We’re getting that new Fatal Five movie, maybe we’ll get more DCAU movies like it
Carter Roberts
Because he's uncool to normies. They don't 'get' him.
Kevin Allen
In this day and age, normie culture is so cynical that a sincere Superman flick would be called sappy and sentimental
Angel Ramirez
What you have to realize is that the average American man is such a stunted manchild that they can't relate to Superman. Superman is, quite frankly, an adult. He's not Batman, because Batman is mentally a child. Batman never grows up. Batman is still an eight-year-old boy in that alley crying over his parents' bodies. Batman carries a child's sense of morality; he wants to stop the bad guys, beat them up, make them hurt--but not kill them, because it's wrong to kill. Mom said so.
Superman, on the other hand, is an adult. Superman knows that holding on to old bitternesses and childish plots of revenge just stunt your growth. Rather, Superman does good purely because it's the right thing to do. Superman believes in virtue for its own sake, which is an extremely adult thing to believe. And Superman doesn't kill because Superman knows how incredibly powerful he is, and realizes that there must be some limit on incredible power for the good of the many. He's a great man who limits himself for the common good--again, a very grown up thing.
tl;dr America is a nation of manchildren and that's why they like Batman more than Superman.
I feel you OP. I remember how hype I was for MoS. I was so happy that Supe would get th proper treatment.
Imagine my fucking shock. It's over though. New DC treats him like a fucking tumor.
Samuel Walker
I want Super Man to be played by Tom Welling and a decent script.
Xavier Wilson
You had your chance 30 years ago. Sorry but it will be at least another 10 before they try it again.
Noah Nelson
But Smallville did great.
Levi Nguyen
>Tom Welling is 41 years old. It'll never happen.
Hunter Sanchez
I dunno, audiences really like Captain America. I think the problem is Hollywood's cynicism more than the average Joe's.
Chase Bell
i think it's more execs being clueless and out of touch.
although superman fighting a giant spider would have been cool desu
Jayden Gonzalez
>Why is that so hard? Because WB are idiots that don't understand him. They think Returns failed because it was too campy, so they let Snyder make a dark and gritty """modern""" Superman which fails spectacularly. I bet the next Superman we get will again be super campy since they now again think that's what people want.
It'll take someone with a really strong understanding/vision of the character whose also got the studio clout to get it done for us to get a true modern day Superman movie with a Supes akin to the DCAU or the post-Crisis comics.
Jordan Peterson
Smallville is Superman acting like Batman, not like Superman. It doesn't count.
Nolan Sullivan
>Snyder fucked any chance of there ever being a proper Superman
Please, please, please be hyperbole. People can't be this fucking stupid.
Isaac Cruz
I really hated Man of Steel. It was too mirthless, the build up was too slow, and the villain's motivations felt beyond forced. I remember sitting in the theater an hour into the movie thinking to myself "when is superman gonna beat up some bad guys already?"
Angel Wood
WB literally confirmed it'll be LONG while before superman is even discussed again.
Jason Parker
>Snyder fucked any chance of there ever being a proper Superman movie >WB literally confirmed it'll be LONG while before superman is even discussed again. Joel Schumacher ruined Batman in 1997. Batman Begins came out in 2005. Man of Steel came out in 2013. Therefore, new Superman movie in 2021?
Ethan Murphy
There's not even a rumour out there for a superman movie. There's rumours for everything else in DC BUT superman.
Adam Flores
Funny thing is, as dull as it is, Returns actually did quite well. It wasn't profitable because the movie had been in development for so long that the budget was insanely inflated and it would've needed to be an Avengers type hit to be profitable, but it actually did a bit more than Batman Begins worldwide. And it got decent reviews too. I am glad it didn't start a new series of films on that tone 'cause it would've been a fucking snoozefest but I find it funny how it constantly seems to be remembered as a bomb when it wasn't at all.
Wyatt Nguyen
He supposedly shows up in Shazam though. so they're not ignoring him completely.
>but I find it funny how it constantly seems to be remembered as a bomb when it wasn't at all.
I don't think anybody claims it's a box office bomb. People said it failed because very few people like it, due to how many issues it has from Luthor doing another real estate scheme to Superman just lifting shit to being a deadbeat dad.
Wyatt Kelly
Bro I still think returns is what the tone of EVERY superman movie should be. Singer like Raimi was born to make supe movies. Too bad he turned out to be a kiddie fiddler tho.
Thomas Morales
Did you watch Man of Steel? That should've been a smash hit, since he's a fucking manchild all the way through.
Matthew Hall
Marvel's characters=new hotness DC's big characters=old and busted overpowered dinosaurs from a bygone era that should be put out to pasture
Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman are cultural icons in North America up there with Santa, Jesus and Dracula. People might not know much about them, but they'll know who they are. Their movies and comics will generally make some money, but that doesn't mean they have a good chance of being universally praised or even well liked.
Dracula is a great example comparison, movies with him don't make lots of money just because people know who the character is. There's a difference between saying everybody knows who it is, and everybody cares, and people who defend Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman seem to often confuse the two.
The big DC characters almost all come from a time when people didn't care about making good characters just beings with powers, origins, and costumes that seemed neato. Stan Lee came along with Marvel comics and was able to learn from their past mistakes and make better characters that can be better adapted for tv and movies and be able to more easily create good stories, comics, movies, and tv shows.
DC characters are only better known in the West due to having a head start. Marvel characters have been fundamentally constructed to be more amenable to being a part of great storytelling.
Luckily, many DC characters will enter the public domain in the coming couple decades so Marvel can adapt the characters and make some good comics and movies.
Superman is a more childish power fantasy than Batman.
Connor Thompson
I'm not holding my breath on anything recent that Timm has been majorly involved in.
Now, if James Tucker had been in charge....
Wyatt Wilson
>more childish power fantasy than Batman. Right. Because clearly a character who broods in the shadows and has all the money and all the training in the world is not the top of power fantasy.
This feels related to another question I've had, which is that "why do writers seem to empathize with Magneto's violent philosophy over Xavier's nonviolent one?" I was thinking specifically about the movie writers and the Gifted TV show writers, but I think it applies to the comics too. (Oh, they might say Magneto is the villain, but the way the plot goes makes Magneto seem like he was right all along, and the X-men are somewhat reactive pansies.) I think writing nonviolent or pacifistic heroes are literally harder for some people.
Jayden Carter
Rumor is that WB is going to use Supergirl for the next 5-7 years then phase Superman back in once the impression left by Snyder's work has faded.
Who would be a good Supergirl for the movies? I've been thinking Jessica Rothe (from Happy Death Day) or Olivia Thirlby, though i've heard Elizabeth Lail (Beck from that "You" TV show) get mentioned often.
Brayden Scott
What the fuck happened? Man of steel made enough money for a sequel so where is it?
Hudson Perez
It was shit.
Ethan Scott
Superman fans will cry about Superman is portrayed on the big screen, small screen, as well as in comics. They all want a Superman that matches their head canon and never existed. Maybe the problem is them and not Superman.
Im actually 100% fine with his portrayal in everything else. But the last time he was portrayed properly on the big screen was returns. And that's pretty discouraging.
Ryan Sanders
I always like superman best. His " I can do something about this, so I should" style always resonated with me. People bitch abiut him being unrelatable or too op, hes not meant to be relatable. Hes meant to represent the best in everyone, a bright, unflinching, powerful ideal for what you should strive to be. Not every character needs a dark tragic backstory. But no guess there's no room for that kind of hero anymore.
Nathan Reyes
>Bruce Timm Superman Didn’t you read OP? He’s tired of Superman being mistreated by hacks.
Cooper Hall
Christopher Reeve Superman > Brandon Routh Superman >>> Shit > Henry Cavill Superman
Jack Wood
This page is Superman collapsing a mine with the owner inside- because he failed to keep his mine up to safety code and men nearly died. A piece of anti-corporate "businessmen are evil" propaganda would really click with the socialist kids. But they had an Ayn Rand fan direct him.
>Smallville is Superman acting like Batman, not like Superman. It doesn't count. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard
Alexander Reed
Wow you're absolutely right. There's a vision in my head for a Batman and Superman cartoon followed by 5 seasons of Justice League. In my head it's called the DCAU. Too bad it's all in my head though. It's really cool if you can just see it in my head right now. If only it existed.
Asher Gonzalez
Notice that they use Miles Morales instead of the real Spider-Man. Even with Spider-Verse, it's pretty clear who they want to push. People have been taught to roll their eyes at anything considered upstanding or moralistic. Not good for a character like Superman.
Adam Collins
Lots of Superman fans hate Bruce Timm and the DCAU.
Bentley Anderson
I really hope they soft reboot the Superman mythos into something likable. What they did to him is inexcusable. What people forget is that the general public WAS ready to accept a new take on Superman that wasn't just the Donner version again. It's just that nobody wanted depressed, loner Superman who can't make decisions for himself and has no humanity.
Lincoln Fisher
And lots like him too. He's not even my favorite Superman. But there's What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way, All-Star Superman, etc2x. He's had a lot of famous runs where you can get characterization and stories from. Snyder is just a total dumbass.
Christopher Cook
Superman was still too mopey in Returns.
Parker Ward
>This is probably a stupid post Yes.
Cameron Johnson
You're a total dumbass. MoS and BvS were great,
Aiden Turner
Man of Steel was good. Batman v. Superman was good.
Owen Myers
Well congrats, you hold a broadly unpopular opinion. Must be your super-high gamer IQ. But WB isn't trying to make niche Superman movies for a niche audience.
Tyler Scott
Paul Dinni carried Bruce Timm.
Brayden Brown
Wow you really convinced me user. Terrific arguments there. Guess I can't expect better than that from a Snyder fan though.
Lincoln Cook
What you want me to say? No matter what arguments i use you're not going to be convinced because you're prejudiced against these movies and even then this is all based on tastes. For me they're great and you're a dumbass.
Alexander Baker
>For me
Chase Jones
I'm not prejudiced against the movies. I actually liked Wonder Woman since it was so earnest. The point is there have been a lot of great Superman material that have defined who he is across the ages. There's a reason people who don't even read comic books have an idea of who Superman is. Snyder just made his own OC up and called him Superman. Of course you have nothing to say because there's nothing to defend. His Superman is shit. You can't even tell what makes them great ffs.
Jeremiah Myers
>no one's even mentioned batman Where does holding a grudge against a fictional character for being more popular than your favorite fall on the child-adult axis?
Ian Ramirez
>Snyder just made his own OC up and called him Superman. That's why you're a dumbass, and probably a casual. Superman in MoS and BvS had a lots of traits taken directly from the comics.
Hunter Barnes
From shit comics like Injustice? Or are you just resorting to ad hominems and not actual arguments since there's really nothing for you to argue but to claim shit without backing it up?
Blake Ross
And the Watchmen movie took from its source material too, doesn't mean Snyder still didn't miss the point.
Elijah Bell
>Superman II >Lois gets harassed >Powerless Clark acts like a pussy >Lois says "I wish Superman were here" >Clark says " I do too"
Worst Superman
Landon Wright
From shit comics like John Byrne, faggot.
Gabriel Martinez
Oh yeah my bad. I forgot that part where the Kents told him to maybe let children die to protect his identity. Also that part where he was still learning to control his powers as an adult since his parents taught him to fear it rather than control it. I specially also liked the part where he saves people while looking like a bitch on the verge of tears because the public doesn't like him. Totally straight from John Byrne. You'd probably like this cool new writer too he's called Bendis.
Ethan Taylor
>I forgot that part where the Kents told him to maybe let children die to protect his identity You're a fucking dumbass.
Jace Jenkins
>Autists can't talk about why the like Superman without mentioning Batman
Ad hominems again. As expected from someone who thinks Snyder is deep. You've really run out of arguments other than dumbass huh? Don't worry, you'll learn to have proper discourse when you get older.
Mason Rivera
There is no point in discussing with a dumb person who can't comprehend a fucking simple as fuck scene. Either you're a troll or a dumbass.
Juan White
There was nothing Batman about Smallville Superman.
Asher Reyes
>Autist spends time checking his grammar on 4channel
I gave you reasons why the movie is disliked and all you can do is repeat dumbass over and over again. I understood the scene perfectly. He was telling him to protect his identity until he's ready but guess what? Heroes don't get to choose when they're ready. He was instilling fear instead of teaching this godlike being what doing the right thing is supposed to be.
Brody Murphy
The movie was disliked by critics because it wasn't a light romcom like the Richard Donner's movies, which is something they came to expect with Superman. Everything else is just you and other butthurt characterfags trying to misconstrue so you can hate the movies some more.
Elijah Hall
I personally disliked it because it wasn't Superman. A lot of casuals who don't read comics but grew up with the DCAU don't like it for that reason either. The people who grew up with the Donner movies aren't even the target considering Snyder kept saying this is not you dad's Superman but sure, not a romcom is the reason why people don't like it. It was a shit movie and now it's dead so why would I be butthurt? If anything I just wished it could have been better. I would have loved alternating movies between the DCEU and the MCU. I hope Aquaman, Wonderwoman and Shazam are good so maybe that'll take the bad taste of Snyder out of people's mouths
William Collins
yah man DC sucks
James Lopez
> Can't enjoy a video without some autist mentioning Batman or Goku in the comments
latina supergirl is probably the next 'supes' in the big screen
Jeremiah Rivera
>The movie was disliked by critics because it wasn't a light romcom like the Richard Donner's movies, which is something they came to expect with Superman. See
Hunter Brooks
No, people weren't willing to accept any other take.
Jeremiah Young
They would if it wasn't bad.
Aiden Hall
Take the Superman in the Supergirl. Literally a carbon copy of the Richard Donner's movies.
Isaac Myers
I haven't really seen Supergirl so fraid I can't comment on that.
Jason Barnes
You think that's bad? I don't even like the Donner movies.
Hunter Scott
>What's so funny >good Yeah I really want Superman to act smug and hypocritical while fighting an ideological strawman. Wait, that's what we got with the DCEU.
Jaxon Sanchez
So MCU's Captain America, I thought he would be harder to bring to the big screen than Superman, Steve Rogers has become a better Superman than Superman.
Owen Price
You forgot about season nine which was directly influenced by the Nolan films and had Clark in all black being a shadow and brooding.
Carter Cooper
I hate Snyder's Supes as much as the next guy, but previous adaptations are also a big reason so many normies don't like him. >ridiculously strong character who can't really lose fights on the count of being the protagonist anyway >he could lose a loved one so that there are stakes though >lol nevermind, he rewinds time
Grayson Green
That first teaser gave me fucking chills when I saw it in the theater. So much so that I forgave the "maybe" line, but it should have been my first red flag that something was horribly wrong.
Kevin Scott
I don't think you know what a power fantasy is.
Matthew Nelson
Big difference is that Batman became a man child watching his parents die, many people are man children by choice.
Gavin Moore
STAS was the best DCAU show. While it may not have reached the same highs as often as the other shows it didn't ever reach the same lows, it was consistently good and still reached really damn high. Having said that, I fucking hated that Superman was under-powered, bland, and played second fiddle to Batman.
Colton Jackson
I remember reading Wizard magazine and Snyder was talking about how the actors would stop reading lines and say "that's not the line from the comic, can we do the comic line instead?" and was so fucking hyped for that film. Then the opening credits started and I still think that's the best scene ever in a comic film. Then I got the rest of that shitshow. What a let down
Jacob Flores
To be fair very few people actually watched it all the way. It's 10 fucking seasons of teenage drama, I don't care how good Lex, Lionel and Jon were, I couldn't stomach all that even as a teenager and young adult.
Tyler Turner
That's a shame because the last three seasons are the best
>one season of wearing a prototype black costume and brooding means he's batman Retard.
Hunter Sanchez
I wasn't the user who made the post and disagree that he acted like Batman through the whole show. He acted like a teenage Superman, I was just saying that season nine was directly influenced by The Dark Knight