Which are your top 5 Pixar films?
Are they overrated or genuinely some of the best filmmakers out there?
Which are your top 5 Pixar films?
Other urls found in this thread:
In no order
>Monsters Inc
>Toy Story 2
>A Bug’s Life
>Finding Nemo
They used to be a very solid production company but even in their best days I feel people were a bit too eager to treat them like the next Kubrick or something
Top 5
>Wall E
>Toy Story
>Toy Story 3
They were good, but now that Disney has full grasp they are nothing producing nothing good. With them dead and CGI being all the funny animal shit we need 2d to get back to the innovation and quality Pixar initially provided
>Wall E
>Toy Story 2
>tfw the best part of UP were the first 10 minutes
Idk I liked the movie but the whole story is kind of just there.
>Finding Nemo
>Toy Story 2
>Toy Story
Toy Story 2
The Incredibles
Finding Nemo
Wall-E (before humans showed up)
I keep hearing this and I can't wrap my head around it. How is him looking through the book near the end not the peak of the film?
In no order but my top 5 are
Wall E
The Incredibles
Toy Story
Beginning of Up is amazing, the rest is trash. The bird, talking dogs and plot point about the explorer wanting to kill Carl were stupid as hell.
based, Ratatouille was top tier
>or genuinely some of the best filmmakers out there?
Well it certainly ain't the present tense
In order.
>Toy Story
>Bugs Life
>Monsters Inc
>Finding Nemo
Incredibles 2
Did you guys not like zootopia or something?
Zootopia isn't Pixar, doofus
in no particular order:
Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Incredibles, Monsters, INC., UP
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
The Incredibles
But the real question... what are their top 5 shorts?
>Toy Story
>Toy Story 2
>Bug Life
>Incredibles 2
It's best pixar movie Disney ever made.
You right.
1. Toy Story
2. The Incredibles
3. Ratatouille
4. Finding Nemo
5. Wall-E
I'll take your beginning of Up was the only good part, and raise you the only good part in Ratatouille was Anton Ego's flashback.
Nah, Ratatouille was pretty engaging all the way through. Plus, Ego wasn't even the focus of the story.
2)Toy Story
3)Inside Out
4)Wall E
5)Finding Nemo
In no particular order:
1. Inside Out
2. Toy Story Trilogy (4 doesn't count because it's not out yet)
3. Finding Nemo
4. Up
Finally someone mentions inside out, it doesn't seem to be that popular
>three movies in one slot
It's good but Pixar's past output has been so great it's hard to crack the top 5.
>Finding Nemo
>The Incredibles
>Monsters, Inc.
>Toy Story 3