So who actually gave the right for the Avatar the to decide what constitutes the balance of the world? That seems to be way too much power for one individual too have.
So who actually gave the right for the Avatar the to decide what constitutes the balance of the world...
anime tier writing.
You know the definition of spiritualism?
Yes, it's ambiguous and it's better not to ask.
them being a deity-like figure, with boundless power and knowledge at their disposal, gives them the right. the Avatar seems to generally have a good moral compass; it's not like one of them will decide to just take over the world, they're there to stop threats i.e. the Fire Nation.
TLOK kind of makes this a reoccurring subplot that now that the world is figuring itself out and becoming more modernized, maybe the Avatar isn't necessary anymore much to Korra's mental detriment.
Oh fuck off dumbasses
I think that might have been the point of Legend of Korra. It shows that sometimes they'll reincarnate as a total fuck-up, get raised by total fuck-ups, and fuck up the fuck up the balance they were supposed to protect.
Let's face it, Aang was kind of a shitty Avatar. Korra was just the cherry on top.
The Avatar did, obviously. He comes from an era when the biggest stick makes the rules and the Avatar is the biggest stick, so he makes the rules. Just be glad Balance was all he wanted
>That seems to be way too much power for one individual too have.
Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about you liberal idiot. You don't know how to use your freedom, you don't deserve it. What good did your freedom do you at 9/11, eh? If it wasn't for based Cheney, you'd probably already be dead.
>Defeats the Fire Nation and restores Balance
>Shitty Avatar
Sounds like he did his job just fine tho. Now Roku was the shitty Avatar
Nah, Kyoshi is the real shitty avatar.
Are you retarded?
i wonder if an Avatar could be born mentally handicapped
inb4 "Korra's proof of that"
Except he set everything up for the shit that would tear the world apart. Restoring it doesn't make up for fucking up the maintenance of it; the Fire Nation didn't relinquish its territories, the Dai Li was not disbanded and, hell, it seems like after Aang went through, the throne of the Earth Kingdom fell backwards into plain ol' autocracy, given how the Earth Queen behaved.
...and speaking of the Dai Li...
>That seems to be way too much power for one individual too have.
But the Avatar is countless individuals.
The avatar earned the people's respect and admiration through several millenia worth of feats as a warrior-diplomat-philosopher.
Not really
>Kyoshi runs away from her enemies
>Roku lets the Fire Nation massacre the Air Nomads and outlaw the gays
>Kuruk let Koh facefuck his wife
Was there an Avatar that wasn't a massive failure?
>respect and admiration
You forgot fear. The avatar is shown to able to take on entire armies by itself. They have no choice but to acknowledge it.
I think most of what was wrong with Korra comes down to her upbringing. They cloistered her in the south pole, raised her with all these White Lotus guys kissing her ass, and otherwise keeping her from actual growth as a person. When this impetuous child finally gets a metaphorical kick in the teeth, she's revealed as stagnant, incompetent, and immature.
Yang Chen and Korra.
Oh, those edits...
You're right anyway
Yangchen was a great avatar that created decades of lasting peace.
Kuruk was a goddamn hippie that failed as hard as a single mother to enter college.
Kyoshi was a fool that allowed the world get out of control for being an isolationist little shit. She is also the direct cause of the biggest fascist force in the Avatar World.
Roku was a naive idiot that let his friend start the biggest armed conflict in his world.
Aang was a good avatar that fixed the world and brought a new order and new ideas to the planet. He fucked up and he made sure to fix what he fucked up.
Korra was an incompetent idiot that made everything worse for everyone.
No other Avatar has failed as hard as Korra has and Yangchen straight up says she was born in an era of peace so she had nothing she could have fucked up.
Think after her relationship with Asami inevitably fizzles out she might try dating an older man?
>Yangchen straight up says she was born in an era of peace
That was Kuruk. Yang Chen was so feared that Kuruk did not have to do anything. Korra literally resurrected air bending. If it wasn't for her the avatar cycle would be broken.
>Korra literally resurrected air bending.
Spirits did that shit. Not her.
She allowed a bunch of body horror monsters into this world, though.
Korra brought back an entire nation, and constantly fought Ozai-level benders. Despite her masters completely failing her during her developmental stages she raised herself past all that and became a fine Avatar; even TNJing her final villain, an ability Aang wishes he had.
A good man one year younger it's possible
>fought Ozai-level benders.
Lol. No.
>Korra brought back an entire nation,
Causality did that. Korra is a stupid bitch that pretty much gave the world to spirits.
The spirits didn't do shit, it was leaving the portals open that did it.
>body horror monsters
without Vaatu they're like stupid Pokemon.
used to be the world itself, now a white ghost jellyfish trying to beat a black ghost jellyfish
>The spirits didn't do shit
>Leaving the spirit portals to the spirit world did it.
You are an idiot.
yeah that isn't the spirits, the spirits are those weird animal ghosts they didn't do anything for the airbenders. Korra physically leaving the spirit portal open was what did it. did you really need me to explain this?
>without Vaatu they're like stupid Pokemon.
Yes... and we didn't saw a bunch of people being corrupted by spirits in Wan's time. Or that badguy that become an abomination at the end of the shitty comic. Body horrors are coming back and its all thanks to the biggest idiot to come out of the water tribe since Sokka.
Zaheer would kick Ozai ass. Even her Uncle was more skilled and than he was powered by an avatar spirit.
Why nobody remember that Uncle's name?
His name is Unalaq AKA rip-off Dracula
>yeah that isn't the spirits, the spirits are those weird animal ghosts
Spirit according to Oxford: The non-physical part of a person regarded as their true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation.
That says the spirits did it. When even know from that spirit monkey in Atla that there are more forms to a spirit than magical animals, dumbass.
>Zaheer would kick Ozai ass.
Ozai was burning continents and was good enough to beat Iroh without comet juice.
Zaheer could fly. By feats alone, Ozai would stomp everyone but Vaatu powered up uncle.
>Spirit according to Oxford: The non-physical part of a person regarded as their true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation
The English definition for spirit isn't the same for Asians dumbass
>Ozai was burning continents
With the comet
>was good enough to beat Iroh without comet juice.
What? Every fire bender is powered by the comet. Iroh was just old and that is why he didn't think he could beat Ozai.
blocks your path
Fear is a kind of respect.
Its the exact same shit, you idiot. How the fuck do you think the spirit survives nirvana but not the body?
>Korra literally resurrected air bending.
That wasn't her intention at all and you fucking know it. That was nothing more than a side-effect of an even bigger problem that she caused. She literally stumbled her way onto making more airbenders.
>Gets roasted from a distance.
Face it, only Unalaq can give Ozai any challenge.
You know what?
I prefer the theory of Yakuza saga that every 200 years more or less reincarnates the spirit of the Dragon in the case of Kazuma Kiryu and that of the Mad Dog in the case of Goro Majima.
>If it wasn't for her the avatar cycle would be broken
You know that Tenzins kids could have kids right?
>Gets BTFO
Shut up you lost idiot. Animals spirits are 100% a thing in Asian mythology. Not just humans.
>A fucking smurf bald child
>A fucking deus ex machina
>A fucking literally who
In this case i prefer suicide
There is no where near enough of them too repopulate a whole culture in time for the next avatar.
>Confusing mythology with actual spirituality.
>Too stupid to understand simple eastern concepts.
>Gets BTFO
Time to move the goalposts everyone!
>By feats alone
yeah not really
TLOK benders has some impressive feats too, everything Ozai did was unnaturally amped by the Comet and Iroh didn't actually say he's stronger than him. Amon and Tarrlok would shit on Ozai casually, UnaVaatu is on another tier entirely, weightless!Zaheer evaded an enraged Avatar State and would just be way too fast for Ozai, Kuvira only needs to land one metal sheet to cuff him.
I'd say the high-tier adult benders are all around the same level, this is including the Red Lotus members, and who would win really comes down to their individual abilities and possibly the location of the fight.
That you do!
>people being retards and getting btfo by spirits
How is this any different than saying the people who invented card are evil because retards drive like retards and mangle themselves
Are you gonna just genocide bears because the occasional moron walks up to one and fucks with it and gets mauled?
Aang was only shitty because everyone expected him to fix everything and put huge expectations on a child
>Iroh didn't actually say he's stronger than him
Zuko said that besides the Avatar only Iroh could defeat Ozai, Iroh, while not confirming it, said he wouldn't do it because brother killing brother for power would not go down well in history, not be cause he was not capable. The show didn't rub it on our face, but it was pretty clear that Iroh as seccond to Aaang only.
What would happen if the Avatar was aborted? Would it to into the Avatar state to protect itself?
>So who actually gave the right for the Avatar the to decide what constitutes the balance of the world?
Nature. Literally the planet itself. That's why the Avatar is called the Avatar- they are the mortal avatar of the will of the planet. So really, it's not that any "gave the Avatar the right", it's more like the planet gave itself a voice.
That's poetic but...
ATLA is much better than TLOK in that area only because they hired consultants who knew about the Asiatic spiritual issue.
That hasn't been true since those shitty Wan episodes.
A giant turtle dont you remember
>You can beat him! And we'll be there to help.
>Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I don't know that I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war.
the point of contention was Iroh's honest admission that he doesn't know if he could; I don't think you can confidently say Iroh or Ozai is stronger. Iroh's lightning redirection gives him a solid edge though because he can punish Ozai's attempts at lightning and could freely use his own, if he uses it fast enough. If it came down to their base firebending skills honestly I want to give it to Ozai but who knows.
and in a similar sense I can't confidently say they could defeat Bumi either. it's tempting to say Iroh and Ozai are stronger just because they're bigger characters narratively but I can't help but think, comparing their feats, that Bumi would shit on them and pretty much any other bender that doesn't have some hax ability like we see a lot in TLOK era.
They don't need an entire culture, they just need a single airbender child.
And that isn't guaranteed especially if they are selfish like Aang and married benders
You sound the kinda asshole that'd be like:
"You better not do anything. I'm gonna have to converse with 50,000 other people before they decide that you can step foot out of your neighborhood."
Yeah, just rewatched that scene and you were right about everything, including Bumi. I can't see why people think Toph is stronger than him.
Toph did invent metal bending at the tender age of 12 for one thing. By the time she was an adult she should be broken beyond compare.
Again I agree about everything, 20 something Toph was probably the best that ever was unless she put her training aside to deal with police beuracracy, but I doubt her child self could beat Bumi.
They’ve been doing this shit for ten thousand years
Seniority rules, bitches
In a top tier earthbenders battle royalle I would give it to Ghazan, metal bending could be countered by people who didn't knew metalbending, mut there isn't much to do when the world is melting into hell all arround you
>but I doubt her child self could beat Bumi.
Oh I definately agree 100%. Aang couldn't even beat Ozai without avatar state hax.
He could've if he was willing to redirect that lightning at him.
With the right circustances lava bending could do more damage than any other yype of bending, like when Ghazan turned the whole air temple into a molten ball of Lava, but still he wasn't THAT strong on a fight, Mako and Bolin could beat him if they teamed, pretty much everyone could evade his magma attacks, and even Bumi was able to put him on a choke hold.
To be fair lighting redirection is also kind of a hax skill, it turns one of the deadliest skills in the avatar universe into something useless to do.
>Aang couldn't even beat Ozai without avatar state hax
I'd actually be pretty interested to see how a base!Aang vs. base!Ozai fight, aka no Avatar State or Sozin's Comet, would go
Avatar Wan apparently
Considering that the avatar in the avatar state is the most powerful entity in that universe, I'd say it's an issue of "might makes right".
The Avatar is a thinly veiled representation of a Buddha, who is meant to have an understanding of ultimate truth and just know what is good in the world because they can see karma.
Once The Avatar was awakened to ultimate truth visa thousands of lifetimes of purifying their own karma they became an authority on pretty much everything.
For a child he did pretty good at stopping the Fire Nazis from taking over the world. Roku states that this whole mess was his fuck up and he couldn't do his duty as Avatar because he still cared for his friendship.
I actually like the old lore where the Avatar is the physical incarnation of the planet who decided to live as a human in order to better relate as them. Fuck Wan and Fuck those Penis shaped flat worms.
Who was that water avatar that just surfed until his wife got killed cause he was worse than korra, wow Water Avatars suck
I've said it before, but I wish the origin of the Avatar was something that was left to interpretation, not just to the audience, but to the characters in universe as well. Like you would have three elders, one from the Fire, Water and Earth tribes, each one telling their own version of the Avatar origin (with an obvious slight bias to their bending, i.e. the Earth Elder saying that the first Avatar used Earthbending the most). Korra would hear their stories and feel some of parts in the story will have truths to them while others are obvious bias.
water avatars cause change which is good because air avatars cause stability so it isn't that water makes for bad avatars it's just cyclical. See Aang to Korra and Yang to Kuruk
>I actually like the old lore where the Avatar is the physical incarnation of the planet who decided to live as a human in order to better relate as them
and where was this said, their duty is TO the world not that they ARE the world
Fucking dumbass you will not win a debate against me.
lmao are you fucking retarded?
The intro dude
I am guessing before Korra the Avatar had extreme amounts of political power since they were allowed to kill heads of state with little too no repercussion.
What purpose will the avatar serve in a era of nukes, drones, high power guns, and space faring mechs? Tech will surpass the avatar.
It pretty much already has.
>That seems to be way too much power for one individual too have.
Kind of like how you have way too many chromosomes
Honestly, I would have dug it if Tenzin's line died out, and the next Airbender Avatar was born from some complete nonbenders and had to essentially learn everything from nothing, maybe a few old texts from the dead air acolyte cult.
what the FUCK is Aragorn's tax policy already???
Not sure why they would. Bumi was pretty clear in his very first appearance.
>Oh, you thought I was just a feeble old man eh? But I'm actually the strongest Earthbender you will ever see.
If they ever did a third series, I would want this to be focused. Focus on an Avatar who doesn't believe the world needs him anymore and he essentially quits being the avatar. Toph herself stated that the world doesn't need the Avatar so I think it'd be a cool concept to see.
I want a Avatar Cyborg really.
They have a literal god kite of good in their body.
Their say has a good amount of weight in these matters
I'd put Korra as the most controversial Avatar. She is either one of the best or absolute worst. It kind of comes down to how the whole convergence thing plays out down the line and if it doesn't just lead to a repeat of how it was before.
She definitely brought about the biggest change
Air nation avatars are Based.
The Avatar rotating between nations naturally makes it more balanced.
And lion turtle or gods or whatever did it.
Lots of writing issues with Avatar (like the very nature of balance being unclear), but I don't think this is one.
The avatars are reborn as Riders.
Up until Korra "keeping balance" seems to mean "maintain the status quo", which is kind of a lame concept of balance and which most of them fail to do to some extent.
Korra certainly didn't maintain the status quo, and I'm going to put that down to Bryke growing up a bit, but it doesn't really reflect well on her.
That's exactly what happens in Korra though.
>"maintain the status quo"
What would have happened if Korra would take the phrase "The end justifies the means" as her method to keeping balance?
I suggest we divide the power of the Avatar to committees. These committees will control roughly 20% of the Avatar's power. Only by all five of the Committees agreeing can the Avatar be allowed to act.
Wait a moment, it's just power or you want block elements?
5 elements can be... surprising
Since almost every Avatar leaves a fuck up for the next one to deal with, imagine what sort of shit Korea is gonna leave for that poor next guy.
No. Korra didn't cause any change, she was just the Avatar when the world changed. Big difference.
Imagine an alternate timeline where the writer's didn't pussy-out and give an ass pull to avoid a death on screen by the main character.
Which is impressive considering they EASILY could've gone the "villain accidentally killed themselves" Disney route.
How would YOU have written it?
No ass-pulls, just a flat out "he has to actually fucking DIE" ending for the Fire Lord.
How'd you write it for public television?
>spirit vine technology causes arms race among the nations
>bootleg versions of the mecha start being mass produced
>battles no longer settled by bending but machines of war
War has changed.
The truth is...
War, War never changes. Only the technology but never the reasons.
Some villain motives directly oppose avatar, it makes for natural villain if avatar in charge of 'ballance'
Hi, Dracula
>the avatar cycle would be broken
Season 2 finale, it technically was and is broken. Korra is now the oldest avatar spirit able to be contacted
I wish I was a God so I could tell everyone how to act.
Might makes right.
wayward airship lands on him as it crashes
I write that Aang chops his fucking limbs off and throws him in jail
I imagine how the next Avatar will have to deal with her advice.
>You need to follow that terrorist group.
>Because I did it before.
>Are not you supposed to be paralyzed by it?
*Curb your Enthusiasm starts playing*
that's a stupid joke because multiple avatars were killed or maimed in their struggles
Actually that's wonderful for the next avatar cause all they have to do is ask Korra what to do and then immediately do the opposite
>”Avatar Korra, I need some advice.”
>”have you tried punching it?”
> “welp I’m out of wisdom then.”
>an idiot
Did you actually watch the show?
I wouldn't have. Having the whole crux of your story being a pacifist having to compromise to save the world is a dead end for a kid cartoon. Disney death would have been just as unsatisfying narratively and is generally a copout.
I genuinely think this premise is dead on arrival for an American kid cartoon. Now if you were to make it from the start about something other than this philosophy vs duty dilemma around pacifism, you can get somewhere with the ol' "there's always a way" schtick and have Aang earn a third possible solution other than killing/losing. But that's not what is set up. Basically to save the ending you have to make the show about something else.
Balance-as-ideal is essentially a taoist concept, because in that worldview everything exists in conjunction with its opposite, and nothing may exist idenpenantly of its inverse. An extreme of anything is dangerous, so equilibrium is necessary for wellbeing both in the macrocosm and the microcosm. Opposites working in harmony is the goal, and disharmony causes strife, just as water too hot or too cold will kill a fish, or hyperactivity of an organ will make a person sick no less than interactivity will.
Don't explain that to me, explain that to Bryke. Clearly their understanding of balance (at the point of Airbender) is that everything is as it should be and change is bad, even when it's clear the current state is unbalanced to begin with.
I don't know that I would have rewritten it. I mean you could easily go with the words of Avatar Yangchen ringing true and convincing Aang but a big theme of the series was doing right by yourself. Acting in line with how you view the world and what you think is right regardless of what other forces like tradition, heritage, etc. tell you. I don't think Aang compromising his pacifism would've worked out even if it had been written to be a sensible decision. If anything I would've just tried to foreshadow the lion turtle more and seed the energy bending skill earlier.
Pretty sure powers like the ability to shoot lightning from your fingertips would continue to be weaponized regardless, and the avatar as a being capable of creating incredible natural disasters will always be threatening enough to matter in the grand scheme of things. For all our technology we still can't do jack shit when mother earth goes on a rampage.
I actually wouldn't kill Ozai because I think that sparing his life and Air Nomadic ideology triumphing over Fire Nation is hugely symbolic and magnificent.
With that said, Aang totally needed to
>Own up to the fact he lied to Sokka's face about completing his training with the Guru
>needed to sacrifice something
Aang needed to give up Katara and the fact Kataang became canon is full retard. If he got Katara, Appa and Momo should at least fucking died.
Honestly, if I had it my way, Aang would let Katara go, apologize to Sokka and own up to his lies, face the Fire Lord, lose Appa, and then choose to spare Ozai's life anyway. Pic related, essentially.
And then Zutara would be canon.
True, but even Korra had a decent moral compass, she was just too dumb to read it properly.
I don't think this is possible
Raava was shown to have transferred into the soul of the next avatar as soon as they were born
You people are ever cancerous.
You sound it, Bunkie.