Was The Sleeping Beauty the last great traditionally animated film? At least visually?

Was The Sleeping Beauty the last great traditionally animated film? At least visually?

Like after it, Disney would go into xeroxing animation in 101 Dalmations (saving the company financially) which would give it that "shaggy" look of the 60's-70's. Then computer generated/aided movies would come in leading to some pretty sweet shit but not at all hand drawn. Honestly the best animation I can think of in the 90's were the backgrounds and styles of the directers cut of The Theif and the Cobbler (which was ruined by the animators death and studio meddling)
Looking back on the sleeping beauty, its fucking marvalous in its animation, especially considering things like rotating shots that it has, wouldn't be seen again (at least as far as I can remember) when computers kicked it, as in Beauty and the beast. There is something really lovely about it.
also best song in a disney movie, fight me.

Attached: An Elven Prince Plays with his mount.jpg (1280x649, 211K)

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Posting conspet art

also why did they bastardize this with the remakes?

Attached: sleeping-beauty-disney-concept-art-3-600x304.jpg (600x304, 47K)

Attached: lw7ef.jpg (1512x771, 189K)

Attached: sleeping-beauty-c-1959.jpg (644x307, 64K)

Xerox technique is okay. Not ideal, but not irredeemably bad. Disney still had a strong quality into the 60's.

Also, there's non-Disney stuff, like webm related.

Attached: son.webm (640x480, 1.33M)

The original hero of this movie was Pyramid Head?

The backgrounds were shit in it, I really don't know what you're talking about

>them shadows and hand movements

Ok I'll bite what is this and when was it made. Looks dope

Attached: EyEarlecastle8.75x22.png (961x378, 840K)

I actually rather liked the background styles. They had that fairy tale abstract look

Will admit pinochio had better ones

But thats wrong though

Attached: sleepingbeautyhall.jpg (1600x713, 248K)

Secret of Nimh. Don Bluth. 80's I think

Das the Secret of NIMH, yo

Bluth is good (dragons lair is a long time favorite of mine) but after watching American Tail as an adult he had some really bad issues with perspect hights. Like the sizes of the cats to mice were so inconsitant it bothered me

That was probably a stylistic choice to make them seem more monstrous. Also cats vary in size.

I don't know man, it just felt like bluths weaker points to me. He does do good shit though, but he is a cartoonist, not a producer and needs a team

Attached: Maleficent dragon.webm (1276x500, 2.91M)

I know I am not the first to say this, but she was pretty bae

sick dark souls boss

>tfw a decade later hanna-barbara would user in a dark age of budget animation

Why would a bitch just casually walk up to a spinning wheel to poke it?

Attached: Maleficent.webm (1920x752, 2.91M)

I don't always like how abstract Sleeping Beauty looks. Lady and the Tramp from a few years earlier might be better looking.

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Attached: Maleficent2.webm (1920x752, 2.93M)

This and Anastasia are the only 2D animated films I remember being in 2.35:1. It bothers me that it's so rare.

I don't care much for Lady and the Tramp but it has really sweet background art.

Attached: Maleficent3.webm (1920x752, 2.83M)

Lady climbing the stairs at night as a baby is one of my favorite Disney scenes.

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