That's because for whatever reason ducks aren't a popular porn choice for furries. They don't touch it much while cats or foxes or rabbits really get them going for whatever reason

That recurring dognose seams to be popular.

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And of course how could anyone forget the other small alien girl.
>They don't touch it much while cats or foxes or rabbits really get them going for whatever reason
Shit taste is my explanation. Beaks being beyond the skill level of most furfags is the other.

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A lot of them don't seem to know what to do with the duck legs/feet

Reginella is CUTE

It's probably because of the rape.

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Argones said spoilers when asked why none of her messages got through so in guessing the moonlabders were blocking it for some reason

Penumbra is totally gonna betray her boss to help della leave isn't she

Just so that she could get rid of Della, yeah, sure.

Nah man it's obvious penumbra will grow to actually like and respect della like della predicted and when the general tries to out his plan for della into motion penumbra will find she can't do it to her new friend

Penumbra will still pretend that it's for getting rid of Della, though.

I did get a bit of a 2012 Mona Lisa vibe from her, but maybe that's just me.

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It was an asspull because there wasn't any foreshadowing of their presence on the moon. Had they implied that Della wasn't alone, it would've worked better

>Associated Press runs with the disability angle


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So is it all but confirmed that gyro is the father?

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There's complex life on the moon in the form of a monster. Where there's one form of life, there can be others that are organized, have a civilization, or whatever. Really not that big of a stretch.

Y tho

How did you get that far in the thread without figuring that out yourself?

I unironically don't see the problem with this, until this article I wouldn't have even known it was some empowering thing. It adds a layer and a permanent reminder of her mistake without being her entirely, and if some kid without a leg sees her as some badass inspiration why not

By skimming and only looking at pictures

Today's episode, s02e07

The episodes started back up?

Just for this week. We'll get more in May.

Because that makes sense to someone.

Is there a link to watch online?



Thanks was just about to post that I found it

>a third of the moon's mass on the far side is missing
>higher density of gold perfectly compensates for it in orbital aspects

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>Be Donald
>Don't have sex and no fap for 12 years, so if his sister ever returns he'll have the sex of his life

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holy cow...

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That's lame.

>for the dynamic of the show to stay the same
Well good thing about that, just have episodes about the change of dynamic

Historically, that doesn't work for television shows. It's why many sitcoms crash and burn when they finally revolve romance storylines by having characters actually get together. Viewers don't want things to be radically different. Hell, just look at Adventure Time, which changed the dynamics so much that Finn wasn't even important in the finale.

anyone got a mega/stream link?

Nigger are you honestly going to try and argue that Adventure Time was not only committed to big dynamic changes, but that it executed them well when they did?

Keyword search mega in this thread

If you believe the dynamic between Finn and Princess Bubblegum didn't change dramatically, you're deluded. Finn also lost his heart for a while and spent too much time being emo and whining about relationships when he should have been off, you know, adventuring.

Adventure Time may have walked back a number of plots to maintain the status quo, but the dynamics constantly changed. For the worst, in most cases.

Needs more Webby

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>Adventure Time may have walked back a number of plots to maintain the status quo, but the dynamics constantly changed.
Fair enough, but you’re atill jot realizing that the reason for most of the backlash for their poorly concieved and executed dynamic changes were for being poorly concieved and executed, not for being changes themselves. There were plenty of times a dynamic change was welcome (mostly for the ones that didn’t end of sticking like Jake not being around because he has to take responsibility as a parent) or at least not immediately crucified, but the lack of ideas and incapability of the writers to come with someone interesting or endearing, let alone enough so to make up for what was lost, is why they screwed the pooch.not because the idea of changing dynamics is bad itself.

Besides Nu-Ducktales only has 2 seasons, and the second is already, thankfully, somewhat of a departure from the first in that the children are far less the main focus as the are the window of view now.

What's Huey supposed to be good at?

Huey is the book smarts.


Junior Woodchuck stuff.

Honest to god question: why is the Moon Theme so god damn devastating? Not in context of the episode but in general. There's nothing nostalgic about it to me, the rest of the songs are pretty goofy like the show, it's not a sad game or level in the slightest. But that theme comes on and the fucking feels

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I think the limitations put on composers writing for old sound chips actually forced more creativity out of them. This is why people get nostalgic emotions over the chiptune Robocop music despite not having heard it before.


That makes sense from the nostalgia standpoint, as a lot of these songs bring that characteristic to them even without any attachment.
But I don't know what it is, when I listen to that or other Nes or 8-bit songs at the time I get really relaxed and into it. I physically cannot listen to the Moon Theme without tearing up. No other song does this to me, and I listen to pretty sad shit as is.

So, how will the Della plot tie into the money champion plot?

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Read that again, he didn't say that she was a wonderful mother, wonderful came at the end of a list of attributes, he said that she was wonderful and also a mother. She could be wonderful in ways other than being a good parent.

I have erection

I want to the duck

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Songs like the one you posted make me ask deep philosophical questions of myself.
Which came first: Ranch or Cool Ranch?

Attached: RanchOrCoolRanch.png (956x699, 880K)

because degeneracy is what reading comics brings upon your soul.

>All you need to do is to be willing to forever taste black licorice.
i don't see the problem

Attached: salmiakki.jpg (355x355, 26K)

>black licorice
As opposed to, uh, white licorice?

There's red licorice.

No there isn't.

Is this show worth watching if i am a pretty big fan of the ducks and the old Ducktales? Also is Donald a main character now? Heard he is and i'd love that, hated that he was almost non-existent in the old ones

Attached: 1549852480123.jpg (754x692, 137K)

It's way better than the previous Ducktales from the 80s. It's more faithful to the source material and such.

Not him, but:
You don't consider licorice really licorice unless it's black, and any candy that calls itself licorice but isn't black isn't licorice - is that right?

What do you think Red Zines are?

Licorice candy is a candy flavored with extract from licorice root or artificial equivalents.
They're gummy candy in an elongated shape I guess.

I bet she's going to came back to earth with a half moon baby egg.

There's no way to explain what happened without putting her in a bad light. Donald wouldn't want to tell the kids that their mom was an irresponsible adrenaline junky who apparently valued asventure more than her own kids.

>at the last stretch theyre about evenly tied
>they get a chance to fund a rocket to save della, losing the money race but get her back
>he ends up losing the fight to get her back
>lol the moon is made of gold, and he gets gold and scrooge wins anyway
Best thing i could figure out

It's gonna be drama in the making. Della will believe that life will easily go on, that adventuring is fine, that they'll all have a big family adventuring gang.
What Donald and Scrooge will see is that Della has lost a leg, and that this can and will happen to the children.

>By skimming and only looking at pictures

typical newfag behavior

I would totally rub my cock on that

so, is ti just me, or does she sound like starlight glimmer... when she says "nonononono" I swear its fucking her.

She'll try to be a mom and have adventurws with her family but something changed in her and after a while she needs time for herself and boom she is just a recurring guest role.
The change could be her guilt or maybe that even if she is the most fearless duck etc. as a mother she fears to lose her family again and doesn't want the boys on adventures or whatever.

Would still be a nice episode where she and Donald have ane argument about that stuff after they talked normally and it ends with her shouting "I know" and admits that what she done was a big mistake and then she could even say this out loud
> If she looks down she sees her fake leg, when she makes it to Earth when she looks up she'll see the moon she was trapped on, if she looks forward she'll see her kids that she missed most of the time she'd be with them.
I mean Donald was the one who was against her space adventure from the beginning and the already had an argument so why not again?!

Because it's Yea Forums light.

There honestly wasn't much of a difference.


these little dutch comics are pretty cute

Attached: fethrybestduck.tumblr tumblr_inline_ovgwk3XUwA1s8euad_1280.jpg (1118x1600, 822K)

I really, really hate they turned it into the Della and Wendy show

>I like the original version
>30 years later, I hate the reboot
>cant accept change

enjoy your sad pathetic life

I misread "mega" as "manga" and now I really want to read Ducktales in manga version

They did no such thing and you fucking know it.

He may be a baiting, The Webby focus in season 1 was Objectively mediocre, and dragged it down as a whole.
>inb4 airing order
Nigger She had been involved in both major ots and was a larger part of the Della plot that Huey and Louie, how the fuck would the airing order explain that?

Attached: BA2D767A-A79F-45B5-A1C2-494857B6915C.jpg (400x453, 87K)

Don indeed gets stuck with all the bad luck, even in manga

They've been raised all their lives to call him Uncle. Them suddenly calling him dad wouldn't make any sense and doesn't really have the emotional significance you're implying. The show can still have a scene/episode where the boys acknowledge him as their father, but the word itself is just meaningless.

Watch Legend of the 3 Caballeros instead.

This and I like her now.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck calm down penis

Trans Donald FTW

Attached: tumblr_p9nzzsXVC21vy2rduo1_400.png (260x292, 32K)

Why would you put a cloaking tech on a prototype ship ? If it fails you want to get it back to understand why it crashed.

Smash portrays them as a romantic pair(complete with an even focused around it in Melee).
They are not siblings, at least in the Smash games.

True 90s kid here: we all fucking dressed like that, jesus. We get it, you like chicks with dicks.

Or guys with cunts.

Attached: tumblr_p6ortyzjpD1wxlru2o1_1280.png (1280x1157, 387K)

Really grasping at straws with this one

Yes that is basically Tumblr in a nutshell.

Tumblr turning transgender issues into a fandom like they're furries is really gross.

>and it ends with her shouting "I know" and admits that what she done was a big mistake and then she could even say this out loud
I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but it probably won't.

But it's drawn by trans people.

It's weird how I have absolutely no issue with people switching character's genders for fun but this disgust me.


nice prediction donald

Attached: fethrybestduck.tumblr tumblr_inline_ovgwjcUsOa1s8euad_1280.jpg (1131x1600, 841K)

So we gonna waifu the evil Bitch Cop? That skirt is asking for it.

Why would I when Della is right there.

reee scrooge shouldnt be with them as kids reeee not canon reeee etc

Furfag, here. Ducks are kind of weird when you try to sexualize them. Unlike foxes and cats, which already have sleek, elegant and exotic designs, just slapping a duck's head on a human body is more of a challenge. The few duck anthros I have seen are stylized to all heck to be attractive.

That, and the ducks in Ducktales are drawn with more duck anatomy than human anatomy. Though many furries are into that, people like me would have to sacrifice their character design entirely for appeal, making it jarring for fans looking for porn of the show.

They unironically idealize school shooters, despite otherwise being for issues of social justice. There's no helping some of the people on Tumblr.

That's like saying Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the same people.

Why bother with Della when Donald’s in the show?

So basically furries are low-test pussies who suck at actually deviating from human bodytypes. Wonderful.

You use Della to self-insert

So, what will the reason be for none of Della’s transmissions being able to get to Scrooge?

sexy asses. nice curvy sexy asses

Attached: dt_0003_12.png (671x556, 310K)

don't mistlead user like that


Help me out here guys.
Last episode I watched was them fighting against Magica.
Anyone know what episode that was? Was that end of season 1?

Also is there anywhere I can watch these legally or am I gonna have to pirate?

That was end of season 1, yeah.

What happened is spoilers, apparently.

The weird duck legs make sexualizing them problematic, it becomes much easier if you give them human legs

Attached: 6565ee141b5e5d5e1f671a175a3b614b.jpg (513x800, 82K)

Probably the same reason nobody knows about the moon people: They have technology to stop Earth from finding out they're there. Probably screws with transmissions and scanners.

Is there a reason why some ducks wear shoes and some don't?

Lesbian ducks wear shoes.

Attached: 1547667651847.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

I like that your issue is the feet, and not the ridiculous duck head with the massive watery cow eyes.

I just wanna take a moment to say: unf/10, would go to Duckburg jail for.

Are you a lesbian?

Man I have wide feet and I have a hard time finding shoes that fit, can't imagine squeezing your duck foot inside some sneakers.

She isn’t a lesbian
I just got done fucking her, and I’m a faceless old man

Hey even Carl Barks understood the issue with the duck legs/feet not being sexy when he finally went full furfag in the 1980s

Attached: 14c32853a35f1bccba26b6b5841999a1.jpg (1656x2056, 671K)

Duck feet are cute, I think it's part of the appeal of the design.

Attached: DellaDuck2.jpg (310x445, 20K)

Don't you dare judge Donna. He's come through a lot. All the hormone treatment was mixed up and it fucked up his vocie really bad.


This guy gets it.

Sciarrone is really the second coming of Barks in this regard, isn't he.

Attached: sciarrone playboy.jpg (1881x1553, 364K)

He probably got senile there.

Fuck I dead named them. I meant Donald

>mfw The Moon Theme

Attached: 9A946492-D852-451D-91DF-DF829BDA4C1C.jpg (600x451, 31K)

Agree, if you like Donald watch Legends of the 3 Caballeros.

It's a good show, I like it, but the duck family are side characters to Huey, Duey, Louie and Webby. Think Gravity falls with adventure and you'll get a closer taste of Nu-Ducktales. Or just watch a few episodes and judge for yourself.


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That pic looks like scarier version of the end of "It Follows".

You in the United States and have cable? Disney Now has them all for streaming. If not then yeah, pirating.

Fucking Nopperabo, stealing all the good Duck chicks.


Based on the creepy Shining twins thing with Louie and Webby, the boiler thing may just be a lowkey reference to the book. The Overlook got blown up by crazy dad's inattentiveness to the boiler.

I'm just gonna put this out here as a keeper of poultry, incest in insanely common in both ducks and chickens though its more commonly father-daughter incest. Private breeders will try to keep it from happening to avoid genetic deformities but in the wild there ain't no goddamn rules.

It’s usually just the female ducks who wear shoes. One male exception is Rockerduck though.

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I would die happy if they ended one this seasons, with the Fearsome Five (Nega Duck begin the main villian) stealing Scrooge Vault successfully, and the duck family need the help of Darkwing duck to get it back.

This would be god tier ending and good tribute and cameo of DW.

Attached: latest-2.jpg (1112x719, 118K)

I was going to reply in a salty way that it'd be shit if they did that considering the disrespect they had with the comics side of things but, well, considering the disrespect they had with the comics side of things, it'd be fitting to end a season in a Darkwing homage instead

Attached: LikeaBoss!.webm (850x480, 2.74M)

>that tail wag in the end

A case of duck syndrome

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It's pretty impressive they all have the same voice actor


Jessica DiCicco is definitely the most underrated voice actor working today. She also voices 2 completely different sisters on Loud House and in one episode had a great impression of another one.

I'd love to see her get to voice April, May and June again.

I never knew what grunge until that simpsons episode

Attached: BRILLIANT_.jpg (795x595, 59K)


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Flaming hot take: The new Ducktales cartoon is better than the original.

What is Donald doing to his sister

The original Ducktales was shit, so basically anything would be an improvement. Sucks that they just had to include a lot of unnecessary bullshit from the 80s version though.

It’s Webby and Louie.

Attached: 1F917FDF-5064-468F-8260-12B062FB4F66.png (500x500, 101K)

I love how Gyro is just flat out burning the shit out of Della all over this episode despite being a full planet away from her.

Maybe she dies

Original Ducktales is overrated. The best episodes are just adaptations of Barks comics anyway.

Inbreeding is taboo for a reason, murican.

Attached: charles-ii-of-spain_mainstory1.jpg (468x326, 16K)

I wasn't talking about McDuck Enterprise cloaking tech on the prototype ship.
I meant moonlander cloaking tech distorting Earth telescope so that they don't see specific stuff on the moon, like for example moon warriors fighting moon mites, or foot traces of moon warriors on the bright side of the moon when they patrol the moon.
Stuff like that.

Even if you have kids with your sister, the risk of any complications only increases by like 1%. It only becomes a problem when it happens for several generations in a row.

>sexy asses. nice curvy sexy asses

Attached: 259a2e3677a76590af27e4f649089ee4.jpg (500x586, 126K)

Nah I like my version better

>literally every famous inbred is european

>I'd love to see her get to voice April, May and June again.
Same. I'd love to see more stuff like playing charades with Ari, going to parties with Xandra and moments with Donald. I really need Panchito and Jose having moments with the nieces besides the few snapshots we got.

>Famous inbreds
true dat, although Murica is full of inbred nobodies.

>Doing this shit in this thread
At the very least it’s not a regular duck thread but we don’t do that here

Rockerduck best boi

Attached: F96E7A4F-904F-4980-90B0-49EC0EF79EB7.jpg (250x492, 22K)


Now I'm thinking about rolled up duck feet burritos


Attached: ImAFuckingDuck.jpg (286x244, 45K)


I would totally plow

>tail wag
>immense boner.jpg

god nerfnow sucks

holy FUCK, that thicc alien chick

Attached: are_rou_rucking_rerious.jpg (466x404, 26K)

She might lack the needed parts considering she's a shadow construct not a real girl.
Now the question is, would they swap places as a joke or all at once.

Are you a lesbian?

Lena is not lez, shutup shit

Lesbians don't plow the fields, they graze.

Yeah, the hair indicates bi if anything.

>you can't rape a lesbian

Does this mean that Disney is no longer pursuing the worst of all timelines? Is this the turn of the tide?

Yes they do. I've seen it.

She's dykealicious.

Makes sense for Magicka's phantom agent.

>I can be whatever you need me to be

Duck feet are webbed with widely-spaced toes. It would be like putting your hand in a mitten, not squishing a flipper.

>sexy asses. nice curvy sexy asses

Attached: alg-chris-hansen-jpg.jpg (635x477, 20K)

Shouldn't you be bouncing a check right now, Chris?


ok so where the hell can I actually watch/download the ep?

There's a mega in this thread.

There’s a mega in this thread just use the word search to find it. If for whatever reason it’s down some user could probably make a new one

Wow you niggas didn't tell me the episodes could be good. That episode was tight.

I dunno, did you think the show was bad?

Attached: db5.gif (557x478, 2.32M)

But can you rape a shadow?The second season is about 10x better then the first, this episode is the peak so far

Whoops second part meant for


I think you're way overstating that. The second season is great, but I don't think the first was nearly as bad as some folks on here say it was.

so is there a mega link for the series as a whole, or what?

well she is flawed, she didnt stick around for the birth of her own children


make the remixes black licorice flavored

Nothing she's not used to.

thanks user

Anons of taste.

Attached: 4C888DF8-9E6D-4A82-A790-F62F3C09A5FA.jpg (537x395, 74K)

Was bored at some of season 1. did they up the animation quality for s2 cause the lullaby scene had top tier animation

>argones said on Tumblr that the two ducks who can take more punishment that della and Donald have sort of appeared on the show before
One of Ema gotta be dw

>sort of
Yeah, that sounds to me like you're right.

Oh, THAT'S what that was. It's still so weird to me that Capcom made a Ducktales game (and a great one at that) that even today when I watch the episode I was confused why I was hearing NES music.

It's either that or Quackmore and Hortense(technically appeared, but in photographs).


I don’t know how someone, even Darkwing, could take more punishment then Della has due to her mistake
Unless Gosalyn died in this universe

Made another webm for you guys.

Attached: Secret.webm (850x480, 1001K)

He also says that the two duck are also alive, and Launchpad, Scrooge, Glomgold, and Magica are ruled out.

Quackmore and Hortense have never been confirmed dead. Not in comics, not in this cartoon.
We can make the reasonable assumption they are dead in the comics.

They're vibrating with cuteness

Dunno- Rosa wanted to use Hortense, so we know as far as he's concerned she seems to still be alive. It's headcanon of headcanon, basically, but it kinda works for me.

I question the choice to wear a skirt at all.

Attached: cute backpack.jpg (263x448, 29K)

>They will make her the pilot while launchpad goes to help darkwing

Darkwing Duck died years ago in a Thembrian gulag after an international case went sideways.

YFW Colonel Spigot turns out to basically be that world's analog to Putin.

Love these girls so much
What I find funny is how everyone was all about talking that people only hated Webby because she was a girl, then April May and June come out of nowhere and people really like them for them

I like all of them.

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When she was young she got jeered at by a kid on the street who called her a tomboy, so she googled "what girls do" and then started wearing a skirt. That sounds plausible.

Nah that'll go to Launchpad's sister Loopy.

That's very plausible.

and it's not like it's the first time a duck has worn questionable clothing so I guess it's just fashion but it always kind of amuses me how poorly it fits. At least dresses tend to keep things covered.

Attached: wa15.jpg (890x645, 304K)

Boils down to presentation. Webby was so bent on selling how cool she supposedly was that it grated and hurt the show by taking the spotlight. By comparison April, May, and June had their moments flow with the story and plot, adding to the whole instead of breaking up the action. Or in more simple terms, Webby was grating while Daisy's nieces were endearing.

Webby is supposed to be cool? I thought she was supposed to be a homeschooler dork. I like her (in 2017 DT anyway) but I don't think I'd ever call her "cool"

Same. If you're specific enough in naming the episode and start+endpoint I can try and make a few webms of anything you'd like to see, filesize willing. Delivery would be sometime tomorrow or next Duck thread I see.

Attached: DEAD.webm (850x480, 1.13M)

Attached: Scrooge on pants.jpg (509x339, 43K)

Pants would just hide his fancy spats

I really like the touch of giving Della a at least a little bit of Donald's temper issues while at the same time making her the more impulsive of the two. It simultaneously paints Donald in the "nurturing, but passionate" role that he has rightly earned while making Della seem more like, well, Donald's sister rather than some larger-than-live Mary Sue.

I'm enjoying the characterizations of the characters a lot in general. The ducks really do feel like a huge extended family (even ones who aren't blood related.) Which is something I never really felt from the original.

Is it true that they play the moon song from the old DuckTales game?

That's what I thought too, but some Yea Forumsmrades apparently believe she was supposed to be Poochy, but serious.

Della sings a version of it with lyrics


She's got a bit of his luck along with that anger.

Attached: Duck bad luck.gif (600x338, 3.66M)

This is the show that broadcast out of order to force as much Webby as possible in the shortest amount of time. There was definitely an agenda of pls like this character happening.

Scrooge is ruled out?! Dude practically has a fucking devil trigger and he's not as tough as Donald and Della?

Remember that they pushed the triplets up, too. It was more likely supposed to appeal to a younger demographic.

Ludwig Von Drake and DW

Why not?


He's probably talking about the Don Rosa stories.

Attached: {31918947-4DEC-441F-80E9-FCE6A2DBAFC9}.png.jpg (607x407, 109K)

Because it's considered one of the hardest levels in one of the hardest games ever? Sounds like PTSD to me.

She’s supposed to be endearing, but isn’t enough so to justify the amount she is pushed, making her more annoying.

would totally plow

its one of those "cartoon nono's" that female characters must wear some type of clothing below the waist. forgot what its called but theres some term for it. males can be naked from the waist down but female have to have something on.... shrugs.. its the same reason chip and dale only wear shirts while gadget wears a full body suit

>younger than YOUR are

please tell me this is fake cause I dont see how rosa could fuck up this badly

It's real, and it somehow stayed even in the hardcover collections.

>someone had ONE JOB to do

im guessing they dont have anyone proofread comics for typos.. and figure the artist would correct any mistakes beforehand

In the Caballeros episode he pretends he's got a bad back and gets a bad back for real. Age catches up with him and while there is no denying his vigor, Don and Della can probably stand to take much more blows thanks to the privilege of youth

>The Moon starts playing

It's a trope, "Pantsless Males, Fully-Dressed Females"

All those people saying nice things about the moon theme and no one complaining that it is "nostalgia bait". I'm pleased

I can't believe I teared up at the lullaby. Good shit.

I've never played the Ducktales game or heard The Moon before in my life but that scene still got me feeling things very strongly and wishing I could reach out and hug Della. I hope she can get off that damn moon.

Also, Della is best girl. I love Webby, Beakly and Goldie, but Della just completely won my heart as best girl.

>Darkwing will have a presence bigger than being a mere copy of Adam West's Batman

Wait they are not?

I suppose that's true, but we've never seen Donald or Della top Scrooge's DT moments from his prime.

Why is Gyro such a turd?

Probably to give him something more to do in the story than to just provide gadgets. The friendly absent minded professor schtick only really works for characters who don't do anything beyond help the heroes.

>oh no I mean die die
>like dead dead
>forever dead
>bell tolls

Anons I cant believe that we have to wait until may for new episodes. Fuck you Disney.

I believe they did a similar thing last season.

Why didn't Donald rescue Della when he was there in the giant moonbot?

Still gay as fuck my dude.

just needed to present them in a likeable way

Attached: ideasfromanotherapocalypse.tumblr tumblr_pcwtcogF1y1x44w1jo2_1280.jpg (789x617, 197K)

Weird if that's a thing for 2017 since Daisy never wore pants and Lena just has an oversized shirt

>Daisy never wore pants

That's how you know she's a ho.

I like that she isn't a Mary Sue, still a little bit overskilled but that's all.
I also like that she throws a tantrum like donald, well the light version.

Would be cool to have a flashback episode that was about one of Scrooge, Donald, and Della's adventures.

I'm sure we'll get something of the sort once she's back home.

My heart can't take how cute they are in comic and animated forms even if they killed a guy.

Lyrics ruined it, she should've just whistled or hummed it.

>let me whistle at this baby to calm it down

Made two versions because I couldn't quite get the timing down.

Attached: We'rehereDonald.webm (848x480, 976K)

Attached: We'rehereDonald2.webm (848x480, 1.25M)

Huh, never seen that comic before. Only familiar with the original Barks story.

Attached: teentsy.jpg (915x664, 143K)

Damn Donald.

Well, he is 150ish years old.

>Jymn Magon is partially responsible for Titanic: The Legend Goes On

Honestly this isn’t a Gyro that deserves to be more than that either. At least old Gyro was enjoyable in his appearances, this one’s just a dick, but in a kore obnoxious way than a charming one.

of course

nice work

Attached: ideasfromanotherapocalypse.tumblr tumblr_pcwtcogF1y1x44w1jo1_1280.jpg (784x655, 160K)

How is this related to the thread?

He's the one who did the original Ducktales.

>triplets bottomless
>dog girl has pants

The mystery behind which characters have pants and/or shoes has always been funny to me.

Attached: neverrest.jpg (1280x720, 564K)

If pants make the costume funnier, then pants it is.

Seriously, is Lena ever coming back?


Attached: tumblr_pc6wpkN9Ns1w4z2yl_540.jpg (540x405, 27K)

most ducks just don't have a need for them

Attached: ideasfromanotherapocalypse.tumblr tumblr_pd3ddh7mz11x44w1jo1_1280.jpg (837x612, 187K)

Get out.
Also "College lesbian" is redundant.

There's going to be so many pebbles in so many vaginas

Should I continue watching this show? Last one I saw was the Spear of Selene episode, it was ok but not really impressive. Does it get much better?

That episode was fun and weird.

I think S1 is an enjoyable and easy watch. S2 is a general jump in quality.

Attached: bffs.jpg (1280x720, 342K)

Thanks I'm having fun. The offer still stands

Attached: ExcusesExcuses.webm (848x480, 2.44M)

Who’d like it the most?

Only Lena

Who cares

145 people over the past four days, apparently.

Only 145 people? Holy lol that's nothing.


don't really have any specific wishes for webm.
guess you can post a few more of your favorite scenes till the thread ends

Attached: ideasfromanotherapocalypse.tumblr tumblr_pcwtcogF1y1x44w1jo3_1280.jpg (837x506, 173K)

Thought I’d give her an update.

Attached: 852ED621-AEA2-451E-B772-921BBC5788A7.jpg (323x639, 136K)

>Plus I still can't tell who's Huey, Dewie & Louie.

They literally have wildly different personalities and looks despite being triplets, so if you were colorblind you can tell them apart.

>Tfw thread is archived by morning
>Tfw no more Ducktales till may
>Tfw T3C season 2 never
Feels bad

He's still a father figure being the main male influence of their lives you tard.

same energy

Attached: couch.jpg (1280x720, 346K)

The whole show has so many favorite moments I could spend all day combing through episodes.
Hey that's pretty good.

Attached: May June April.webm (848x480, 2.83M)

I read a silly comic once where this sleazy nightclub owner gets busted because the dancing girls aren't wearing gloves, and all non-ducks have to wear them according to city ordinances -- he thought he'd get away with it because he hired platypus girls, but the detective caught on at the end.

I've been getting into duck comics and there's usually some sort of duck thread up.

That is silly. Sounds pretty funny though.

>Adventure time gets 154
>Star Vs gets 129
>Win-O thread gets 99
>but 145 is "nothing"

Duck haters failing on damage control!

>7.5+ billion people on earth
>140 of them go on a monglonese throat weaving forum to talk about it
>a lot
Just stop, you're making everyone cringe.

Don't bother giving lazy baiters attention

Attached: snow.jpg (480x360, 10K)

It hurts that I'm alone thinking they're cute together.

I don't really have feelings about Lena one way or the other but I think Donald can work with anyone.

I'm with you, user.

>Unironically using the word cringe
>Giving a shit what billions of insectoid chinamen, tasteless normies who don’t know any sites byomd facebook and youtube, and other assorted third-worlders think.
How sad.

They are cute but not sexually, same with him and the nieces and nephews
Though it is Donald every ship will happen

Donald Duck is history's most prolific sexual dynamo

Launchpad wears shoes, albeit they're skintight boots or something.

At this point Donald has to have been shipped with every named person he has come in contact with
Ultimate chad

tfw you want a Darkwing Duck reboot so Launchpad can have a more prominent role

I want Lena and Dad Donald bonding moments.

Pretty much.

Attached: everyone_loves_donald_duck_by_grasstains.png (1094x911, 411K)

He's related to every one of those characters except for Dickie,maybe?

Attached: Yes and.png (201x201, 24K)

>Lena wants to be hardcore but her adoptive dad won't let her

I like you, user.

Attached: GrinDog.jpg (720x540, 22K)

Someone post the familytree image, in it we see that the triplets father was depicted already having last name "Duck" and was depicted as Donald without his hat and part of his face covered up, implying that they knew Donald was the father but wanted to save face at least a little in their family tree.

Attached: Ducktree.png (1248x919, 2.69M)

I think this can really work amazing things as a reboot. Add some more goofy darkness to it
Yeah they don’t care about the incest it’s a marvelous specimen there
Also see you whenever next thread is

Will we ever find out what Santa did?

Well, time to wait until May.

Post yrw you heard Della's lullaby
That game was fantastic and no one can tell me otherwise.

Attached: Yeah, right there.png (804x964, 270K)

It made me start watching the show

Good night duck thread I love you

Attached: ducks.jpg (305x328, 44K)

That Gladstone tho

who are these 3 cock teases?

April, May, and June are Daisy's nieces. They help out in the cabana and were a huge hit for those that watched the show after they showed up for the first time in animation since HoM.