ITT: Worst Re-designs

Attached: FACE HERE.png (757x379, 65K)

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The edgy reboot was pretty bad too

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Eh fuck this thing, I'm pretty sure it was invented to color program preschoolers

Can someone please explain me the soul/soulless meme, I have been away from Yea Forums for a while

It's a Yea Forums meme that basically goes, old good, new bad.

But that soulless has soul

it's about how original art and designs are considered to have more character/charm/personality than redesigns, gets spammed on Yea Forums all the time

When did they update Paraphore?


You've gotta be special levels of stupid not to be able to figure this one out on your own.

Thats reductive. Things from any time can be made with or without passion behind the project.
The projects that succeeded from the past that were driven by passion for the end result lasted the test of time, and are used as examples of “good thing” for whichever medium it belongs to.
Stuff today is made with and without passion, but can be compared to the passion projects of yesterday, especially when creators will use the image of an old successful passion project to sell a new passionless project.
You can find examples of Old bad New Good just as easily but that serves no purpose other then being contrarian because society already moved on.
The reason you hear it so much today is because it causes a knee jerk reaction to see something that had a lot of passion in it (ReBoot) being used to push a new product thats just there to make money and everyone working on it just needed a job (guardian code).

Fuck you, OP. I forgot Face had a shitty redesign

this is true for 99% of anything in life

Attached: popeye-810x424.jpg (810x424, 58K)

jesus fuck

Great argument

Popeye made by people that hate everything about Popeye.

The more i look the more disgusting it gets.

Do you honestly think there weren't people bitching about the original reboot when it came out because it was CG? Hell, Beast Wars was notorious for that, even though it's widely considered good today.

What really gets me is that they gave him a whistle so he can blow it like with his pipe, but it makes Popeye look like a fucking dipshit. What kind of idiot goes around with a whistle in their mouth all the time?

The movie though looked better than old popeye


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Riiight, theres always people who bitch, but your drunk if you think guardian code will be well remembered. My point was that the soul vs soulless meme has a lot more merit to it then: Old Good, New Bad.

the only reason guardian code will be remembered is because of how absolutely horrid it was.

Good art direction versus the lack of art direction. I don't know if the people making soul threads are aware of it though.

Not dentistry or surgery.

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The way he moved around the screen was terrible because he was perpetually on his side. The voice was horrible too.

Convince me otherwise

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Memes aside, I'm really curious as to what it even stands for.

>blonde white strong male
>in 2010+ era


I-Is this backwards? That first design is the most soulless piece of junk I've seen

I don't blame you for thinking that. If you saw the two in action (and heard them as well) back in the day, you might think differently.

What kind of spinach did they give Popeye

Its his rape whistle

this is more than just bland dried out bean mouth shit. This is fucking finger family Indian bootleg shit.

The XD doesn't even have a meaning

God, why'd they have to even have it as XD? It could have just be called Disney X, but noooo. Now I gotta look like a fucking underaged rawr XD kid everytime I say that.

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It's like Pokémon XD or F-Zero GX, completely meaningless.

You're probably right, animation matters too

eXtreme Digital

>When he turns into such a cuck he's the one who needs a rape whistle

>F-Zero GX
Doesn't GX stand for Generation X or is that just the case for Yu-Gi-Oh?

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Nope, the devs admitted they named the game that because they thought it sounded cool as a follow-up to F-Zero X. Remember there's an arcade version with the equally meaningless name F-Zero AX.

> Green man good

who are they?

Is this real?? It looks awful.

Instead spinachs Popeye drinks alotsa soi.

Attached: Do not want.png (766x568, 728K)

>Remember there's an arcade version with the equally meaningless name F-Zero AX.
AX could be Arcade X, but I guess it's possible they didn't actually intend that either.

>"thats reductive"
fuck you

we got this instead of this

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>Genddy had to make 2 Hotel Transylvania movies to get this
>they didn't even let him
>now he has to make a FOURTH
Being Genddy is suffering.

>tfw old enough to remember nick before face
>tfw it was better

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THIS is why OLD GOOD, NEW BAD has some merit. When the old is practically perfect (though it took a few older crappier designs to get there) while the new looks half assed.

The eye really pisses me off for some reason

Face from Nick Jr, he was the presenter mascot in America for quite some time
He lasted for a decade or so

Nah senpai, House ending is pure kino. It's yes man who's the literal soulless automaton.

I think it's the overcomplicated design, as in instead of just black dots they went with something more uncanny. While everything else is just a stereotypical caricature of what Popeye.

Oh God why

Attached: popeye_youtube.jpg (1100x620, 129K)

What was the original deal?
>make 2 Hotel Transylvania movies and we'll let you make a popeye movie

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I could almost forgive this if it was pitched as Popeye Babies.


Except there are a SHIT TON of things that were better before I was born. We lived in an animation golden age in the 90's, just admit it.

I don't understand why someone would make this

Wait for it...

Attached: 1030994-minkoff-and-morris-team-new-cg-preschool-series.jpg (1200x674, 334K)

2D Art...

Attached: MV5BZDBmYjU1ZDktYTNhNS00MmUyLWFmZTMtODU5YjhiOTNmMjA4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM0NjIxMzA@._V1_.jpg (1280x720, 193K)

and the 3D designs.

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>Decades like the 60s, 70s are universally understood to be worst times for animation as a whole

Yeah nah, quality does fluctuate over time. Some people's childhoods are better than others.

eXtra DIsney

>Decades like the 60s, 70s are universally understood to be worst times for animation as a whole
Was there anything good during this time?

>What kind of idiot goes around with a whistle in their mouth all the time?
A rape whistle

In which case GX could be Gamecube X

Ed Benedict will like to have a word with you.

who is this?

The guy who made Hanna Barbera good, Dick Bickenbach was also good too.

Attached: jordaned.jpg (420x235, 29K)

looks fine to me.

they made the transition ok

It's racist to assume all Mexicans are tan. Louis C.K. is a mexican.

Attached: dib-invader-zim-comparison-1124188.jpg (1280x745, 97K)

is Dib supposed to be mexican

Fred got lucky.

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>that frame to represent the 30s


Though dividing animation into 10 year slots is functionally useless as a representation of various eras anyway.

Thats the last Foxy cartoon (One More Time).
Also it's not useless, it's extremely usefull.

one cartoon alone could contain many different styles and techniques

Yea, at Warner Bros (mainly with Bob Clampett).

This redesign is kind of missing the point since Invader Zim was adapting Jhonen Vasquez's artstyle...

Foxy was insignificant to the 30s AKA one of the most important decades for early animation.

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Fleischer = Legendary, especially their 3D backgrounds, I love those.
40s Famous = Very high production values, the cartoons are also very great too as I have the Blu-Ray.
50s Famous = got blander, but still alright.
60s TV Famous = Best of the TV Popeyes, the rest are a mixed bag to say the least.
70s HB = Alright, brakes up the Scooby knock offs that HB was known for at that time.
80s HB = Yet to see but from the looks of it *face palm*, at least it's not cannon.
YouTube = Bad, but I seen much worse.

All I remember about Nick Jr. before Face was Muppet Babies.

I'd say he looks a lot more like a kitchen sponge in the new one

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Oh God, has Famicom invaded the thread?


Are they all 4 inches tall or something? Why are the steps in the background so huge?

could be worse op.

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pretty much anything 2D that got translated/updated to 3D

I mostly agree with but the purple and yellow girls look derpy now.

There's 1% of soul because he still has his blonde hair because he's younger. If this was pure soulless he'd be black haired or something.
