>Fuck Thor
>Marry Iron man
>Kill Hulk
was she right?
Also under appreciated side characters?
>Fuck Thor
>Marry Iron man
>Kill Hulk
was she right?
Also under appreciated side characters?
>Norse God Sex
>Trophy Spouse
>Be known as a badass
Yeah, she’s right
>fuck the guy who looks like Chris Hemsworth
>marry the super-rich guy
>kill the ragemonster
yeah, I'd say she had the right idea
>not marrying the billionaire, divorcing for millions in a settlement then marrying Thor
>implying stark doesn't have the best lawyers
not one of the choices
Ah but then you'd need the expanded version of the game: Fuck, Marry, Kill, Befriend, Cuckold, Divorce, and Adopt.
I'd kiss those girls
Spotted the gold digging whore.
Whole MCU avengers team then, who's who
Fuck Black Widow
Marry Cap
Cuck Hawkeye
Divorce Ironman
Adopt Spiderman
Befriend Hulk
Kill Captain Marvel
what's this from ?
Iron man jr
Talks about fucking Thor but is dating Ganke in FFH
poor girl lmao
> put in the faggot guys.
I hope they enjoy the anal cancee and AIDs. Can they stop putting this shit in films.
ok, let's try the other combos
>fuck iron man, kill thor, marry hulk
you've fucked an alcoholic and got herpes and nothing else to show for it, you're trying and failing to kill a god, and you're married to a homeless guy with a temper who disappears for months or even years at a time (when was the last time anybody even mentioned Betty)
>fuck thor, kill iron man, marry hulk
same as above basically, except you've killed iron man so everybody hates you, hope the sex was worth it you homeless bitch
>fuck hulk, kill iron man, marry thor
seems legit, you've got a god who can protect you from iron man's friends, if you're still alive after fucking hulk you can probably take thor, everything's fi - oh wait, thor's a god and a king so you're a gold digging whore because you didn't pick the homeless guy
really to make this fair the girls should have to choose between homeless incels, like in your cambodian saucy playing cards
You CAN’T kill me! I’ve tried! I put a gun in my mouth and the other guy spat out the bullet!
Fuck Jessica Jones
Marry T'challa
Kill Starlord
Befriend Spiderman
Cuckold Starlord
Divorce Iron Man
Adopt Shuri
Ladyvenger edition: Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Cpt Mahvel. Go
Marry Captain Marvel
Fuck Black Widow
Kill Scarlet Witch
Kill Carl Manvers
Fuck Black Widow; she's sterile so there's no point in marrying her
Marry the qt Wanda
Easiest one I've done in a loooooooong time.
She is gonna be Ned's girlfriend in Far From Home.
Buttfuck Black Widow in the pussy
Marry Mantis
Kill Captain Fungusfeet
>fat and Asian
So does she have some rare genetic dissorder where her pussy is so tight, only an inch can go in or something?
you cant fuck Hulk his cock would obliterate anyone
Black Widow can.