Holy Shit guys, Stan Lee came back from the dead to endorse Captain Marvel

Holy Shit guys, Stan Lee came back from the dead to endorse Captain Marvel

Its THAT good


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Please be fake.

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this is actually really disrespectful

this happens all the time in comics whats the big deal?

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I dont have tweetster, waiting for anons that social media to confirm or deny.

Sorry lad i deleted it is in the op post, yes it's real, you don't need twitter to check that

Well son of a gun.

I wonder if he'll get a cameo

Honestly this is disgusting

At least even the normies on twitter are calling them out for it.

Thats gonna be an oof and a yikes XD

>it's real
I hate this world.

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At least Stan created or co-created characters in that movie.

Disney owns you even after death
Dance for us little corpses

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Twitter is having a shitstorm over this. Expect a formal apology from Disney within the week

reminds me of brie's touching instagram tribute to stan

>admitting a mistake
The media will say all those negative comments are Russian bots and/or alt-righters

When companies get this big they can just wait for people forget about it. The only people who need to apologize for missteps are public people who work for them.

This is a touchy worldwe love in. People might use this as an excuse to boycott Captain Marvel or Endgame. You know how much free time these protesters have. They love to rally behind shit. Hell even 3rd waive feminists will call bullshit, hating that they’re using a dead white male to promote CM.

This is going to backfire like a motherfucker

I'd hardly call it a shitstorm. It's not trending anywhere.

I thought famous people twitters/facebook/myspace get locked once they die?

Of course not, negative press against the big corporations almost never hits trending

Disney contract still in effect despite his death I guess.

I activate the magic card: MONSTER REBORN!

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Some accounts post trivial facts, celebrate important dates in career, and promote documentary/books about the celebrity. This is different. idk much about Captain Marvel's history but "ctrl+f"-ing the wikipedia page shows no mention of Stan

Holy shit that's terrible. Marvel must be desperate

Why though?

>Holy Shit guys, Stan Lee came back from the Isle of St. Presley



I was offended at first but then I scrolled down and saw that someone else has been regularly posting in his memory on this account for ages and nobody said shit about it until now. Yes it's greasy but I can't help but feel that the fact that people don't like this movie is influencing how upset people are over the post.


Brie posted a pic of herself dressed soooo smartly and wrote on the entry something like "aw, Stan Lee is dead, I'm so sad." Everyone raged at this (with good reason) and she deleted the entry and the pic.

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As bad as that was, Gwyneth Paltrow was way worse

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This is baffling.
Isn't there some clause in their contract that says they shouldn't post absolutely moronic shit on social media?

I'm afraid not.

LITERALLY this if the object was a coffin

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Even if there was the airhead elites are too self-focused to follow it.

Silly, only normal people have to worry about their careers being destroyed by social media gaffes

So this is where reality is going.


Disney gives apologies all the time, they have become so good at it that it no longer affects them since they realized apologizing ends all their problems and absolutely no harm comes to them for whatever evil shit they do.

>thinking about stan but gotta get my custom shoes and handbag front and center

love it lol how can people be so oblivious

you can't use that! it's banned

I dont understand. This is not the first time somebody has written something on lee's twitter even after his death. What's the difference now?

They're using it as an advertisement.

Casualgaters pretending to be pissed that Funky Flashman's image is used for marketing.

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>love it lol how can people be so obvious

feminism is powerful

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Is she promoting her purse brand? either way this reeks of being pretentious and self-absorbed.