I unironically want a tomboy heroine fighting rad fems right now

I unironically want a tomboy heroine fighting rad fems right now.
do you want it too?

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I want a sexy tomboy

What story are they even criticizing?

>he thinks tomboys are cute and feminine

If you wanted people to get sick of feminism you should've elected Hillary Clinton.

>the tomboy has been displaced from popular culture and the collective unconscious to make way for bulldykes and genderspecials
I unironically want to die for this very reason.

I do. Mostly because It would piss off a lot of people.

me too desu

I want those villains to sit on my face.

Also, imagine rejecting the idea of being a housewife. Life's tough and it's short, man, the minute some one tells me they can do the Full Time work and I can go Part-Time or not work at all and stay around with my children, why not take it?

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You have to understand user. A stereotype is always true no matter what or how many contradictions it has with reality!

Because it makes you unambitious, passive, dependant on someone and, quite frankly, lesser of an individual. Downright pathetic.

Where I come from housewives are the ones who are the law inside the house. Talk back at them on a house- or family related issue at your own peril. This rule applies to the man of the house as well.

>the villains are uglier than me
>villains wear sexpot outfits
This bint serious?

So it's a matter of pride, then? Both adults should be working full time and letting the State and others raise our children because boy howdy I need to make sure the boss recognizes how good a worker I am?

This reflects your own personal bias against mothers and house wives. They've always been the spiritual strength of the family, you're the one who treats them negatively and imposes shame on them

>lesser of an individual
I can tell already you have mommy issues.

why can't the tomboy be a rad fem fighting evil trannies

Mothers are so beloved and sacred, that entire religions based their beliefs of what is divine love is on motherly love.


> being a part time worker makes you dependent on the full-time partner
> I need a person to ensure my 40 hours, write my checks, and provide me a list of things to do in order to help their company succeed in order to get a paycheck

Yeah okay.

Super TERF?

I thought rad fems likened themselves to villains.

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That sounds equally hilarious. If quite dangerous of becoming preachy and not a parody of itself.

Imagine being so ambitious that you would rather waste away the best years of your life pursuing an unfulfilling career and binge watching Netflix shows and eventually dying alone rather than seeing your own flesh and blood come into the world and renew the unbroken cycle of life than led to your own birth haha
Any comics for this funny feel fellas?

The new She-Ra show

neet cope

I love this picture you posted.

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> passive racist

All this time we've spent on the KKK and repealing segregation and miscegenation laws, when the whole time we've should of been spending our time and money on people people who aren't frothing at the mouth racist 23 hours and 30 minutes a day.

This had better be a god damn joke.

That's just She-Ra.

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Thats a guy, isnt it?

i want a show, any kind of show, where the heroes are unambiguously right in every way while also being unambiguously uglier than the villains, just to see what people come up with to justify the villains actually be right.

>left villain

looking deeper into this person's blog and comics and whatever and they seem like a really horrible individual that's slowly deteriorating mentally
they deserve it

>those blogposts this bitch made about having a mental breakdown over her abortion/men/white people and how it's everyone else's fault that she's like this
I have no sympathy

this seems way too specific

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>Implying she’s hotter than those villains
Lmao. Conceited much?

>before /k/
>after /k/

yiff in hell

she seems just like a normal new wave feminist, just the "you can be whatever you want, even an otherkinn wherewolf tranny faun" type
She seems to realy like pegging tho, might explain some of her worldviews

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her art used to be good. shame shes gone completely nuts

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The initial problem was the villain deciding they were God and could decide who lives and who dies and that the best thing to do with their pain was to inflict it on everyone else.

t. people who haven't watched She-Ra

Is that baby half black or what

Gundam IBO?

That's the plot of the comic I was working on but my motivation is technically dead by now

Are you dense?

Marketing “female empowerment” and “feminist” movies/comics where the female character doesn’t actually do or act in any manner that’s progressive

I hope so!

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The demographic the show panders hate it. It's beautiful

..who does it pander to, exactly? There's so many tokens I just don't know.

Honestly sounds like the perfect waifu. A go getter type of girl that's still girly but can hold her own.

radfems are literally 100% right.

say it with me guys

also yeah this looks like a fantastic heroine. like a return to Cutey Honey. I appreciated the lusty and comedically-abusive lesbian schoolteachers as well as the dominatrix villains

> A roastie is upset that even a mildly progressive/feminist woman can still look attractive and can monetize their beauty, and still be respected by the mainstream.


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I wish I could go back to the 70s and remind men of this, so when women entered the workforce, the men started staying home, and we could preserve the family unit and the economy (who knew doubling the workforce would fuck over the value of each unit?)
staying home rocks. cooking is awesome. raising your kids is more satisfying than any bizarre peer appreciation for being a breadwinner.

>Where I come from
so Earth then. This is how it has always been, the woman's role is far from inferior. Every household needs someone to interact with the outside world and someone to coordinate the internal runnings, just like every business does.

you are making me feel better
i'm glad to share Yea Forums with you

>can still look attractive and can monetize their beauty, and still be respected by the mainstream.

>She seems to realy like pegging tho
She literally made a comic book about a girl who doms her barista boyriend in bed... (that comic got Law super popular, BTW)

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I want the feminine male villain to step on the female protagonists head and tell her she'll never be beautiful like he is to fufill the fantasies that'll never come true irl for me (except in male findom).

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Just watch any recent riot on youtube or liveleak

My grandmother was a housewife.
She never could buy herself the books and paint tools and materials she wanted because grandfather brought in the money and he didn't want her to spend it on things he personally didn't approve of. It wasn't her money, so she couldn't spend it as she pleased, fuck everyone else.
She was always extremely bitter about that.
They ended up divorcing at 70.
I don't want that kind of horrible shit life. I want my own money to spend as I please, fuck everyone else. Being a housewife does not give my own income to spend as I please, fuck everyone else, that's why I don't want to be a housewife.

I'd rather have money and all the things I can buy myself with it without anyone interfering thanks.

So, you’re asking for Shrek

I don't like taking care of children, you want children? Then take care of them. When I had to go help my friend with her toddler I fucking hated every minute of it. I would much rather work even if I don't like working than spending time with a screaming toddler. At least I get payed, my friend gets nothing in return and she already looks souless

anons seriously don't understand what's it's like to be kept

and back then, people didn't get married for love nearly as much as people do now
They got married out of convenience and because "women were getting to be that age" or because someone asked your parents

Imagine being kept by someone you don't care about because you have literally no options as a human being who was born in a specific category

A lot of people said women where nicer back then but the reality is they couldn't divorce without risking being financially crippled and it was very hard to get a divorce. Even abused housewives put up with cheating and violence becuase they were worried their children were going to starve. Even if they had a happy marriage, what happens if the husband dies or ends up cripple? You want to work 2 jobs and live off welfare? If all you know is how to wash dishes then you are never going to make decent money and men that support this, you want to work yourself to death like the Japanese?

Look at her outfit.

Work makes you free?

I want those villains to have a team-rocket dynamic and to eventually fuck.

Normal work where your employer can't abuse you and is forced you to pay you a good wage and give you plenty of free time for yourself does.

Being able to provide for yourself makes you independent. Unfortunately money is important in this world.

>the joke
>your head

I got the joke, it was dumb and stupid. Slavery and abuse is slavery and abuse, not normal, reasonable (meaning: you get plenty of time off for yourself), PAID work.

Are you suggesting husbands should pay their wives?

If you want her to be a full-time nanny, babysitter, cook and cleaner, yes. She's performing 4 jobs, pay her 4 full wages.
That or shut up when she dumps the kid at daycare because she wants to go back to her job as her job pays her the money she wants and you don't.
Alternatively the state can pay women wages to be mothers, but if you're going to bring in the state than 24/7 public daycare is just easier to pull off.
She wants her own money too, someone's gotta pay her. Unpaid labor is unacceptable.

It'll be like Spidey fighting the Sinister Six and turning them against each other, but instead of dodging and turning their own attacks against each other she tricks the radfem into thinking Twinkdevil is trans to make them fight each other.

Not that guy, but I think that income should be accessible to women because they do a lot of upkeep around the house that the man would otherwise neglect or pay someone to do
Not that they are a maid, but at the very least maids make money

The other option is to let the woman have a job and then house work gets neglected or they pay for a maid with dual incomes

But it's really not a matter of give and take in a loving relationship
You share things because you'd hate to see your partner go without

You don't respect women.

The most loving of relationships turn bitter and sour when I want money for videogames and you don't want to spend your money on videogames because you think videogames are a waste of time.
Substitute videogames with whatever you don't like.
I need my own money to make sure I never go without the things I want and like no matter what my husband thinks about it.

The fact of the matter is that children must be raised, food cooked, and houses cleaned. Creating a world where everyone works in addition to that creates a world where dual incomes are required to live, as they become the new standard. Labor pool increases, wages decrease. And the State can’t pay women to do housework it lacks the funds and it’s entirely unreasonable. In the bad old days women did all these things and helped the men in the fields. I doubt they considered themselves free.

Freedom is not merely measured in income but in available leisure time, freedom of mobility, and so on. The financial aspect could be handled as a domestic issue without everyone working dual income houses.

Don't marry someone who doesn't think video games aren't worth buying


Why the fuck would you be life long partners with someone who doesn't share one of your biggest hobbies, or at the very least, think that your hobbies are a waste of time/money

If money is scarce and you have to choose between proper nutrition and an xbox live subscription, you'd be an idiot to complain
otherwise, what are you doing

substitute video games with whatever

oof, yikes, I feel like I added too many negatives
marry someone who thinks video games are worth buying

You do it then, you can clean the house with your wife. Some people feel like they can do more than washing dishes. You are OK with this because you are man so you don't give a shit if a woman doesn't realize her dreams. You are also ignoring the fact that if women are not financially independent then their lives and their children's lives can go to shit if the husband decides to abuse them or abandon them for another woman.

I think you’re missing her? point. The point is that as long as it’s someone else’s money, it’s someone else’s decision. I don’t think it overly matters as long as the funds are allocated and everyone has an understanding though.

>The demographic the show panders hate it.
If you like that, wait until you see what tumblr thinks of the Captain Marvel movie.

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Imagine being so cucked by the capitalist machine that you think both husband and wife having to work to support themselves is a good thing.

Imagine not finding inherent value in parenthood and supporting your spouse.

Imagine disrespecting the value of mothers and homemakers and calling yourself "a feminist"

lmao just post more cute tomboys haha

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The only people who benefit from the oversaturated labor market is large corporations. Women working star bucks to pay half the rent are hardly free nor living their dreams.

Every time I see this comic I want to fuck the devil woman more.

Anyone know where to find the part 2 (Pet Play) for free? Mildly interested, but not paying for that shit.

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>children must be raised, food cooked, and houses cleaned
Do it yourself, pay me, or split half with me to pay someone else to do it. I won't waste my life working for free when I can earn money.

I always want my own money to spend and manage as I want, no one interfering. That means if we split half, everything outside of my due half is mine to do with as I please, everything outside of your half is yours.
I want to go to a concert? I have the funds to. I want to buy a plane ticket for a vacation? I have the funds to. I want to buy myself a new laptop for me? I have the funds to. I make good money and I'm good with money.

I am not willing to tolerate lowering my personal spending income or lifestyle or being told "there's not enough funds" with a single income, that's your problem not mine. Make more money. If you can't, either let me make my own money or let me go for a much richer man.
As I said, I am not willing to tolerate lowering my personal spending income and lifestyle.
But I don't trust being dependent on someone else's money, too easy to get screwed over that way. So either you accept that I earn my own money or you fuck off. No other option is acceptable for myself.

No, I'm not
fundamentally, you shouldn't get into a relationship where someone ultimately thinks the things you want are unreasonable when it comes to, what, a $50 dollar game?
Sure it's someone else's money, but in the right relationship, it's both of your money paying for a game that the both of you own (and maybe enjoy)
Her argument is that no matter what, there's going to be something that one person likes and the other person thinks is a waste of money
But even if that is true, that doesn't mean the relationship will ultimately be "I fucking hate that you like this and I refuse to spend (what is now considered) my money on this thing for you"

I'm not saying you have to find a perfect relationship where you share all of the same hobbies, but you should at least find a partner who respects you and the things you like and is willing to indulge you at some points.

No one is saying motherhood is bad. If is not your thing then you should have the choice to pursue whatever dreams you have. Why don't you become a homemaker then? You don't, because you don't want to and that's fine but you are being incredibly unfair and sexist if you want to force people into that lifestyle. Also you can work and being a homemaker if you want.

What’s the practical difference between paying your wife to clean and allocating funds for her interests in general?

>Pay me to be a mother
Then you aren't marriage material. What a selfish position.

I can smell the insecurity from here.

I am living the dream then. I am not talking about jobs meant for minimum wage. But if your minimum wage job makes you happy then go for it.

But Brie Larson is ugly.

You are. The point isn’t about games, it’s about freedom. Having to ask permission to spend someone else’s money isn’t the same thing as having your own.

I agree with you however that in a good relationship the difference will hardly matter in practical terms.

.>If money is scarce and you have to choose between proper nutrition and an xbox live subscription, you'd be an idiot to complain

Newsflash, people with job can afford both food and xbox subscriptions. Amazing huh. The more jobs the more money.

>Why the fuck would you be life long partners with someone who doesn't share one of your biggest hobbies, or at the very least, think that your hobbies are a waste of time/money

It's an expensive hobby and life can fuck up in many ways. Even if in the beginning they might have been on board, for any reason they can change their mind along the way, circumstances change.

If you have your money, you have your own lifeboat to save yourself from the sinking ship.
If you don't, you're stuck on the sinking ship and drown.

ooh, I remember reading some strips. I like this one.

The money is legally hers and hers only, you can't touch it, you can't meddle with it, even if you change your mind it's not yours and you can't do anything about it.

>the more jobs the more money

But that’s wrong. If everyone jumps on that train then it stops being as much money. It becomes less.

Brie Larson is an ugly unfeminine bitch though.

You seem to be under the impression that it's a choice now. Since 2008 that is not the case for the average household.

I'd become a homemaker in a heartbeat if I could, but finding a stable, providing woman who wants a house husband and kids is pretty difficult, not to mention unconventional for properly raising a child.

I'm not forcing anybody to do anything, i'm simply pointing out how this entire thread is filled with disrespect towards the most fucking valuable job on the planet.

>that doesn't mean the relationship will ultimately be
It's easy for it to turn it that way. I'd rather make sure it can never turn it that way by not giving my partner the chance ever to turn it that way.

I suppose but the idea of paying a wife a salary seems sillier then just say, making a household rule to both inform the other of any purchases over $100 dollars and otherwise to go nuts (within budgeted reason).

>passively racist
I feel like this is a dig at /pol/, which is funny.

>tfw /pol/ is the most ethnically diverse white nationalist group in the nation

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Not for me. I got more money than my housewife grandmother, I can buy myself things she only dreamed of in her day. I wouldn't have it any other way.

She's a member of the military. TWO militaries in fact. That's enough to counteract any points for her being less "conventionally attractive".

No, this is ballet.

Household rules aren't legally binding, an employment contract is. If someone breaks the household rules, you can't sue them for damages and enforce your rights. With an employment contract you can.

The term has always been 'allowance'. Yes, if you have a housewife and money isn't super tight, you should give her an allowance for some financial independence.

This was common practice before we were forced to put our wives and daughters to work to stay afloat.

>Grandma has a house, a car, and was finanically sound
>You probably live in an apartment you rent, and have student loans up to your eyes

Wow you’re right this economic model is way better. At least we have WiFi right?

Marriage has always been prostitution with extra steps but this seems too explicit about that fact.

She didn't have a house or a car though, and she was not financially sound since she had to beg her husband for everything she wanted for her own happiness. Not that she got it.
I do have my own apartment which is perfect for my needs, and no debt, thanks. Yes, wifi is great too. All modern amenities are, I would never accept to live without them.

Better than getting financially screwed over.

I think you misunderstand the concept of work

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Where is the love? Why is everyone so bitter, cold and uncaring now? Marriage isn't supposed to be this fucking calculated buisness transaction...

I don't want an allowance. What if the single income goes down for whatever reason? I'm supposed to accept having less money at my own personal disposal than I have and earn now?

tl;dr: Your Grandmother had a bad Husband so you're going to be a bad Wife.


Actually it is. Marriage being about love with no concerns about finances and livelihood is the new modern idea. The old idea was marrying your daughter off to someone successful who’d take care of her and hopefully you when you retire.

Rustal did nothing wrong

What disrespect? I like to cook, so does my husband. Cleaning is annoying but I don't want to live like pig and he is an adult so he can clean after himself. I want to be able to pursue my dreams and I did and I am happy. I only work two times a week so I have a lot of free time. I could still make a decent living if I worked once a week. The time I broke my leg I couldn't work for months and I ended up getting depressed. My husband loves me and I love him and if something happens to him then I am perfectly capable of working more days and take care of him until he dies.

>I only work twice a

You’re a house wife feminist-chan

Then you are an unsuitable partner for a man who seeks a family.

Yes, when the family goes through tough times, you all have to get through it together, that's what being a family is all about.

And that was shit too because "successful" doesn't mean "always granting her all the money she wants for her personal use regardless of circumstances".
Having your money is the only way to true freedom.

It's less about her being attractive and more about being 10 years too late so to speak

It's easier to get through when I am catered to and I also have enough to lend you a help too.
But I want myself to be catered to first.
Which is why a man that makes less than me and does not save up like I do is an unsuitable partner for me.

I emphasize with that idea but in practical terms women doing house work and a job are basically working two jobs. Or both partners are working 1.5 jobs if the guy helps. It’s right back to the old everyone works on the farm, only it’s a corporate plantation. Nobody wins but Bezos.

Yeah, that's why I am telling you I don't disrespect it. Also I still make more money than my husband if you think I am not able to support myself. I mainly laze around and play video games. My husband is also a housewife because he also takes care of the house and depends on my money as well. I guess you could say is a loving partnership.

Being dependent on one person is cucked
Also if you both work and make relatively equal amounts no alimony payments

Alright, get going wagie, nothing like the sweet smell of freedom.

>I work twice a week
So you're still a housewife then. Albeit probably a poor one who expects workload to be divided in half at home and makes a big fuss about "fairness" instead of supporting your husband to the best of your ability because the self sacrifice is worth it.

user, she's an actor and she hasn't served in any military. When people critique the actress and you defend using the character it makes you look unstable.

I don't care about that bullshit, dude, if I don't have my own money I lose out on what I want, if I have my own money I can get myself what I want. Having my own money is a win for me, and that's what's important for me.

That's a man, man.

>They're pandering to a specific crowd I can't specify because it's a vague boogeyman to me, but I assume based on the how it looks alone, therefore it's bad!
>the crowd I was told they were pandering to doesn't seem to like it, this must be an error on their part and not a sign that my previous assumptions of both parties were wrong.

Maybe, just hear me out, maybe SJWs were a fad that isn't taken as seriously anymore (and hasn't been in 4 years) and you don't really know much about the show or their intended audience. And maybe the people who you assume fit one crowd who it panders to aren't at all what you think and they still like the show and aren't the ones complaining.

Never mind, doesn't matter how many times I say it, people here still talk about this shit like gamergate was last week.

>I want myself to be catered to first

And this is why you are unsuitable for motherhood and marriage. You think a husband who is working in anything less than his ideal job/pathway to his ideal job is doing it to take care of himself first?

Self sacrifice is the core of every relationship. Men give up promiscuity and much financial freedom because a loving relationship is fucking worth it.

I think your circumstances are unique enough to be inapplicable. Most people would prefer single income and allowances over having to work two FULL TIME jobs. Your husband doing a full time job while you do housework and a part-time profession is more of a 1950s thing ironically then modern financial reality.

What a terrible fucking wife, but it's his own fault for allowing it.

Reciprocity is the core of every relationship. Femi-Chan isn’t wrong to work extra to buy vidya, she’s just retarded for thinking her arrangement represents a step forward for women.

Why doesn't he have any porn yet?

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>it makes you look unstable
Actually, it just makes you look pedantic, because you clearly could tell from context I was referring to the character of Carol Danvers, yet chose to correct me about Brie Larson.

Eh, as long as I make enough money I don't care what you call it. I picked my career because I wanted it to pay enough and be flexible enough for me to get away with lazing around. Working a M-F job does not fit my personality

I ain't forcing anyone to be in a relationship with me, if my husband wants a divorce I won't stop him. I'd hate for anyone to be stuck in a relationship they don't want to be in.
I stick to what makes me happy.

Right, her only real issue is mindset which is derived from some childhood traumatic sticking point where she heard about her Grandmother being in a shitty marriage. That and being a terrible wife by the sound of it, lazing around playing video games and expecting the full time husband to also be 50% of the cooking and cleaning because 'it's fair'.

It represents a step forward for me. My grandmother was miserable not having the things she wanted. Me? I just bought myself a bunch of anime dvds and I couldn't be happier. :)

Outlawing foot binding was a mistake.

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1. It is not financially viable for a man to divorce anymore.
2. It's his own fault for putting up with you, I feel sorry for him, but only to a point.

Just know that your system is only able to work because he's allowing it, most men would not.

I’m choosing to hope it’s more reciprocal then that, and she isn’t a 490 stone hambeast who lazes about watching Astolfo on blue ray while playing Crash Bandicoot remastered with an overworked basedboi

No. The conversation was about Brie Larson and you tried to make it about the character she's playing. Your statement was either nonsensical or disingenuous. Rather than assume you're intellectually dishonest, I just assumed you have some sort of mental disability. I apologize for showing you that kindness.

It's illegal to prevent your wife from working if she wants to, user, just like it's illegal to steal her money.

That crowd that you say doesn't exist? They're the crowd who keeps bringing up Gamergate as if it were last week. Gamergate is alive because of them because they keep mentioning it in EVERY. SINGLE. ARTICLE they write.

I'm choosing to read between the lines and see that it is basically this because of course it is. Those are the kind of guys that end up with the real nutcases like this one.

>SJWs don't exist
Excuse me, what the fuck?

You’re probably right, but I sympathize enough with the general idea of financial independence I’m still going to hope it’s not.

I do 50% of the housework but my gf has a full time job. I make more than her but not by a high margin, we're more or less equal so it makes sense.

My sister in law works only a few hours a week but also volunteers at a day care and has to do most of the work taking care of their kid. My brother does most of the cooking because he's just better at cooking, and while he's not able to be home enough to do half the chores he still does his share.

You can get away with the lazy housewife thing if the guy makes enough that he doesn't have to worry about shit, so taking care of an adult child in exchange for sex is fine by him. That's not what anyone in the modern world would consider an relationship, much less an equal or healthy one. But it's the one we're hearing about here.

Though I'm fairly certain this femanon is full of shit and not actually female or married, they're just pushing some idea.

>The conversation was about Brie Larson and you tried to make it about the character she's playing.
You literally replied to a comment talking about how marketing movies as "feminist" and "empowering" is dumb when the female character doesn't act progressive by referring to Brie Larson. Both of us knew it was about Captain Marvel, because you said >using the character

What was at issue was always whether Captain Marvel is empowering because she's played by a less attractive actress in the movie. So stop playing dumb.

People suck, people cheat, people can change their feelings. This is common, sadly it happens and anyone can be a victim. So if she wants to make her own money then good for her. You think her grandmother's story is uncommon? Then you don't live in reality.

>I do 50% of the housework and my wife has a fulltime job

That's more appropriate and expected for early married life in todays shit economic climate. Though in the end you all have to put in more work in your lives than if you could financially manage the traditional way. It's going to be harder to raise a child that way as well.

>People are shitty so I should be shitty too

There is nothing wrong with making your own money as a wife, but if you are working two days a week and then your husband has to be the homemaker you're a terrible wife.

Yeah I didn't say that fuckwit. I said it was a fad that is no longer popular. Yeah it still exists, just like a washed up once popular band might still exist, still putting along with a now niche and narrow fandom that grows smaller over the years. But it peaked, it had its shot in the sun, and it died down. It's no longer holding the crowds. Yeah other liberal ideas are big now, sure, but unless you're insanely right wing or else don't actually know what an SJW is beyond "some kind of leftist feminist or something?" then it's utter nonsense to give a shit what they have to say.

Three things:
>I never said they didn't exist you dumb fuck, see above.
>they keep bringing it up because they're no longer relevant and they're always desperate for attention that will never return for them.
>gamergate died in 6 months, all the hangers on were just shoved under a rug along with the idiots they were fighting with, all tossed aside for the next big fad and bit of drama in the media. It's been 5 years. Get over these people. They aren't important to anyone.

I'm sorry that the fictional exploits of an actors character do not change how people view the actor or actress in question, user. I genuinely am. However, it does not change the fact that if people were taking issue with the way Brie Larson looks then your defense of her by citing her fictional characters narrative powered accomplishments demonstrates either a lack of integrity, ie you're using low-rent rhetorical tactics to change the discussion, or a fundamental inability to distinguish between real and play, ie. movies and acting.

The position used to be that if your wife had to work then you are a shitty husband who couldn't provide a stable home.

This of course was not applicable to "dream jobs", but that is the exception.

Who the fuck said I typed that? Protip feminists can have different ideas from each other. If somewhat takes care of me and provides for my needs and hobbies then I don't think they should pay me too. The basic idea is being able to choose what you want to be.

YesYes, she has casual sex with black men but only dates rich, white men.

>That's more appropriate and expected for early married life in todays shit economic climate
It's more or less the only way forward in this shit economic climate for the rest of our lives. We're not married but we're not interested in kids unless one of us makes it real big. We're trying to minimize debt not add to it, and just the medical expenses of everyday life in the US are such a joke there's no hope for ever not being in debt. And that's with supposedly full coverage from my insurance on the both of us. Amazing isn't it.

Nah this generation is about equality because we all have to work just to scrape by.

>not actually female or married, they're just pushing some idea
After a while, I thought it was an incel larping.

As another Femanon, sure I want to make money and I love being able to but I know if I ever get married and become a housewife, I'm not asking to be pampered. I don't need to spend money on video games and comics. If we don't have the money, we don't have the money. I also won't marry someone who looks down on my interests because I like my free time. The part about 50% of the chores is reasonable, especially if you have young kids or pregnant. It doesn't need to be 50%, help is always needed. The other femanon ( if actually female) strikes me as a narcissist who only married her husband because she can walk all over him.

So what are these people that put on masks and burn down the neighborhood every time a 'youth' gets shot while resisting arrest?

What is the twitter lynch mob?

I'm glad I married a man who wants to be a real father and is ready to be always present and be the one to raise the baby, feed him, bathe him, cuddle him, wake up in the middle night when the baby cries, etc. etc. I'd rather never have a baby than be the one to do all that regularly. If he gets sick I can substitute, but on the regular it's his job, he wants it that way and I'm okay with that.

They effectively may as well not exist since almost everyone accused of being an "sjw" is just anyone more left-wing than the accuser is comfortable with.

You can have any opinion short of far-right radicalism and get called an "sjw."

"I think the Klan was a bad thing"


Maybe don't spend a mortgage on attaining a useless undergraduate degree in grievance studies. There are good paying jobs and careers out there, just not if you're going to major in useless feminist and feminist-adjacent pseudo-academic dogmas.

If you had the choice to only date rich women- wouldn't you?

It's not like guys have that choice available to them.

Right. It's marketed as freedom and equality but in reality it's just a worse standard of living overall.

>lesser of an individual.
Oof. What did she do to you user? It must have been some fucked shit.

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what's really funny is that feminists and anti-feminists have the same definition of bad "radfems" on paper, except feminists actually do mean it when they say radfems are man-hating, transphobic extremists.

The redpill brigade may say that's what a radfem is, but they really just mean "any woman who says she won't blow me"

I'm not an incel larping, but it's okay if you don't believe me.

>I don't need to spend money on video games and comics
That's nice. I do. They are my interest. I'm sure you also you have your interests I don't need to spend money on.

>I also won't marry someone who looks down on my interests because I like my free time
Nobody should do that! But I still prefer having my own money.

>she took the time to make this,
man that some big fucking guilt.

I consider my sister in law super spoiled and lazy with her expectations for my brother who is working himself to death to support his family. But still she does well taking care of their kid full time and now that she's finally working while he's in kindergarten things are better for them.

On top of that my brother is bad with their finances so she does a lot of management stuff for both of them.

It's not a relationship if both parties aren't pulling at least half their weight.

Yet when I compare my granny to myself, I am living much better than her.

Shit mother. At least Dad is willing to pick up the slack.

His choice dude. If he's unhappy the divorce papers are over there. I don't even ask for custody.

Can we stop playing 'strawman the people I don't like'?

>So what are these people that put on masks and burn down the neighborhood every time a 'youth' gets shot while resisting arrest?
You're one of those idiots who thinks that leftist, liberal, SJW, and feminist are all interchangeable and can't fathom that they don't even get along with each other most of the time despite certain degrees of crossover among certain groups that can be labels as any.

Do you just post on /pol/ and assume everyone slightly to the left of you is a member of antifa, a feminist, SJW and also somehow a communist despite that being a paradox?

I'm really interested in HGS because I want to see how far these people are willing to take it with this kind of stuff.
Its not going to air on tv nor appear in comic book stores, so there'll be no need for them to hold back

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Divorce is not financially viable for men. I feel bad for him, but only to a point. He shouldn't have had a child with you.

Your granny was in a shitty relationship, that doesn't mean the system didn't work, it meant your grandfather was a bad husband. Kind of like how you are a shitty wife.

It's a woman who doesn't conform to gender norms even though that's not ever an issue if you're hot.


>your defense of her
How did you interpret any of what I posted as a defense of her? You have no idea what people are talking about, and then you have the nerve to call the other person "unstable".

Thanks. I'm 29 and it's about 10 years too late for you to tell me this thing I totally didn't have to learn the hard way because of the way previous generations insist college is expected and affordable and then lie to you about the expenses because they think it's still 1970 and you can pay for classes and rent by just bagging groceries.

>That's nice. I do. They are my interest
That they are mine. Hell, I love video games so much becoming a game designer is my dream job.
Do I need to spend money on it? No.
Does spending money on it make me not want to kill myself on a regular basis? Yes.
Does taking that same money and getting anti-depressants also a good idea? Fuck yes.
If you are so dependant on video games and comics to the point that you can't think of having to even temporally give them up, you are an addict and you need help.

More and more I'm realizing that a women's nightmare is just a man's reality. Action movies have been recruitments ads for decades.

I look forward to the day that women have the same selective service obligations that men do. If we're going to do equality, then lets fucking do equality.

You suck at reading, we both take care of the house, I do most of it but honestly is almost nothing if you are organized already. If he makes a mess he can clean his own mess. He isn't five. Housework is at most an hour a day if you don't leave it all to once a month. Dishwasher and washing machines exist. Also is not like I live in a mansion. If you want me to be sexist and get technical since I make most of the money then technically he should be the one doing most of the work. That's how a lot of men operate when it comes to housewives. "Oh I provide so I don't lift a finger to help with the kids even though she is overwhelmed and tired."

It didn't work for her, and I'm of the opinion there's no point to a system that doesn't work for me. The system that works is the one that works for me. the system I am in now is the one that works for me. My grandfather was a bad husband because the system allowed him to be husband, with no means for my granny to escape and not starve while homeless. That's not a good system for a woman.

>Divorce is not financially viable for men.
Divorce is not financially viable for men who don't want to give their fair due to their wives, such as men who don't want their wives to be housewives, work for free for them for years, and then get nothing when they divorce. The law doesn't let you use people and leave them destitute, that's why you have to pay alimony and give up half your assets.

It's perfectly viable for two people like us who earn about the same and keep their finances separate. I'm aware I wouldn't get alimony. That's okay because I don't need it.

>a women's nightmare is just a man's reality. Action movies have been recruitments ads for decades.
I mean you're absolutely right, but feminists hate that too. It's what they mean when they say toxic masculinity hurts men too. Governments use a man's desire to feel strong and powerful in combat to lure him into dying for the sake of the government and upper class.

Most of the people that are against that are men and they are the ones preventing it.

>If we're going to do equality, then lets fucking do equality.
Why not just abolish the draft?

This. The only retard fucks promoting the "women need to do housework and cook and clean like the 50s" are incels who have also never done any housework in their entire lives. It's not a massive undertaking that needs your full-time attention.

Nah. I'll run my own life as I want it thanks.

the first to draw him was the dewd and we've all been too repulsed since.

I work twice a week and consider myself a housewife.

Why would I ever want a child?

This. Most irl serial killers, terrorists, gangsters, and career criminals have tragic backstories more often than not, but that doesn't make what they do any less heinous.

>Division of house labor should be drawn on financial terms and not on labor terms

You're a shitty wife.

It only works because your husband is willing to put up with your shit.

Great. Start by not being a narcissistic addict and grow the fuck up.

They share similar ideals, just different tactics.

Incidentally, don't get involved in anything involving YA fiction.




Needless to say, I don't know why people continue to use Twitter when it just creates shit like this.

And you are a dumbass because you have no reading comprehension

Funny how that's an excuse when its something that doesn't benefit feminism and a rallying cry when it does.

The draft, however odious, does serve a purpose. Its not its existence thats the significant problem, though, its that its applied unevenly.

Sex Robots are going to fix a lot of shit. Imagine what the relationship market will look like if women don't have the "I have a pussy" trump card stashed away? What will women do when they are actually held to a standard beyond "be attractive, don't be insane"?

I bet she's bullied and misunderstood conservatives


*such as men who want their wives to be housewives

Divorce exists, anyone can get it, the more financially independent your wife is the less alimony and losing assets is likely. I in particular really don't need his money to live.

I hope it works because he's happy with me, because I have no idea why he would marry me otherwise. I don't think anyone should be married just because they are willing to put with someone's shit.

You're going to be single a long time the way you desperately toss orders around, kiddo.

>The draft, however odious, does serve a purpose.
Yeah, to make sure the government's interests are protected, even when there aren't enough citizens willing to sign up to protect those interests. And since the government is in the pocket of the rich and powerful, it makes sense that it's so easy for the rich and powerful to avoid it.

I am against anyone being forced to serve. If you are angry about it then write to the MEN that don't want to include women. But like I said you can whine all you want but historically the people keeping women out of war are men. Also have you served the country? Does that mean people that served are the ones to be equal? What about all the men that haven't serve? So they shouldn't have rights right?

Women did get included in the draft though... it was all over the news a while ago. They are already in the military anyway so nobody bitched at all.

If you think that all threre is to life is sex then you are one pathetic fuck. Also I can 100% honestly say that I wish sex robots were are a thing so that incels would stop harassing women and focus on their waifu

I remember that pic. He didn't even draw him as a guy.

Look at the cup on his crotch. That's his balls and penis.

Yeah, it wards off the assholes.

You're the only one being an asshole here.
Typical of those men who want to control their wives by making them dependent on yourself.

The more you know. Anyways, it doesn't change the fact that using that excuse to determine having rights is pathetic when most people, both men and women haven't being drafted

We can just make enough money to buy our own Sex Bots?

>He didn't even draw him as a guy.
I wish someone would fucking necklace The Dewd for his crimes.

Damn theres alot of fenons and white knights out today

You say that, but the news articles from women wanting to ban these things makes one wonder...

> man
user, I'm female. You are just a narcissist who wants to walk all over guys.

Don't stare down the rabbit hole too much anons, she's legit insane IRL, she had an abortion and the guilt drove her insane and she made these comics in attempt after attempt to justify it.

That's not the issue with the draft. The issue is that federal benefits are tied to registering for the draft. If you don't register for selective service you can't get federal financial aid for school and a bunch of other shit. To say nothing of the fines and jail time that potentially come along with not being registered.

I am sure gold diggers are horrified. Like I give a shit.


Why should responsibility always fall on the individual and never society?
If the world wrecks you, why shouldn't you wreck the world in return?
Why should pain and misery be let go just because it's an aggregate of millions of peoples bullshit?

Do you believe the world is too big to be judged?

The only reason people feel comfortable with this is because they feel that the world is too big to be judged (Can't put us ALL in jail, HAHA.). But then someone like hitler or some other tyrant comes along and then brings the fucking world to it's knees and shows us that nothing is too big to fall.

>I want my own money to spend as I please, fuck everyone else. Being a housewife does not give my own income to spend as I please, fuck everyone else, that's why I don't want to be a housewife.
>fuck everyone else
>fuck everyone else

You are going down a sad, SAD road, dumbass.

Sounds like your grandmother was an idiot and not exactly for getting married. Maybe it's genetical, explain how someone like you can be this stupid.

>Why should responsibility always fall on the individual and never society?
Because only individuals can make moral decisions.

Not that user, but what else could she had done? She also had kids.

I figured it'll be mostly a straightforward fantasy adventure/school series. Of course Yea Forums is going to be primarily triggered about what will probably be ~1-10% of the show's actual content.

>What is a consensus?
>what are moral decisions from those consensuses?

>What are corporate entities being recognized as "People"?

>The big bad who terrorizes society answers for their sins
>The assholes who provoked them to wrath get to die with a smile on their face and surrounded by family

You really are a shitty woman, aren't you?

I feel nothing short of pity for this person.

I don't know. Ask her.

People have a lot of hate for her but I don't really see what the big outrage is.
Sure I disagree with her in every way but I find the matter no more disconcerting than unironic Nazis on /pol/.
And I don't pray any less for anyone of them.

>Get a job
>Not marry someone she can't even depend on financially or trust

Women acting stupid is an eternal joke for a reason user.

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legitimately based and redpilled
babies BTFO

No because I'm sick of hearing about idpol bullshit and I don't know how it's been 3 years since the burger election and you underage fucks are still whining about this shit

>b-buh-but it effects real life!
Filling up the board with your whinging "fights" nothing and no one. Go back to normiebook or twitter.

I challenge you to spend one week with a child under the age of 3 entirely dependent on you. No, not just holding some relative or friend's child and saying "aw, how beautiful :)" and then handing them back, not just chilling with your 8 year old cousin and being the 'cool uncle/big bro' figure for an afternoon while you give him piggybacks and play with Hot Wheels, I mean spending a few fucking days volunteering to take on a toddler/baby for days at a time without anyone else around and then we'll see how much you romanticize this dumb bullshit you've never experienced after that.


If you become evil because of society than you're literally worst than a society can ever be, since you allowed others to take control of your moral compass instead of yourself.

Also, each one of those entities are still individuals that should be pay for their wrongs.

>I challenge you to spend one week with a child under the age of 3 entirely dependent on you.

Literally the best times ever, just stop with your cope.

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>Yea Forumsmblr isn't real

>they die with a smile on their face
>an angel comes to collect their soul
>they go through their life for judgement
>they come to that part where they bully the villain
>gets to feel the pain
>gets to see and feel every moment of evil that unfolds from there

>go to hell

Lol they are countless schools where you can pay off attendance. You just are a bad and miseducated shopper (like most younglings). Sure jobs aren't as plentiful but it's amazing how there's always an excuse when you could do plumbing, electrician, carpentry or even lock smith work.

>imagine trying this hard to fit in

back to /pol with you

It's so weird. Men LOVE women like Korra who are brown tomboys with short hair and abs. Girls however, hate characters like her, and their toys never sell

>Having to ask permission to spend someone else’s money isn’t the same thing as having your own
Late to this, but I literally said that in the right relationship it's not "their money" its "your plural money"

You're the one who is fundamentally misunderstanding (read as: ignoring) what I'm saying

>It's easy for it to turn it that way.
Then you're in a bad relationship if it's easy to cause tension over money matters

Both of you
Listen to yourselves
Accept that there is a better option available and that you aren't limited to "mine vs theirs" or "money troubles"

Name a toy that girls actually like

Women buy other type of merch, shirts, accesories, etc

Barbie? Tiny color horse?


my niece really likes stuffed animals

girls don't like video games. next you'll tell me to lower my standards when I can't get the 0.001% of girls who actually play video games.

I never said that your partner 100% has to love all of your hobbies
try being less butthurt in your next autistic gripe, I mean reply

>Systematically purging filth from this world isn't taking control of your moral compass?
>Not peeling away all the layers of "morality" humanity is caked on itself over centuries and seeing the wretched beast it truly is.

>implying humanity isn't as "good" as it's worst person

>Not gouging out the all seeing eye and chopping off the hand of fate.

Not being bored to death and starting arguments with uncommon questions just to see how people respond

whatever advertisers tell them to like

girls only like things if they've been manipulated into liking it, they have no organic taste

>Men LOVE women like Korra who are brown tomboys with short hair and abs.
onions boys love that. their brains are not fully developed due to malnourishment and formula. so it stays more like a womans brain, being attracted to things women like. but they're only pseudo-gay, the only middle ground that can satisfy them is shit like traps, tomboys etc. that have masculine features but still look a bit like a girl.

>Women don't like Korra
>Men who are more like women like Korra

and also

Nice try

Powerpuff Girls S3E12

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I want a grungy group of non-binary uggo’s who beat the living shit out of their villains and piss on them for intimidation purposes. Like an entire superhero team made up of that muscley female Brock Samson from the first season of Venture Bros.

women who aren't gay are put off by the feminine bits

I have every intention of accepting this challenge. I know it's a lot of work but work gives our lives purpose, and what could be more rewarding and fulfilling? Studies have shown parents are generally happier than non parents and few if any regret having kids.
Sometimes things you think you would hate actually end up being enjoyable. Like I have running but if I go for a jog I might actually enjoy it and be healthier in the long run. The human brain isn't ready for the modern world that tricks people into hedonistic excess and idleness. You even notice how the richer people are the fewer kids they have? Shouldn't it be the opposite?

fact is girls don't like video games, you CANT find a girl who will do anything more than begrudgingly accept it only when times are good except by extreme luck.

Ya'll niggers need to play Black & White 2

Sending women into combat is strategically retarded. Women are the reproductive backbone of society. The population is only as big as it can replace itself. If you have 100 million people, and 30 million of the men die, you can have 100 million again in one generation. If you have 100 million people and 30 million of the women die you can only be back to 40 million in one generation and have to grow back to 100 million year by year, percent by percent the old fashioned way. You're literally throwing your manpower away.

If women go and die to defend their home... what is it back home that they are defending?

There is nothing wrong with corsets

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>t. pancake lover

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>Marketing “female empowerment” and “feminist” movies/comics where the female character doesn’t actually do or act in any manner that’s progressive
so it's making fun of literally every female-centric piece of pop culture?

Mass media always exists to serve the current cultural ideology, and currently the cultural ideology is liberal capitalism. The artist isn't really commenting on gender as much as the nature of mass media in general.

>I can LITERALLY read minds
Is the person that made this fucking psychotic?

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I did nazi that coming

I hope you do see where you have to go now.


Tatsu... had a hard life.

>I thought it was an androgynous female with long hair and a girlish posture
?? use your brain man

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I don't know who was the worse person in this comic, Mabb or Coddie.

Anyone dumb enough to listen to a fairy deserves nothing but misfortune and woe

The woman is just following her nature.

Mab is just doing what Mab does. The fey don't really get much choice in what they do

>If you had the choice to only date rich women- wouldn't you?
Depends if they're attractive or not.
Also if I can mentally stand them when they open their mouth. Because I've walked out on hot chicks before because of that.

>And I don't pray any less for anyone of them.
Well I wonder why you're in the minority in that aspect on Yea Forums then, genius.

All fairies are horrid, but it was Coddie's choice to act how she did.

women don't have the ability to choose. it's the mans fault for not protecting her against evil spirits.

What the fuck was that?

Huh, that's weird, women's happiness has been going down steadily since the 70's? Wonder what could have possibly caused that?

Hint; having a job fucking sucks. Having a boss fucking sucks. Having a career fucking sucks.

Women had it perfect, they got to stay home all day, maybe do some laundry or something, have sex with their husbands a few times a month. And they DIDN'T HAVE TO WORK. You all got duped by the big lie that having a job is fulfilling and life affirming. I've never once felt that about my job, ever. It's all a big lie. There are maybe 3 or 4 percent of people that love their job and would do it for free, the rest of us suffer, hate it, hate our work environment, and hate our bosses, and yet do it nearly every day 8+ hours a day, for our entire adult lives.

You had the magic ticket and you threw it straight in the fucking trash. Now you are stuck in hell with the rest of us. You got tricked.

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That's more of a case of the husband being shit. As the adage goes, a happy wife is a happy life.

>suing your spouse is considered a legitimate course of action
We live in a society

I dont. NEETs on 4chins has ruined tomboys. None of you have ever met one yet you're in love with a perfect stereotype that doesn't exist.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is House Work Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Keep The House Clean Like Nigga Wash Your Dishes Haha

Jesus fuck you might as well whine about Pokemon getting kids into dogfighting.

And what's wrong with the military other than "fuck America"?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Lel at the sjws damage controling in this thread

>these people can vote


The only thing anyone actually care about is the youthfulness of your uterus.
Don't kid yourself in thinking you contribute anything else to society.
Know which cog you are.

How about you fuck off the house and leave the child behind?

Why is everyone so fucking batshit crazy?

>society doesn't care for my taxes

If one's spouse is being a piece of shit...

I'm happier when I am financially independent from my husband and my husband can't ever be like that no matter whether he wants to or not.

>It's black

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I want to work though. Work earns you money. It's worth it for me.

But mine vs theirs works for me. I don't want anything else.

Can't get a job when you married young and you've been a housewife all your life so you have no marketable skills as a result.
>Not marry someone she can't even depend on financially or trust
Men change. Grandfather was all nice and courting in the beginning, but he changed and became a real asshole over the years, and now she was stuck with him.
I'd rather not find myself stuck with anyone when they change.


>you don't want to give up the things you love means you want to walk all over guys
I don't want a guy who thinks like that though. I want a guy who is happy of me being independent and able to cater to myself without problem. I don't see how any walking over is taking place when I'm doing my thing and he's doing his thing and we're happy like that.

Disagree. Someone shitty for me is someone who tries to prevent their partner from leaving an unhappy relationship.

Specific? This is like an entire archetype of person.

I'm pretty sure that's the commentary they're making

Obviously a country needs a military but we all knew America is famous for focusing on military way more than it needs to. And recruitment propoganda is just generally frowned upon because it's, well, propoganda.

Adachi did nothing wrong

Jesus Christ I can’t believe I went on a date with her. Unfortunately my ass wasn’t sore that night :(

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>my husband can't ever be like that no matter whether he wants to or not.
Hot, I want a wife who tells me what I can and can't do.

Jesus, this is style looks tumblr as hell

You can do whatever you want, user, save for being a controlling abusive shit toward your wife. That's what "like that" referred to.

that isn't as hot then.

>unironcally using ellipsis for dramatic effect
and thats why everyone thinks Yea Forums is underage

>“My husband’s niece is very pretty, and her parents raised her to marry a rich guy so she wouldn’t have to work,” says Amanda Barron*, a former dancer who lives in a New York City suburb.

>“She dropped out of college to marry her husband, and they had three children. Now she’s 31, and he’s just left her. She has no education, no career, no work experience, and no skills. She also has no idea how she’s going to support herself. Her husband is being nasty about money, she can’t pay her bills, and she’s in a lot of trouble.”

>In marriages that stay together, conflicts over money can still be vicious. “I have friends whose husbands are torturing them,” says Wendy Greenberg*, a Manhattan stay-at-home wife who prides herself on being able to buy what she wants without her husband objecting.

>“The wives feel they don’t have as much worth because they don’t work, and the husbands agree. Because they’re bringing in the money, it’s ‘No, you can’t buy the boots for $250!’ A lot of these women have husbands who make millions of dollars a year, and they still say, ‘You can’t get the boots.’”

>Even when husbands are nice about it, women who had been accustomed to supporting themselves can find it unexpectedly galling to play such an infantilized role.

>“It’s really hard to ask for money,” says Claire Matthews*, who gave up her career as an actress when she and her husband adopted two children. “If I want to stop and get a chai while I wait for the results of my allergy tests at the doctor’s office, I feel guilty. The other day, I had to ask my husband for money to go buy some new underwear. He wants to know every little penny I’m spending and what it’s spent on.”

Yikes. This is the kind of shit I don't want in my life.

>wanting children
>wanting to actually interact with children
If it was up to me, all children would just die.

That's kind of how idealisations work, yes.
Of course real life is more complex than that, but that's not something I care about when I want to look at cute pictures on a corellian jizz enthusiast holoforum

>the self sacrifice is worth it
That's the the thing user, for a lot of people it isn't worth it.

I don't want a man who thinks not being allowed to be a controlling abusive shit "isn't as hot".

Can't be, the "ugly villain" on the left literally looks like Glimmer, who isn't a villain. Also it's a fact that Entrapta and Scorpia are hands down the best characters in the show despite being "villains", and it's obvious both aren't actually evil and will get redemption arcs. If OP's comic is really meant to criticize the new She-Ra cartoon, I cinserely doubt its author has ever watched it.

>If OP's comic is really meant to criticize the new She-Ra cartoon
I don't think it is, the new She-ra cartoon is mentioned nowhere by the artist.
OP just made shit up and you like an idiot fell for it.

Princess Tutu. Hell of a drug.

>No, you can’t buy the boots for $250!
Based. If you're paying more than a hundred bucks for boots you're being had. Being rich is no excuse for overpaying for vanity products.

Aaaaaand people like is why I don't want to be a housewife. I don't give a fuck if an product is overpaid or vanity for you, if it's not for me and I want it, I want to be able to get it.

Not really, its mainly projected stereotypes applied by people who target others for not being as pc as them. Ironically, by doing that they're doing the same shit they're supposed to oppose.

what part of "I want a wife who tells me what I can and can't do."
don't you understand?

>Why should responsibility always fall on the individual and never society?
If we speak about fiction - because its hard to make good "heroes fixing society" story. At least harder than typical "heroes beats villian" plot.

But I would love to see story of heroes that decided to right wrongs of the world.

>According to experts, that toxic dynamic is all too common in relationships where the man is the sole breadwinner. “Women without their own income have less power in their marriages,” says sociologist Barbara Risman, former co-chair of the Council on Contemporary Families. “If your partner is also your paycheck, you’re in a different position to make demands. So if you earn no money, or less money, you’re going to be less likely to win when you have disagreements. And this decreases the quality of the marriage.”

I want to be the one to decide if something is worth the money or not, , not you. I don't want people like denying me something I want just because he disagrees with me. Those $250 boots are worth it and better than any shit you like, if she had kept her job now she would be able to get them.
Being rich and in control of your money and do with it as you please isn't an excuse, it's the reason to live.

I don't want a husband who wants me to tell him what he can and can't do. I want a husband who wants freedom and independence for myself and himself, and who respects my freedom and independence from him just like I respect his.

but mutual dependence is the best a relationship can be! Don't you want to know what it feels like to need each other?

>its mainly projected stereotypes applied by people who target others for not being as pc as them.
That sounds like something a person who fits every stereotype in the picture would say.

No, I already had my parents telling me "no we're not going to buy you this", I don't want to deal with that shit ever again.

where did I imply that? all I said was that it should feel good to be needed by and need the person you love.

That's rich for someone who doesn't recognize a meme.

Emotionally? Sure.
Materially? Nope.

that sounds like an alright deal. you should marry me.

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Sorry user, I am already happily married. I wish you better luck next time.

How does one survey happiness? Who did said survey for over 30 years? Where did this data come from?
Or is this just lines on a made up graph.

damn that's the farthest I have ever gotten. I should try that again sometime.

was it necessary for you to derail this whole thread?

i said it once i'll say it again
that heroine is cute CUTE

>Holes didn't have to work before women's lib

This whole thread that was nothing but anons bitching why don't women want to be housewives anymore and then getting mad when a woman tells them the common answer?
Money is important.
Women don't want to be housewives because being a housewife doesn't pay money.
Having to depend on someone else's money means running the risk of not getting what you want and being forced to accept someone else's decisions they impose on you. Even if you don't agree with them, you have to accept because you don't have your own money and you need their money to live.
Many women don't want that, so many women are not housewives.

Why does this make user mad?

it's a he, but the artist missed it

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>Being ripped off
That's up to me to decide.

But women can already impose their decisions on me by threatening to leave me.

You don't decide anything tho. You just buy what white upper class males want you to buy under the guise of feminism.

>he thinks there's no women designers in the fashion industry
>he thinks there's no huge variety in the marketplace catering to all tastes
>he thinks "if I don't want something, there's no reason for someone else to want it"
Men like this are why women are largely no longer housewives.

>he thinks that if something doesn't cater to him, then it has no reason to exist
The incel checklist

That's not how it works user. They aren't imposing anything by leaving you. It's their right to leave you, you can't force people to stay with you if they don't want. Doing so only hurts them.
They can leave and you can find someone else.

no, just imposing their will by threatening to leave me when they otherwise wouldn't.
it is the same as threatening not to buy you what you want if they otherwise would.

No, it's not the same.
They can leave anytime and so can you. Legally the power to leave can never be removed from them or you. Power is always equal.
I can't conjure money out of thin air anytime I need it, and if I'm stuck not having my own money and not being able to earn it because I wasted my years being a housewife and potential employers don't care for my housewife skills, then I'm screwed because I keep not having money while you keep having yours. Power is always unequal.
That's why your analogy is shit.

>I'm stuck not having my own money and not being able to earn it because I wasted my years being a housewife
and men can't so easily get a new love, like women can.
It isn't even an analogy, this is how actual relationships work out.

Women can't get love easily at all. Lots of women are alone because they can't find a man who sincerely loves them and shows it by supporting her in her decision to be financially independent.
Fucking isn't love.
>this is how actual relationships work out
My relationship and ever happy relationship I know says differently.

Even women who claim to be only interested in love but cannot get it will still try to avoid male attention, even those who say they will wait until marriage for sex.
And your relationship does not define the power dynamics of an entirely different type of relationship.

>tfw the only person I know personally who's a MAGA Trumptard is a dark-skinned female Indian
I'm Canadian btw. Only makes it funnier.

>they think they're being feminist by enriching white upper class males who own the industry
>they think the marketplace actually caters to someone's tastes instead of creating them
>they think branding is actual variety
The fake woke checklist

Depends on the male attention. If the male in question is an asshole that does not really love her, like the males presented in , then it's normal they would avoid that kind of male attention. That's bad male attention. Bad male attention is bad for a woman.
Males seem to think that any attention is good attention, but it's not. Bad male attention can ruin lives.
>your relationship does not define the power dynamics of an entirely different type of relationship
You said "actual relationship" though, implying anyone who doesn't subscribe to your power dynamics doesn't have an actual relationship.
You're objectively wrong about that.

i think she's korean, not chinese

That doesn't make sense. The industry is made up by different designers, men and women, whites and non-whites. At best you enrich an individual, not a class.
The marketplace, like all marketplaces, has to caters to customers' tastes to exist. Your business won't survive if nobody buys from you because you don't care for what your customers want.
I didn't say anything about branding. Variety still plenty exists, thanks to businesses being forced to consider and cater to diverse customers.
Beauty of the free market.

The comic wasn't with current media in mind, but 90s shoes

>make this thread to encourage tomboy posting
>get pages of inane drivel about the social swing
man, go to pol or tumblr with that shit, where are my tomboys?

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>Expecting good art from modern Americans.

from the trailer and from what they said at the crunchyroll con Q&A, having a social agenda seems to be a major aspect of the show.
If its just a medicore action/adventure show, I'd be really dissapointed. I'm hoping its tumblr comics in animated form

>what is marketing
>what is consumer identity
>what is mergers and acquisitions
>what is monopoly

the main antagonist of shrek is a hyper manlet, so no.

>what is marketing
Fault-prone attempt at guessing what customers want. Plenty marketing fails and dies in obscurity because it's not what people want.
>what is consumer identity
See above.
>what is mergers and acquisitions
A business practice than can't stop new business from springing up and filling the void.
>what is monopoly
Illegal and heavily regulated in a sane economy that promotes competition.
Definitely not something the fashion industry has to worry about.


>tfw I lie about my salary and state a value 40% lower than I make so my gf does not expect me to support her
Am I a bad person?

I need to give this a rewatch. I don't remember much other than being sad that the main character got cucked in the end.

post the pic so I can spite you too

Someone already did

No, you're being very smart. Reminds of that rich guy who acted like he was poor and found a nice girl who ended up cheating on him only to go back to him when she found he was loaded as fuck.

Only if you also bitch at her when she works longer hours to earn the money she wants.

>critique the actress
Except this is not "critique". You're literally saying she's not pretty enough, which is not a criticism of the movie.

Projection: the post

Kind of like how Obama set back race relations 40 years? Interesting.

>Though in the end you all have to put in more work in your lives than if you could financially manage the traditional way.
How so?

>a rejection is the farthest I've ever gotten
Sounds like you haven't progressed much.

>mothers are so beloved and sacred
>can't even buy herself the boots she wants without husband getting nosy and nasty about it
That's not how I imagine someone being "beloved and sacred"

>The industry is made up by different designers, men and women, whites and non-whites
the industry is made up of rich dudes owning brands and brown women working for them
>sane economy that promotes competition
doesn't exist

sorry mate but social economy is no laughing matter

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>not giving your wife 250$ for boots is torture

>the industry is made up of rich dudes owning brands and brown women working for them
>doesn't exist
And false

I bet he also doesn't want her to get a job and earn herself those 250$ for boots too, though.

And bitches when she wants to go back to school to learn the skills to land herself a job that gets her enough income to buy herself the 250$ boots.

Also shitposts online against women who wisely don't make the same dumb mistakes his wife did and never leave their jobs that are only thing that gives them money to buy 250$ boots or whatever else they want no matter what their husbands think about it, as it should be because their husbands have no right to boss over them.

>drop out of college to marry some millionare
>"teehee, i'll never have to work a day in my life"
>husband gets tired of your shit and leaves
>"help I'm being opressed by the decisions I made in my life"

>I don't want to make the same dumb decisions those women did, I want my own money always
>how dare u!! Being a housewife is the best you must sacrifice yourself and just trust men dumbly with no way to save yourself if shit goes wrong
I don't think what women do actually matters to you people.

What a shitty thread, damn.

You get gender nonconforming radfem heroines fighting women with conventional female standards and like it you misogynist incel.

Who is this trap?

>marry someone solely because he's rich
>turns out that was a bad decision
>"how could the patriarchy do this to me?"
These women aren't dropping out of college to marry millionaires because of society. They're doing it because they think they've stumbled upon a golden ticket

>her parents raised her to marry a rich guy
I'd say it's because of their families raising them wrong, feeding them bullshit about being a housewife being good and desirable and other bullshit like that.
Not having your own money is never good or desirable. Any man who says otherwise is a filthy liar.

I'd like to hear more about this

This thread in a nutshell
>men: women should want to be housewives, never have to work, everything provided to you!! dream life!!
>also men: why does this bitch want me to buy her these things I don't care for?

it's almost like there's more than one person with differing opinions on this thread

All I see is women shitting on the concept of family.

>wow being a housewife sucks I can’t even waste the families money on useless crap like overpriced shoes

Well, that's because that isn't a mother. That's a wife of old age.

Do you hate your mother? If you do, then truly you do are a shitty woman and person.

Also, someone rich is an obligated choice when you can't make your own money. You don't want someone poor who can't provide what you want to you even if he were willing to.
It's still a losing gamble though. Making your own money is the best of all.

And abandoning their children because their vagina told their brains to do so.

Yeah, you are a shitty woman that doesn't deserve respect and will not get it once you open your mouth.

This. Faes are monsters and nothing else.

I don't hate my mother, but my mother is a feminist who never even thought of being a housewife and went back to work soon after my birth because she wanted to make sure there was enough money for everybody, herself included.

>That's a wife of old age
Oh boy.

>women's want don't matter to me, they should just suffer for my gain and never have anything they want
But I concede I don't want to waste the family's money either, that's why I want my own.

>I don't hate my mother,
There you go!

Mothers are so fucking loved that you hardly find anyone willing to hate them unless they do something really fucking shitty.

Curiously enough, almost all the shitty moms out there are also feminists.

>not old.

Like abandoning their families in name of archaic ideologies that no longer have a place in society.

The concept of family where the woman has no freedom because she has no means to support herself alone is objectively shit for the woman though.

Don't worry user, I didn't make the stupid mistake of being a housewife or getting with a man who wants me to be a housewife without my own money so no one's abandoning anybody.
But any and all women who make the mistake of listening to shitty people like you should indeed drop the kids and leave. The kids are just a shitty burden that chains her to misery. Their father can have them. She deserves better.

I would hate her if she had tried to push on me the bullshit you're trying to push.
Thankfully she did not.

But my mom is the best and she is a feminist.
She would have been a shitty mom if she had tried to force to be a shitty miserable housewife and miserable like all women who make that mistake.

I think you’re projecting something onto me but I don’t know what. Women do matter, and must not be dehumanized, but the spending of money in a household can take on different forms. Ideally, such as in my home, both parents are responsible adults that reasonably balance recreational spending and are open with each other about where the money that the father typically makes goes. Sometimes the wife is the adult and the father with childish spending habits or the other way around, and I imagine that there is necessarily less symmetry in such situations.
If a woman is childish and conceited, unwisely spending large sums of the families money on things only she things are worth it, that woman is not a suitable wife. If she is responsible then she should presumably be spending most of the money on things that are uncontroversial, and having her own money is just an annoyance to keep track of with no benefit.
I can imagine there are some awful husbands that refuse to let their wives spend any of the money they make beyond mere necessities while hypocritically spending it on their own leisure. Such husbands are the counterpart of a bad wife, often found together and failing in their role. One breeds the other I think, both should be avoided so that financial trust between the couple can be struck

>the families money
It's not the family's money, it's my money. Separate finances with my money I exclusively keep track of for me, thanks. It's not an annoyance, it's a security and an insurance for my future. Anything else is not acceptable.

>being financially independent
>archaic ideology
Why do men lie about things that are common sense?

It seems like you have trust issues

Better safe than sorry.

I hope you find someone you love and trust enough to share your money with. If you can’t do that then don’t vow to share your life and children with them either

I already have found someone I love and trust to share my life with. We have agreed to separate finances, each manages their own bank account and we're happy like that. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I don't want someone who wants my money. He doesn't love me if he wants to take control of my money from me.
Thankfully not all men are like you.

>the main character got cucked in the end.
You mean that she was stuck as a duck or that the Prince went with Kraehe? Because she was over the prince and liked Fakir more by the end.

How about just a tomboy heroine in general kicking ass, taking names, and having a good time?

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>stuck in the house
>somerthing bad

Attached: 1.png (514x615, 820K)

Yes user, that's how it is for a lot of women.

>still at least 49 years of life ahead
>not even at middle point
Shitty men give bad advice to women, then blame the women who listen to them.
This is why women need feminism.

They should fuck.

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>tomboy heroine
But user, that’s a Japanese idea and Americans hate anything foreign!

oh no she di'int

Americans have had tomboy heroines forever, but american men hate them because their american women creators created them out of a desire to for women to be free and independent.

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ITT: Delusional boys

>approaches a woman he knows is in a relationship, just got publicly shamed for said relationship, and is recovering from the media backlash
>"I have a penis. Why won't you sleep with me!?"
>"It's because you're a bitch and whore!"
>"Y-you can't appreciate a nice guy like me!"
>commits murder

Yeah, he's totally blameless.

Why do men expect women not to want freedom and a good life full of all the material things that make them happy, and then get mad when they do and prefer a life that ensures them such wealth and freedom to a life of precariousness and uncertainty?
It's almost like they don't expect women to be human, to be their own people with their own will.

They're afraid of women who grasp their own destinies, and only want a woman who is weak willed as he is weak himself.
Like when Brunhilde requested that she doesn't get a domineering coward for a husband.

I think a lot of the fault is just something not being handled properly about them.

It's just hard to pinpoint it.

And I don't just mean 'mary sue, always right' stuff SJWs tend to put in. Something tends to go wrong somewhere.

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cass spin off WHEN?

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If understand the full force of what it means to raise kids, how they'll be the future, how they'll provide for you in your old age, how they are unique and precious human lives that need a solid foundation to navigate the world, you wouldn't be so blasé. The hand that rocks the cradle etc. etc.

This is more a comic book thing than an anime thing. Usually, when the villain's backstory is like that, they end up becoming friends with the hero, even if the commit murder or whatever (I'm thinking of Gaara). BTAS villains are more in line with this comic, but you're supposed to feel bad for most of them.

Yikes, just don't ever get married and die alone. Simple as.

It sounds like being alone is what makes you happy

Because you have total control over your own actions and virtually zero over societies, barring becoming a dictator.
>b-buh-but that's not fair! Society should pay!!
For what, banning your Roblox account? What problem is 100% soceities fault and 0% your fault?

Literally the UN

>Straight pegging
>Dom bottom

Why does this have to check off so many of my boxes.

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I never said there was a only one type of relationship. Just that the type of relationship where a woman is dependant on a man and he can choose to cut her off, it is like every relationship between a woman and a man, where the woman has much more power when threatening to leave.

>Can't get a job

Yes you can, from restaurants to a trashpman, they are plenty of jobs she could have gotten without marketable. You and your mother done the same tired mistake to give up when you think you have no chance. I';ve seen people without high school diplomas or no real formal education still getting jobs. Unless your grandmother was somehow paralyzed from the neckdown, she could've find work.

>Men change.

People change in general, that's the major things about any relationship. So when you about to marry someone, you're trusting him with the financial side of the relationship. Honestly, if you're grandmother somehow picked a guy that changed out of now where to be a dick, then she didn't pick them wisely I suppose.

>I trust him
>Not enough with my financial tho

Bruh, you literally don't trust. I trust my brother enough to go behind his car and know that he won't hit, you don't have that trust. You masquerade it as being "safe", when the entire point of trust is that the chance of him betraying is next to nothing for his to not. Again, women are an eternal joke for a reason.

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The gender studies is strong with this thread.

>I trust my brother enough to go behind his car and know that he won't hit
Like, without telling him?
I wouldn't fucking trust an exact replica of myself with that, even the best driver will forget to check their rearview at least one of of every thousand times.
I'm not that roastie, I'm an unrelated party who doesn't think walking behind cars is a good idea.

You couldn't samefag harder if you tried, holy fuck.

Yeah, again it's called trust for a reason. I can trust my brother with my life, even if there's a chance he might fail. That's the thing about any type of trust, it's not a guarantee, but it shows just how much a strong character/relationship are.

It's not trust/betrayal
It's common sense.
Like, if you went on a climbing trip with bro and trusted him to slam the pitons in enough so that you wouldn't fall to your death, that's trust.
Lumbering behind cars because "it's okay if my brother paralyzes me" is insanity.

Why did I waste my time reading any of this

I should know better by now

Their both risk vs reward situations, both dealing with life. I could've hire a trained professional for more successful and safe trip. Instead I trust my bro with life, even when he have less experience. Again, those situations are the same.

You and me both user, you and me both

Thank you, user. If this thread is still up tomorrow I will draw him, too.


Attached: Repesin.gif (290x260, 1.49M)

>not turned on at all while reading
>when the girl kisses her boyfriend really passionately suddenly i'm at full mast
I don't think I'm gonna make it to the end of this year anons

Attached: juicyeyes.png (116x121, 25K)

This was a really good read, I'd love to see an animated adaptation.

I'd say neither were at fault. Coddie's horrible aunts were the ones who made her feel ugly when she wasn't ugly at all to begin with. Mabb is a dark fairy but she was just doing what comes natural to her.

>posting diatribes about social issues when you could be masturbating instead

Attached: stupid sexy androgyny demon.png (1563x1071, 1.55M)

Gyaru Tomboy

Attached: Damberu nan kiro moteru .Anime Adapatation . Hibiki waifu . NAVEL gyaru. Tomboy level. fit. Amazon T (1400x1980, 1.7M)

well she wished me better luck next time and gave a real reason for rejecting me.
at least that is better than no response or telling me that there is something wrong with me.

You could keep crying samefag harder if you want, hahahaha

>annoying woman on the internet #5940017 got quads
Shit, I guess I'm a Hilldawg now.

You can always go to /pol/ for that buddy

Not really... you still have your money and your stuff and your work experience when she leaves... she has nothing when you leave if she wasn't able to accumulate her own property and wealth because she wasted her yeatrs
being a housewife.

>they are plenty of jobs she could have gotten without marketable
Nah. I applied to those jobs and I was rejected because I didn't have enough experience, even though they're supposedly entry level. The competition is cut-throat, a housewife who's never worked a paid job isn't going to cut it in the professional world.

>You and your mother done the same tired mistake to give up when you think you have no chance
??? Give up by keeping our jobs? You're being insane.

>People change in general, that's the major things about any relationship. So when you about to marry someone, you're trusting him with the financial side of the relationship
That makes no sense. "People are a danger to your wellbeing, so you should put yourself in danger" is what you're saying. Exactly because people change, I don't trust anyone but myself with my financial side of the relationship. It's stupid to get into possible danger you can well avoid.

>she didn't pick them wisely
Nah, he was just a lying asshole as lots of men are. You can't see 30 years into the future. No sense to put yourself through the stress and danger of choosing a man you keep control into your own hands.

>women are a joke because they want to be safe, but it's their fault when they listen to me and put themselves in danger
I'll keep not trusting and being safe, thanks. Be buttmad about that.

>there's a chance he might fail
I'd rather not take that chance at all when it comes to my life and my future. Be offended all you want; your opinion doesn't matter.

>it shows just how much a strong character/relationship are
>she was a retard to trush him lol
You're such a piece of crap.

That's nice user. Why are you mad when women prefer to be safe than risk their future like you're so eager to want them to?

Any man that wants a woman to hand over her money to him just because is someone she cannot trust.
If he loves her, he respects her boundaries.

Hand over all your money to your brother, dawg, give him total and complete reign over your finances if you think you don't trust someone until you've handed them access to your bank account. Tell us how that works out for you.

I love it, user.

You best be giving some details nigga

>living with someone doesn't take trust
user, you're a retard.

>there are no degrees to trust, if you trust someone you must trust them with everything you have or you don't trust them at all
Yep, he's a retard.

Dot or feather indian?

Shrek 2 then.

So the furry manlet asassin working for Fiona's manlet dad who's actually a froglet? or the womanlet who's manipulating him?

Yes it is true that splitting up can be bad for a woman, but my point was that there is a way where splitting up is always worse for a man than it is for a woman. And that way cannot be negated like you can with simply having a job as a woman.
Men just need women more than women need men, and it is blatantly obvious when you look at the amounts of desperate men and desperate women.

>there is a way where splitting up is always worse for a man than it is for a woman
No user, your hurt feelings when you still have all your things are never worse than being homeless, unemployed and poor.

>Men just need women more than women need men
If that were true men wouldn't be abusing women by the scores, especially those men that trick women into giving up their safety nets in the name of stupid, contradictory bullshit like the male idiocy shilled itt.

I love that 3 years later we're still talking about Hillary Clinton as if shes relevant. Trump won man, you can move on now.

It's not about hurt feels from the breakup itself, it is about being put back into the position of being a single male. especially if your female connections have stagnated due to already having a wife. You can NEVER eliminate this inherent power disparity, while you can get rid of the possibility of women being without money, by the woman simply having a job too.
Awful men abusing women has nothing to do with the state that being with a woman is more important to men than being with a man is important to women.

Being a single male with a job, a place to live and a source of income is better than being a single female with no job, no place to live, no savings and no income because being a housewife does not earn you anything.

>You can NEVER eliminate this inherent power disparity
Yes you can. You can find someone else. Whether you deserve someone else of course depends whether you're not a piece of shit anymore and you sound hopeless there.

>while you can get rid of the possibility of women being without money, by the woman simply having a job too
A full-time job? That means she attained education and she's not a housewife.

Finding a job after being out of the job market for years is objectively much harder than finding another partner for men.

>Awful men abusing women has nothing to do with
Yes it does. You can't say it's important for a man to be with a woman if he treats her like crap. If he treats her like crap that means she's not important to him at all, and that's a huge amount of men acting like that. If being with a woman were important to men, men would stop being shit to women.

>if your female connections have stagnated
That's just stupid bullshit. Social connections can be revamped, built new and anew anytime, at any social gathering place. You're literally making shit up over nothing, that's disgusting.

This thread made me realize that getting married is a bad idea.

No man on Yea Forums should approach a woman ever. You would only hurt her anyway because of your shitty ideas.

>all these people in the thread that haven't taken the waifupill

As you can see by the women in this thread, they will only hurt you and blame you for it.

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Oh shit i read this shit once, too bad she went nuts then.

what a small world it is.

>making men respect women's boundaries and not giving you the chance to ruin her life = "waaaaaaaah you're hurting meeeeeee'
Then, next thread, he wonders
>why don't women like me?
Why would they like you when you've shown you don't give a shit about them?

Watching Tatsu slowly go insane and scare off his fanbase was interesting.

>This thread made me realize that getting married is a bad idea.
eh, the choice should be made judiciously with forethought, but remember that the shreikers in this thread, all of them, are emotionally defective trash who poison everything they touch and should not be used as the measuring stick of real life relationships.

>More Higgs fanart

Yes. Finally!

Wrong. As much as I love traps, Catra was hotter than Shera.

Real life relationships like ?

>Female character's female villains or uglier than her
Since fucking when? 90% of the time its the guys that end up looking like monsters and disease carriers.

>But mine vs theirs works for me. I don't want anything else.
Then don't complain about money making things worse in a relationship when you explicitly enter relationships like that


don't assume that other people will have exactly the same problems as you

You mean divorce court which is supremely unfair to men?

Money makes things worse in a relationship when finances are not separate and/or the wife has to depend on the husband for money.
I have never entered a relationship like that and I'm not going to.

>don't assume that other people will have exactly the same problems as you
But they do. Worse than me, since they fell for a bunch of lies stupidly.
These women stupidly fell for the housewife trap, and now their lives are ruined.

>My heroine is a slovenly hamplanet, that makes my work more moral and relevant!

>My motivation for education is to buy overpriced footwear

Wouldn't that just be life insurance on the man?

>Underage teens with no formal education then some housewife.

Again, you gave up because you thought there was no chance. You literally have no damn excuse except you and your grandmother accepted you defeat. I didn't even ask if you did those things, I ask your grandmother, which I can suspect nothing at all. To guarantee 100% no results, don't try.

>??? Give up by keeping our jobs?

No, you’re giving up looking for a job when you think you can't get it. So many people done this when persistence is your true friend in job searches, but not many people have this common sense.

>"People are a danger to your wellbeing, so you should put yourself in danger"

That's what trust is dammit. No matter who you trust, you risk getting screwed over no matter what. If you're reasoning for why you can't trust your partner with money is because he might change, then that's goes for everybody you trust for anything. If you can't take that risk with your male lover, then you truly don't trust him.

>Nah, he was just a lying asshole as lots of men are.

Again, she didn't pick them wisely. They are a lot of signs to even the best of liars, so she just got caught in one of them. Why do foids try to dispel any responsibility after getting duped?

>Be buttmad about that.

Yeah, I'm buttmad over a foid who can't even trust her lover, truly. Again, masquerading your low trusting nature to being "safe". I've seen to many women have this "safe" mentality to unsurprisingly get a divorced and leads to host of problems with relationships. I rather take the chance of being robbed for trusting my partner I genuinely loved and trust, then being scared that they might take my money

>your opinion doesn't matter.
>still replies

Foids again showing their low intelligence.

>You're such a piece of crap.

I'm sorry that I must explain to you that grandmother got duped and suffered for it, I'm so sorry.

Attached: Laughter stops.png (356x256, 200K)

Monthly footgear, traveling, vidya -- whatever it is that makes a woman happy and she can buy herself if she doesn't fall for the dependency trap.

I'm not mad tho. I'm laughing/sad for these women who can't even trust their own lifelong partners with money. What type of solid relationships of love if you can't even trust the person you're with of your best interest? Or their just paranoid, either way, still tragic.

Good thing I never said any of that. I'm saying that if you can't trust your husband with money, the very person who die together and work as a unit, then what's the point of even being with him? These aren't boundaries being respected, it's simple feeding of paranoia.

Nice for you to miss the whole point. This only applies to marriage, since the whole point of marriage is that now you work as a unit. I can't trust my brother with my money, because our trust isn't based on us being together as a unit and spending out lives for each other. That's for a husband and wife to do so. The whole point of marriage is being together as one and trusting everything with each other, because that's what true love is. Sad that young niggas today will believe this lie of distrust as "respect".

>Not trusting the man you love with everything is somehow not trust
user, you're a sad nigga.

>Trusting someone in a relationships entails trusting everything with one another and working as a unit, means to trust them with everything

If this is a women, you are the joke. If this a man, I'm sorry.

Attached: Homer is worried.jpg (639x475, 30K)

>dependency trap
Being a housewife works for many women both in the past and in the present. Something has to be going right for them to be reporting higher levels of happiness plus better outcomes for the children.

Attached: This 2.png (392x200, 40K)

The call it a trap, because they truly don't know what true love is. True love entails that dependency on the one you love is the greatest gift a women can have, but of course their minds are too warped by their own insanity.

Attached: A thunkful man.jpg (900x848, 261K)

>Underage teens
>some housewife.
What are you talking about?

>I ask your grandmother
What are you asking here?

>you’re giving up looking for a job when you think you can't get it
>has a job

If you're talking about women finding themselves suddenly looking for a job after being unemployed for years, their problems are in the immediate, not X number of years from now.

>That's what trust is dammit
No, that's just being stupid.

>No matter who you trust, you risk getting screwed over no matter what
>what are legally enforced boundaries and safety nets
user, you know why crocodiles are mostly safe to see at the zoo? Because they're normally confined in such a way that they can't hurt you no matter what they do, you don't risk getting eaten with that fence protecting you. Legally enforced boundaries work the same way between people. they are the fence that largely voids the risk of getting screwed over in most circumstances.
Of course,like you have to maintain and force people to respect fences, you have to maintain and force people to respect boundaries. In your case, handing over your finances and future to your husband is like climbing over the fence into the crocodile den. Very dangerous, and very stupid.

>Why do foids try to dispel any responsibility after getting duped?
>he says, while trying to dupe women into getting screwed over by men
The irony.

>They are a lot of signs to even the best of liars
>he says, while whining and bitching about women "duping" him and refusing to admit responsibility while he demands responsibility from others

>I've seen to many women have this "safe" mentality to unsurprisingly get a divorced
Cautious women would rather end a bad relationship than let it fester any further? You don't say.

>I rather take the chance of being robbed
Suit yourself. I'd rather not.

>still replies
Same to you. I just like to argue and destroy incels like you.

>lifelong partners
Maybe, maybe not. Depends how said partner behaves. Thinking that marriage must always be for life no matter its reality is a mistake.
>What type of solid relationships
Trusting the person you're with to respect my will and my boundaries is also a form of trust. There wouldn't be a relationship at all if the partner were a whiny retard that wants my money like you.
>die together
>work as a unit
I'm still my own individual in the couple, user, I don't lose my own self and identity when I marry. I'd rather work as partners than a single-headed unit, especially if my head isn't the one that's commanding.
I trust my husband to respect my boundaries and not force anything I don't want on me, such as sharing finances. which is something I don't want. That is a boundary being respected.
>what's the point of even being with him?
Companionship, intimacy, happiness of being with someone who respects you.
>This only applies to marriage
Sounds like a convenient cope out to me.
>the whole point of marriage is that now you work as a unit
Nah, the whole point of marriage is to be legally recognized as a couple for various law purposes. I don't stop being an individual after marriage, with my own separate ideas and goals.
>our trust isn't based on us being together as a unit and
That sounds like a really shitty idea.
>The whole point of marriage is
But you wouldn't trust your wife with complete and total reign and freedom over your property and finances. You want hers, you don't want her to have yours.
Save the bullshit, women have fought against that crap because in practice it means the woman vanishes as an individual. I don't want that. Marriage for me is being together as a couple, two people, who have agreed to live together according to a set of terms and conditions that can and must be updated along the way.
>that's what true love is
Pffft. You don't care for what a woman wants. You are not capable of truly loving a woman.

Has this whole thread really just been one person arguing why they don't want to be a housewife to everyone that calls them out on every bullshit point they make

Did you reply to the wrong post?

>Trusting someone in a relationships entails trusting everything with one another and working as a unit
But it does not.

However, it didn't work and it doesn't work for even more women in the past and in the present, as shown by the number that fought against unfair marriage laws in the past and the number of women who refuse to be housewives now. You want to force them into something that doesn't work for them, that's the problem.
>higher levels of happiness
I still think that's bullshit.
>better outcomes for the children
Worse outcomes when the wives are not happy with it.

>True love entails dependency
Spoken like a true hypocrite abuser ready to accuse her of being an idiot for trusting him the moment he gets tired of her.

>they truly don't know what true love is
>'I don't for care what you want!'
Yeah man, not caring for what a woman wants, true love right there.

Meant for But there's something for you too.

>Posting statistics with no sources
Whatever your opinion is, it's worthless and not even worth reading and you should strongly consider suicide.

>It doesn't work for even more women in the past and in the present
Women in the past reported higher levels of happiness along with modern housewives.

>Unfair marriage laws
Such as?

>And the number of women who refuse to be housewives now
Which comes with lower happiness for women and worse outcomes for the child.

>You want to force them into something that doesn't work for them
No one wants to force you to do anything you hysterical paranoia case. We just want women to be aware of the odds they're playing. No one wants to force you not to smoke or drink but you should be aware of the dice you're rolling when you do.

>I still think that's bullshit
You can argue with the surveys, but there they are. Women have gotten vastly less happy with their lives over the recent decades. Children with two working parents have worse outcomes.

You can't make the facts go away by being mad at them.

>Worse outcomes when the wives are not happy with it
What does this mean? Sounds vaguely ominous

I really don't see how /comblr/ can exist when Yea Forums is obviously full of incels that get mad when a woman shows she wants to be a person in her own right too, as shown plenty itt.

Your inability to type information into a search bar shows that you really aren't much of a thinker.

I don't think you were GT in school. Your IQ is probably low and you lack the ability to navigate through life. You will respond to uncomfortable truths with hostility instead of humility and you will die alone. What you observed with your grandmother was the result of her choosing a bad man to mate with, It was the result of her poor choices, choices you will repeat in your own way as is your genetic lottery.

The life you live is Hell for most other women.

I think they're more mad that you're asserting that housewives aren't real people which is highly misogynistic.

I don't think you've ever had sex before. You sound like a woman that can't find a man because of her bad personality and is trying her hardest to bring down women that can.

>I think housewives, a cornerstone to happy families afforded great respect even in primitive societies, are foolish slaves without any agency of their own.

>Why is everyone mad at me?

>Women in the past reported higher levels of happiness
The same women that fought for their independence and reported being unmarried as the happiest because marriage laws were shit? I don't buy that.
I am happier than the women in my family's past and I am quite happy not being a housewife, that's enough for me.

>Such as?

>Which comes with lower happiness for women
My happiness is higher.

>worse outcomes for the child
Looking at my relatives who were raised by housewives, I had the best outcome not being raised by a housewife.

>No one wants to force you to do anything

>We just want women to be aware
Women are already aware, all the abuse stories coming from wives who foolishly trusted their husbands with their money and their livelihood destroyed as a result are more than enough to ward most women off dependency.

>Women have gotten vastly less happy
Mom is pretty happy, so am I. I'd be less happy not being in control of my life.

>Children with two working parents have worse outcomes
Studies prove you wrong.

>You can't make the facts go away

>What does this mean?
Depressed women make bad mothers, dependency makes a lot of women depressed because they see no way out.

>housewives aren't real people
Never said that though. Can you link the post where I said that?

>afforded great respect
>can't buy herself what she wants and take her own decisions for anything without asking permission to someone else
That's not even little respect.

>Never said that

>dodging the question
>thinking he's talking to the same person
>making shit up to validate his fantasy
That's an incel all right.

You're the one that wants housewives to stop being individuals and just become empty recipients for whatever the husband wants, dude. When there is a conflict you don't want her to stick it out and do what she wants even if you disagree with it, as a person in her own right can do.

>Alongside balancing the demands of combining paid work with childrearing, working parents also have to deal with concerns, often reflected in the media, about the impact that time spent working may have on their children. Our research looks at the relationship between parental employment patterns over the first five years of a child’s life in relation to behaviour at age five amongst nearly 10,000 children born between 2000 and 2002. We found no significant detrimental effects on a child’s social or emotional development if their mothers work during their early years.

>In fact, we see some suggestion that children whose mothers were in paid work throughout the early years are significantly less likely to have behavioural difficulties at age five than children whose mothers were never employed in that period. We also find significant gender differences in this relationship. For boys, the behavioural ‘advantage’ of having a working mother was explained by the fact that working mothers are, on average, more likely than stay-at-home mothers to have higher educational qualifications, live in a higher income household, and are less likely to be depressed. For girls the behavioural benefits of having a working mother were significantly stronger than for boys, so these factors did not explain behavioural differences for girls.

>Some studies have suggested that whether or not mothers work in the first year of a child’s life can be particularly important for later outcomes. However, in this study we did not see any evidence of a longer-term detrimental influence on child behaviour whose mothers were working when they were nine months old.

>We also looked at child behaviour in relation to the working arrangements of both parents (in two-parent families) as we know that working couples increasingly work together to juggle the demands of paid work and family life. We found that the ideal scenario for both boys and girls was to live with two parents who are both in paid work. Beyond that, we again found significant gender differences in relationships between parental employment in the early years and child behaviour at age five. Whereas boys in households where the mother was the breadwinner displayed more difficulties at age five than boys living with two working parents, the same was not true for girls. Conversely, girls in traditional households where the father was the breadwinner were more likely to have difficulties at age five than girls living in dual-earner households

>We need to do further work to understand why the daughters of working mothers are less likely to have behavioural difficulties at age five than daughters of stay-at-home mothers. We also want to examine relationships between parental working arrangements and teacher reports of child behaviour in case working mothers are systematically less likely than stay-at-home mothers to report behavioural difficulties in their children. However, our work does provide evidence that maternal employment in the early years is not detrimental to the socio-emotional development of children, and may be somewhat beneficial.

>Being a housewife means being an empty recipient and a vessel to their husband's will.

That is highly insulting to housewives and you should feel ashamed saying it. I'm 90 percent sure you're a hamplanet virgin who will never get a man and feels jealous of women that are happy housewives with children that they love and nurture.

>So here's this study about childhood development and working parents from 2002 that only deals with children up to age 5...

Dear god in heaven you are an embarrassment.

>the reality you described is highly insulting to housewives
Damn son, maybe being a housewife is really just objectively shit.

Those are the critical ages for child development, user. Learn some basics of psychology.

hey guys

hey guys. I know this thread is making you feel unhappy and bringing up some stuff
but just remember how good the 90s were, despite the 70s happening.
nothing's ever bad for long, and I personally love each and every one of you.
we're all gonna be okay.

No you haggard cow. It's not.

Then knowing all about child psychology you know what happens to kids in daycares which is where they end up when both parents work, right?

It's the later years where kids start to wonder why mom and dad are never around.

Thanks for bringing in a generation of latchkey kids you irresponsible bitch.

Being a master of child psychology I'm sure you can find data more recent than 2002 and covering more than a single study right?

>It's not
The testimonies of women who are housewives say otherwise.

>what happens to kids in daycares
Provided it's a good daycare, they grow up happy and normal.


>Nonparental child care can no longer be seen as a merely custodial enterprise, a women’s issue, or a passing trend. Rather, nonparental child care is a fundamental social responsibility, a major cultural institution, and an important economic and educational concern in the lives of most U.S. families. Thus, whatever evidence is gathered about it is best used to improve rather than eliminate it.

>We now know that nonparental care does not constitute an inherent risk for children’s development (just as parental care does not guarantee child flourishing). Children who receive nonparental care are not inherently different in their developmental trajectories than children who are exclusively raised at home. To the extent that nonparental child care carries developmental risks (and benefits), they emerge from complex interactions among child, home, and daycare features, as embedded within the socio-cultural characteristics of the children’s environment.

Why do you keep being full of shit?

>doesn't provide sources when asked
>bitches when provided with sources that completely shatter his bullshit

10 seconds in google, nigger
