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Hey Yea Forums! We're back TONIGHT with a new episode of the FINAL SEASON of Gotham!

Tonight's Episode:

5.9: "The Trial of James Gordon" (Mar 7th)
>After Gordon is shot in an attempt to establish a cease-fire, he hallucinates a trial for his life that could have deadly real consequences. Meanwhile, Ivy (guest star Peyton List) returns and puts her spell on Bruce, leaving Selina to defend herself. Lee has a life-changing moment as Barbara and Penguin consider their next moves

Our GCPD issued Pastebin is available here:

It's full of great stuff like our previous discussion threads, and social media accounts for our Gothamites.

Penguin's Seasonal Body Counts:
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:

Attached: gothamfinalseason.png (500x500, 35K)

Also, a big episode for you has been moved up.

5.10 "I Am Bane" (Mar 21st)
>On the precipice of Gotham's reunification, Gordon and Bruce find themselves face-to-face with a newly transformed Eduardo, and discover the real mastermind behind the city's current chaos. Meanwhile, a pregnant Barbara turns to Lee for help

After that there's just two more episodes

RIP Scarface

Yay, more Ivy!

What a waste of a great villain.

Got some hot wings in the air flyer, ready for Gotham.

It's not like they had time to include him in the other episodes.


They can literally get another dummy.

Shut the fuck up Lee.

Still didn't need to kill him.

But its Gotham, so no one stays dead. Hopefully.

According to Morena, this is actually the last episode they filmed, as well as one written by Ben, and directed by Erin.


They can patch Scarface back up and get another guy.


hell be fine

Damn Alvarez stepping up

he'll be fine

"No, he seems to have eluded my sight, Harvey. You got a band aid?"

He just had four episodes to go!

Thank god Harper is back.



the kids gon fug


Best GCPD ever.

Hugo Strange will be the one to fix Scarface.

Fatty catty

Reminds me of the little rascals movie...

Bruce is a suave mofo

Where was Gordon's vest at?

Remember that time Lucius gave Bruce armor and a mask and everything and he only wore it once? Just reminiscing.

In the plot truck, this episode is basically filler

Aw man, they should have gotten Barnes to be judge.

Remember him?

But why didn't he of all people wear a vest?

Shame they didn’t cast the Executioner as the judge

I bet the shooter was Ecco

Thanks for making these threads every week mate

Speaking of him, he must be having a lot of fun in No Man’s Land.

Ivy spelled backwards is Ivy.

Look at them trying to make Bruce look taller by making his hair huge.

>Do you understand?
>He understanda and waives his rights
He must be dreaming of a gotham trial

Especially when the mods started autosaging them for no reason.

Hee hee. Just like in Arkham City.

Looking forward to his body double in the last episode.

Is this still /ss/?

>can’t fight off trained goons and ninjas

>can’t fight Ivy


dammit Bruce

Mutant Leader!

Technically no, but considering none of the aged up Ivys actually acted their age no

Cause he's not Batman yet! We still have four more episodes...

I have nothing BUT contempt for this court!

If only they had a character who could represent the law. Some Batman character who is commonly associated with the court system.

It's as if he's lost the will to live...

Wasn't expecting that.

Based Alfred
>that new Alfred show won't have an Alfred this based

I hope everyone is wearing dramatic veils and clothes for this trial

Best brit

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JEEZ! Alfred out of nowhere!

Nice takedown, Alfred.

>Zsasz boogie down the street
>Harvey and Alfred get to knock the fuck out of people


He got knocked the fuck out by Alfred?

Oi oi!

Why is Zsasz best boy?


Hey the A-plot and the B-plot intersect.

Mrs. Ivy Pepper-Zsasz

Oh Zzasz. You're a treasure.

Hey look, it's the relationship that was suppose to happen.

Thank god we didnt spend 15 min waiting for Harvey to figure out it's Ivy

Best Zsasz or bestest Zsasz?

Young Barbara's going to be lucky to have a dad and two mothers.

Boy, Alfred. It's a beautiful day for rain.

Who gives the milkies though?

>Lee thinks she's helping Jim
>Jim hallucinates about Lee torturing him with the truth


poor jeff :(

Bruce got the Batman walk down.

That bag o guns though

At least Poison Ivy is getting one important episode.

Only had 4 more episodes.

People, ugh

People... ugh

This could have been Manbat ep though!

Yeah, would have been a shame if that one cameo was the last we saw of her. It took them five years, but finally, proper Ivy.

Ivy is so great.

Don't remind me...

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>Lucius and Bruce smokes some dank shit
Gotham is somethin' else

She is. Why isn’t everyone as great as her, anons?

Make Ivy great again.

Did you guys hear?

Ivy is fucking great.

Barb, you're pregnant. No booze.

Didn't see her knock it back, responsible Barbara.

I like Barbara in this haircut better

I love the fucking limp.

What the fuck Zsasz?

we even get an good old fashioned GCPD station attack

>agree to a truce or I kill you
Whatever works

I guess someone is grounded for life.

Good ol' Pyg.

This man is implying she for a single instance has not been

why does ivy want to kill jim?

Pyg outta nowhere.

Rowr, catfight.

Better question: who DOESN'T wanna kill Jim?

>have masterplan for city
>only one person could fuck it up
>Gordon is that person

>getting sick and tired of getting shot at in my own precinct

The cops take orders from Alfred?

I mean, they should, he's awesome, but weird.

>I want a green zone

Fuck you Ivy.

Lee Thompkins of Murder again

Alfred was in the army, hell yeah I would take orders from him.

Fingers crossed that the gunshot will make her morph back into her original form.

Now punch Lucius half a dozen times.

At least we got Ventriloquist at the very last minute.

The bombsuit again lol

Damn, Lucius can bounce back from a punch.

Ed suit callback!

Based bombsuit man


Reusing Riddler's bullet proof suit, very economical.

>ep called the Trial of James Gordon
>Gordon is barely in the ep


If there was ever time to include Death of the Endless now would be it.

I loved that Lucious "no". It sounded so sarcastic

And the way Victor got jumped looked like a zombie leap

Seizures ahoy!

I’m going to just drop the baby

>one month later
Really doing the time skips here.
Aw snap, Jim's going for baby #3.


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>one month later

Bullshit, Gotham should be on fire by now.

>wedding in the GPCPD

Why not, everything else happens there.

Were Lee and Gordon actually married before? Or did they get divorced?

He was just gut shot, he shouldn't be walking.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Chances of a shoot out?

The first scene of the first episode took place on day 398 then it jumped back 300 days so we have a lot of catching up to do before Pengy, Ed, and Jim team up to fight Bane's hordes.


I think I might actually be satisfied with a show's finale for once. Gotham please don't disappoint me.

thats what tylenol is for

Imagine if Barbara objects to the wedding.

Nope, he just knocked her up, she miscarried, then she married Mario.

and gunshot...

Wait for it.

The only good BATCAT

Gotham can't last a month without shit going down.

Alfred and Lucious best odd couple

Cat Bat kiss!!!

Oh, there's the baby bump.

Why didn't they invite Penguin, Ed, Zsasz, or Barbara?

Barbara's turning into Shocker, huh?

Barbara becomes a cuckquean


catching the tail end of this just before orville
>that fat cat

He's a big guy.

Big Guy is going to break Alfred?


So he is going to break the Jim's back?


Someone's gonna get Knightfall'ed.

for you

Maybe this is Earth-2 where Bruce and Selina got married.

Nice vocal effect on Bane, not as muffled as Nolan's.

He’s sounds like a 90s cyborg

It’s great

And then a new character comes in named Thomas K hell-bent on stopping it.

Selina is a hotty

I miss Headhunter

Wait how did Selina detrance Bruce and Lucius after hitting them in the head but Zsasz stays the same?

I was about to complain about Barbara whining about her child the whole time only to drink, but she didn't drink at all. That was a good twist

>it's GCPD gets shot up episode

I was polarized with Peyton List at first but holy damn there's been no single episode where she doesn't get my weenie hard

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>gets shot
>just walks the fuck away

I can't tell if this is a bad episode so far or if I just wanted it to be like that episode of Batman: The Animated Series where he is on trial with all of his rogues and I just over hyped it for myself

>capeshit wedding
>nothing bad happened
Hell just froze over

Worst episode of the season.
Fuck Lee ruined this whole series. I hate Moraina Baccarin she just gets on a show spreads her legs and gets knocked up by the producer/writer and then he makes everything about her.

I was hoping that maybe this show was a prequel to Batman 66.

This was a ridiculously poorly written episode, which is a shame because the rest of the season had been great.

Zsasz wasn't effected by the perfume. He was in love in Ivy for real the entire time.

Yeah, I hadn't realized that the episode was almost over until it ended and then I realized that absolutely nothing happened

so is he technically a pedo? does he know about the whole "aged up" thing?

She has to be at least 17 or 18 by now though


Just like the episode before. At least that one had new villains and some decent Harvey action.

>so is he technically a pedo?

If he is, would you really be all that surprised?

>young cat isn't zsasz' type
should selina be relieved or insulted?

I'm really going to miss Zsasz.

jesus fuck ... another break... two weeks fucking fox

It's just one week, I Am Bane was moved up to the 21st.