So where are all the faggots who were so sure this movie would fail? Its time to apologize.
So where are all the faggots who were so sure this movie would fail? Its time to apologize
Other urls found in this thread:
>the faggots who were so sure this movie would fail
At one point I thought it looked kinda bad, at one point I thought it looked too weird, and up until I sat on the theater I thought it may not be good, but I never entertained the idea that it would fail.
Nothing indicated that it could fail.
No one thought it would fail you fucking retard.
>In 2019
If I wasn’t on mobile I would pull up the threads.
You faggots are going to say the same shit a month from now when Captain Marvel makes a billion dollars.
You wanna look at Yea Forums for those spammers who came here
Yea Forums was pretty excited since the trailers and has loved it enough to even make fanbases on specific characters
Well, if it's good enough for the president of the US...
I saw it online yesterday, gonna buy it when it comes out cause I really wanna see more shit like this
>Yea Forums is a hivemind
Plenty of fuckers who raged against it here.
>strawmanning in 2019
I won't even engage with your double digit reasoning. The fact that you made this thread in the first place says a lot about your non-existent character.
Captain Marvel is a shit movie about a non character. If you want to pay for a 2h movie telling you that wymen are stronk then do it. I don't need that.
Yes, and you'll notice by the memes, language and evaluation they make on these posts they are from Yea Forums and not representative of Yea Forums's userbase. This always happens when there is a new capeshit film out, especially if it has females or blacks It's happening now with CM
It won an Oscar but it didn't as much money as they thought it would.
/pol/ here. I often come to Yea Forums to bitch about movies like Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and Spiderverse but you are right. Time and time again I am proven absolutely wrong and utterly blown the fuck out by just how wrong I am. I guess being a racist retard isnt the proper way to live ones life. Im also gay like everyone else that frequents /pol/
Well, thank you for admitting that.
>china doesnt into black MC
>gonna flop because marvel
>Dceu for lyfe
Oh you’re one of those mentally ill Incels
>but it didn't as much money as they thought it would.
This is a lie though
>Captain Marvel is a shit movie about a non character. If you want to pay for a 2h movie telling you that wymen are stronk then do it. I don't need that.
All shit that you gleamed from other Yea Forums posts. What's it like to be such a sheep that you can't form your own opinion?
Fuck right off. Everyone who was praising the DCEU was hoping Spiderverse would be a good movie as well as being successful because it would mean that Sony would officially have better Spidey content than the MCU
Don't fucking lie you idiot
To be be fair, only Disney shills were screaming it would fail. Everyone else was quite pleased with the way the trailers looked even if some people were weirded out by the frame-skipping aesthetics
Saw it the other day and I have to say that it should have been a lot more profitable than it was because it was very unique. It's a bummer that shit like Frozen, Minions or Incredibles 2 make almost billions of dollars while good animated movies struggle with making 500 million
I'm sorry that you have shit taste
what spiderverse did you come from? All the racist shits wouldnt shut the fuck up about how this film would flop. The same lines theyre using for captain marvel were used for this
>The only person on Yea Forums who hates spiderverse
>Thinks he's the one with good taste
Please show me in the archive any posts that indicate this
Yes, again those are the Yea Forums brigaders
This is the only genuine post here
Nice projection. You don't even know me you blabbering idiot. Sorry I'm not what you want me to be.
>meet conflict differing point of view
>call the person incel by default
>smuggly chuckle in front of the screen, oddly proud of his rhetoric and what a good boi he is
Why would it flop? The only way it could be more progressive was if Gwen got knocked up and her and Miles got a 9 months abortion with Yas slay kween and the special cameo of Ocasio-Cortez superhero
363 on a 90 mil budget
Break even point is 120 million (budget + advertisements) sounds decent right?
Except Sony spent an additional 115 million on more ad shit.
235 mil was the breaking even point. So it made maybe 120mil in profit depending on theater percentage cut (domestic takes about 50% of profits made after three weeks, foreign theaters even more)
If progressiveness was the only thing that proved success, Wrinkle in Time and Ghostbusters would have been successful
Animation works better than real actors, you can hide their awful acting.
Spiderman has also a big following and we had several spiderman movies/games released in the recent years.
they fled back like rats to their shithole.
also known as Yea Forums you have the wrong board for (you's)
Nice try, faggot. Sony didn’t spend a dime on marketing because the product placement paid for it. It won an Oscar and got a rerelease. Accept that you lost.
Im sorry.
I still haven't watched it
Naw man, there were quite a number of threads and posts talking about how Into the Spider Verse was doomed to fail.
>animation in the era of live action capeshit
>Miles is the main protagonist
>it’s 100% Sony Spider-Man
>did we mention Miles is the MC?
>it’s not part of the MCU so no one cares
>they are using one of the worst Spider-Man stories
It was only after more information and trailers came out that these stopped and were replaced with “This KILLS the Mouse!!” Threads.
"Esto es el fin, Grande Padre."
>What did he mean but this?
sorry NOT sorry
Nigga even in the OSCAR threads there were faggots saying the movie was a flop
After it received the award they went quietly into the night
That $115 million was paid to Sony in exchange for promoting those brands, not by them; that's how product placement works.
I like how they’re all gone now
That's the only reason I thought it was gonna fail, other than that, this has been one of the most enjoyable capeshit movies I've seen.
>It's another /co is a hivemind episode