The Blade

The Blade
>He had a sword called Ruin, and when he struck it against its armor it made a noise like cold iron that meant death. Five Times Ten Thousand Men did he cleave during the tumult, and tempered his blade again from the iron in their blood. So was the God.

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Other urls found in this thread:

god damnit I forgot the title

gdi OP, do better.

You may not like it but this is what Peak Mottom looks like.

Is... Is Jagganoth naked?

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What's Gog's clowntheme?

What does God need with clothes?

I'm glad to see Jadis again.

This is the first time we've had the seven demiurges in 1 page in present time

Yeah, it's certainly a world of difference from the other scenes of them together

Gog Agog? More like Gog a Cute

>incubus struggling to sit down like an arthritic old man
>gog-agog having no idea what the fuck is going on
>jagganoth smithing butt-naked
this is a good page

Who the hell is gonna stop Jaggy if he wants to show off his godly salted salami?

Damn, no wonder Incubus sticks to his tower, soon as he shows up everyone starts shitting on him

And now the thread is going to die within hours. OP is eternally a faggot. Put the title in the subject next time you retard.

His mom

I must've missed the part where they agreed to let Pride train Zaid, the normal human without an all powerful key in its head.

explain Jagganoth to someone who's bad with the lore?

I can't believe a walking tragedy is this cute

i want a boomer Zoss asking Jag to keep down the hammering in the basement.

Big angry unkillable, immortal guy who loves war and is on a mission from GOD to wipe out all of reality with the power to destroy worlds on his own. He is also REALLY smart despite being a giant muscle beast.

It has been stated that the other six Demiurge's keep Jagganoth at bay from going on a rampage. I suspect one of them (Jadis is my guess) will be dying sometime soon and that will be when Jagganoth begins his mission.


He's a big guy who wants to crash reality with no survivors. One of the angels is more or less Talia and mad at mortals / Zoss.

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>Most powerful demiurge, as strong as all the other combined. Master combatant and brilliant strategist.
>Suffering from severe depression/ ptsd. Served as child soldier in an inmensely brutal mercenary company
>Was visited by an angel of YISUN and given the mission to annihilate the multiverse entirely. He's currently on a mad rampage of industrialization and hoarding and improving high tech from all corners of creation
>Said angel gave him 30 feathers which he forged into nails that he drove into his flesh. These nails make him absolutely invincible
>Has an inmense hatred for everything but also has a sensible side and enjoys poetry. We'll get into his full backstory and motives in the final book

Incubus is on Jagganoth's side, the balance has already been broken, Jagganoth is just building his forces

Fuck you're right. Welp if I was one of the seven I'd be doing my best to find a nice place to hide and hope for the best.

>The Blade

Where's that user from the last thread who was insisting Jagganoth was beast?

Child soldier turned unstoppable juggernaut that has enough PTSD and self-loathing to literally destroy the universe

Why is Incubus so weak?

you haven't been reading the psalms. it's heavily implied that hiding from the world not only cuts you off from true Royalty, but makes you less powerful.

Why do you assume he's weak?

because he's too scared to take action himself and lives entirely through others

I mean physically. He can't walk

>stolen throne
>wicked ways

Ok, Abby REALLY better explain some shit next page about Incubus. How on earth can the other demiurges, who murdered thousands of demiurges to get their keys, have qualms about how Incubus got his?

I don't think Jadis will be dying anytime soon, we haven't even seen her intro card. Plus she holds the full shape of the wheel and all the knowledge of creation, that makes her too important a player. If anyone is going to croak soon It will probably be Mottom or Mammon, since they've already had their arcs

For some reason, I hadn't realized that Jadis' people had dragged her all the way to this meeting... am I blind?

Also, it is just me, or has Mottom noticeably aged since we saw her face 2 pages ago? Wonder how much longer her fruit stockpile's gonna last...

>Jaggy! Put some clothes on! It's drafty and all your Demiurge friends can see your no-nos!

he's a literal parasite who lives through others. the others at least had the guts to kill for their keys honestly in open warfare. remember, the demiurges were a culture of warrior-scholars.

When one masters the ways of destruction, even a cripple can sunder worlds

Meti looked like a decrepit street urchin at the height of her power, looks aren't always a good indication of strength.

Mottom stabbed his husband while he was sleeping and stole his key

I believe it'll be that he didn't earn the key himself. It's all but confirmed that he got his key from someone else, most likely Kill the Gods and Topple Their Thrones. I guess since they all earned their key through buying it (then fighting) or just being wicked cool murderers/wizards but Incubus got his through luck/perhaps tricking the rightful owner into giving it up he doesn't really 'count'.

Mammon literally bought his key, and you don't see him catching as much shit as Incubus about it.

It's been implied that his throne/power should have been Maya's - the way he went about it probably explains why the other demiurges hate him

The implications from throughout the story implies that Maya straight up just left her Throne and Key around for someone to pick up. Which Incubus did.

Meanwhile the rest of the Seven all got their Keys and Thrones by brutally snatching them by force.

Abby's stated that the only thing Jadis really wants anymore is to die. She probably wouldn't compain if Allison came rocking up to kill her - the real problem would be getting through the theocracy built around worshipping her...

Yeah but he didn't have 111,111 keys in his. He likely only had 1 key (since I doubt a guy would be looking for keys while the universal war was happening). So Mottom killed a guy and got one key, then sorcerer'd her way through the other 111,110 keys until she got 1/7th of the universe's power.

Quick question: why is Jag not Royalty yet?
>constantly improving
>constantly working towards his goal of complete annihilation
>obviously does not give fuck what others think
>no sign of all of the other hangups displayed by the other Demiurges
He has to be close.

He is explicitly stated to have been a soldier in the Middle Army under Maya, apparently powerful/important enough to get her key, and is a master of at least one martial art style.

Beyond that she was all but stated to have been raised and educated for nothing more than landing a good husband.

Like I said above with Mottom, he bought his first key, then fought his way to the other 111,110 keys by being a giant dragon-beast with magic powers.

Weather or not they fought honorably they did KILL the last owner of the key,
Inc's key if heavily, heavily, implied to be Maya's and not only is she still alive, she looks absolutely no worse for having lost the key, meaning she probably didn't fight at all for it and just gave it up or threw it out when she stopped wanting to rule the gold army.

He might be closer than the other demiurges? I think Abbadon's said that Zoss is the closest to Royalty - and even then, he's not all the way there yet.

Well he should be he one closest to it. But I think he like the rest of the 7 is also stagnating. Consider the stuff about being a child soldier, and now being a War God who wants to kill everything to satiate his Universal Scale PTSD, he is probably like Big Boss. He is trapped in war and cant get out.

>no sign of all of the other hangups displayed by the other Demiurges
He's so wretched and breaking under PTSD that an angel was able to convince him to end the universe.
The dudes not transcendent, he's just really fucked up

Like user said, he's still stuck in the ways of war. Also, he has an end goal. The only reason he wants to kill everything is so he can finally be finished. Royalty wouldn't want to end/have a goal in which he dies.

According to the archives he has drawn limited conclusions about the world because of his understanding of reality. Plus he's REALLY miserable and unfulfilled, and essentially trapped in a cage of his own

He's probably closer than the others tho. Since Royalty is cutting infinity with the blade of want and he is The Blade and is on a mission to carve infinity itself

>Solomon's a stabilizing/unifying force, appears to be in perfect health, and could probably go toe to toe with Jags for a bit
>the other 5 demiurges other than Jags are to varying degrees treacherous, decrepit, senile, or a mass of insane sentient worms.
Narratively if any of the 7 are going to croak first i'd say it's probably going to be Solomon, especially with this whole upcoming tournament.

They DO have a point. Imagine sweating, bleeding, killing long enough to gain 111,110 extra keys after years of war and pain just to learn that some shmuck has literally got the same power as you by doing nothing but picking up a discarded set of keys someone left behind. I'd be right pissed too I'd imagine.

>The Blade
but Jagg is beast, you guyz

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All of the Original Six got their keys fair and square: by taking them. Yeah, Mammom bought his, and Mottom killer her husband by stabbing him in the back, but they both took them. Within the religious schema of KSBD, this is entirely valid and moral (the entire point of "religion" in KSBD is effectively lying to and trying to kill God, after all).

Incubus most likely either given his key (blasphemy in a world where lying and murder are literally virtues at an axiomatic level), or found it (which just meant he was lucky).

He cares what the Angels think. He wouldn't be trying to destroy reality if he didn't, after all.

Royality is cutting infinity with the blade of want. My assumption is Jagganoth has not touched Royality yet because he is seeking an end to it all, rather than to progress it.

>He cares what the Angels think

According to Jags the mission came from big Y themself, the angel was just a messenger. Still we don't know the full context. Abbadon has said Jagganoth's motivation is the most interesting so there's probably more about that encounter than what we know

Actually being miserable and unfulfilled is ideal for Royalty, according to Abaddon, it's why the Seven are ideal candidates for it, but due to their own actions, have not reached it.

>he is The Blade
True but he's not the wielder. Michael and maybe Incubus arguably are.

What are the odds Jagganoth gets defeated and convinced to commit sudoku by a battle of poetry?

> Caring about what God thinks you should do
Not royal in the slightest

I think Jadis will turn out to be one of the good guys

Incubus is NOT in control of Jagganoth. Abaddon made it abundantly clear he designed Jagganoth to go against the trope of big, oafish brute. Jagganoth is way smarter than probably any of the other Demiurges, along with being way stronger. Michael is also not in control, he's a patsy, a short sighted, blind fool. The only one I can imagine being in control of Jagganoth is Metatron

She has seen the wheel, she knows Royalty and not to seek it, she is third in line for both it and a place between Alison's legs

All we know is that Metatron gave him the message, which is a player that /KSBD/ also tends to forget. For all we know, Yisun doesn't give a shit and can't actually be destroyed, Metatron just wants Jag to do something that will let him wipe the slate clean and start over.

Which, overall, is besides the point: Jag cares about what the Angels think, even if only indirectly. Royalty wouldn't care about the Angels at all.

Jadis is a prisoner of her own making. Her followers worship her and idolize her, but they are also her wardens, imprisoned in glass, the only thing keeping her miserable existence going. She seeks release, but the only ones around her are her zealots who treat her as an idol, and the cruel tyrants who would never let her die if they can help it due to her knowledge.

>maybe Incubus

His instrument is Allison, not Jagganoth. He's scared shitless of the later

It's gotta be Metatron. If Jagg got a mission from YISUN them self, who else would help deliver it than God's scribe?

Holy shit, Incubus isn't holding back with the shade

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Why did gog go from insane and mercurial to retarded and buffoonish?

I think it's just a phase

Because mood swings are common in crazy people. Plus last time she was buffoonish until Mottom blew up a face she'd been working on. He current face is far less conventionally beautiful

Because she's scatter brained so her personality likely changes at the drop of a hat.

From all the hints Abbadon has dropped I feel like Jagganoth's omnicidal mission basically gave him a sense of purpose when he was at an emotional lowpoint.

I prefer retarded buffoon gog

so what happened to all of jags scars and shit? it looks like he even grew one of his nipples back, on top of all the body hair

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Mottom is going to die the next time she tries to pop Gog's head. It'll happen with no warning or fanfare, and it'll completely upend whatever plan Solomon is currently coming up with to keep Jagg in check.

he won't show.

it's clear the image of Jagg from todays page is a memory or a retelling coming from Solomon. We've seen Mottom talk about Jagg forging in a different light.

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I bet that Solomon's tournament is gonna get crashed by Jagganoth arriving, and that Jagganoth is going to battle Solomon to the death and claim his empire, setting about destroying most and leaving behind only what he needs to bolster his ability to kill everyone else. I bet that's the shitshow the final book is going to throw us into.

That would be hilarious. Would also probably tick people off having one of the seven die like that

He forged himself a new nipple.

damn I forgot how badass they all used to look

that's what stagnation gets you I guess, everyone but Solomon and Jag look like they're falling apart these days

Look at mottom giving angry eyes to incubus, even then

'god you are such a shit kid'

And Incubus looks too fabulous in his gleamy battle armor to even care. It's interesting to see that he wasn't always decrepit, maybe he's running against the clock like Mottom

Didn't really like this alt text

Unlikely. Jagganoth is going to wipe out everything, he doesn't need to bolster, he's been bolstering for years now. If he does crash the tournament, he's going to glass the planet and then crack the glass to dust.


What if Incubus really is a sort of mental parasite given form? Abby has said that he had no mentor nor need of one, and doesn't really have a past. I recall him once answering another question about Incubus as being because of his nature/existence (I can't remember this one exactly). It would make sense, the coalesced mental form of lust of countless demiurges (or just of Maya). Lust for power, lust for flesh, lust for existence. Somehow he acquired a key, either stealing one/all of Maya's, and gave himself a physical form. Of course he would be looked down upon by the others, he's not even really a person, just a wayward though. He didn't really need to struggle for everything he has, he just popped up and stole it.

And of course he survives by feeding on the soul flames of others, because he has no true flame for himself.

I don't know, it doesn't quite feel like it fits somehow

i dunno, i can see that being the explanation but the way solomon talks about him "making his moves" makes me think its an image of the present. hopefully its just an error, maybe abbadon will pop up in this thread with some answers

Gog looks fine, which is due to being able to look however she wants I guess. Mammon also looks fine, he just has facial hair. Mottom and Incubus are the worst for wear.

>I recall him once answering another question about Incubus as being because of his nature/existence (I can't remember this one exactly).
that was when he was explaining each demiurge's immortality

Any time we've seen Jagg in the present, he's been wearing his helmet. Whatever Jagg is doing in the image, it was in the past.

remember that Abby used Tom Bombadil as a benchmark for True Royalty.

That's dumb. Other than Abby saying the remaining Words explicitly, if Incubus isn't Blade noone is imo.
>Kill the Gods and Topple Their Thrones
And yeah, Mammon still bought his key. I wonder how worse Incubus's method is

I was under the impression that Jagg's mask had fused to his body somehow, as if he had accepted his beastly nature and now fully expressed it on the outside. But from Solomon's narration it seems like those panels take place in the present

Incubus is flame

sure, but even in the flashbacks from when mottom was talking to allison about jagganoth, he was shown without his helmet doing the exact same thing hes doing in this panel and he still had his scars

Mammon bought one key and then went to town, and he still got the money to buy his key through his own efforts.

This, people bring up Mottom and Mammon and seem to think they killed/bought all 111111 keys worth of power. They got one (1) key and then later when the universal war started they slaughtered their way through 111,110 other demiurges until they had 1/7th of the universes power.

I think the lack of scars is just a fluke, given the short span of time between pages. Future pages will probably include the scars

>It's interesting to see that he wasn't always decrepit, maybe he's running against the clock like Mottom
New theory:

Incubus achieved immortality by entering a trance-like state of suspended animation, in which he can only act through dreams. His days in the waking world are finite.

It's been stated on Abby's tumblr that Incubus is immortal because of the nature of his powers, probably related to the dream bullshit.

Look at them all surrounding and glaring at Incubus.

You just know that they were all planning to kill Incubus and divide his keys among themselves until Jagganoth became a threat. Their needing Incubus' power to counteract Jagganoth is probably what saved him.

Not likely. Mottom's immortality is the worst out of the Seven, Abaddon's own words. I doubt Incubus is bound by a time limit

I think he's literally running out of people to spread his flame. The ones he siphoned power from are now as decrepit as he is. If his source of power ages with him then his immortality is already fragile

>Incubus is flame
I know. That's what I mean.

Nature of his power and what he is.

>It's been stated on Abby's tumblr that Incubus is immortal because of the nature of his powers, probably related to the dream bullshit
That adequately describes "a trance-like state of suspended animation, in which he can only act through dreams" does it not?

Only Mottom is glaring at him and thats cause he's sitting at her fucking table.

>>jagganoth smithing butt-naked
Thats a good way to burn your bits.

Maybe for lesser beings

>Mottom's immortality is the worst out of the Seven, Abaddon's own words.
Hm, well personally I'd rank "temporary youth-restoring fruit requiring ever-larger doses to be effective" below "putting the life timer on pause", but that's just me.

>I think he's literally running out of people to spread his flame.
I don't see how, there's no shortage of greedy idiots on Throne.

>Nature of his power and what he is.
Okay, that might change things. Got a link or screencap of Abby's exact words?

Invinicibility nails. He probably put at least one on his dick and now it's stronger than ever.

if my own experience cooking bacon naked means anything, being naked around anything that could thrown hot debri at you is risky business.

Oh god he sounded with an angel feather

Isnt Jadis omniscient? Maybe the dumb bitch should use her precious words to call out incubus on being a buttfucking traitor instead of dissing him?

>Okay, that might change things. Got a link or screencap of Abby's exact words?

>Q: So, if Mottom's method of immortality is the fruit, what of Solomon and Incubus? Mammon's a servant and thus biologically immortal, Jadis is locked in a block of magic ice, Jagganoth is incapable of dying thanks to those things on his back, and being an ever shifting mass of worms probably means that Gog-Agog is on the same boat as Mammon. That leaves those two with unexplained reasons for still being alive (unless they're better at using the Keys' power than Mottom or something)

>A: Without elaborating, because what fun would that be, I will say that Solomon’s method is super-juiced up martial arts and breathing exercises, and Incubus’ is sort of just due to who he is and what his powers are.

Priorities man.
Also wicked ways might be her way of saying traitor.
Nobody caught on because despite Jadis being omnscient nobody listens to her

People keep talking about jagg burning his bits by smithing, what they dont realise is that he IS SMITHING his bits.

His sword is his penis.

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That doesn't really look like Solomon. Is that the previous holder of that key or did he just get a redesign?

If you take a look at how the Demiurges are represented in retellings, they look different depending on who's telling the story. I'm gunna go through and make a comparison pic now

Maya will return for her key. Remember that she features into Jadis' prophecy image but Incubus doesn't. It's also worth noting that she's among the forces arrayed against Allison, not standing with Allison.

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It's Solomon. I personally enjoy the wardrobe changes on the demiurges.

The Demiurges are thousands of years old, I am pretty sure Solomon has gone through some appearance changes.

Incubus is behind that one dudes hat, you can see his robes.

Incubus is behind that Jadis' priest KKK conehead

personally i love the idea of this omniscient immortal oracle trapped in a prison of glass piping up in the middle of a meeting just to shittalk someone, ESPECIALLY when its incubus getting shat on

Obviously, but having him be covered while Maya isn't is clearly an intentional choice. She's also up there with all the other Demiurges and Zoss while Incubus is covered up.

The prophecy panel is always interesting, if you read really deeply into how it's drawn, you'll notice Jagganoth, Solomon, Mottom, and Gog Agog are shielding themselves from Alison's glory, but Maya, Jadis and Mammon are not. Maya is armed with her blade and seems ready to face Alison, Jadis is lounging casually, and Mammon is facing Alison full on (though it could also be him reeling back since he can't really shield himself)

Yeah, Maya is an antagonist. Well at least she's the affable kind.

He's covered up so we don't get spoiled on his design. It's a world of difference between the Incubus we see in Alison's dreams, and the decrepit mess hobbling around

It's more than just a diss. He didn't kill or fight for his key, he took it when Maya abandoned it. Even Mottom murdered her husband to get hers. Her point isn't just that he's a bitch, it's that they shouldn't be listening to anything he has to say for a very fundamental reason.

Actually, it only seems like Maya isn't really facing Allison. She's casting her gaze towards her, but she's not actually facing her the same way Jagganoth is on the opposite side. If she was brandishing her weapon at Alice, you'd expect it to be pointed at her or for her body to be pointed at her. Instead, she's in line with Allison and Cio/White Chain but removed from them.

I'm not entirely convinced she'll ever threaten Alice directly. though I might be stupid and just missed Abbadon confirming it somewhere.

The very first time Abaddon ever posted Maya on his Tumblr he referred to her as an antagonist.

i vaguely remember abbadon mentioning incubus' immortality method is also the most fucked up but maybe i hallucinated that

Solomon probably changes his Empire's aesthetics from the ground up every couple centuries. He was Space Wolves+Rome now he is Neo-Babylon+Togas

Given Jaggy Daggy's history as an abused child soldier, how does he treat his own soldiers?

Judging by those guys burning at the bottom of the forge on the OP's page, quite harshly

It kinda sounds more like Incubus might have dicked her out of her keys than she just leaving them somewhere

Plus Maya's hatred for gods must have been born from somewhere

Man Jadis just put as much effort into dissing Incubus as she put in declaring the prophecy of the Demiurge

Those could just be slaves though

Interesting to note that Goggy's weird head hole thing is actually part of her 'body'.

What does this mean?

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Due to the endless empty cups around his throne Incubus presumably drinks that red shit non-stop. Whatever that red shit is you can speculate but I think we can just assume he's a vampire of the blood and psychic variety. Sucks his emissaries dry of their souls and blood thus making them vampires as well, which is why they're just sitting around being hungry.

He's lust right; metaphorical lust. A social vampire hence the whole consuming dreams and shit and being surrounded by needy people screaming more more more.

I know that doesn't sound exciting but if you ask me it works without being stupid.

She's a vain shapeshifter, having the ability to shape clothes as well as faces is important

Oh yeah I almost forgot about the ridiculous amount of goblets under his throne, what was up with that?

Begone Vivec

He's drinking something. I propose souls/dreams and/or blood.

That scene with the cups isn't actually real, guys. You should remember it was a retelling by White Chain. KSBD has that as an aspect all the time, people retelling or remembering things changing the events and context.

alright fags, here we go. Some observations:

>Cio romanticises the power of the demiurges
>WC and Cio both have the same imagery of Incubus.
>Mottom views the male demiurges in a better light than the female demiurges (if we classify Gog as female). I doubt her and Jadis ever got along judging from the imagery
>Mottom clearly respects Jagg's power, her imagery of Jagg is far less monstrous than how he actually looks.
>Interstingly, Incubus is shown as how he looks in his dream state when described by Mottom. And the fact Incubus' helmet is in both WC and Mottom's retelling means that WC could have been alive during the end of the second conquest

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You now remember Jaggy’s sat on those goblets. Given how unhygienic the rest of his domains are, one way or another he’s never gonna get the stank out

They are talking about

the scene between Jagg and Incubus wasn't a retelling, what are you on about.

Screencap this. We've been given his full backstory and motivations, his story just needs the tournament to be completely over.

Oh right, forgot the pile of goblets there too. It's possible he's just chugging wine out of them like some decedent fuck, I doubt it's something vital to his immortality or something, or else it's just a rehashing of Mottom's method.

Who's left of the Seven when it comes to intro scenes and backstories? Gog is one we're missing I'm sure

Gog, Jagg, Jadis

Gog, Jadis, Jagganoth, and Maya/Incubus.

Gog, Jadis and Jagganoth. We don't know Incubus' full backstory yet either. Or Zoss'.

we've had incubus you gumby

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Thanks user. Kind of surprised we didn't get Jadis intro card in this panel

Only intro card, not his backstory.

we've had his intro card but he's arguably the most mysterious demiurge

Incubus has had his intro scene but backstory has only been hinted at.

Gog is a complete enigma, no intro scene or backstory at all. Very likely to bear the word 'Beast' imo.

Jagganoth has also not had full backstory or intro scene, but we know his goals at least and some of his history.

Jadis has only had Word of God exposition really. No intro scene, not much about her backstory or even her current state except how she obtained her prophetic powers.

Theres no doubt that WC was alive during the Second Conquest, it's likely why she sees the Demiurges like that. She saw them as conquerors, blood soaked lords of war who survived the largest war in history, standing on mountains of corpses. Cio saw them in a romantic light because she wanted to be like them, and had a taste of that power before.

He knows that reality is just a joke and wants to destroy it.

We know that before she saw the shape, she was the second most powerful Demiurge.

that's from Abaddon directly though right, not from the comic? I know that's canon but I don't remember it coming from any character.

>or else it's just a rehashing of Mottom's method.
Not really, there's more to it than just "they both eat something that makes them immrtal"

Yeah from Abby, when he did the power level ranking, Jadis was just below Jagganoth. She was apparently stupidly powerful as a sorcerer and a warrior.

The red liquid is very likely blood, seeing as how Incubus was bathing in a pool of blood, so if the cups of liquid ARE his immortality, then they would both be getting immortality via consuming the blood of others, Mottom being consumed via fruits.

speaking of, I'm not entirely satisfied with the magical basis behind Mottom's method.

The peaches are grown at the cost of the sacrificed girls, and she eats them to extend her own life. That part makes sense.

But... why did her husband sprout? Why does he produce magical peaches?

He wanted more wives but without his key and being totally dead what sort of power transformed him and gave his corpse the capability to enable Mottom's immortality?

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Residual power. Just because the key is gone doesn't mean it's influence does not still linger, his lust and hunger soaked in the after glow of the power he once held and mutated him into that demon, the youth fruits were just a bizarre side effect.

Not everything magical can be quantified and explained. Sometimes dream logic or metaphorical actions take place.

Really all the “hard rules” in KSBD can be comfortably appended with “except nah dream logic goes if you want shit hard enough” with the caveat really, truly wanting shit and directly that into an outcome more complicated than, say, cutting something is harder than you’d think.

The man was likely on the verge of death and reeling from the loss of his key. Think about that. Think about the insane waifulust you’d need to keep begging for waifus after losing your kingdom, divinity and life.

this. "Because they're a wizard" is usually explanation enough.

Abaddon has outright said he doesn't want KSBD to have a lot of hard rules, its a setting that revels in the premise of "because it just does"

Gog is likely to bear the word Diamond. with Jadis as Mind and Jagganoth Beast

someone hasn't being paying attention.

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Which he needs to handle carefully, because it's basically Soft Magic
Salami has Diamond, Gog has beast. There's a cap of the discord about the latter.

I really wanted Gog to have Diamond, though.

I usually don't give "Wizard bullshit" a pass because rules are what make for good settings but Abaddon takes batshit settings to the extreme that he totally gets a pass on whatever the fuck story he wants to tell.

I honestly don't feel like he could fuck up this story even if he tried. It's already such a rich setting unfinished in its current state as is that it surpasses the majority of shit out there trying to tell some edgy God story.

jag is most likely blade, considering the description of the newest page simply reading "the blade"

To be fair, there's still rules to the universe. The Art has a specific set of requirements as to how it works, as an example.

The whole point of the demiurges is that they break the rules because they took the Names of God, and used it to conquer the universe.

Are royalty and ambition fundamentally linked? Can one achieve royalty while being satisfied with life?

Possible, possibly not.

I'd argue that the story is already fucked up because his character writing and pacing abilities are no where near his worldbuilding and lore. Allison's story is ultimately not anywhere close to being the compelling part of KSBD for me. Maybe she and her companions will eventually become interesting, but as it is I come back because I want to know more about the setting itself and maybe see some cool art. I wish I could convince people to play the RPG, honestly.

Right; of course there are still rules but for the most part he's making it all up. The Manual of Hands and Feet doesn't exactly power rank each art aside from probably putting Ki Rata on top.

I'm just saying that whatever he decides to do will be fine and I won't hold some shitty grudge if he continues basically saying that shit gets done through the sheer force of will, effort, and ruthlessness. This story isn't some piece of shit that flagrantly disregards the history and structure it builds for itself like some shitty two-bit anime like Dragon Ball or Naruto. I'm not going to get bent out of shape if White Flame does or doesn't win a fight.

I don't disagree with that. Alison is barely past that "introducing the protagonist as a broken piece of shit" stage in storytelling.

Demiurges never having been truly happy or satisfied is what makes them candidates for Royalty.
But then again Tom Bombadil would be Royalty according to Abby so what the fuck do I know.

Allision and her friends for me are pretty meh, the real stars in my opinion are the Seven. I read faithfully every week in hopes of just seeing more of them. I want their backstories, I'd like to see more of them in action, I would like to see more of the universal war etc. Everything about those seven just interest me so much.

Yeah I agree for the most part. The situations the cast get in are interesting, the characters themselves are really not that amazing.
This. I wouldn't necessarily want to see more of the war or too much of them in action actually. But the story of how they came to be and in what particular way they are multiversal cancer is terribly interesting.

Seven are hypocrits. Duh.

The Demiurges possess one syllable of Royalty, which was their primary means of achieving their power. That they cannot expand their thinking, character and personality to think another way is why they cannot achieve true Royalty.

Royalty is enlightenment. To me that means an honest reflection each syllable and all the qualities of personality and the soul working in combination to become Captain Planet. That's why Hansa achieved Royalty because didn't want it; he wasn't shackled by the negative character flaws like ambition and cruelty that is necessary to achieve each syllable sequentially and probably achieved Royalty in one great motion by meditation and a practice of wisdom. Hansa had the respect of all for that trait, they acknowledged in him the pure serenity necessary to achieve Royalty, which was why when his daughter asked where to bury him all the Gods took pause for this was indeed a great man. Zoss probably achieved Royalty by coming to a grand conclusion upon reflection of all the things he has done having collected the metaphorical pieces of Royalty.

I think Tom Bombadil would not achieve Royalty because he just straight up doesn't give a fuck about anything. The fucker didn't give a single hint of being rich in wisdom or experiences that I feel would be necessary to reflect upon to achieve Royalty. A retard cannot achieve Royalty and Tom Bombadil in spite of being all-powerful was a retard.

Abby straight up said Bombadil would be Royalty though.
>A retard cannot achieve Royalty and Tom Bombadil in spite of being all-powerful was a retard.
A fool striking without a thought can cut God, the path to Royalty is a continous cutting motion

>I think Tom Bombadil would not achieve Royalty because he just straight up doesn't give a fuck about anything.

That's exactly why he's Royalty. He is entirely untethered to the universe and its concepts of reality, doing as he pleases, when he pleases. You don't need to be some ultra wise monk to reach Royalty. You have to have the ability to transcend universal concepts.

Zoss didn't achieve Royalty because he meditated on a rock until he found wisdom. He achieved Royalty through attaining unlimited power, and then piercing the heart of the Multiverse and slaying its occupants.

Post jadis WoG please

His point wasn't that Tom Bombadil wasn't capable of achieving royalty, but that he wouldn't because he would never care enough about royalty to even begin trying to attain it.

An Epicurean sage who has achieved ataraxia, one way or another, is never going to achieve royalty no matter how little they give a shit because they don't have any interest in being more than they are. If that is what being Royalty is, then Zoss certainly never attained it because he's still scheming and trying to achieve things to this day.

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Okay I understand that. You can achieve Royalty and be useful to nobody and you can achieve Royalty by emulating YISUN, who in some way didn't give a fuck either.

I felt like Zoss achieved Royalty and then lost it as he realized he had to do something, which led up to this True Heir business. I don't think Zoss meditated; like you I think he achieved Royalty at the pinnacle of his accomplishments and said, "What now?"

>but that he wouldn't because he would never care enough about royalty to even begin trying to attain it

Knowledge of royalty is not a prerequisite for attaining it.

>You can achieve Royalty and be useful to nobody and you can achieve Royalty by emulating YISUN, who in some way didn't give a fuck either.

Correct. There are many paths to Royalty.

>I felt like Zoss achieved Royalty and then lost it

There is no evidence for this. He conquered the throne, fostered the greatest empire with the demiurges, then disappeared. Everything we've seen of him in the comic still shows he's somehow above everything happening.

Abby should think of Allison's story as more of from the standpoint of being retold by someone from a much later time, he needs to set up that mystical-ness that the demurges and the gods have about them. He doesn't need to tell it in that manner but I feel like we dont have enough draw for her yet.

I personally think we're going to get some more interesting development for Allison this chapter. Abby clearly heard us in relation to how little she's progressed as a character, and he's using her power boost to get into it a bit more.

I really dont have a problem personally with her development, was just commenting on what I think could help. Either way though Im enjoying the story so far and am happy with the ride we're getting.

I love each and every one of these fucking assholes. I'm going to miss them when Allison finally has to kill them.

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well, he's right. Tom bombadillo is 100% royalty, he fits all the criteria.

It’s going to be even more rushed than what’s happened so far. He’s stuck between doing this too slow and doing things too quick. The first book is paced well enough, but they’ve progressively been accelerated and compressed. The last one especially felt like it was trying to say a lot happened without actually showing it.

Do you think that K6BD world is heading towards a cycle? Would a True Royalty repeat YISUN's self-division?

YISUN is not necessarily in the past user, and it is not necessarily in the future either. Division may well be a process.

Who do you think she'll kill first? It'll probably be Mammon won't it? Poor old Dragon

Someone post the nedroid edit

>character consistency

That's actually kinda stupid if you think about it. I'm willing to accept that but there's a limit to how interesting Royalty can be if there isn't a bit of structure to it.

Royalty is like the opposite of the Elder Gods. The Elder Gods are incomprehensible bullshit and even vaguely brushing near them only leads to madness. And let's be honest here, madness gets kinda random and boring especially when we don't bother explaining anything about the Elder Gods or their incomprehensible motivations. Royalty being incomprehensible bullshit but for enlightenment kinda loses it's appeal if there's no practical presence in reality and will get boring if we cannot explain the qualities of those who reach Royalty.

I'm not saying that we need to be able to map the paths to Royalty. Nor am I wholeheartedly excluding a guy like Bombadil into that club but in Bombadil's case he feel like a wildcard and bad example to use. We would be better to use the examples of the Buddha or Delirium from Sandman or Lucifer at the conclusion of his comic as POSSIBLE candidates for Royalty than a guy squatting in the woods who doesn't care about anything.

Solomon says to Zaid Zoss achieved Royalty and continues to seek it. I felt like Hansa was frequently in a state of enlightenment and always near Royalty.

I suppose this isn't all that important. The important thing is that for the purposes of the story setting the characters universally respect the concept and parts of Royalty, True Royalty, and that Royality itself is at the same time nothing and everything. And given that YISUN was the king of all bullshitters the confusion and uncertainty about Royalty is probably appropriate as its true meaning shouldn't be defined.

But can one attain it without achieving anything besides a simple life well lived? Is every farmer, cobbler, and stone mason who is ultimately content with his lot in life capable of slaughtering the Conquering King but simply unaware? If want is antithetical to Royalty, and that much is understood in-universe, what absolute fucking morons would actually constitute the demiurges?

>I'm willing to accept that but there's a limit to how interesting Royalty can be if there isn't a bit of structure to it.

You're entirely missing the point of Royalty in this story. There is no structure at all, and that's the point.

Well, yeah, YISUN is everything. Achieving Royalty is understanding the universe (i.e. YISUN) and becoming one with it. But now I think whether or not this means death of Ego and effective death of someone's person by achieving Royalty.

I miss Gog copying everyone around her and being somewhat lucid. Perhaps she has a mood changes and will be cool again next page

I hope that Allison doesn't directly kill a single one of them. That in spite of all her training and YISUN's bullshit about violence being the path to Heaven she herself has no direct hand in their destruction.

I want to see them eat each other and Maya, Juggernaut, and all the other forces of the Wheel thrown in there for additional chaos. The final Demiurge standing would simply give up. That the ultimate driving force for all this godawful shit is the forces galvanized by Allison's coming for all of them.

I'm not saying there wouldn't be a supernova of violence but Allison's truest conflict would be one she has against herself.

The sword is his penis

shes just sad because everyone else is too busy trying to actually discuss matters to be annoyed at her

Here are my demiurge word guesses:
Mottom: Glory
Incubus: Flame
Mammon: Tower
Solomon: Diamond
Gog: Beast (she isn't human)
Jadis: Blade (always seen with a sword in the flashbacks)
Jag: Mind (to subvert the trope)

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You do realize that Abby has already said that Jadis is the Mind and Jagganoth is the Blade right?

swap jag and jadis. the new page is literally subtitled "the blade" and heavily highlights jagganoth, while jadis' whole thing is being omniscient and scientific

Each time Mottom splatters Gog's face across the walls, the worms have to frantically scramble together an idea of what personality to go for next. The first time we meet her, that face was being finessed, so her demeanor was more established. This new head hasn't been around for more than two years at most, and now head #3 has freshly arrived.

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I'm dumb

>they all get beaten into shape as courtiers and minions to true Royalty
>they never get any particular comeuppance, feudalism isn't a fair system
>keep being horrible monstrous individuals on a personal level, but now turned towards nominally productive work in the universe
>it turns out the real violence was inside them all along

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I'm dumb, what are the significance of these words?

They're the seven syllables of Royalty translated to English and combined, Royalty represent a true understanding of God/YISUN. Each of the seven Demiurges possesses/understands one syllable, which is responsible for much of their power.

Coincidentally, each of the seven also strongly represent one of the seven deady sins in Christianity; we have yet to learn if this matters as if Christianity possessed a flawed yet understanding of Royalty. But their exemplification of a deadly sin is the most obvious aspect of their characters.

When Zoss killed the prime angels, he kept Metatron 1 alive, YISUNS scribe. He drew out the secret names of YISUN out of Metatron, and made them physical.

The demiurges keys are the secret names of God split into 777,777 parts. The current 7 demiurges each have a single syllable of the whole name.

The names are also highlight the ironies of the demiurges.
>Mottom bears the word Glory, but is trapped by her fear of not being Glorious enough, and her kingdom consuming her
>Mammon bears Tower, but he built a tower so high he forgot why he built the tower for. Now his tower has fallen, he has nothing else.
>Solomon bears the word Diamond, yet he doesn't wish to give his kingdom to one who shines less than him

What's really remarkable to me is that it's Jadis saying this. You'd think that wishing furiously to die and already knowing literally everything would put her way beyond caring.

So whatever it was Incubus did, I can now no longer believe that it was just that Maya gave him her key and fucked off, and that's why they despise him. If Jadis despises him enough to make the effort to vocalize to call him out on it in spite of how difficult that is for her, it's got to be more than that.

Cool, thanks.

He psychically inspires others on their paths to power, then sucks it out of them for his own longevity. He's the embodiment of fiery intention without any actualization, which is probably the gravest sin to the others who earned their keys through deliberate action.


I've realized that Solomon by virtue of his beard is the most ridiculous character design of any artwork that I accept unquestioningly and take seriously.

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I don't know if this is going to help or ruin things for you but google "Assyrian Kings"

Maybe Incubus made Maya fat in the first place.

Jagganoth porn when?

It wouldn't surprise me if Jadis is actually refering to the demi-urges as a whole and the appearance of Incubus is a red herring.

Oh. So that's a helmet. I thought it was just his face and he was one of the random weird servant races. Did we know that before and I'm just dumb or is this new info?

He was shown more human before, but this is the first page where we see his helmet not on his head. There was another page with more normal-looking helmet.

I thought he keeps his immortality vie regular baths in blood while he's talking to people in dreams

I hope final demiurge who gives up is Mammon, so far we know he's senile and content with just counting his treasures with his followers who he seems to care about, plus Allison doesn't seem to have any real beef with him

Well, Jadis knows literally EVERYTHING in the universe. She probably knows Incubus is a traitor plotting with Jagganoth to destroy them all. She probably won't say anything to the others because she wants to die after all, but damm sure that won't stop her to tell Incubus the shithead he his.

I wonder if part of how Jadis embodies her sin is her how her presence encourages stagnation of her zealots.

Probably something like that. They went from a technological and science advancing society to solely worshipping the entombed Jadis. Relying solely on her predictions instead of trying to know the universe

you're dumb

I figure he might be surprisingly close. Destroying the entire multiverse – with his own destruction presumably being his final act – would be a bookend mirroring the deific suicides that created it.

Holy shit the last few threads have been full of idiots. How many of you are actually speedreaders and how many are just bullshitting that you missed shit we've been shown explicitly in the fucking comic multiple times?

I'm betting you're Abbadons' shills trying to drum up interest.The last year or so the threads were so slow I'm not surprised he'd resort to this.

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im still not convinced that the big guy in the second panel there is zoss, he doesnt even have the weird wooden right arm zoss has

I miss when Jaggo was more like a beastman, instead of just a really huge buff dude.

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He's a destroyer. Can't be royalty because royalty means letting go and not giving a fuck. Stuck at demiurge level as he thinks control is the key, "he who can destroy a thing controls it", but ev3n multiversal war is a limited goal. Enlightenment is growing beyond such.

But yeah he's the antagonist. Gargantuan, muscled, sharp, interested to see if Abby can introduce something notably beyond a trope with his arc here.

>last panel
For all those who turned out to be right.

Nah m8 you have to risk looking an idiot to second guess the lore. And that part's nigh on the most fun part of these threads.

And are you sure it's a full year? Always dies down on the construction phase over action phase y'know.

>Jaggy has slaves prop up the anvil for him
>"I don't really need them, but seeing them squirm near the flames really makes me in the smithing mood"

They're praying.

it's not. You think the being who single handedly killed all the prime angels, strung out the secret names of god from the being closest to divinity, would die to a random chump?

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>"I pray that our lord Jagganoth doesn't smith in the nude no more"
>"Last time he did he burned his schlong and got fire everywhere, the 'pissing fire' puns lasted for decades"

user was being flippant.

No that's right. He stated that Incubus's method was the worst ethically, worse than Mottom's mass murder

I'm surprised that nobody's pointed this out yet.

What if Incubus is a rakshasa? It's been established that devils are able to possess people. Cio's ex is a gold devil possessing a sphinx, but one of the stories (I forget which one) suggests that possession isn't necessarily obvious.

Yeah, I mentioned my disappointment with his much more human appearance that Abbadon's been focusing on in the new pages. I figured that with his elephant fixation (his mask being "made in his own image"), he might actually be changing himself to be more elephantine in a literal sense.

His prototype art was even more elephant-like.

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Het and the Rakshasa. Wielder of Names 2-21

Royalty is not giving a shit how many people pray you'll put away your giant junk.

>"I pray that our lord Jagganoth doesn't smith in the nude no more"
>"Last time he did he was hammering on his dick between steel and red hot iron 'til He Jagged all over us innocents"
>"I'm still seing a shrink for PTSD"

>Jagganoth is inflicting PTSD on others on purpose

More than doesn't encourage, actually actively discourages. What's the point of researching something new only to take it to your godhead and be told "yeah, knew that already"?

Probably some side effect of Mottom's subconcious.
Allison managed to break the rules of how Devil masks work without intending to when she created Princess. Princess has an entirely different mask from Vladok, they're different ego entities. But Princess retains some of Vladok's memory and personality. Abba confirmed this was due to Key of Kings fuckery.

So I'd wager Mottom had some twisted subconcious fear that her husband wasn't really dead, that any moment now he'd walk in. I bet she visited his grave daily just to make sure. And THAT is probably what caused the tree to grow.

She slept for three days after killing him and he had already sprouted when she finally checked on his corpse.

>His point wasn't that Tom Bombadil wasn't capable of achieving royalty, but that he wouldn't because he would never care enough about royalty to even begin trying to attain it.
Holy shit son

>YISUN sat once with his disciple Hansa in YISUN’s second clockwise glass palace. Hansa was one of his most ardent students and a grand questioner of YISUN. Unlike Yisun’s other disciple, Pree Ashma, he had no hunger in his heart for dominion of the universe, but a miserly scrutiny and a heart of iron nails. He was not an aspirant for royalty, and thereby attained it through little effort.
Giving negative fucks about Royalty is literally the best way to achieve it.
The human aspirants for Royalty (Zoss, Meti, Intra) are well known for their selective fucks to give

Well shit, I look like a fool don't I?
I mean it still kinda works because sleep is probably the best time for unconscious fuckery, but I should have remembered that.

He's tapped into the most powerful flame in existence. Incubus is in no danger as long as he has Allison.

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask

He walked in covered ankle deep in shit so I think it's justified

That's just a lack of confidence. Perhaps he doesn't realise how powerful he himself is?

>Is every farmer, cobbler, and stone mason who is ultimately content with his lot in life capable of slaughtering the Conquering King but simply unaware?
They aren't unaware, it's worse: They believe they can't
>His point wasn't that Tom Bombadil wasn't capable of achieving royalty, but that he wouldn't because he would never care enough about royalty to even begin trying to attain it.
That's literally Hansa, and he's Royalty

I'm not sure about not killing any, but yeah. It's too much like a videogame otherwise, which Abby explicitly said he wanted to avoid.

>strongly represent
I would say that "has some connection to" is more accurate. As far as I can tell only Mammon and Solomon are fairly straightforward while the rest is more metaphorical and in case of Jadis forced on her.

Incubus is the only one without colored speech text. What is the implication of this?

>and in case of Jadis forced on her.
I personally think that this user has it closest. She represents Sloth not because she herself can't move, but that her very nature removes ambition and critical thinking from her followers, simply because she has literally all the answers

he's not a real demiurge

He had it last page, but lost it halfway

The was Solomon, continuing from the page before that.

Wouldn't that inspire them to be more like her though?

Top bantz

how can they? She has one seventh of divinity in her head, and nearly went insane looking at the shape of the wheel. To try and attain her abilities without her power as a demiurge is pure suicide.

But that never stopped people from trying. Jadis being an inspiration seems just as if not more likely than being a discouragement. If anything the sloth seems to be about the empire stagnating without leadership, similar to Solomons idea that his empire needs him as a leader to function properly.

if you haven't noticed in his final design the mask's "trunk" is shaped like his key

>allison swings jag around like a blade to cut infinity

He's looked at the universe, with all its rot and its failure, and come to the logical conclusion that the only moral action is omnicide.

Wonder where Mammon ranks now.

stop making shit up and then spouting it off as if it were fact.

>So you all keep
That was coloured pink.
He probably has normal text for the same reason the rest think he doesn't deserve his position.


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Above Jadis most surely, and I'd say above Mottom the Prune too.

Incubus isn't on anyone's side, he just wanted to cause a stir, make war. Even now, he is being derespected but at least Solomon wants others to hear him out because now the peace is broken and they need his help. Besides wanting respect from other demiurges, Incubus also wants to get back to conquering things. He doesn't care about ruling, it makes him miserable.

>deliberate action
Except Gog is barely sapient.

Perhaps his desire to start shit is so he can have a chance to be legitimate, to have that shot to go hey I am good enough.

Mammon has gone blind.

He didn't even wipe his feet coming in. Rude.

It is just wine. It's meant to convey how miserable he is that he needs to keep himself numb.

not anymore
he performed lasik on himself through the power of ANGERY

Not anymore he's not. Having his vault trashed awakened him and restored his sight along with his lucidity

It's pretty clear it's anons personal theory, he didn't claim it as a fact.

Oh cool.

In some ways, Allison is already breaking the demiurges out of their stagnation.

No I meant scene in his title card, where he's standing in a big pool of blood

I don't see anything there saying "my theory is" it's not even greentext

Does anyone have those old Jag and Inc nedroids?

Yeah, her age seems to be all over the place now.

Do you think we’ll ever get to read any of Jag’s poetry as flavor text or anything?

I want to be his friend.

Then will Mammon cult remain? After all, they followed him because of the pity he caused them. If he's no longer senile or decrepit, then he's no longer pitiable. Will they remain by their side after all?

The cult has lived in the vault for generations, I doubt they will leave him now. Plus, they don't really have anywhere else to go

All this time I thought that Jagganoth was a devil, and that helmet was his face. One of the Demiurges is a servant, so it didn't seem unreasonable.

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I'm certain that the final book will have some of his poetry as flavor text. Since We've gotten quotes from Mottom and Solomon already. Also, I feel we might get some pre-experiment Jadis quote as well.

Devils can’t become Demi urges, just like angels but I don’t remember the reason
Something to do with the nature of their identity and the black flame, or maybe the moment one devil starts getting too much power both angels and devils bring him down


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>We've gotten quotes from Mottom and Solomon already
When? I can't recall one extra text from characters that appear in the comic; except Meti, and she only appears in flashbacks.

These are great. Has Abby seen these?

Maybe? He does show up in the threads sometimes.

I always thoughts that hilt of Incubus' sword look weird. Now I get why - it's basically crutch.

It was something like angels lack the drive and demons lack a defined identity yeah

Jag's missing an eye and both lips.

Well she is ruled by fear. Maybe they feed on/off that.

Salami Davi is wanna be Cyrus the Great

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If you're up to this point in the comic having read other page before it, you should know what his deal is unless you're lying or you're a stupid speedreader. What do you mean "bad with the lore"? The comic fucking tells you who he is and what he wants. You don't need to read Abaddon's Q&A tumblr to know that.

Just because you're a dumbass child that needs everything spelt out for you doesn't mean that everyone else is. I bet you started every sentence in your highschool essays for your special ed classes with "I THINK THAT..."

>imagine being godking of 1/7 of creation and having to put up with Salami calling you boy
The Demiurges have no right of acting surprised when they learn Incubus betrayed them for Jaggs

Someone's gonna shout "Called it!" when it's revealed.

>But... why did her husband sprout? Why does he produce magical peaches?
It's really hard to kill a demiurge, and the keys are not the sole source of their power. Some weird side-effect from how Hastet-Om was planning on living forever would be my guess.

Wait why is Incubus such a wreck?

I feel I missed something.

Yes, yes you did. Look for the page where he's actually introduced user, title card and all. Outside of Allison's head.

His dream form isnt the same as his real life form. We've seen his real form before and he's always been a wreck.

i don't fucking understand why threads are full of this shit lately
did you guys just start reading from a random page?

>i meant it to be my theory but forgot to greentext, so instead i'll act like everyone else is the idiot
You're super butthurt for just being called out on not greentexting your fan theories, maybe reddit is more your speed, you should go back there.

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It's a shitty quasi-buddhist paradox, don't over think it. Want is the most powerful thing in reality and unhappiness and struggle are the paths to achieving royalty. But a true royal never strives for royalty, they just are.

>Allision and her friends for me are pretty meh,

Any Demiurge>White Chain>>Allison>Old School Cio>POWER GAP>Everyone else>Waifufag Cio

You don't need struggle to achieve Royalty, also it's rather oppossed to budhism

He just looked scarred, but then so does Allison. I don't recall him moving around like a shivering, arthritic old man before.

I always think the implication was that Mottom created murderpeach tree herself out of unconscious gilt over murdering her husband.

Reminder that YISUN was so deranged and self hating they killed them self. Royalty as it will be is not as it has been described, the goal of true love has never been obtained and none in universe can truely say what it is.

perhaps the true royalty was the friends we made along the way

Maybe cause he just took a bloodbath last time we saw him so he was doing better.

You forgot Maya, unless you're counting her as a demiurge.

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>Maybe Incubus made Maya fat in the first place.
This means Incubus will eventually make Allison fat. It was only a matter of time before the comic entered Abby's magical realm.

you right user, this is the first time we've seen him hobble like an old man.
Other anons are just stroking their own dicks on their knowledge of the lore when in reality they're just skimming the material too.

He was using his sword as a cane when he met Jagg there is precedence for it.

Yes, but you have to be careful with that user, the fact that they're precisely not the focus is why they're so interesting. The moment they become mc's is when they lose all interesting elements.

The fact that we have the main characters in the cio/ally/wc trio and the demiurges are secondary make them a lot more interesting. Think of Captain Jack Sparrow in the first pirates, he wasnt the main focus of the story, but the was the most interesting part. Once he became the main focus, he stopped being interesting.

white chain is a main character and interesting though

I could have sworn he said there were probably a few devil demiurges at one point.

And here you are assuming I was the guy who wrote the initial post. Now, reply to this post with you snidely implying that I'm a samefag trying to do damage control, and show us all that you're a narrow-minded man child that can't fathom that you may be wrong. Go on and show us how predictable you are. Or don't reply in shame. Either way you're proving me right.

You have to want to have power, but royalty is the ultimate power and wants nothing.


Yab would have technically been one with her stolen key, right?

I haven't seen enough Maya to give a shit about her in any way yet, but yeah she probably counts as a demiurge. The major player I really left out and feel bad about now is Juggs.

I don't think she feels remotely guilty for that. Or much of anything, really.

He was tapping it on the ground but it wasn't clear at the time if he needed it to navigate, for support, or was just tapping it in time with the jaunty tune he was humming.

>Once he became the main focus, he stopped being interesting.
No he didn't.

I suppose, technically, for however long she had it? In a very letter of the law rather than spirit of the law sense, though.

She only had a portion of Mammon's key, not nearly enough to be a demiurge.

A pre-universal war demiurge would also have just the one. But she indeed was never anywhere close to the seven.

> i swear i don't have a dog in this fight, i'm just being a faggot cause i can
Ok sure user.

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Mottom absolutely feels guilty. She outright told Allison that she hates what she's become and what she does to survive. She buried her husband in the sacred garden after murdering him and taking his key, and then she slept for three whole days, so she wasn't exactly unencumbered by the whole ordeal.

Yeah but now that we've been shown he is physically frail we know that he does indeed use it as support.

demiurge's definition isn't that you're just one of the seven, or even that you have a key.

those called demiurge so far only refers to those that came into their power before or during the Universal War.

since there are only 777,777 secret names and at the start of the Universal War there were 2-3 million demiurges, either multiple keys can exist for a given name or not every demiurge got a key

>The six and Jagganoth
Danke Abaddon

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Maybe not gilt for killing the king but general self-hatred and subconscious desire to punish herself for weakness.

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Leterally 5 pages ago or so Incubus call Alison demiugre,

Fair enough, what got me to that point was Incubus calling Allison a demiurge a few pages back

She hates having to perform on demand. She enjoys having power over people.

>Yeah but now that we've been shown he is physically frail we know that he does indeed use it as support.
Yes, but beforehand there was not much reason to think so and it wasn't talked about much until lately.

I forgot about that, but also that only makes defining demiurge more confusing.

Previously until then, demiurge seemed to have the definition I'd said. Now it seems to lean again towards the definition of key-wielders, but it still doesn't make sense how there could be 777,777 keys and more than 777,777 demiurges.

I just submitted an ask to Abaddon about it.

As far as I understand, this page was redacted by Abby after the fact. Anybody save original?

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>Incubus is flame
>Incubus is a flaming homo
wow Abbadon wtf

Different worms

The original had Juggs going "What face?!" and being really defensive about it.

>Incubus is a flaming homo
His chief concubine is a woman.

someone posted last thread how you can view pages pre-edit if you just delete the 'r' in the link or something

When asked if Incubus was pansexual abbadon replied he was gay. Specially gay for power

So why is his chief concubine a woman? Or is she a woman(male)[?

>tfw Jagganoth, demiurge and potential destroyer of the universe, is a furry.

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yeah literally go to the image url and delete the r

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incubus' concubines might have a different role than you'd expect from a regular concubine

I always was more curious how all this demiurge-emissary system working. Like if demiurge land part of his power to emissary could he revoke it at any moment or what? And can he himself access it at the time? Like, the Seven together have 777, 777 keys that ultimately all came from Zoss. But he (well, Allison now) still seems to have all power of master key (witch is presumably = all 777, 777 keys added together). How does this work?

Maya's kind of by the books but goddamn I like her a lot

I just realized Mayas stone thing on her forehead looks like one those niggas in Incubus' palace had, maybe she still has connection to his key

Well she was sitting chained up and inert in the throne room while not in use.

Maybe that blood he was ankle deep in is baby slurry and he just has the concubines to pump out his immortality.

I think you don't actually need a key to do any of the things the keys do, but having a key makes doing them or figuring out how to do them much easier.

she is an old friend after all

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This is hilarious, I get why he changed it

Ow, okay. Thanks.

>Allison, have I ever told you about Maya ten Meti? She was demiurge before me. I took her throne and put it on top of a giant pile of goblets.
>She was a good friend.

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Both of them describing Incubus. Mottom's is in that page where he meets Jagganoth. I can recall in which page Solomon's was tho

desu exactly in line how I would expect Incubus to refer to someone he deposed

I wonder if he still accepts goblets as a gift

Damn early Mottom was hot.

The plain man dressed only in coarse cloth, and his feet were bare, but this was simply a clever disguise, for his unassuming exterior, and even his very flesh, were mere wrappings for the awful and terrible flame inside of him. Enyis could see it poking through his eyes and mouth.

“Enyis,” said the King of the Pit, “Take this flame and with it you will ascend to the surface world once more. Love and light will be yours once again, and you will know the embrace of your family.”

Enyis almost accepted, but as the king held the flame in outstretched hand, Enyis felt its sickening heat, and knew instantaneously that if he took that flame, it would become him. It would never stop burning him until all that was left would be a hunger for more fuel. And he knew it was a clever trick by the King, who could never truly leave the pit, to get him to take that flame to the surface world, where it would burn forever.

It is said Enyis never saw the sun again, and wandered the deep for the rest of his life. But for the alternative, it was a far better fate.”

-Enyis and the Boar King

almost any time mottom is not an unwrapped mummy she is hot

But she was even hotter in the flashbacks than she was here.

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that's a matter of taste, my dude. flashback version is a bit too... waifish and model-y to me. that version looks a little more realistic, but still knockout.

also brown girls are just better

She's brown in both versions but has curvier hips in the old version.

Her face is a bit too Hollywood bimbo-ish in the flashback for me. At the tribute she has a very exotic South Asian sort of face.

Fair enough, I like high cheekbones myself but I can see the appeal.

Yeah, the Seven are what make me read every update, rather then taking long breaks from the comic and bingeing. That said, Maya and the Pursuers are also real fascinating to me because who knows how that's gonna shake out. Beyond that the setting, colours and character designs are all really up my alley too. Alison and co aren't boring to me, but they definately not the biggest draw.

Good job, you did it. Everyone who you don't like is the same person. It's true. You are under fire from a single hater and everyone else thinks you're the shit.
Do you see why I call you a man child now?

>Beyond that the setting, colours and character designs are all really up my alley too
This for everything except the main bunch who I think have gotten worse looking with every appearance update. I miss cop-White Chain from book 1. Swole Allison can stay though.

>I'm totally not that guy, i just got really offended and started attacking you cause i'm his personal white knight and i hope he sleeps with me from this defense.
Ok sure user. Just make sure you invite me to your wedding.

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based autist

Misreading social cues is a common symptom of autism, but I don't think having the reading comprehension of a dyslexic is.

lol another /tg/ thread floating in the toilet

In light of today's page, it's pretty striking how much Incubus occupies a central spot in early images of the Seven.

Reminder that book 3's physical release was today, go buy it goyim

Man, Nadia's reveal/entrance was just kino. Probably best scene in the whole webcomic

Also, her worms now just change color instead of having her accompanied by servants perpetually painting her outer layer.

I guess it probably would have gotten annoying having to fit them into every single panel she was in.

he's a PTSD sufferer on a hyper cosmic scale that has been convinced by a higher being to destroy the multiverse.

Incubus is on no-one's side.

Because no-one's on his side.

>the Samurai-Ronin is a villain.

man this story has some fucked up trope breaking, the Samurai Ronin is supposed to be the short-lived rival and then ally

I've seen speculation that Maya is turning Incubus's own strategy against him: giving him power he lacks the proper will to handle and waiting for him to wreck himself.

Antagonist != villain

Gog's story has been told to us, its quite tame compared to the rest, but horrific.

oh shit i forgot about this.

>noise like cold iron

Cold iron is made by beating metal into place without heating, it has a very grating ring as it isn't softened and requires a lot of working.
The sword didn't cut the armor it warped it against the blade.

>Cold iron is made by beating metal into place without heating
Cold iron is just iron user, stop being retarded.

Because it obviously isn't since Zoss didn't lose his key until he gave it to Allison.

Hot iron is also iron though, is it not?

But cold iron isn't used in blacksmithing. It's the finished product or raw material, not what is being worked upon.

It's literally just a poetic term for iron. That took me two seconds of googling.

No shit sherlock, I was refuting the idea that "Cold iron is made by beating metal into place without heating" thing or whatever bullshit that's supposed to be.

He killed millions...

to kill billions

who assblasted you tonight? i was agreeing with you, you fucking mongoloid.
What is it about this comic that attracts such fragile bitches?


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Let's face it, comics and cartoons are for children and man-children.

I wonder where the Pursuers have been.

It feels slightly generic but it's really good at the same time.
The first time we say goodbye to her it's a pretty nice scene as well. Wielder of Names was a nice arc in general really.

>apparently hunger requires sapience

Yab would've come close if she didn't fuck over so many people that they conspired against her when the angels arrived.

Original user here. The Gog post was just me having fun, you absolute retard.

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Can I get some clarification about something?

We're speculating that the previous wielder of Incubus's key is METI right? Not Maya? We're saying Maya and I think that's an error. Why would she be chasing a key if she was the one who had given it up earlier. It's more reasonable that it was her master Meti who had the key before and now her apprentice, Maya, is trying to get one for herself.

They'll probably storm the tournament. And Oskar will definetly be there

Things Betwixt, or the Lost Bastille. One's at the Iron Keep
>“Though the lord of the pit clads himself in finery and smiles, do not be bedeviled. He is a wretched, stinking king, and the minds of men are playthings to him.” – Solomon David, Celestial Emperor
>“Do not stare too long at the Pit. Do not underestimate the Pit, you sorry little fools. It has claws, and it will not hesitate to sink them into your unwilling flesh and drag you shrieking into the dark.” – Mother Om, Imperiatrix of the Gates of Fire

Nop, most everyone seems to think it's Maya. And we have no idea of what the circunstances behind Maya not having her key anymore are.

Meti isn't fat, Maya is. Also we don't know what she's chasing down Allison for, I highly doubt her goal it to take her key since she already seems to have key-like abilities (cutting a thorn night without a blade, old enough to be before the universal war but still looking in her late 40s/early 50s) without being a welder of one so clearly she is incredibly powerful (powerful enough to be one of the 7 its presumed).

I was rereading when I noticed something about this page.

Whenever anyone talks, Gog mirrors their posture and mannerism.

First she is enraged like Jagg, which is the weakest example.

However, after Solomon talks, she sits back and tilts her hand up exactly how he is.

After the first consort talks, Gog wiggles her fingers on the table in the exact same way, and even goes so far as to show more of her cleavage.

Maybe this is super obvious and was pointed out back in the thread when it was first posted, but I just noticed it now on my 3rd reread.

To me it really hints at how Gog doesn't have much of a personality herself, and also how insane she is to switch so rapidly between them.

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Ya kinda obvious, but she's only in a few panels/the focus of only, like, 5 in the whole series so its not a total speedread.

This is why Gog will never achieve royalty, she only aspires to equal what already exists around her. She can only be so powerful as the others, maybe slightly more.

Yup, it was pointed out before. I didn't quite notice it until it was pointed out, cuz I'm dumb. Gog's a weirdo.
Also I like this Gog more than the one we saw recently. I get why she changes though

One thing I feel people keep forgetting is that in the void they look different then they do on their actual worlds. So gog looking mildly different here can be attributed to that as well.

Also kek at gog throwing the first jab at incubus calling him a blowhard.

What is the fatal flaw stopping each demiurge from achieving Royalty?

Whats stopping Zoss from achieving Royalty?

Incubus specified doubt that a fat, washed up drunk would be trying to take back her key.

What does Gog feel like I wonder. Is the skin just an illusion and if you touched her you'd just feel worms or are they actually transforming.

I wonder what fucking a sentient pile of worms would feel like.

I wonder what her futa cock feels like

>pops the shirt to show enough matching cleavage as the consort she mirrors
I love watching Gog have fun.

I feel like her outer layer has to be some sort of non-worm substance, like maybe a silk/paper analogue that feels like skin and the worms spin out to make her look real.

the inside is totally worms though and it'd feel like fucking a wriggly mass of maggots trying to climb into your dick

I believe Zoss has achieved Royalty; given that death(soul), time, and space are no obstacle for him it seems he works outside of reality.

For me this is how each of them fails to achieve royalty:

Mottom is shackled to what she imagines she is 'forced' to do by her court and kingdom. Her actions are not entirely her own and she is influenced by the common people.

Mammon's goal has become aimless, while he has worked hard to achieve his goal he now does nothing but count an ever increasing number rather than actually working to do a *thing*.

Solomon's pride prevents him from accepting weakness and striving to improve, while he lifts others near him, he will not allow himself to be lifted or for anyone to come close.

Jagg is closer than the others, but he cannot achieve royalty because while he's fighting towards a goal it has an end in sight - he's not a continuous cutting motion, he will only cut until it all dies.

Jadis accepted reality for what it is. Once she saw the shape that was the end of her attempts to do anything. She accepted reality for what it is and gave up, forgetting that reality (and fate) is just YUISUNs opinion and can be changed.

Gog Agog cannot be royal because she only seeks to replicate others, she does not aspire above herself, only to the nearest person above her.

Incubus cannot be royal because he lacks the power to do things himself, all his actions are caused by others he's convinced to work for him.

I've always appreciated forethought from writers. Many faults can be washed away and ignored thanks to clear signs someone has thought through a project and setup shit for the future. Things like Gog here are much appreciated.

I appreciate it so much more in the fact that it's just one man doing all this shit alone. TV shows and movies have entire armies of people working on shit and they can't even setup or maintain the details of fucking anything. You can miss the first half of anything and still get the full experience from the second half.

She might actually be trying to do that.

Honestly thats kinda why movies and tv shows dont do it. With 500 people all having different ideas and visions its easy for details to get lost. Why do you think fuckers like grrm take years to make a book, cause they can only rely on themselves to work out every little detail of a story.

Well GRRM takes so long because he's both written himself into a corner and doesn't know how to get out and also has clearly lost his passion for the series. He used to put out a new book every couple years.

Yeah I know there's many factors, was just giving an example people would know.

Loli mottom > all other versions of mottom

We don't really know why Maya is pursuing Allison. Probably not because she wants the key but another reason.

What if Incubus becomes weak and decrepit by leaving Lethyx? That would explain why he seems frailer than last time we saw him, why he sends his consort to important meetings, and why he works primarily through dreams.

Cold WORKED iron is produced that way, actually. "Cold Iron" can be looked at as a short way of saying that.

Loli Mottom>Mottom the angry milf prune>>>scary shriveled demon Mottom>intro Mottom

Did he catch AIDS or what

I don't think many people noticed it on first reading. You should know Demiurges charactersc to notice it and this is the first time we see them in a flash.

I just noticed that all of the Demiurges seem to have eye colors that match the rest of their color schemes, with the possible exception of Gog.

That's a dumb opinion to have. He's stated multiple times that it's taken so long, because the last two books have to wrap everything up. So not only does he need to plan and finish the character arcs, he needs to get the characters timelines lined up, and everyone in the correct locations somehow without bastardising the story.

He's clearly got an ending in mind, otherwise the TV show wouldn't be finishing in two months.

That sounds plausible given the Enyis and the Boar King story.

Have you actually read the books? The TV show started just making shit up a loooong time ago.

This. The HBO show is it's own thing at this point, and the lazy whore-chasing fatso is living large on the residuals from it.

Solomon is too prideful to believe anyone but him could run the celestial empire. He's burdened by a responsability he has no real reason to assume


Isn't he a writer for it though?

Script for one episode per season was in his contract. Otherwise no.