Yea Forums General Drawthread

>Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Yea Forums related (i.e. 'comic character dressed as vidya character' is related, but not 'vidya character dressed as comic character') and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in the
or Last Thread:

Attached: Carl baby.png (884x1021, 206K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit that's cute

This pic, but with She Hulk and Wyatt Wingfoot, please.

Attached: untitled (1).png (1133x1728, 3.13M)

Requesting Blue Power as an Amazonian warrior.

Attached: tumblr_oyveelkfuB1s2usqro4_1280.png (1280x754, 214K)

Requesting a cool Supergirl drinking coffee reaction image.

Attached: 1546297975964.png (610x650, 152K)


Begone, policefag.

Requesting Daffy's happy reaction when he realizes he finally achieved his lifetime goal of being the face of Warner Brothers

Attached: 1549167717412.jpg (288x297, 16K)

Requesting Hailee Steinfeld's character from Bumblebee using the masterforce braces to transform into a female bumblebee.

Attached: Masterforce.jpg (1769x1390, 429K)

A Latino/Mexican version of these characters doing this scene in reference to digging under the wall, from fantastic Mr Fox

Attached: Screenshot_20190301-224520.png (2560x1440, 2.15M)

Requesting Genderbent April

Attached: April genderbent Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.jpg (1200x3144, 661K)

neptune was supposed to also be in a jojo pose (VK is doing a caesar pose) but i couldn't get his look right.

Attached: we ar kangs.png (1300x850, 1.63M)

an epic battle between the yoshies versus the south park boys behaving like apes by bebe

Attached: yoshies vs south park ape boys.jpg (1200x462, 135K)

requesting future fat darlie likely the reference

Attached: merge_from_ofoct (11).jpg (611x360, 61K)

here ya go

Attached: amazonian.png (2400x3300, 1.78M)

Requesting anything that's comfy you want to draw with my bros

Attached: three-caballeros-the-film-1180x600-1180x600.jpg (1180x600, 238K)

Requesting Hanna Thompson (from Octopus Pie) carrying a big bong over her shoulder & saying “Get on my level, scrub”

Attached: hanna_bongcarry_req.png (3247x1500, 2.86M)

Requesting Carmen Sandiego wearing outfits like on the right

Attached: carmen.jpg (1648x1120, 411K)

Requesting a blushing flustered Korra playing strip poker (and winning) agaisn't shirtless Aquaman, Dante and Guts.

Attached: request.png (2344x3840, 2.56M)

requesting zach and giggles cosplaying toad and toadette

Attached: toad and toadette cosplay.png (1960x1100, 2.38M)

Webby Vanderquack and Anais Watterson hitting it off

Requesting Rayla picking a wedgie from her suit feel free to have her complaining about as well

Attached: Rayla.png (1104x1744, 1.28M)

I'll leave when the op gets some taste

Requesting Rayla and Callum at a heavy metal concert.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2018_09_06_at_8.22.36_AM.0.jpg (1200x800, 148K)

Hot damn, did it really take just 24 minutes for you to draw that? Because that's amazing if so, and I can't thank you enough.

:D i draw really fast lmao. Thank you too! I'm glad you like it!! i dont get to draw big buff ladies enough and this was a great opportunity anyway hehe

Cool. Do you have a name/gallery?

Requesting First mate Jenny from Bucky O'Hare in a cute sexy outfit of your choice, or doing cute cat stuff.

Attached: dcx6o0d-83b1a867-a100-4217-8b36-17a960216907.png (672x1032, 234K)

yeah i got twitter:

Tintin and Allan as Mike and Jay

Attached: 1ac.jpg (775x825, 192K)

you dont even have to fuckin change allan holy shit im still tempted to do this tho i fucking love RLM

Requesting fusion.

Attached: Raven Warbird.png (1225x1013, 1.54M)

Requesting a hand to hold.

Attached: hand.jpg (937x785, 52K)

Mike always did look like a thug if when he wasn't trying to gun down Rich as the fattest of the RLM crew

Velma posing or getting dressed in this outfit.

Attached: tumblr_ndmn63vunF1tjqtkso1_500.jpg (390x617, 45K)

Requesting X-23 lying in bed wearing black lingerie.

Attached: Laura Lingerie Request.jpg (2721x1062, 580K)

Thanks for the link, and thanks again for the great pic.

Requesting user Transforming into a Yea Forums girl.

Attached: Anon.png (837x976, 129K)

Requesting Roger getting cut in half.

Attached: freezer roger.png (200x318, 47K)

Requesting more thicc symbiote ass. The artist for this pic is Enteiiro.

Attached: IMG_5300.png (500x500, 68K)

Requesting Harley pole dancing.

Attached: BraveBold Harley2.jpg (938x636, 75K)

Requesting muscle Alex determinedly doing barbell flies (with lods of weight, of course)

Attached: Alex.jpg (2406x768, 409K)

Requesting Kiki taunting Connie.

Attached: kiki kiss steven.jpg (2550x2516, 413K)

Requesting tittymonster Demencia boobhatting an unamused Black Hat or a nervous Dr Flug

Attached: Demencia sfw edit ber00.png (2700x2500, 2.63M)

Requesting your waifu dressed like this.

Attached: kolin08.jpg (355x506, 35K)

Requesting the bottom picture with Elodie wearing the same low-cut dress.

Attached: Elodie champagne.png (1072x1817, 1.66M)

Requesting Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy wearing these versions of their costumes but unmasked as they're both drunk and laughing hard. Replace the glass of alcohol with beer bottle, and have Peter on the left side of the pic holding the bottle and Gwen on the right just laughing like in the ref pic

Attached: Spider-Peter&Spider-GwenDrunkReq.png (2990x1408, 2.35M)

Requesting Raven and Starfire making out in these outfits.

Attached: teacher raven and starfire relaxing.png (1367x1424, 2.04M)

Requesting Guns and Sierra dressed as Pearl and Marina.

Attached: 1551438575560.png (663x1204, 566K)

Requesting Mandy and Gaz eating pizza together.

Attached: gaz and mandy.png (1280x1656, 620K)

Requesting Mabel and Pacifica playing video games.

Attached: mabel and pacifica bewbs.jpg (730x640, 240K)

Requesting new-outfit Lapis, leaning on the amp like this, smiling softly and gently humming "That Distant Shore."

Attached: e83c0c99-bf9a-4ab3-8930-cbc58a6d9fc5.jpg (750x689, 70K)

Requesting Connie Maheswaran being caught stealing and wearing one of Marco Diaz's red hoodies.

Attached: Connie caught stealing hoodies request.png (1570x1498, 1.06M)

Requesting Beast Boy playing with Grookey.

Attached: Grookey.jpg (187x250, 5K)

Requesting fusion of Princess Sherbet and Calamity Jane

Attached: 1551425968730.jpg (547x401, 53K)

Requesting Samurai Jack fighting against Shiromori from the Mystery Skulls animations

Attached: Samurai vs evil tree woman.png (1800x1800, 1.94M)

I wonder who Plinkett would be.

Requesting Lapis in a swimsuit doing the pic related pose

Attached: 4524525.jpg (1290x1000, 750K)


Requesting inflation art of the Goddess Mode girls. Do your worst.

Attached: goddessmodefirstlook.jpg (791x1200, 1.02M)

Requesting luchador Vambre like the R Mika's pose.

Attached: R vamb.png (829x641, 634K)

Humbly requesting your take on Lydia Deetz and Death as professional wrestlers. Could be wrestling each other, working as a tag team, or just standing around posing in ring gear. Whatever springs to mind.

Attached: lydia death.png (1113x644, 726K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: shefrost.jpg (565x378, 132K)

Requesting either a Marie/Mandy fusion, or a Mandy/Eris fusion.

Attached: MarieMandyErisFusion3.png (2048x2457, 1.45M)

Requesting a genderbent Lucia and make her have muscles and be in a sexy pose. thx

Attached: lucia.jpg (1542x1075, 113K)

Requesting Lilo drinking a mimosa.

Attached: lilo and stitch.png (630x792, 822K)

Requesting Power Girl dressed as Superwoman from Earth-3

Attached: pg sw.jpg (424x374, 169K)

Requesting Jessica and Big Mama at a bar.

Attached: jessica big mama.png (1280x1351, 421K)

Requesting Cheetah gets mistaken for a Pokémon with Wonder Woman bursting into tears of laughter. Also extra points of Giganta hugs Cheetah.

Attached: Cheetah_vs_Wonder_Woman.png (444x250, 166K)

Requesting Jenny and Inspector Gadget flying in the air and Gadget saying saying "go go Gadget mentor-ship" while Jenny rolls her eyes sarcastically.

Attached: 1551453768956.jpg (4000x1840, 715K)

/ring/ liska in a red high cut bikini, please.
Either lying on her side in the sand and smiling at the viewer or standing and pulling the string to undo her bikini bottom with a smug smile.

Attached: 01.png (888x888, 575K)

Requesting R63 Baxter Stockman getting headpats and absolutely hating it

Attached: 1452786594858.jpg (1166x1552, 665K)

Requesting Carrigan as a Genie

Attached: Carrigan Genie Request.jpg (1691x1914, 230K)

Requesting a dopey looking Entrapta dressed as rapunzel

Attached: 93113F33-A9E5-4890-B741-4A35F42E5C26.png (356x537, 71K)

Requesting White Violin playing her violin in a sexual pose

Attached: 710495-white_violen.jpg (634x640, 70K)

Requesting Leni dressed like Kirk and Lori dressed like Spock.

Attached: request.jpg (1123x1049, 280K)

Requesting jack as a green lantern

Attached: B0502367-6116-4C4F-91C6-4580548E7D7A.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Requesting Germaine cosplaying/wearing Senketsu from Kill la Kill, getting ogled by a bunch of nerds while she yells into her phone that, "the check better clear this time asshole!"

Attached: gmaine.jpg (3616x2160, 1.16M)

Requesting Grug and Thunk Crood in a full body draw wearing just their caveman underwear and showing off their beautiful muscular and slightly chubby bodies. Any trolls will be reported.

Attached: Grug and Thunk Crood Request #2.png (2666x982, 3.05M)

Requesting the Peridot/Steven fusion on the top-right, and the Fighter-Warrior Connie on the top-left, posing together like in the bottom image.

Attached: dks.jpg (1328x2024, 427K)

Requesting something similar to the Conan pin-up on the left, but with Esther from Hillbilly.

Attached: ESTHER.jpg (2048x1828, 849K)

Requesting obscure woman with scar on her breast from the music video "Born to Shine" wearing lingerie clothing while doing same pose like in the reference on the right.

>Also if it’s possible, can you keep the scar on the character.

Attached: 45B542DD-377A-4DB3-9EDD-202542AEAD4F.png (2843x1598, 3.95M)


Be nice.

Requesting fusion.

Attached: X Men Fusion 3.png (1600x1742, 1.11M)

Taking colouring requests And for the last time, i'm not doing that fucking Atomic Betty and Buzz Lightyear one.

Requesting Mile's mother in the black spider suit
(Maybe make it a tight fit with some tearing?)

Attached: 1551668646894.png (2561x1224, 3.59M)


Attached: 1548665172247.jpg (626x870, 59K)

Is that supposed to be Lapis?


Requesting Scarlet Witch in a Hyborean Age version of her costume for the Avengers/Conan team-up this month. Pics on the right are for examples of the style.

Attached: ScarletWitchHyboreanAge.jpg (4000x3279, 1.31M)

Raven Queen as Vulcan Raven.

Attached: Vulcan Raven.png (656x592, 347K)

Ben surrounded by xeno booty.

Attached: Ben surrouded.png (2136x1624, 1.26M)

Requesting this version of Gaz wearing a skull bikini

Attached: 152718424684.png (1464x1027, 332K)

Requesting fem Hiro discovering porn ala

Attached: 1551655455102.png (749x514, 150K)

Requesting Anna Maria Marconi from "Superior Spider-Man" being wearing the same clothing while also, posing like in the reference.

Attached: 7C47B680-F791-4697-B4ED-AD0873321AF4.png (1832x872, 1.88M)

Requesting Nolanverse's Bruce and Gordon trying to pretend Harvey Dent is still alive at a Gotham election rally a'la the poster for Weekend at Bernie's.

Attached: WeekendAtHarveys.png (693x500, 622K)

Attached: image0.png (814x1221, 699K)

Madara Azula.

Attached: madara azula.jpg (1168x754, 128K)

Absolutely love it. Thanks a lot!

How do you it? Is it just practice? Are there any tricks?
I spend an hour just draw and another 20 minutes fix the errors and get the details right. and I consider myself super fast.

those faces, though

Requesting Raven lifting Jinx's skirt to show off her booty. In pink and black striped panties preferably.

Attached: 20190305_155413.jpg (3732x1400, 1.67M)

Idk to be honest. I’ve been drawing for about 16 years now give or take and I don’t bother trying to make the lines perfect unless I’m super invested in the piece. Once you’ve got a decent grip on proportion and anatomy you can lay down the base shapes in a flash and throw some loose pencils over them. The part for me that takes the longest would have to be color and shading since it takes the most precision

Thank you, I never tried it that way. Also, thanks for the quick response

That looks great.

I believe its a request

Requesting Chat Noir dabbing

Attached: 1502508817945.png (1280x730, 1.23M)

requesting you be banned

Requesting Darkseid sitting on casting couch

Attached: darkseid couch.jpg (1285x450, 315K)

Requesting Dexter's Mom and Honey Buttowski, like in the image on the top.

Attached: fat milf ass.jpg (736x2076, 402K)

So? It looks great.

requesting the left image with queen tyr’ahnee

Attached: 9DC64B6B-9E7C-4B9E-A0F9-A3E8005C12DE.jpg (1199x791, 137K)

Requesting a pin up based off of the left pic with Olivia Octavius using her octo arms to cover herself.

Attached: doc ock.jpg (3362x2160, 1.05M)

I thought you mistook it for a delivery

No. Just saying it looks great.

Requesting a pin up based off of the right pic with Olivia Octavius using her octo arms to cover herself.

Attached: doc ock.jpg (3362x2160, 1.05M)

Requesting Rachel wearing that maid/waitress outfit on the top right ref like the bottom pic, only happy for the tip.

Attached: 1541330606080.jpg (748x1670, 369K)

Requesting Merida wearing this

Attached: 05E2C226-A9FC-43F8-A19E-C236D3B7E463.jpg (582x344, 268K)

Requesting Tiff Crust wearing a super tight bodysuit like the girl on the left

Attached: THICC.jpg (1951x1500, 559K)

Requesting Enid dressed like Hattori Hanzo Uruka from Yatagarasu and feeling super body body conscious about it.

Attached: D08YCo7W0AAMJmT.jpg (700x2028, 211K)

Attached: Does_one_face_the_cleaver_for_render-n_Esther_topless.jpg (700x1120, 407K)

How ridiculously saccharine.

What if you're a cute grill, and Esther takes a shine on you? No cleaver there.

Requesting Annie Hughes going thru a mid-life crisis and skanking it up

Attached: Annie Hughes Mid-Life.png (1092x800, 1.15M)

Post some reference images for colours.

google it, instead of wasting image space

Requesting that Adam Hughes' How to Sketch image with Raven, but OG TT cartoon Raven on the left, and TTG Raven on the lewd side.

Attached: 141919.jpg (1248x1288, 307K)

Requesting catfight between Eris and Hexadecimal

Attached: Chaos Masters.jpg (1307x1128, 272K)

Requesting this timeless image with Mr. Incredible as Affleck and the cast of Spider-Verse as everyone else.

Attached: being batfleck is suffering.jpg (612x341, 114K)

Requesting that Adam Hughes' drawing with Annie Hughes. Left side in her waitress outfit, and right side in her casual black pants and jacket outfit.

Attached: Annie_Hughes_Full_Body.png (371x703, 157K)

Requesting Zatanna and Kirby doing a cute magic show together.

pretty please?

Attached: kirb request.png (903x344, 160K)

I don't get it.


Attached: 1441566911036.jpg (447x303, 43K)

Yeah, do any of your shitty requests make actual sense in your mind, sp/a/mmy?

'Sup Jobby? Where the fuck are your videos?

Attached: Hue+_ab38ef41e1cfd90ef6d34af157d61a14.gif (194x198, 34K)

Requesting any Yea Forums Mom wearing that t-shirt.
And I mean actual Yea Forums characters that are mothers. Non of that "they're age appropriate to be moms!", or "in porn they would be cast as milfs!" shit.

Attached: YOUR SON CALLS ME MOMMY, TOO.jpg (1082x490, 145K)

In the garbage where they belong

Ah, the dumb-fuck symbiote twins are back to waste more posts, and waste more image space.

They both do magic.

Toph for the obvious blind joke?

Attached: Toph.png (681x1013, 219K)

I couldn't make up my mind, so I put my request ideas into one collage. I don't expect both of them to be done. You're welcome to choose one or the other, it's no big deal to me I'll be grateful with either one!

/r/ Teegra from "Ice & Fire" in either the pose in pic A or the pose in B.

Pic A is the actress Caroline Munro playing the character Margiana in the movie "The Golden Voyages of Sinbad."

Pic B is the actress Martina Beswick playing the character Queen Kari from the movie "Prehistoric Women."

Attached: Teegra Poses.jpg (2074x706, 269K)

Requesting a continuation of this pic please

Using her earthbending she catches the tray/cup and catches Zuko in her arms

Attached: zutoph otp.jpg (1300x607, 52K)

Attached: request.jpg (528x451, 69K)

Oops. What I was GONNA say was:
Requesting Tintin sipping a bit of whisky and getting almost immediately drunk. Optional, but if you could draw the drunk squiggle on the left, that's be nice.

Requesting Hoppus as The Nameless One and Skullivan as Morte (not in this pose)

Attached: 9A84616F-BBA1-4FBB-A2AC-2C6A3FF9733C.jpg (1080x1920, 445K)

Requesting Mysterio (from Spider-Man) butting heads with the Duke of Zill (from the Felix the Cat Movie) over him ripping off his costume.

Attached: Mysterio&DukeofZill.png (467x212, 266K)

Requesting Wilhamena doing nude yoga in the same position as the woman on the left is so her arms cover her breasts so you only see some side boob.

Attached: yoga.jpg (2041x1408, 369K)

Requesting Bonnie Rockwaller as a twitchslut

Attached: 7737373437435467689Inb4Shadman if you do that you're contractually obligated to second my reque (1136x776, 974K)

Requesting Johnny Cage punching Thanos in the Dick with the Infinity Gauntlet.

Attached: MK11-Johnny-Cage_02-27-19.jpg (600x337, 27K)

Requesting sexy giantess Poison Ivy kaiju monster wreaking havoc across a large city, destroying buildings with a oak tree T-rex tail, or breathing explosive mushroom spore breath.

Attached: Poison ivy ref.jpg (1675x1112, 195K)

Wow, they deleted my request fast.

Let's hope they nuke your whining just as fast, abusefag.

And your salty attitude too.

Sure, ban-evader.

I didn't break any rule dude.

Requesting Leggy Lamb pulling the viewer with her around the farm like the girl in the left pic

Attached: bland request.jpg (1617x800, 190K)

Reposting my request from the last thread.

>I'm sorry if this is too complicated, but I was hoping to see Florida-Man (pictured left) using a giant mutated bearded dragon (pictured right) as a club to beat on a group of masked thugs with the headline (below the dragon) arcing overhead.

>Thanks in advance. Feel free to disregard color, if that makes it easier to handle.

Attached: 1551635586720.png (1840x920, 318K)

When did you start using that, abusefag?

When it rains, it pours, huh? Did you three have this clocked?

What do you mean with abusefag?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Requesting Iron Man and Ghost Rider facing each other holding both each other's hands looking into each other's eyes madly in love.

Attached: iron ghost.png (1273x861, 2.32M)


Bonus if they kiss.

In every thread there is someone that goes full autismal.

Asking for Shaggy and Fred bonding; despite its long history, the gang never seemed to interact with each other aside from what the established formula dictates. I leave the scenario to you, thanks

Attached: 1548774121220.png (972x1256, 750K)

Kirby is mostly Yea Forums though and even if you factor the anime in it's a crossover request
this guy gets it.

sure, abusefag usually does it

Requesting Spider-Gwen doing the pose from this Aesthetic screencap (from Megazone or something it seems). If possible full body too. Wearing the costume but no mask.

Attached: Gwen Aesthetic.jpg (2116x1068, 240K)

Go to Yea Forums, then.

>you will never massage She-Hulks feet

Attached: Carol sad.jpg (369x995, 142K)

Requesting/anchoring a confused Enzo Matrix wearing one of Naraku's kimonos

Attached: Same VA hour.jpg (1173x1028, 123K)

Requesting Mr. Nobody torturing Sailor Moon on a electrical chair while poking fun at her for being a Mary Sue.

Attached: 6157035-screen+shot+2017-11-22+at+4.16.16+pm.png (499x640, 226K)

Yeah could I get a drunk post-S2 Dominator pouring her heart out to karaoke of this on any segment from 2:48 to the end please

Attached: 1544754805397.png (870x800, 281K)

Requesting AT Humans being racist towards Rainicorns.
Justifiably or not

Attached: no more unicorns.jpg (320x320, 34K)

Working on it.

Requesting Canyon and Finn having a picnic.

Attached: Canyon Finn.jpg (1785x995, 305K)

requesting demencia as a sexy robot girl.

Attached: 47240148f031fe98d77b092ccc46785e.png (1280x1707, 592K)

to expand on this, it would be nice if you made her try to drink a coke and short out. thanks in advance

>robot waifu spammer is not double-posting
these threads produce more spammers than they do deliveries

lots of people want their stuff done and it takes awhile to draw it. thats just how it is and thats why the booru is there

At least we got a /d/ reject, and not more of the same broken-English pedo variety.


Requesting a poster parody of Black Sheep featuring of Batman & the Joker.

Attached: 220px-BlackSheep_Poster.jpg (220x325, 28K)

Sorry I'm late

Attached: CoffeeLaz.png (462x568, 93K)

Attached: Gaz and Mandy.png (1168x1024, 313K)

Here you go user.

Attached: Lpiz.jpg (855x1144, 374K)



OR here. God damn, that's magnificent... Can't thank you enough, user!

Requesting giantess Dr. Mrs. The Monarch accidentally stepping on some henchmen

Attached: request.jpg (1546x1550, 465K)

WEW lad

Requesting Gaz and Dendy playing video games, with Gaz's Game Slave hooked up to Dendy's backpack computer.

Not the OR, but I love this.

Attached: Gaz and Dendy.png (1305x757, 446K)

I made some edits.

Thanks. :) I'd draw your request, but I'm too tired rn. I'll draw it later.

Attached: Gaz and Mandy.png (1156x980, 313K)

Holy shit, that was one of my deliveries years ago.

Requesting Spider-Man as new Captain Marvel

Attached: spider-marvel.jpg (1027x800, 354K)

There are pedos here?

Requesting Peter and Ashley (as a kid) eating ice cream together on the roof of a building

Attached: Grandpa_and_Granddaughter.jpg (1344x1520, 256K)

this style seems familiar..

Done. I may colour it tomorrow.
I don't know what accent Hellboy has.
My bad.

Attached: cancer january 2019-6.jpg (1394x1254, 652K)

Not OR, but this is cool and cute!
Good work

Coming from page 0 to tell you that looks lovely

Attached: ravenjinx.png (1909x3000, 766K)

Oh, very fucking nice! Thanks poe!

Requesting Supergirl's secret identity being the viewer's sexy secretary. Some extra ideas

>Cleavage to distract people away from her face.
>Messy ponytail

Attached: More like Bestgirl.png (1316x616, 1.03M)

Requesting coloring for this artwork. It's Buzzlightyear and teen Atomic Betty.

Colors reference in the links:

> And for the last time, i'm not doing that fucking Atomic Betty and Buzz Lightyear one.
lol why so mad.

Attached: 1551531981474.jpg (1022x735, 139K)

Wouldn't this be easy as fuck to do in paint? Like both art-styles don't really use lighting.

Requesting Mike from motorcity and Coop working on a car together.

Attached: 1551544770570.jpg (4000x3435, 1.32M)

Who would actually have sex with Carl?

Requesting Prohyas Warrior and Vambre Warrior, being trained by Samurai Jack in sword fighting.

Attached: 1551545303991.jpg (4000x2871, 939K)

Whores who have a thing for desperate losers.

My interpretation of my waifu then

Thank you in advance! Resting up is the best thing to do right now.

>Tfw desperate loser dudes and wimpy nerdy guys are unironically my type but there’s zero good porn of them
I hate having to make my own content

Attached: CB18EDBF-EDD9-490D-8B85-4893EC13A080.jpg (1360x1050, 150K)

Charlene is cute.

Attached: Tea.png (556x985, 252K)

Attached: 1551957956868.png (1394x1254, 726K)

>wimpy nerdy guys
Isn't that half of harem SOL's though?

Requesting Dr Fate’s helmet saying pic related

Attached: 731332EB-B7A5-4160-81BD-3C5123CADB69.jpg (680x383, 44K)




Requesting Death of The Endless holding a birthday cake saying “Happy Birthday! Another year, closer to Death”. Mods can delete this post after March 9 if they want to help save on image space.

Attached: 3D7B9084-0435-43CE-8FDE-78C7BA8BD9D0.jpg (1352x2128, 687K)

Thanks, user!

give me your blog you handsome man

Fantastic job, dude

i am not the artist. i just color it.
the artist is
if you want to see some more things i color is here

Requesting fusion.

Attached: Blond Fusion 4.png (1600x2034, 1.06M)

Requesting fusion please

Attached: PicsArt_01-01-12.00.41.jpg (2289x2289, 312K)

Requesting a highly cursed smug Wendy's, taking notes from the left.

Attached: cursed wendy's request.png (1710x825, 1.53M)

fuck off to your pedo containment thread, this here's a begging thread

How hard is it to get that you don't waste image space with shit that's not requests or deliveries? It's easy enough to get in a Storytime thread, so why not here?

>not a pedo begging containment thread

Bc I’m not going to start a thread about shit that doesn’t need a thread. Calm your tits.

Why waste image limit though?

Ah so this one of those drawthreads where -only- requests and deliveries are allowed to be posted.
My mistake, I should have asked first.

Why are you so worked up over an image on an image board. There’s always going to be another drawthread you faggot

They don't post. Obviously your shit is less than important.

How else would requesters request their drawing refs of a request that's probably not going to get a delivery anyway?

No ones post is important here, it’s a fucking Yea Forums thread. It has no more value than the fuckwad five posts up asking for fetishy loli pinups

Requesting this scene by Lauren Holly from the movie Picket Fences -

but done with X-23 and artists choice (I vote teen Cyclops)

Attached: ObdA5q3.jpg (905x2048, 411K)

And? Threads are still about something. Go to Yea Forums with your little tantrum.

I can only picture some horrible tenticle thing latching onto his face
>>Of friggen course

Source on this image?

>jelly-filled donuts
Fucking hell, I love it.

Are you blind, or just really stupid?

Requesting pic related featuring Ed Edd N Eddy about to be sucked into Street fighter

Attached: OHFhW.jpg (784x1024, 208K)

Requesting a fusion between MJ and Black Cat to create the ultimate spider girlfriend.

and the combined tit mass of both of them

Attached: mary jane and felicia.jpg (666x1024, 148K)

Requesting Popeye and Mike Tyson from Mike Tyson mysteries doing the "Dillion you son of a bitch handshake.

Attached: 1551731650578.jpg (3264x868, 597K)

Requesting Halo Kenny being a thing.

Attached: DxX_B5wW0AMD-UB.jpg (349x432, 22K)

das good

You already got it, though. Right there in your own post.

Here. Shut up.

Attached: buzz betty.jpg (1022x735, 120K)

Like I said, easily doable in fucking paint.

then why didn't you do it.

He wasnt worth the effort

Requesting more Super Saiyan Mandy

Attached: super saiyan mandy.png (826x966, 479K)


Attached: C7756976-0FD5-4DE9-9460-93E9F5261BEA.jpg (183x355, 45K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: inoshikacho fusion.png (1600x1600, 603K)

These are very strange things to fuse together.

Attached: 1472596546143.jpg (563x587, 83K)

killing pedos is normal; being one is not. fuck off.

Check the filename. Inoshikacho (Boar-Deer-Butterfly) is a card combination in Hanafuda. It's like making a fusion of let's say, Queen Elsa, King T'Challa and Jack O'Lantern, thencalling it Royal Flush fusion.

Of course, sorry. I should've known it immediately despite the different language and the very obscure filename from a game most people don't know from a totally different country.

Attached: 1461024232635.jpg (464x599, 93K)

So the 'if you need to explain it, it shouldnt be drawn' meme applies.

Why post images that will be deleted anyways, faggot?

>Of course, sorry.
Obviously you should be.

Any Silencer requests?

Besides the obvious Silence I kill you joke? Nothing

A reaction image where she’s shushing an user to shut the fuck up

Standing next to Jessica Cruz, both wearing the 'who needs big tits with an ass like this' meme shirt.

Requesting fusion

Attached: almighty jackass fusion.png (1600x1600, 535K)

Requesting the Lifeguard from Lilo and Stitch showing off her booty while she is taking a bubble bath like the girl on the right.

Attached: bubble butt.jpg (2223x1000, 338K)

Go ask your mopther to hug you or call your therapist.
You need help or go out to the real world more often.

Let me enlarge it.

Attached: d958f2305087ae9ba8ce0d891885db44.jpg (1074x830, 126K)

What do you want

Requesting Honor Guest from The Silencer series wearing these clothing, while posing like in the reference. Also can you have the character holding a gun behind her back while she’s smiling?

Attached: C342A59C-7B0D-40A7-8AA7-717F63466B90.png (1795x1500, 2.34M)

I want her in the and dress but she's trying to hide her massive erection

Anything’s fine as long as it’s not gay (that means no traps/futa)

Requesting Peridot trying out alcohol for the first time

Attached: 1544070769463.jpg (900x1420, 174K)

here u go

Attached: MJ Cat.jpg (1044x1353, 387K)

Hey hey hey, drawfags go away.

Attached: message to drawfags.png (1278x869, 170K)

Why are you responding instead of reporting?

What would be the best reason for reporting? I want to, but I also don't want to get in trouble for reporting for the wrong reason.


Requesting a drawing of Ghost Rider if he was as CRAZY and fun as Dante from Devil May Cry

Attached: Ghost Rider Classic.jpg (960x960, 90K)

You like red heads a lot

Attached: ECA0BCC1-C61C-47D0-86B4-9ED37EF5710F.jpg (900x1156, 251K)

Attached: image0.png (1181x1748, 1.44M)

didn't read lol

Attached: image1.png (1065x1028, 904K)

Requesting this scene done with Yori and Ron Stoppable.

Attached: 1484926839304.jpg (780x585, 113K)

Requesting Finn on a throne with all four AT girls around him like pic on the left.

Attached: rance throne.jpg (1310x818, 309K)

Thank you so much.

Requesting White Diamond in the outfit and pose as the girl on the left, though with diamonds instead of rubies. Maybe one yellow, one blue, one pink and the middle one white. Or not, all white would be fine

Attached: 1551497512069.jpg (2092x871, 298K)

Requesting Raymond catching Woody squatting in the Boxman building and Woody messing with him

Attached: B54CA9A2-7F63-4372-B709-51A2825517E5.jpg (1280x959, 131K)

Requesting Carol Danvers in this pose with text below her reading "Just Carol"

Attached: a43dd49f-7adb-40b7-86f8-33280dc49371.png (1280x720, 1M)

Attached: Gaz and Dendy.png (1200x1580, 358K)

Requesting Phantom Girl naked, but using her invisible power to cover her body parts. Also can you have the character doing a pose like the reference on the right.

Attached: 5E962FC3-0447-441D-81D4-5A8200BAA881.png (1954x1288, 1.44M)

Just take it to /aco/, you animal

Sorry about that, made a mistake.


But she has no sons, only daughters

I also need this, but is right, you should try /aco/. You'll have better chances there.

I second this

You mean Femseud right?

Too cute, thanks a bunch for the delivery! That's spot-on for both characters!

not canon

Requesting Fusion.

Attached: BirdsistheWords.jpg (1007x793, 63K)

Requesting Judge Anderson facesitting on some user an saying "I know what you are thinking, creep!"

Attached: request.jpg (1902x782, 581K)

>fu fu fu why are you thinking dirty thoughts while I'm doing something lewd, uwu baka~

Kill yourself


here u go, any chance to draw SW is gud

Don't we all?

Attached: scarlet witch barbarian.jpg (1000x1390, 341K)

Attached: 0201903072216.png (447x303, 84K)

Requesting a Yea Forums character (or character's) in a bumper cart

Attached: IMG_2154-1024x768-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 169K)

Really dude.

Attached: 4-Chan.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

>TFW the artist of that piece is a huge futafag
everything fucking sucks

Who is that bottom right?

Thanks and no problem!

theres nothing wrong with marmalade mum you gig-faggot

I would also like to see this done

requesting Hekapoo wearing the MEGA MILK shirt but instead it says MONSTER MILK

Attached: 1534031148216.png (660x760, 233K)

Something like this was already done. And with better wordplay.

Attached: 1534110440466.jpg (881x1500, 453K)

Can you this one?

Requesting Mayday Parker and Anna-May Parker in a bikini while holding hand

Attached: spider-sisters bikini.jpg (978x715, 515K)

>anna-may this a joek

Songbird from Marvel

Can I have Carl from ATHF as Sandman from Spider-Man.

Attached: 210px-Carl_Brutananadilewski.png (210x329, 60K)

she's probably named after may parker and anna watson

nope! i'm a semi regular drawfriend tho. not enough to have a name for myself yet

thanks colorfriend

Requesting Germaine's mute friend in the slave Leia outfit some how making Germaine seem small in comparison.

Attached: mute.png (2636x1080, 1.68M)

Demon Queenie

Attached: Demon_Queenie_Model.png (954x716, 486K)


Attached: FAF72C3E-4023-43CE-877B-2CB169CE0123.jpg (1000x800, 94K)

oh, good

Seconding this

Requesting a drawing of BW from Long Gone Gulch wearing lingerie and a leather jacket like the female model on the right.

Attached: BW Leather jacket.jpg (1770x749, 337K)

I'm actually drew this ahaha

Attached: 2019.03.08_19.52.18_.png (960x640, 752K)

Requesting the Jackie and Janna comic but with Sabrina and Daron's avatars

Attached: request sn.png (1744x1010, 1M)

Requesting Ramona making out with Knives while she holds her against the wall.

Attached: knives ramona fight.png (180x235, 72K)

can someone draw some cute Puppitty?

Attached: db84zru-018ac836-bc2b-49f8-976e-0a7d07e4be51.jpg (640x655, 36K)

requesting Yea Forums character of your choice watching porn and failing at it

Attached: 2011-08-01.png (900x1154, 242K)

Attached: 04e.jpg (1260x765, 293K)

Attached: 1551433230887.png (2000x2000, 1.13M)

I can actually see this working well

Requesting Charlie giving Hunson Abadeer a tour of the hotel and him looking impressed.

Attached: 1551818602026.jpg (3454x4000, 1.11M)

Requesting Elodie telling Rabbit Enid this.

Attached: elodie and black rabbit enid.png (1256x960, 615K)

Super obvious. Rayla and Callum in the last two panel

Attached: 51920810_390410871737512_969682649261761263_n.jpg (1080x1194, 87K)

this is cute. I second this idea.

i feel like this almost has to be canon, especially considering she's part of an online fan community.

Requesting fusion.

Attached: ThunderTakeYou.png (1181x876, 691K)

Requesting Yakko trying to cheer up Charity Bazaar.

Attached: Charity Bazaar.jpg (875x475, 104K)

Requesting Leggy Lamb pulling the viewer with her around the farm like the girl in the left pic

Attached: bland request.jpg (1617x800, 190K)

My heart...

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums

Why exactly are you asking for this here?

Requesting a drawing of ed getting his head shoved under one of the kanker sisters shirts like in the comic reference to the left, and briefly showing what he's thinking about ( Gravy, Butter toast, Chickens, Zombies, etc)
and then like in the comic on the left, his eyes light up when he smells CrankShaft no. 5

Attached: Ed's brain.jpg (1606x976, 711K)




Requesting Panda walking down the beach wearing these pasties and bikini bottom.

Attached: lets fuck.jpg (1951x1350, 356K)

Thank you so much, this is incredible work, and hot as hell.

Requesting this with literally anyone else

Seconding, I'd even be fine with Enid

Sure, one of the few characters that's actually worse.

Here, draw the words fuck and me on the pasties of this old delivery you received and you're done

I'd prefer it if you didn't give your haters more ammo.

Draw the Arby's waifu in Yea Forums related outfits

Spread legs pantyhose view

Attached: SmartSelect_20190308-104003_YouTube.jpg (745x997, 315K)

suggesting a prison outfit because that's where she's heading


To you.

Requesting Zartan from GI Joe as Saxton Hale from TF2.

Attached: 90409-67105-zartan.jpg (400x619, 84K)

imagine being this much of a bitch HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

Requesting Noodle I’m a more revealing version of the left

Attached: 7367112E-1DFD-4C3E-BB85-AFEA8A02B5A5.jpg (572x356, 104K)

Requesting Elsa wearing the Royal Icing dress from Fate/Grand Order.

Attached: Elsa.jpg (1740x1775, 1.23M)

I miss the days when Carol drank. So requesting your best Lahey tier drunk Carol
>"Carol, is that you talking or the liquor?"
>"Jess.......I am the liquor"

Attached: Captain Marvel IS the liquor.png (1918x1768, 2.4M)

Requesting Wilhamena in the outfit the woman on the left is wearing, but bake it the same color her dress is.

Attached: THICC wilhamena.jpg (1688x1080, 223K)

Requesting anything with Gwenpool

Attached: 02867CCD-DC3A-44A8-B0D2-B82333DB0C1B.jpg (1040x1600, 438K)

Go the booru then

Requesting an elderly Sweet P visiting the Crystal Citadel and reminiscing about his past.

Attached: Adult Sweet P.jpg (580x669, 38K)

And paheal, and dan, gel, or safebooru, and google images, and your local comic book shop, or whatever site has comics for free these days.
Chump-ass requesters.

Requesting a close up of Jinx grabbIng Raven and Argent's ass like the bottom picture.

Attached: goth grope.jpg (2000x2313, 629K)

This is so awesome!
Thank you so much!

I draw what I want to draw.

you do know there are female porn artists right (american and japanese)?
so what's your point?

someone send this the hannah that mad woman has to see this

The moment Satina becomes popular all of you will completely turn on Hannah and start calling her an SJW feminazi because how dare a woman make cartoons. She shouldn't even be bothering with you morons, lest she wants to send the message that she likes her kind getting discriminated.

Requesting Pacifica and/or Miko wearing the outfit on the bottom, but with the leotard having "SUCC" on it, instead of "SUSS".

Attached: SUCC.jpg (2312x2176, 895K)

Requesting an upskirt shot of schoolgirl Marie sitting with her legs spread like Holli Would is on the left.

Attached: Marie spread.png (2977x1500, 3.91M)

Kingpin dressed up as hank hill

Attached: KING OF THE PEN.png (800x600, 398K)

Requesting this fusion

Attached: B.png (1800x1880, 376K)


Requesting Goose playing with Minn-Erva's sniper laser.

Attached: Still-of-starforce-from-Captain-Marvel.jpg (1641x1079, 230K)

Attached: Kingpin.jpg (600x450, 34K)

This is going to require a bit of imagination on the artists part because I suck at finding reference art, but it should be fun.

I want to see Raven dressed up in a Mucous Membrane shirt, like she's ready to go to a reunion concert.
The details are largely up to you, go nuts, all I want to specify is that the shirt is very well fitting and she's not wearing a bra underneath.

Attached: 7d4a831991ce4782c936659506281565.jpg (235x450, 13K)

Someone draw this but have her wear a bra underneath

Why must you wound me like that?

I am just a bad dude who browses 4channel and stays up late. Can't say I regret hurting your feelings friend.

Great work, my guys.

Requesting a Quarry themed Beetleborg

Attached: Quarry.jpg (253x315, 13K)

actual beetleborg or kamen rider style OK with you because the SIC gatakiriba combo from kamen rider OOO's is almost what you want Quarry to be

Requesting Hovis the Butler from Catscratch talking to Alfred Pennyworth about Cats in general.

Attached: hovis-catscratch-93.1.jpg (210x240, 12K)

here you go

Attached: whitevioln.jpg (920x1024, 418K)

my goodness man

Requesting Gwenpool adjusting her leotard

Attached: gwenpool adjusting.jpg (1258x996, 603K)

This but with Raven instead

Either is fine to be honest, but I was imagining an actual Beetleborg when I made the request.

Adjusting her leotard to show more ass?

So the reference image? are you stupid?

lemme see what i can do.

You can never have enough art of raven adjusting her leotard.


Omg thank you so much it looks amazing

Requesting Obsidian meeting Ginormica and Ginormica not knowing which hand to shake when they meet.

Attached: 1551834783385.jpg (4000x2724, 616K)


Requesting your waifu dressed like this.

Attached: cool to be kind.jpg (1080x1350, 185K)

Requesting Demona making a heart gesture

Attached: demona.jpg (412x300, 81K)

Suggesting Ice Queen

Attached: Ice_queen.png (1685x2199, 653K)

Requesting these kind of requests getting ignored for the imagebait they are.

Requesting Marinette dressed like Pinocchio, either lying about her secret identity or about her crush on Adrien, and her nose growing because of it.

Attached: marinette.jpg (918x632, 262K)

or they just attract others who want specific characters in that look, like so

i love goofy requests

Attached: buttling.jpg (1363x1770, 148K)

You're welcome.

Requesting Mettaton Peridot stuff!

Attached: DNdlAtRUEAEXZNp_waifu2x_art_noise3_scale_tta_1.png (1888x1920, 762K)

So imagebait

has anyone that ever submitted a substitute or suggestion ever gotten their request made or it's just a rare thing?

Yes, several times in fact not me, I just see how a lot of times when someone else suggests they get something

but Peele knows comedy for sure

Attached: 1551805337326.jpg (2723x4000, 909K)

This is very nice Catscratch is underrated

Thank you kindly.
Good job, mate, you're definitely better at picking colour palettes than I am.

Attached: cancer january 2019-6-col2.jpg (1373x1234, 1005K)

Raven please

Attached: 367393 - DC_Comics Raven Teen_Titans dandonfuga.jpg (3508x4961, 742K)

>>>>>another fucking raven request
can this board's taste get any more amalgamous

Different user, it's pretty common for artists to just stick to their safe zone and draw only a handful of characters, most of which are Yea Forums fotms. But that's just how it goes really. I just hope someone draws my birthday waifu.

Worse is, all he had to do is refer to another raven request. But no he had to fuck over image limit

Those are just drawfags, artists actually try to move out of their comfort zone.

That's actually a fair classification. RavenRavenRaven for example rarely ever steps away from his namesake

thats. legitimately sad. i cant imagine how sad it must be to just draw the same shit over and over with zero effort put in to get better or to explore other subjects

It isnt even good. His best work is his gogo tomago piece. Sad.

Reference a real gun next time though.

this guy thank you. its really high praise coming from you.

Apparently now, some people are shitting on one artist..okay

Yea Forums is always angry about something/someone

They bitch about all of them, and they are mostly right.

It's not "shitting on an artist", its a fair criticism. Maybe that's also a reason why these threads aren't what they used to be. God forbid an artist tries to better themselves, or venture into something new. That's half the reason why waifu requests get done so prominently, because it's easy (You)'s, attention, and within their comfort zone. Of course that's not always the case, and there are plenty of artists who do a variety of things, but it's still worth mentioning. We forget that these threads were originally for critique and not just a one stop free art station

it genuinely pisses me off that the drawthreads have become exclusively request/delivery. artists/drawfags should be able to post their drawings and shit here if its Yea Forums related.
maybe there should be a fanart thread or someshit

Requesting Leya Sodo "wearing" the gold "outfit" the girl on the left is. Its gold tape so not technically not clothes.

Attached: leya.png (2064x1280, 2.5M)

I partially referenced the Good Samaritan, but I rushed too much and ended up with the gun in the image. I'm trying to improve on drawing mechanical objects quickly as well as efficiently.
Aw, shucks, I'm just a pilgrim, same as any bloke who delivers in this tread. But thank you for the compliment, nonetheless.

>We forget that these threads were originally for critique and not just a one stop free art station
No they were not. They were for artists of all skill levels to draw whatever strikes their fancy as long that it was comic and cartoon related. The problem was when they kept letting requesters have their way.

That might if there is a rule about no requests

>wow okay why are you hating?


Have a wonderful day user

Attached: Happy Deathday.jpg (1821x2579, 1.23M)

I want to know who did the White violin request as its fucking amazing

pH, doesnt have a gallery, just posts here. Has a bunch of deliveries from her and /aco/ on the booru.

Thank you so much! That came out really nice. You have a blessed day, Joko, and thanks again

Ahh thanks, I'm just so happy that someone did a White Violin art request for me

who deleted this from the booru?

It's not deleted. It's a child post to Draw-Fiend's coloured version now.

Wait, never mind. I set it as a child post but now it looks like it's been deleted.

What's with this "birthday" scam, I've been seeing here? And how do I get in on it?

I did. What are you gonna do about it?

Hey it was actually my birthday today. Though I know that doesn't magically entitle me to anything, and even stated mods could delete the post if so desired. I'm thankful for the artist's time, and for the delivery. The sad thing is that I sure there are people who would lie/abuse that sort of thing.

Requesting a drawing of Penelope Lang (Atomic Betty), Portia Gibbons (The Mighty B), Sierra McCool (The Replacements), and Mindy (Billy & Mandy) hanging out together at the mall, shopping and talking about their rivals from their shows (Betty, Bessie, Riley, Mandy).

Attached: Mean girl request..jpg (1688x662, 191K)

/r/ Glimmer going 100 like Mob

Attached: 6^64d757r567d.png (1054x584, 652K)

Requesting Tzipporah and Miriam from the Prince of Egypt tongue kissing hard out while each other grab each others ass

Attached: 159a8c2eafaf2c271cf38541b7b93a82.gif (500x280, 1.39M)

source on the bottom left pic?

does that mean she'll be well animated for a change?

Not a request, but from delivery from . Just felt like drawing Auriana in halter, spats, and sneakers.

Attached: Auri1.jpg (1214x1291, 312K)

There's separate threads for that.


it's a cute look for her, nice work

Requesting the cast of drawn together playing smash ultimate, bantering about who plays who

Attached: pixlr_20190309174726257.jpg (2048x2048, 2.14M)

Color is on the way

Attached: rio2rough.png (1400x1983, 298K)

We need Maurice LaMarche as Alfred now


vela wearing a tiger print bikini

Attached: 1551960386931.png (351x468, 244K)

new to this. I'll try it.

Nothing say better Fuck You than our dear Judge Joe Dredd

Attached: the law is my waifu.jpg (1559x2339, 1.26M)

the closest we'll get to see him smile

That's awesome

Requesting a drawing of a artist trying to draw Judge Dredd lewd, and as soon their pen touches the tablet, Judge Dredd kicks down the door and arrests the artist for "attempting to create a lewd depiction of a judge" .

quick doodle in a normal shirt, sorry

Attached: heka.png (1007x1500, 339K)

not or but excellent work

Requesting Polly riding on Gumball's shoulders

Attached: Gumball.png (1575x949, 274K)

I tried.

Attached: IMG_1608.jpg (1431x1524, 192K)

Requesting Hawkgirl in chainmail bikini

Attached: hawkgirl chainmail.jpg (777x576, 193K)

Requesting John Constantine (DCAU or comics) using the Death Note.

noice, good stuff user

Jokes on you, it's too funny to make me mad! You did forget the Africa necklace though.

>think she's hapa
>turns out to be some weird mix of jewish, flipistani and black

here ya go buddy. too much beetleborg and not enough quarry or it's just right?

Attached: Quarry Beetleborg.png (519x1000, 696K)

Requesting Ember (Danny Phantom) to be in the same pose, facial expression and cig hanging from her mouth as the lady in the other picture

Attached: 0005.jpg (800x600, 80K)

while holding her guitar in place of the stool

Does it matter?

Requesting Carol Captain Marvel dabbing.

Attached: 385a824c_1e70_4a95_baca_eb73708f4cdf_8803_0000094610f2bcdc.jpg (600x849, 78K)

Requesting Aquaman dabbing on Carol

That's a scale mail bikini.

>has to be "on" someone
The duality of man.

tried something a bit quick, hope you like it.

Attached: noodle.jpg (1000x1000, 140K)

Not OR, but that's really nice. Good job, user

skadaddle skadoodle, my dick is now for Noodle

have a sloppy very fast sketch

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-10 at 1.42.06 PM.png (678x977, 205K)

Requesting Nani copping a feel of the Lifeguard as they sunbath together. Or vise versa.

Attached: under the suit.jpg (2307x1089, 424K)

Here's a wip

Attached: gwenpool Sketch.png (595x750, 154K)

fucking nice

Holy hell, that's real nice! Especially that booty.

Requesting something cute with Ron and Shego.

Attached: shego_and_ron_by_kahm666.jpg (1024x576, 87K)

I'm commenting on it, fuck off.

No need to be hostile dumbass

Requesting a short comic with KO peeping on Wilhamena undressing as she is getting ready to bathe, each panel taking off a piece of clothes, dress, bra, panties, all the while the window gets progressively foggier with the last pic the window is so fogged up all you can see is her silhouette.

Pretty much this

Attached: wilhamena.png (540x960, 273K)


Attached: 230.png (1500x1482, 2.06M)

Requesting Enid and Elodie in the same pose as pic on the left.

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Holy fuckin' crap son

New drawthread OP?

I love the idea of Roger as Frieza and I don't know why.

damn dude, what's eating you?

that depends on whoever makes the new thread

I'll make it if I'm not at work by then.

Requesting Supergirl mooning

Attached: btsupergirl4.jpg (1096x750, 206K)

Requesting Lucky Seven Sampson (School House Rock) being told by one of the kids he's talking to that they need his help studying for geography, not math, then he says, "Fuck y'all! I'm goin' back to the country! I hope y'alls fail school!"

Attached: Lucky Seven Sampson.jpg (480x360, 14K)


OR here. This is some lovely work, man! I really like how you got the right coloring for the character like on the music video it really amazing. Thank you so much Ampbatross, I really appreciate it!

daddy's milk

Attached: 1451773434777.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Thanks for being a giant retard by posting an unrelated image that'll be deleted.

Could you guys bump this thread for 9 hours? I need to go to work.

Image limit brah

lookin good

someone make a new thread, i wanna take requests

you can still take requests here. People can just links to imgur

not going to happen, it's going to be deleted as long as this thread is still here