Captain Marvel "a disgrace" says former DC Comics artist

>Former DC Comics artist Ethan Van Sciver offers that Disney's Captain Marvel is a disgrace. The 26-year veteran of the comic book industry, which includes doing art for Geoff Johns' Green Lantern, released a video blasting the character, which follows the release of advanced reviews that are rather mixed.

>Ethan Van Sciver says. "It's not possible to make a good Captain Marvel movie. It just really isn't possible. It isn't possible to make an excellent Captain Marvel movie, one that can actually fulfill the hopes and dreams of women everywhere. Why? Because Captain Marvel isn't just that good of a character.

>Captain Marvel is a character built on convenience, built on the desire of Marvel Comics to virtue signal that they, too, have their own Wonder Woman.

Is he right, Yea Forums?

Attached: Capn' Marvel.jpg (768x403, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

EVS really needed to learn to shut the fuck up a long time ago.

Captain Marvel is fine. Maybe not the modern version. But the character’s concept is fine.

>"Disgrace" says disgraced artist
Says it all.

I honestly think she could resonate with audiences if they actually acknowledge her alcoholism, a superhero that suffers from addiction is something that hasn't really been done but I know they won't.

We all know the character sucks, she comics don't sell well. If the MCU can't maker her work no one can.

Marvel would have had a better chance if they created a brand new female hero unique to the MCU. That would have been THE biggest draw to attract even comic-fans to watch it because they won't see the character in comics yet.

I've been saying the same thing since Iron Man first premiered, but Marvel is a family brand and the movies will never allow their heroes to suffer human problems like that. You'll be lucky if the comics acknowledge them at all either.

Pretty much, Very few characters are truly unsalvageable; Marvel just doesn't know what to do with her.

>Former DC Comics artist Ethan Van Sciver
literally who and why should I give a damn

Captain marvel as a solo film really wasn't a good idea
If they made this movie about the original captain marvel, and the after credits scene being him finding out about his illness, then the second movie being him training carol up as he's running out of time, ending in him dying before the climax forcing her to go in alone, THAT would be a great, powerful way to introduce her.
But they should have done that after guardians of the galaxy 1

Well, I saw the movie and it was good. not great, but good. so he is wrong, IMO.

>Is he right, Yea Forums?

Honestly, yeah, he's one hundred percent right.

Carol has always been a terrible character. With the right director and right actress... maybe... but it would have been uphill. Brie just made it double impossible by being a shrill SJW potato with no charisma and the brains of a chimp.

Pls leave moviecasual. Van Sciver is a famous nazist retard

>Guy who draws cyborg frogs for patreon bucks thinks he knows what makes a good character

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The guy who co-created the "comicsgate" movement in order to trick people into giving him money so he wouldn't have to actually be an artist anymore and could just stick to making youtube videos about how much he hates The Last Jedi.

>implying moviecasuals care
Comics may as well not exist to most people.

She was fine as Ms. Marvel before they gave her the dyke haircut and made her a precrime-supporting fascist bitch. Carol Dancers was fine, Carl Manvers is shit.

>26 year old veteran of the comic book industry
Lol what? I thought this guy was the actor who has the cross dressing son?

I mean this hasn't stopped any of the MCU writers before seeing that they, at best, will just take key character traits from any character they adapt while making a more movie-friendly iteration. RDJ Iron Man is basically a different character from his pre-MCU comic iteration, just to name one example.

>Captain Marvel is a character built on convenience, built on the desire of Marvel Comics to virtue signal that they, too, have their own Wonder Woman.
well this part is absolutely right

You're thinking lee schreiber

Only at Disney, look at FOX with Logan and Legion.

>Captain Marvel is fine. Maybe not the modern version. But the character’s concept is fine.
Wrong. She's boring at best.

>Guy who shitposts on an anonymous forum thinks he knows what makes a good opinion

EVS is an irredeemable piece of shit but if you want to argue his point argue the point, don't pretend you're above it because of what he does with his time.

>the guy who worked closely with Johns to fuck most of the established GL lore knows what's good and what isn't
I'm there with most people on the opinion that Carol is handled poorly and her character is an absolute landfill of the worst traits a cape could have, but EVS has his head firmly planted in his ass at all times. The old "broken clock" adage doesn't apply to absolute lunatics.

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That was his point. If the MCU makes an entirely new female character that hasn't been in a comic before then Moviecasuals would see it because its MCU and people who actually read comics will go and see it because its a new character they haven't read about before.

>DC comic artist has off-the-cuff remarks
>About Marvel comic character
>reference to personal references to the character
>without seeing the film

Films a solid comic book film that hits the right beats no worse and no better than others with the Marvel/Disney polish.

CGI Sam Jackson to me was the most jarring thing in the film, and that's only because I grew up with his films and it was just weird. The de-aging stuff has come a long way since Tron.

People making headlines about Larson in both positive and negative lights, but she's been a hardworking entertainer for years from her music to movies and now thrust into the Chris Evans style decade long contract. Don't really see the point of sucking the life out of an actor or franchise through the character assassination or promotion deals.

Carol as a character from the comics was as flawed if not more so than Tony Stark. Instead of Stark's PTSD we're getting another form of military damage which reflects the ailments of the times. Seems reasonable enough without needing to dip into alcohol or relationship problems. The psychological damage for this iteration of the character certainly isn't gone.

It would be harder to do, but I think it would be more interesting if they went the 52 Vic Sage route and don't show he has cancer until he's pretty much dead.

>Marvel would have had a better chance if they created a brand new female hero unique to the MCU

that's not how marketing works. If a character worked in the movies, you can bet your ass they'd move said character to comics the the moment an opportunity presented itself

>is the obnoxious asshole responsible for constant casualgate shills here worth listening t-

Fuck no, even if he's right. The fact is that unless the character concept itself is really completely unworkable which is rare as hell, you can do good things with that character just by writing them well, even if they've always been written poorly in the past. People salvage, reboot, and reinvent characters all the time.
Here's the thing, though: I've been rewatching some MCU films lately, and they're just not that good. They're fine for what they are. But a lot of the time they're retreads of dumb quips and old tropes with a lot of convoluted flashy nonsense. That's okay because that's most capeshit, and that all it needs to be. But I think some people are realizing that if you're comparing them to actual "great cinema" no, for the most part, they're not brilliant films even compared to the best genre popcorn films. And that's fine. So the character doesn't need to be deep and complex and fascinating or any of that shit.

>if they created a brand new female hero unique to the MCU

That'd be nice tbqh. It's not like they give a fuck about comic book readers. It's not like someone still reads comic books either

>Captain Marvel is a character built on convenience, built on the desire of Marvel Comics to virtue signal that they, too, have their own Wonder Woman

Exactly on the money, regardless of who's saying it.

I just picked the first Captain Marvel thread I saw. For anyone who has seen it, what happens with Maria?

Should have been a She-Hulk movie

All she needs is less clothes.

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>Van Sciver is a famous nazist retard
Okay Stalin

Since when does Yea Forums hate Ethan Van Sciver so much?

serious non troll question for someone who seen an early screening.

Who's acting was more stale and bland, Brie or Gadot's?

Anyone got that interview screencap where Brie says something about a scene which was already in the movie before some controversy and then she said 'that's just the female experience'

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>Is he right, Yea Forums?
Somehow, but everybody h8 Guadians of the Galaxy, at least before the movies, and now look at them.
They had better options to push a female character, JJ, Elektra or Black Widow, Wasp (Janet) could work better for girls and women and historically She Hulk and Spider Woman, Carol could work better inside a team like the Starjammers, Carol, no Brie Larson, anyhow she'll get at least 800M so who cares ....

Marvel already had their answer to Wonder Woman a long time ago.

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Yes. Which proves that even a broken clock is right once a day.

What's the issue with that ? she was on point, there.

>Ethan Van Sciver

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Same can be said about Superman


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>Ethan Van Sciver

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Wonder Woman was created by an S&M practicing polyamorous swinger to make bondage porn while Captain Marvel was just created for female representation so it's not really the same thing.

>Because Captain Marvel isn't just that good of a character
>Is he right, Yea Forums?

Well of course he doesn't want white women coming to his movie, he's into the chocolate

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>Captain Marvel isn't just that good of a character
>Iron Man isn't just that good of a character
>Ant-Man isn't just that good of a character
>Aquaman isn't just that good of a character
>Billy Batson isn't just that good of a character

Actually, yes.

one of these is true

I just want the image, I need it for a friend


I'd marry a black Lois.

>Somehow, but everybody h8 Guadians of the Galaxy, at least before the movies
Please be bait

No one I know hated on Guardians for anything other than being a Marvel Mouse movie. The hype train behind it with Groot, Rocket, and Batista outshined the shitposting against it.

So would Clark

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o mai

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>Is he right, Yea Forums?

Yes and no really. I think a good Captain Marvel film could be made, they just didn't make one it looks like. They should have kept the original comic stuff more too like male Mar-vel first, giving powers to Carol and more when Nitro kills him off.

They needed Nitro in Civil War too. Nitro is awesome and a good loki-tier villain for the Captain Marvel franchise. That's just an example though of them leaving out what little material Captain Marvel has to go on, before and after Carol takes the name.

I think so too, they could do it in a funny way and bitches love other bitches who drink. Make carol beat up skrulls on a beach with a wine bottle in a bikini that looks like her Ms. Marvel outfit. That would have been bad ass and funny.

Yeah they let the actors and directors make the character really.

I bet she only fucks white guys

Fuck off Mcgloin and that shit.

>Black girls who only go white

i liked binary. does that still count as captain marvel?

This. They need to stop eliminating these flaws, having read Reed and Claremont's runs she's definitely capable of being OP and likeable in a weird way (even though she's a murderous bitch by nature) but her interactions with other heroes like Spidey and Tony (pre-CWII) are actually nice.
Also Mar-Vell is my favourite hero so EVS speaking so definitively about Captain Marvel really proves how little he knows, nothing wrong with being conservative but EVS is no better than your typical bait articles.

as in Jessica Jones? She was placed with Netflix.
Same as Jessica Jones.
>Black Widow
They probably should've gone with her on account that she's the most prominent female character in the films.
>Wasp (Janet)
She was stuck with the Ant-Man project, so they couldn't use her without the film being out yet (and the direction they went with would've made it impossible to do without knowing who was going to play Janet).
Universal distribution rights issue.
Sony. At the time they announced a Captain Marvel film, they were still in negotiations for Spider-Man.

Huh? His entire brand is hating girly stuff that has any hint of female empowerment. If he ever likes anything "feminist" he'd lose his entire fan base which fuels his life with sweet cash. He's a parody of himself, I can't take anything he says seriously. He's completely lost his mind or just figured out hating anything progressive sells.

never going to get my she hulk film

Samus was the better "Captain Marvel" anyways.

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Absolutely seething


It's too bad Samus needs to wear a suit to protect her.

And she's more of an Ellen Ripley 'analogue' than Carol Danvers.

EVS is an asshole but...pic related

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Don't drag Samus into this.

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>Ethan Van Sciver
No surprise that the alt-righter thinks women are no good.

Fucking gay.

why are you defending the guy who's been making daily Captain Marvel youtube videos for the past 3 weeks

>the guy who's obsessed with Captain Marvel tells us he hates Captain Marvel


Yeah, I saw that video too. I personally think Captain Marvel can be fixed, but that would take almost a complete rewrite at this point.

Kek not defending him. Just stating a fact.

>a character whose movie has an 83% on RT needs to be 'fixed'


Why aren't you listing the seething guys in this thread who hate Captain Marvel?

Oh because you're defending EVS lol

huh? Yourself.

this is some plebbit kind of circlejerk,literally who interview posted to keep hating

That's like saying Superman is boring. Which is true, but that's why you use him as a springboard for literally everything else in the story.

He's not wrong, fuck marvel

is EVS's stalker in the thread yet?

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>the guy who wants to livestream with known pedophile Milo and has defended the public masturbator Louis CK and rapist Kavanaugh is attacking Khouri for hiring 2 assholes who didn't show they were assholes

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-07 Ethan Van Sciver on Twitter I wish I could get Milo Yiannopoulos on ComicArtis (1280x684, 117K)

No it's because they said they agree with him, but "ethan triggers my fanny"

He wasn't attacking white people in the tweet he quoted.

hes gone full Keemstar.
According to EVS his CPM (how much ads pay) is on the higher end of the socialblade estimate.
Im inclined to believe him because he only covers family friendly pop culture and likes to talk about movies during their big ad pushes like Captain Marvel.

getting 10K a month to bait SJWs sounds like an easy gig to me.
hes at least getting 100K a year off of ad revenue alone, that's not even counting superchats during livestream or merch.

Attached: Socialblade stats.png (1220x954, 140K)

They know what to do with here but there trying to force her Inorganically into a status symbol for feminism disregarding the character she was before.
A woman who struggled with Alcoholism, Abuse, Sexual abuse, who fights that trauma to be the hero she is. A major in the US air force and super hero.

But there disregarding who she was making her less of a character and more of a character trope each book.

With character flaws you make a character more human more relate able. more empathetic and get some seriously powerful moments as a result see picture.

Attached: Warbird-Ms-Marvel-Comics-Carol-Danvers-Avengers-h2.jpg (725x431, 144K)

Absolute state of this post. And I thought Yea Forumstumblr was just a meme

Of course it wasn’t

How is he making that much when he only has 110k subscribers and his most viewed video is at like 300k views?

You would think that they would be more forgiving of others in the spirit of moral decency, but I guess that isn't the case.

Wtf Ironman 3 was about him getting ptsd and shit from Avengers

>Is he right, Yea Forums?
Half and half.
A good CM movie and comic would have to first overcome the people who have decided that she's the new female icon of the era. The biggest problem with CM is that people write her stories like a superman story without the character and emotional drama that makes up a superman story. They do this because they're petrified of having anything bad happen to Carol or having her face any tension in her life that doesn't involve being a strong, stoic woman.

That's fucking poison for any character. Her character is essentially that she has no character.

You know when Carol was the best? When she was a dead beat discharged from the air force because her life had hit rock bottom. When she was sleeping around with old boyfriends to try and find someone in her life who still cared about her. That was peak Carol. That should have been the defining moment of her story because it was her at the absolute lowest.

But no one at Marvel or Disney has the balls to make stories like this with her because they don't want to portray the yaas queen as being anything else than godlike perfect. She's a knockoff golden age character in the modern age trying to have all the benefits of being a modern age character with none of the depth or personality for it.

That is a problem that is incurable. They're never going to change their attitude when it comes to Captain Marvel because they're never going to admit that they made a mistake, and they're never going to hire anyone who hasn't had it embedded into their mind that Captain Marvel is anything less than a feminist icon. Because of this, CM and Carol are both going to be dull raisin bran of superheros that Disney and Marvel wants you to think is the new best thing because they've put their feminist push behind this nothing character.

If they got Superman writers to make storylines for her, but didn't tell them that they were for captain marvel, maybe then they could get a good story.

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>How is he making that much when he only has 110k subscribers and his most viewed video is at like 300k views?
like i said it all comes down to CPM and how ads are served through GoogleAds.
Companies pay for adspace then target demographics with keywords, geography and viewing habits.
they are divided into groups depending on age as well, so you wont see Beer ads on a Disney toy review channel.

google will serve the highest paying ads first
EVS reviews and rants about PG-13 movies, most are owned by Disney and Disney buys ads year round.

EVS's highest vid is only 300k views but hes has 3 million views in the past 30days.
Many PG-13 youtubers claim they get about 4K every 1 million views. (just look up "how much youtube pays" on youtube and you will see creators showing their ad revenue)

I don't like Carol, but I like EVS even less.

Not him but trying to smear people based on association is worse than just making a strawman.
I don't like EVS but screaming "HE (knew a) PEDOPHILE AND (made twitter posts about) A PERVERT" isn't an attack on a person. That's you being a mental midget who thinks this equates to some kind of guilt.
>rapist Kavanaugh
Oh, my mistake, you're trolling. Carry on.

It's clearly bait or a falseflag

>That should have been the defining moment of her story because it was her at the absolute lowest.

I'm way more a fan of a character's defining moment being them at their best. I think that's the tone they needed to go for. The problem is just execution. You can't have a "women's icon" who is pure and good and universally-beloved, because then they wouldn't be a "women's icon" - they'd just be an icon. And modern writers don't see any value, for some reason, in just writing a hero. I guess some of the Spiderman stuff is better at it than most, but it still absolutely pales in comparison to the messages you got from Raimi Spiderman.

I'm still mad about Second Coming

>People salvage, reboot, and reinvent characters all the time.

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And I think that's a matter of perspective, as well. I'm of the opinion that you can't really show a character at their best until you've seen them at their worst. It's hard to know how well CM would be at her best at this point because it seems like the ceiling for what 'the best' counts as is continuously getting higher. None of them being particularly defining because the lack of any kind of context to it.

>half of the thread is hand-writhing over the person who made the comment
>Most posts aren't even talking about the topic and are just calling him a nazi
Typical Yea Forumsumblr.

You cant stop him

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I like how you conveniently omit the fact that William Moulton Marston was a prominent psychologist and self-professed feminist.

>genetic fallacy: the Yea Forums thread

Kill yourselves.

The guy's so dedicated on trashing CM that he even has her as profile picture now?

Bait = Drama = Views = Ad Revenue

And you retards wonder why everyone hates DC

I honestly all they had to do is make it a half cosmic / half earth movie. Where a good deal is with Carol being trained by the true Mar-vell, and him sacrificing himself to save her, but not before telling her that he was going to die soon anyway, the rest of the movie is dedicated to her trying to figure out if she can fill in the shoes of her predecessor and if she's worthy of the power.

Either that or go the original Ms Marvel route where she has a split personality, and we get to see the human problems of carol danvers, and the struggles of Ms Marvel. With her lives slowly converging and she has to become whole, as during one of her fights she (Ms Marvel) accidentally destroys Carol's Family's place, and maim her family. There Carol begins to fuse with her Ms Marvel persona and realize that she has take accountability for her actions, that there can be no separation between the one that where's the mask and her self. That move forward in life one has to accept all aspect of one's self and from there improve. So once her persona's become one she unlocks more powers sixth sense and beam blasts, and fights whatever kree big bad she has to take down.

To be fair, i think illuminated user does a very decent Carol, simply by making her a tryhard who hates herself so much, she can barely conceal it.

The problem is that Marvel is pushing her into a status she hasnt earned in the eyes of the reader, unless you consider being a woman good enough of an excuse.

I bet you support #listenandbelieve and #metoo you cuck

All else aside, EVS has nothing to do with DC. The moment he started going full youtube warrior, he was blacklisted.


Please don't feed the twat.

>Marvel is a family Brand
What is Byrne Shulkie?
What is Punisher MAX?
What is Hank Pym beating his wife?
What is the Wasp getting eaten by the Blob?
What is Deadpool?
What is the Purple Man?

Marvel is only a family brand when it's convenient to them.

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No one even listens to this guy anymore, such an asshole.

That's one hell of a Monkey's Paw, man.
We both know that they would screw it up.

FUCK YOU EVS you piece of shit, you're just as corrupt by pushing you're Comicgate bullshit.

>all these people using his being himself as proof he's wrong

Just because EVS is a giga-retard doesn't mean he's inaccurate in this case; a broken clock is right twice a day. And in this case, they decided to make Carol their Wonder Woman as an executive-driven move and are now in a snafu where they can't write her facing adversity because to be faced by adversity is the definition of being disempowered to a lot of contemporary feminist writers in the enrertainment media sphere (who are wrong when they say that, btw, making an idealized gurl power character who's specialer than everyone else is just as demeaning as making a permanent punching bag).

What they SHOULD have done was just drop literally everything from her comics character when they made the film and basically remake her from scratch to be interesting. As RDJ proved, you can take a shitty comics character and remake them in a movie.

Personally I'm using the reviews I've read for the movie to prove he's wrong, his general political retardation is just the cherry on top. The guy hasn't even seen the movie, and to be fair neither did i, but I'm going tonight so i guess we'll see how it goes

>What they SHOULD have done was just drop literally everything from her comics character when they made the film
It's funny you say that because i see a lot of anons getting angry exactly at the changes from the comics

>What they SHOULD have done was just drop literally everything from her comics character when they made the film and basically remake her from scratch to be interesting

That's basically what they did. Movie Carol is a mix of easy, quiet military sarcasm and 80's action movie bravado during her fight scenes.

EVS is a dipshit who hasn't even seen the movie he's shitposting about.

Marvel has been virtue signaling a long time ago. It's about time they got called out.

Attached: marvel and feminism.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

Stan Lee likes it.

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Why he should shut up because you dont like what he has to say?

thats sad

Personally, I don't think there are bad characters, for the most part. Every character is one skilled writer away from being interesting.

The problem is that 90% of comic writers shouldn't be writing anything.

>EVS is a dipshit who hasn't even seen the movie he's shitposting about.
One of us!

But that would undercut the feminism. A man doing it first THEN teaching a woman does not show that women are totally superior to men. To feminists that cannot be tolerated.

the crazy thing is that they did that with Valkyrie in Ragnarok

Disney has no respect for anything, not even dead huh?
Selling their failed social experiments travestied as entertainment is everything.

>built on convenience
Also created to keep DC from using the Captain Marvel name

I agree, even though Yea Forums is probably going to fight me on that.

Comic books are a haven for people who couldn't hack it writing anything else.

I like that he still has the blue check mark. Verified as Stan Lee.

He’s wrong, the reason the character exists is even flimsier. Marvel just wants to keep the captain marvel name from dc.

Absolute Truth.

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