This movie is seriously terrible

This movie is seriously terrible.

Ariel is a spoiled whiny bitch who causes all the problems and still gets what she wants at the end anyway.

And the songs are all mostly filler with some absolutely terrible lyrics and even worse delivery.

The ONLY reason this movie did so well is because Ariel is cute.

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Why does it have Walt's signature and not the standard Disney logo? Casuals can't be dumb enough to think Walt was still alive in 1989 to work on the Little Mermaid, right?

Well, there was concept art from Walt's time of a Little Mermaid sequence to a scrapped HCA movie.

I don't know if you're being contrarian or sarcastic but this movie is indeed awful. the original story was all about teenagers learning to be careful and not betting everything on "love at first sight" as if life was a crappy romance.

This movie is everything that the Original tale shit over.

Thank you
This is the film I think of when someone says "they love disney" but only the very obvious things. This doesn't hold up to really any of their other films

now may i be the first to say, fuck you sir

I’ve been saying forever that Ariel is the shittiest Disney Princess. Not “one of” the absolute SHITTIEST.

The comic relief scene where Sebastian is in a kitchen full of butchered fish is really, really fucked up. It's genuinely the creation of someone who lacks empathy. Dark humor is done by people who understand how fucked up it is and choose to utilize the shock factor for comedic purposes, and that doesn't necessarily mean the creator is a bad person. Justin Roiland makes a lot of really morbid cartoons and he seems like an ok dude to me. But he made those understanding that they're fucked up.

Whoever made that Sebastian and the chef scene is an actual sociopath. They lack the empathy needed to realize just how disturbing the material is that they're drawing humor from. You could call the scene black comedy, but I sincerely don't think it was created to be. I think some demented person made it and imagined it as ordinary slapstick.

I get that they're sea creatures, but they're all depicted as sentient and with human like personalities. Sebastian is surrounded by the mutilated corpses of his friends, and it's supposed to be funny. This movie is shit. Great Mouse Detective is better.

For me the shittiest moment is how Prince Eric hears Ariel's name.
That was the laziest fucking shit ever, and what was even the point?

Were they thinking a love story would be inappropriate if he didn't know her name for some reason?

The whole film just feels like what Disney haters think Disney movies are like

I bet you like Treasure Planet.

Huh, they made a cartoon of Splash. Who'd a thought?

Still, Daryl Hannah's naked butt will forever be etched into my brains after that movie!

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>Ariel is cute
I don't see the problem

Ariel's not the most complex character, but the conflicts in the story come from other people either prohibiting or exploiting her simple wishes, how is she a spoiled bitch?

So could the live action version be made better?

If only Lindsay wasn't old now.

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So, which was the superior animated adaptation of TLM?

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She's like 30 right?

>Ariel is a spoiled whiny bitch who causes all the problems and still gets what she wants at the end anyway.
>And the songs are all mostly filler with some absolutely terrible lyrics and even worse delivery.
>The ONLY reason this movie did so well is because Ariel is cute.
It did so well because it was the most ambitious and crowd pleasing movie Disney had released since the death of Walt Disney, as well as the first princess movie since Sleeping Beauty. The last several decades had consisted of movies like The Black Cauldron, The Rescuers, and Oliver & Company. Also whether you like Ariel or not, she was given more of a personality than the three classic princesses.

>Ariel is spoiled
>whiny bitch who causes all the problems
no, if King Triton hadn't destroyed her grotto she probably wouldn't have went to Ursala in anger. she's just a teenager, let teenagers dream and have it shattered when they're a young adult like what most people do

only bad thing she truly done was put Flounder in danger when he didn't wanna go into that sunken ship in the first place

I thot the movie was ass

>she's just a teenager, let teenagers dream and have it shattered when they're a young adult like what most people do

>Ariels mother is crushed to death when a human pirate ship attacks the mermaids, thus widowing Triton
Triton being okay with Ariel chasing Eric is like a Jewish father being okay with his daughter dating a neo-Nazi.
This nearly killed Disney animation in the '80s.

To be fair, yeah. I find it entirely believable that a dumb teenager would go do something *incredibly* dumb after dad blows up her room with a laser trident in a fit of spite.

That comparison doesn't hold up; Eric wasn't a fucking pirate.

Sure she was just too curious and prone to go exploring for her own good, but Ariel's first impression of the guy wasn't really all that far off from the truth. She sees some charismatic nice bro having a party with his crew on his boat, saves his ass after the weather goes foul and becomes utterly infatuated after this 'adventure'. She didn't fall in love with some dashing rogue who's probably torched dozens of innocent port towns and has a hooker in every port he didn't raze.

It has soul, that's all it needed.

inb4 the Black Cauldron Protection Force arrives

>The comic relief scene where Sebastian is in a kitchen full of butchered fish is really, really fucked up. It's genuinely the creation of someone who lacks empathy. Dark humor is done by people who understand how fucked up it is and choose to utilize the shock factor for comedic purposes, and that doesn't necessarily mean the creator is a bad person. Justin Roiland makes a lot of really morbid cartoons and he seems like an ok dude to me. But he made those understanding that they're fucked up.

Justin Roiland is a fucking sociopath himself, have you not seen his degenerate pedo cartoons?

you kid user, no one likes that movie

>The whole film just feels like what Disney haters think Disney movies are like

what does that even mean?

>The Black Cauldron, The Rescuers, and Oliver & Company

all of which are better than The Little Mermaid, or at least have better protagonists.

But her mileage is really high.

Oh my gosh you have a point but the film is still delightful. It's coming of age. Happy endings are essential. If it doesn't have a happy ending, it's too much like real life. In real life, you get the Anderson version. That's why Disney is such a happy place. She gets what she wanted which none of us ever do.


The music is divine. She's a brat but she's lovable. We've all been brat teenagers.


You mean Moana, and the Frozen girls

the point isn't about any one individual's taste, but public perception
if you want to know why the public perception of TLM was so high, you have to also take into account the public reception of films like those

Wow vegans are the worse human beings in the world. That scene was hilarious!!! The Great Detective? You kidding?? What is WRONG WITH YOU!

>The ONLY reason this movie did so well is because Ariel is cute.
Stopped right there. You only dislike the movie cause you're a retarded waifufag.

If I was a waifufag, I would like the movie you fucking idiot

I mean you have a point. But the movie still redeems itself.

>not even the crown princess
>can't do anything all day but sing for your dad and his court composer
no wonder why Ariel wanted to go out, explore, and developed a fetish for humans

Also true, Eric was a really good guy who was prone to doing the right thing even if he was too stupid to care only about her voice.

Merida suffers the same problems.

Public Perception is hit or miss, and usually miss with today's audience.

TLM was better than your listed movies because you get excited to watch it while the others are pretty boring.

Eric really was a good guy
while he did have a fantasy girl and thought Ariel was pretty
he did tried to get to know her despite her not being able to speak
and it wasn't till Grimsy told him that instead of chasing some fantasy girl, he could get himself a girl who wanted his hot prince body with her seven vaginas
when he decided to go get Ariel

I want to fuck Eric. How can you blame her if she wants a vagina to do it too?

I honestly think he simply just wasn't interested in girls (yet) until Ariel came along. He was shy around her leading into the "Kiss the Girl" song, so you could say her voice caused his first true infatuation.

And hey, given how adventurous Ariel is and how he seems genuinely interested in his kingdom's mariner/naval activities, they at least have common interests rooted in exploring and travel once the excitement of sea witch slaying, soul saving and the honeymoon's over.

This. Little Mermaid is considered great because it was made to be a spectacle and save Disney from a rut. Not even badmouthing the movies that you mentioned, I love Rescuers and Oliver, but they weren't exactly ambitious. It's alright for Disney to make smaller films, but it was like 2 decades of movies that were either average or good but with average visuals. Little Mermaid was the first one in a long time to actually look impressive, and they only continued to look better afterwards.
All in all, I think LM is a weaker Renaissance film, but not as bad as say, Pocahontas.
Listen, I love those movies save for Black Cauldron, but they're not better than Little Mermaid by any means. I like Oliver & Co better but it's certainly not a better film.

The movie was 30 years ago, of course it aged like milk!

Great Mouse Detective and Fox and Hound aged so perfectly tho.

but they are.

what does little mermaid have over them, besides prettier animation?

It could have worked had the animators treated it more like the used parts shop in The Brave Little Toaster. That treated the mutilation of the appliances with the proper gravity and the black comedy worked better as a result.

Oh wow girl lol

Love this

Live action version would take place in the Caribbean due to wanting to have a lobster with a Caribbean accent and wanting a connection with a Caribbean themed hotel at one or more themeparks and possibly a resort in the Caribbean and wouldn't have Lindsey Lohan. People were claiming they were thinking about having Zendaya play a mermaid.

What matters more than prettier animation?


The message of TLM is to be ambitious, brave and follow your dream. Postindustrial society needs ambitious creative individuals who will do what they want unlike industrial society when people do what they told. The work of screws and gears will hand over to robots.

the message is to nearly get everyone killed by your selfish ass and lucky there was a handsome prince to rescue you?

look mom, i'm being a contrarian again!


>Ariels mother is crushed to death when a human pirate ship attacks the mermaids, thus widowing Triton
This isn't explicitly stated or even implied in the movie.

The songs, the standard love story, princes and princesses, "funny" animal sidekicks...

That sort of thing.

Return to the sea is better.

Prove me wrong.

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>The Black Cauldron
Oh I am laffin

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>criticizing a Disney movie is a bad thing now.

Merida's reasons for rebelling were slightly more sympathetic and she actually works to fix her fuck up, though.

This movie is bad because not only did it introduce me to masturbation but I also got a fetish for mermaids from it too

Please, this is one of best Disney movie ever. I love all: Ariel is adorable, music are beautiful, great villain and a story simple and fun.

Ariel sucks and isn't even Disney's best mermaid.

I watched this when Disney had 1995 reruns.

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