Do you have a favorite type of character, Yea Forums?

Do you have a favorite type of character, Yea Forums?

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Yes just guess mine

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Gwen Tennyson

Im partial to the bubbly feminine types

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Great taste


if Gwen & Sam weren't there, I'd ask if you're Pan.

I like 3 typ, naive characters, mean characters that are nice to their friends, and might as well be a serial killer

how long before this become a waifu chart thread?

I man of refined taste I see. Too bad they literally never fucking win.

Already happened

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Do I?

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Other than Starfire, the non redhead is unironically the cutest of them all. Redpill me on her

>the best goth

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Mami is introduced as a veteran magical girl who is out to protect her city from monstrosities called witches; she's pleasant, she's ladylike, and she's very good at what she does
However, she's also emotionally scarred thanks to the circumstances (saving only herself from dying in a car crash in which her parents also were involved) that led her to become a magical girl; she's lonely, she doesn't have anyone to support her in her fight against the witches until the start of the show, and she lives with the regret of letting her parents die

Also, her theme is perfection just like her

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I like dumb blondes and strong, preferably brown girls.

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Several types. Can you guess what they are?

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This threads a little dumb but i do like how the very first two posts are like, the salt and pepper of female character types.

Just put one of each in a show and bam! You got a Character Dynamic.

They already did a show like that. It was called Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi

Strong, badass, sasst

Are you me user?

Ara ara milfs

A far as girls? Definitely.

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There are several character archetypes which appeal to me and my peeny.

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thats some good taste there friend

you sick fuck

Nice jocks and himbo sluts. Overlap of both is godly.

what kind of character is catherine?
gold digger?

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There are several character archetypes that appeal to me and my peeny. Going clockwise from the top left:

>Rich Girls (Gold)
The snootier the better, personally, though I also like rich girls who are sweet and especially ones who act as "sugar mommies" for poorer guys.

>Boss Bitches (White)
Strong, confident and assertive women in charge. I love an unflappable woman in uniform or a sharp suit and a position of authority.

>Cool and Cold (Blue)
Ice queens, women with aloof, detached personalities, stoics, consummate professionals -- I love girls who are cool, calm and collected. Something about their emotional detachment just makes me want to see them smile or earn their approval.

>Dominatrices (Purple)
Pretty self-explanatory. I like whip-cracking, full-on, no-subtlety-whatsoever female doms. Guilty pleasure.

>Older Women (Yellow)
Cakes and MILFs. Older women are more decisive, experienced and interesting to me. If they're insecure about their age, that's great. If they know they've still got it, even better.

>Mean Girls and Sadists (Green)
I'm sure there's nothing psychological about this at all. I like girls with sharp tongues and sadistic personalities who like to verbally (and sometimes physically) abuse people.

>Semen Demons (Maroon)
Girls who are seductive, flirty and sexually assertive are great. In a world where social norms and media archetypes paint women as submissive, demure and indirect, there's always something refreshing about the ones who just come out and say/take what they want.

>Mommies (Pink)
Another guilty pleasure and definitely not psychological at all. Women with nurturing, motherly and emotionally open personalities cut me deep. If they give out physical and emotional affection liberally, prepare home-cooked meals and smile the most serene, calming smiles, I can't help but fall for them.

>Scaroused (Red)
Fear and love are very close to one another. Girls who put the fear of god into my boner are awesome.


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>Strong (Orange)
Amazons, musclegirls and sometimes just general ass-kickers. Like Semen Demons, it's refreshing to see women who are physically powerful in the media.

You like chocolate.
Halo is too pure

So this is a waifu thread then?

it ended up that way, yes

Waifu thread it is.
Here is my abomination, enjoy.

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all roads lead to waifu

harems are alright, but you've at least got to have a centre

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My heart is too big and I fall in love easly.

The cute, smart, adventurous little boy whose clothes keep coming off.

I thought Pan liked Gwen

>OP hasn't watched the dragon prince yet
What are you waiting for bro?

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We met a long time ago, I was her age back then, and some flames never quite fade.


need to work on this one a bit, but eh

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I see you too are a man of culture.

>Yen and Trish at the same time

>this is my exact writing crutch whenever I make anything

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He does, but she's not top 10 material to him. See his top 10 Goth girls video where she put her in the honorable mentions.


Yes but it's hard for me to describe.

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Bumping for Women's day


So, you like... pretty much everything?

No, there's a consistent theme of female physical/social/emotional dominance, but you're apparently too stupid to get it.

>used to like this kind of character
>turns out that shaggy stoner dudes in real life can be real fucking scumbags
>when I see the "chill dude in flannel" now I think of that guy who raped the school's best violinist, turning her into a crazy stripper and single mom
>hate character on sight

I have a few wheelhouses.

Exotic Villainesses
Stonk Monster Ladies
Earnest Working Girls
Trailer Trash
Grunge Chicks
Derpy Gals

Oh God

And youre autistic

>cute boys
>goths and punks
>gender ambiguous
>also nice rack

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user, you literally sat down, made this thing and admitted you're a sub of the highest calliber. You are in no position to call anyone stupid.

>Do you have a favorite type
Dunno OP, you tell me.

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Being a sub and having an excess of creative energy doesn't make me stupid. Insane, maybe, but not stupid. Your failure to even read the filename makes you stupid.

Nah, I'm too socially well-adjusted and extraverted to be autistic. I'm just a weirdo.

Nigger, I was making fun of you. You sat down and wrote so much shit, you created so many damn categories that it ended up being absurd. Christ man...

Oh god

There's a theme, man. It's all about the theme.

Whatever you tell yourself to be able to sleep at night.

I see you're a man of culture user.
>Granny Weatherwax
You are a strange cultured man user.

That's not what I tell myself to sleep at night. What I tell myself to sleep at night is definitely a lot more femdom oriented.

You're a kinky asshole user.
Am starting to like you.

Make love not war, buddy. Especially when that love comes with whips, high heels and pegging.


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>_ ____ __ ____ ___ _____

Jinx is best


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And he'd do good not to.

I'll have me some of that

>I'm not Elvira from Ghostbusters Extreme
>Goth Rogue
>The Chick from Filmore

>a fucking train

I forgot about robotgirl, she was my first robotcrush. II started liking jenny when I was older but robotgirl curves just made me feel funny

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>His chosen fellow for incidental homosexuality is Speedwagon
When you're right, you're right.

I like to laugh.

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Not that The Dragon Prince is bad, but Claudia only fits OP's image based on her outfit. Her personality is actually a lot nicer/fun.

I downsized my chart quite a bit, and may kick out some more Rapunzel, Ciri and Sam are next to go, if it comes to it Is there a clear and obvious theme emerging?

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fun, witty and intelligent


that's interesting.

forgot pic

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Any combination of utter asshole with dopey innocent companion

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He is the perfect bro and I feel he will make a great life partner.
But it's okay we will say no homo everytime.

I dunno, either she's strong or kind of innocent, no in between

>no goth gf
why live
>dumb blondes
>strong browns
you're always my favorite chart


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I'm weak for stoic boys and jerks.

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Who's the Thor looking guy with the bun?

I think I may be your type, gayanon

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>That Rarity
You can't post this, it's against GR15.

Where is Rarity?

Dominant, probably a villain but antagonistic at best. bonus points if they're an older male.

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I miss him.

I don't see any fashion horse

although she is a bit my type

Well, she could fit in the wealthy type.
She alone build a fashion empire.
She is my forbbiden waifu

Outside of "demonic" no other traits spring to mind.

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Unlucky without being unpleasant. Makes for a good underdog.

>no jude from 6teen

please don't shoot anyone


Yes, 5 archetypes currently.
Tomboy, Yamato Nadeshiko, Motherly, Emotionless & Gentle Authoritarian.

Chase Stein from Runaways.

The chin hair is pretty important. I give Fred a pass since his official model sheets contain facial hair, and a scene with his hairy chest almost made it into the movie.

probably not

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I love tough, pink, and magical girls.

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You can't post that symbol. It's against GR15!


Interesting, I usually don't see him as a husbando. Very unique, user.

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Probably he's not seen as a husbando much because his cock likely was burned off lmao. I like to pretend Palpatine secretly gave him a robotic dick or something though because I also kinda have a thing for robots??. Anyways. I also had a dream that I went to disneyland and he threatened to kill my family if I didn't have sex with him and I woke up RIGHT as he was dragging me away to do the deed and found myself very upset I didn't get to do it with him. Before that I was not attracted to him at all, so basically it was the dream's fault lol

ah, I see you're a fan of the itty bitty titty committee as well


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oh yeah daddy, give me that thick girthy metal robot cock

agreed. I noticed that too

Definitely not wrong, but I don't think it's quite that simple

who's bottom left?

>sniper AND medic
god you have great taste

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Ladydevimon from Digimon.

God bless you, user

Well... it's time.
Yea Forums is only 33% in this case.

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Starlight you like producer's OCs?