Post your obscure Yea Forums waifus.
Post your obscure Yea Forums waifus
>Raleigh from Lost at Sea
>tfw no good fanart of her exists after nearly 20 years
Shapeshifter chick's sister.
Gives me a scared boner.
Spy Groove was too look alike for its own good
wish it had a second season
>In the Vegas tradition of recreating the world’s greatest treasures, Johnny Nevada has recreated Las Vegas itself, in the heart of Vegas.
The most horrifying adventure yet - being around normal people.
The PS4 version of her made my PP hard...
I think Glen Hanson, who did the art for Spy Grove, also designed the Monster High series.
And the guy that designed Kim Possible also did Danny Phantom, but Hartman got the major credit. It's a shame such great characters got such shitty writing.
If only she wasnt in such a shit movie
Did the guy die, or just move on from the Shapeshifter series?
I'm super sad part 4 was the last I saw
What show was that from?
I won
best obscure-fu
read the thread, dipshit
she ended up being the last girl they saved in the finale.
Great job. Mods.