Kitty or Rogue? Which one is top waifu?

Kitty or Rogue? Which one is top waifu?

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Rogue is a slut and I never understood people who unironically waifu her, she's gonna cuck you at the first opportunity

I remember hearing Morrison was originally going make Rogue a goth like in Evolution in his run and now I'm sad


He was going to kill her off and replace her with a new Rogue based on the ones from the show and films.

Kitty, with her I'll be financially set for life.

Rogue, but X-men Evolution was a mediocre at absolute best show and that version of Rogue is shit.

Both in threesome option in Rogue's Like

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My negro eagerly awaiting the laura path

whichever one is on top of me

>preferring a Jewish Princess over a sweet Southern goth/belle

She's hotter

60's-70's kids: Jean
80's Kids: Psylocke
90's Kids: Rogue
00's Kids: Kitty
10's Kids: ????

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Okay, so should I play the game you keep posting OP? I've heard that the original game is bad and you need to mod and shit to make it good. Is that true?

Sauce on these image that looks like cropped porn?

Not even an x-men

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I know your game i pick Emma.

Rogue-Like: Evolution
porn game currently in beta and best artwork of the trainer games imo

Patrician Taste

They've updated the game quite a bit there is three bitches now with a 4th one on the way

I'm not even straight but Kitty's part during the opening sequence was kawaii as fuck.

The mod has 4.

The show was okay, but this version of rouge pissed me off. She was a southern belle with a terrible backstory not an emo chic.

Kitty. Rogue is a Southern thot.

scarlet witch.

Kitty on Evolution was pure fap fuel

The one that I can actually fuck without getting my life force drained.

Rogue is for enslaving
Kitty is for impregnating

What is Emma Frost for?

For Consensual Loving

>Sophie's Choice for Pussy

hand holding

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70's is Storm

rogue looks too alien with the hole pale look.

Can I have Rogue with Kitty's personality?

I'm a 90's kid and I liked Jean better than Rogue.

When the show was on Rogue was my waifu and kitty was secondary but as I’ve gotten older kitty has surpassed Rogue in number of faps. Probably because goth girls are almost nonexistent irl and most of the girls I’ve dated are like Kitty (petite/gymnast-y, skinny, smart)

Impregnating then enslaving followed by more impregnating

Kitty is cuter and would probably convert for you

They are all good

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Kitty is a bitch and a whore


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