Hell yeah

Hell yeah.

Attached: pvp20190227.jpg (970x309, 91K)

The comic's smarm aside, its a fine change.

It's hard to put into words how I feel when I see PvP.

It's a bit like seeing an old high school friend that never left town. They're unambitious, not really going anywhere, but it's a small relief just knowing they're still alive and relatively content.

PvP is just a half step above a newspaper strip really, which makes sense when you consider Kurtz was raised in an era of newspaper strips and just started posting online as a gimmick.

It obviously pays his bills though so more power to him

He doesn't even care about games, he did it because he thought it qould be more popular. He's the webcomic equivalent of Jim Davis. Which isn't a bad thing, but yeah. He has a very set way of doing things.

How dare people vote on what their movie going preferences will be.

Has he lost weight?

He has, yeah. A lot. Had some excess skin, but good for him.

His weight is actually because of a gladular disorder and not just being a fat fuck so I feel a bit sorry for him

Bullshit, read the early pvp he started genuinely about games. Just moved to a broader perspective

I understand this is bait, but this is objectively a good thing. Why SHOULD you be able to review a movie you haven't seen?
This is also more Yea Forums. Post it there for le epic (You)s

It was never reviews, it was always interest in seeing the movie

Can't believe this shit still exists. I remember reading it in like 2003 together with Megatokyo.

Is this crap still ongoing?

Is your crap still ongoing?

Oh, that would actually make sense. Okay that's a little dumb to remove it entirely just because people are spamming it to make a point.

this guy and a handful of other webcartoonists actually wrote a pretty solid book about comic making back in 2011 or so. his own strip humor aside the man knows how to make a job out of something like a shitty comic

On the other hand its kind of just a nebulous score that doesn't really mean anything. I guess its akin to a "Hype O Meter" but it has no baring on anything. No one said "I want see this movie, but Im not going to because the want to see percentage is so low".

>a star war

Do people actually say this?

>It's a bit like seeing an old high school friend that never left town. They're unambitious, not really going anywhere, but it's a small relief just knowing they're still alive and relatively content.

Attached: 1551554777251.gif (499x281, 411K)

There are few things more repulsive than bugmen like the guy who wrote this. They are usually unsettling, vaguely resembling pounds of grease, sneaky in their demeanor and untrustworthy after all. A lot of issues could be resolved if the dishonest smug skinnyfat balding feminist ally disappeared from the surface of the Earth.


Attached: 2ppqt9.jpg (750x500, 168K)

They didn't remove it. You can still see the inflated "want to see" numbers from people spamming to combat the "trolls and incels".

>girl in movie
>not trailers, screenshots, and negative publicity