DC Superhero Girls: preview clips



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Poor Babs, she doesn't deserve this, but she being the team's pet is kind of cute.

Can't wait

Looks pretty good to me.
Diana and Kara should arm wrestle desu.
Other characters should be impressed with their physical strength sempai

Can't decide who's best girl


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So Babs is autistic in this, right? It's nice that they let her fight.

So she has a student/preformer/superhero triple identity?

Seems like it

Why is Wonder Woman mexican? Why not Greek? I'm so confused...

Is this a LATIN American pun?

She's amazonian, those magic tribe of women that doesn't exist

>Greeks are whiteeeee
That's your prime minister you Turk

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I really like Wonder Woman being the veteran/hardened soldier.

Why is Batgirl a spazzoid lolcow? Why is Wonder Woman an Indian? Since when did Israelis or Greek people have skin that dark? Zatarra is best girl. Jennifer Cruise second. Supergirl not bad. Bumblebee is a diversity hire, can't they make a better black girl hero than bumblebee FFS

Do you live in Norway? why doesn't he looks white to you?

>Since when did Greek people have skin that dark?
Dunno. too much mixing with Turks, look the Greek prime minister is darker skinned than Turkey president

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>Dunno. too much mixing with Turks, look the Greek prime minister is darker skinned than Turkey president

that's just a white guy with a tan, and also turks are white themselves.

Wonder Woman looks like she's from Indian subcontinent, should have olive skin tone but it's not that big a deal, just weird. This show has potential.

Also Erdogan uses skin lightening cosmetic products

Batgirl time on the CN profiles


What's with the spics?

Not sure why they turned the most laser focused member of the Bat family into a spazzy weirdo that cannot shut up

I can't wait for the porn of this. Imagine all the talent and creativity that goes into lifeless my little pony parnaphelia but towards thick cartoon women

I went to school with a ton of Greeks, and they ranged from pale gingers to brown.

Yeah, but they're ripped out of Greek legends. It would be like making Thor black.

She's actually Turkish, but pretends to be Greek in certain neighborhoods

i m greek and dont know any brown ones except immigrants

Or it would be like making Achilles black LAWL

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The whole point of the Amazon legend is that they are not Greek or related to the Greek, they are supposed to be exotic barbarians from a culture so far away from the western one the there is ridiculous shit like a 100% female army.

Amazons in myth lived in Ethiopia

>Yea Forums can't talk about anything other than the skin color of characters
Why are you like this

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Real talk though, they butchered the shit out of Barbara. I'm not even mad with what they did with the the characters, but they murdered bat girl completely and utterly.

What's with westerns turning every main girl into Mabel?

Have you ever seen a Greek in real life?

I am not really digging what I assume is the opening theme. The instruments are alright but the singing is just really off.

Is Ladderfag desperately trying to derail the thread while Yea Forums Mods don't do their jobs.

It's weird. A few years ago people on Yea Forums were complaining about Babs being the most boring Batgirl now people act like her character was interesting enough to preserve.

Is not like Barbara was ever consistent personality wise, she was happy go lucky and then dark and serious and then sexy and then childish again.

Barbara is easily the last consistent character in the bat family.

t. Brian Gutiérrez

I didn't mean her skin tone, by the way. she is pretty dark, but it makes sense that she'd be darker coming from the Greek isles. I meant the accent. That's a mexican accent. They made her Latina.

Like, they could be making a pun about LATIN American, or trying to say that because latin is the basis of Spanish it would sound similar (but it's also the basis of most Western language), or maybe they moved the Amazons to the Amazon? I don't know, but it's just baffling to hear that accent come out of her out of fucking nowhere.

>Amazons in myth lived in Ethiopia
The Amazons in myth lived in Ukraine and the Caucasus. But the DC Amazons have always been portrayed as Greek.

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of course

That accent doesn't sound Mexican at all. What are you talking about?

>I meant the accent. That's a mexican accent.
Beaner here, no it's not.

Don't be ridiculous is probably jus...
Ok that's him.

She doesn't sound like any type of Latin American


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>literally bat pinkie
damn babs, shut the fuck up

Why is every animated Barbara Gordon in love with Batman?

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She is not in love with Batman tho?

I don't know where they were originally from, I didn't ask. But they had Greek names and were very distinctly brown, not even olive-skinned. Though I knew olive-skinned Greeks as well, of course.


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"You lack focus", I love it

Excited for this

Me too, it looks like it has great action and animation

What's with Tara always being some sort of show off? Kara and Jessica's VAs speak in a normal tone, to describe their characters the best they can, Tara speaks in a Ravenish Monotone and just says random two word phrases to describe Barbara. (also check all those comments worshipping her like she's the best ever.)

I just don't like her as Harley. She's ok as Batgirl

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This is all really cute and sweet and I love it.

I think in some continuities Themyscira is located in the bermuda triangle?

Oh boy, an excuse to post this!

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What's her problem

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>Batgirl is an acceptable loss

So just in terms of raw power, it's like this, right?

1. Zatanna
2. Green Lantern
3. Wonder Woman
4. Supergirl
5. Bumblebee
6. Batgirl

since when have greeks ever not been depicted as having bronzed/olive skin?

WW and SG are likely tied

So is she a Fanboy or a Chum Chum?

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Bumblebee cute

>Real talk though, they butchered the shit out of Barbara.
They literally did.
But I'm okay with it because, hey, Teen Titans GO exists.

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I want to see Robin

I hope Batgirl bitching about Robin becomes a running gag.

I hope she crushes on Dick Grayson, but has a rivalry with Robin

I know this is late but how can Bumblebee be a diversity hire if Jessica is Hispanic? Doesn't diversity hire just mean one token race amongst mainly white cast?

>I don't believe in violence
But it's okay to punch Nazis.

It's weird how they're doing character profiles of the same characters twice, once in Batgirl's voice and once in.. I guess Raven?

No, it can be multiple token races.

I love the clips

No they're done by each of the characters VA

Lauren could be browsing right now

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That's nothing, I think she'd be turned off by the pol stuff. A lot's changed on this site in 10 years.

>Zee still calls Zatarra "Daddy" despite being in high school

Oh. Oh baby. She's one of THOSE girls.

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Mild considering where Equines went.

Meh, she might be more put off by all the Yea Forums lite threads popping up lately

Zatanna is best girl by a huge margin. Babs is worst by an equally huge margin. The others seem alright but I worry SG is gonna wear through her shtick fast.

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Supergirl is voiced by Nicole Sullivan, who always gives a good performance. Unless she's given shitty plots I can easily see her being great.

>Wow, Zee your hat's a portal? Where does it lead to?
>Oh, Babs. Were DOESN'T it lead to. Here, stick your hand inside.
>Off screen KYAH followed by the other girls running in looking embarrassed.

>tricking one of your friends into fingering one of your other friends just because you have the power to do it

We're going to get a lot of mileage out of this girl, aren't we?

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>Daisy Jones
>Richard Gonner
Who are those people from the year book?

>Since when did Israelis or Greek people have skin that dark?
t. Only seen pale Ashkenzis

In BTAS she was in love with Nightwing.

About that

>That's a mexican accent.
it's literally none of them but continue making yourself look dumb

So, it's really just a carbon copy of MY LITTLE PONIES but without the horses.

It's really not

>Shy girl
>TUFF girl
>Hyper manic girl
>Level headed girl
>Magic++ girl
You don't know shit

Remind me why isn't Diana the leader of the Justice League. I love her.

>the most basic of character archetypes

Diana is super serious which would be a huge advantage against the entire SHG cast.

Ain’t that the truth. I wish /pol/ and Yea Forumsmblr would fuck off.

>that episode where Babs discovers masturbation and won't stop touching her junk in public

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Can we expect a pastebin with download links? A cameo with toddler Cass Cain and Steph Brown would be fun.

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She mentions Professor Pyg at 1:05. DC sure likes acknowledging that character a lot.
I wonder if he's going to show up - maybe as one of the teachers?

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What a massive downgrade from the previous style

The previous style of barely animate flash drawings?

The movies were pretty decent. Some shorts were better than the others, too.
Season 5 is where they went cheap with flash. Most likely because Faust's version was going replace it anyway.

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That is without question the blandest thing I think I've seen.

>even ttgo does public masturbation

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I wish I could unironically say this is the lowest of the low like that. You must've avoided some real animation turds then.
Do you find the new one any better?

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The new show at least has personality. This is just a constant barrage of generic unfeeling doll faces

and they all look like the same person wearing different wigs

one more clip from the show


Well if she is I just want her to know that she really fucked up with green lantern.

Diana getting crazy for sweets will always be the cutest.
Not to self: acquire chocolate perfume

It makes sense that the ordinary human is at best the brains of the group and at worst a useless liability.

Why wait?
>Remember that time Zatana charmed the sensations of a lolipop Supergirl was licking to Bumblebee's vagina?

>TFW Zatana lied to WW by telling her that dicks tasted just like Sweet Justice and then secretly charmed her tounge to think so as well, leading her to go on a massive Blowjob rampage throughout the school

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Stop user, I'm at work and can't be catching such erections

Normally it’s the Bat family members who is ultra competent while the actual super power heroes can’t put 2 and 2 together and need the bat member to hold their hand.

So I for one welcome this new reversal and seeing overprivaledged Batfags cry about it

I wanna know now how many wannabe historians think Achilles is actually black after watching this

New short in 10 minutes
Unfortunately it's about Batgirl.

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The Zone flashes write themselves

One for next week looks cool



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I think you mean luckily.

>Pictured here
>Batman fetishist takes several post-rape victory photos with her ahegaoed victim

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>Also Pictured here
>After successfully capturimg her victim in foam that also doubles as a comfy spot, Batgirl eagerly prepares to pounce onto the boy and partake in his vilnerable, carnal flesh

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-07-11-50-24.png (800x480, 362K)

Captain Picard is going to be getting a cold reception on the Enterprise this winter.

Oh boy

Can anyone make out Zatanna's backwards spells

They made Jessica into a just arrived a week ago chola. When she is supposed to be a sheltered weirdo from Portland.

you think they might give away identities when they wear mostly their costumes in public?

Easily Fanboy. Chum Chum had moments of clarity.

Yeah, and they made Zatanna into Rarity with Twilight Sparkle's power level. Nobody's really all that much how they are in the comics, yet they all seem to be charming in their own way.

Is she a fucking middle schooler in this?

Why is WW brown

She is greek

Anyone not from a Germanic or Nordic country is brown

For a moment I thought Bumblebee is standing on a box.

Good god, what is this Barbie tier shit?

So are those ice-cream spots or is her pullover designed to have white spots where her nipples are?

They'll be showing clips from this show in animation classes under "what not to do."

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Ugg. Why do they always dumb down the animation quality? It's like the inevitable cash grab move.

>dumb down the animation quality
This is one of the best-animated cartoons in a long while. Other than the near-constant 3/4 view it's incredibly dynamic and expressive.

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The original show and it’s not all that Barbie.

The old show biggest sin was thin Waller

I hope that show is rotting in somewhere worse than hell

There is a totally different show that is also called "DC Superhero Girls"

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I could like this more if all the characters didn't look so bland.

I guess you didn't bother reading which one this thread is about before posting?

Well I can SEE which one it is, but I haven't found any info on why such a totally different series has the same name?

And on DC's site the clips for this new series are just in front of the old series clips on the same page.

At least with Teen Titans Go they gave the series a new name. This is the same thing.

Not true. They call the new series Super Shorts and the old show Superhero High

Just leave.

>they all seem to be charming in their own way.
Of course they are, it only took a decade and transform them into bipedal mammals to people start appreciate them. Who do you think would be the black superhero speaking in rhymes? My money is on Vixen.

The girl with the purple hoodie sounds like fuckin' Ben Tennyson.

I miss Roadblock


New clip. How the girls get together

>those sick burns from Zatanna
Holy fuck best girl keeps giving.

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Zatanna is the best girl, Barbara is autistic, Bee is offputting, Supergrill just seems like a bitch, the hobo on the far left is probably weird too

The legendary amazons were based on the Scythians, who supposedly allowed women to ride to war with the men.

Greeks tell me that Greeks with "oglu" in their names are Turko-Greeks.

>Great, another cosplayer
I lol'd

Babs a cute