Applebee's running an ad with "Do You Love Me?"

>Applebee's running an ad with "Do You Love Me?"
>reminded the first place I heard the song was on Tiny Toons
>wonder why they did that as an adult

Cartoons today don't do shit like that.

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I remember

I remember Babs' head swelling and exploding.

What about Regular Show?


Who does it better

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That reminds me of a much better TT moment

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Funny enough, that was where I was first exposed to 'Particle Man'

I feel like the public conscious has too much different media to focus on and that any modern reference to anything would only tickle a small portion of any given fanbase.

>Cartoons today don't do shit like that.

Mainly because they're too focused on a "canon" rather than being episodic (and they don't want to pay royalties)


I’ve been meaning to make this thread literally for weeks

I think about Fuddonna daily

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These two helped me realize I was bi.

Come on dude everyone’s bi
There’s different levels of acceptance to it yeah so congrats on being able to admit it to yourself but yeah sex is like that

Let me clarify then.

These two helped me go from "Eh sometimes gay stuff is hot...whatever. I'm mostly straight though."

To "I wanna suck Buster's cock"

>Buster’s cock

We made it

I love Titty Bear.

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Is Tiny Toons Late Gen X or Early Millennial?

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Spielberg got away with A LOT of shit in the 90's

I know i remember it plus Disney Afternoon so would that make me a proto millennial?

Gen X-ers were 20-somethings during the 90s, eg. the cast of Friends would be have been called Gen X back in the day. It's really confusing, and probably why we skipped from Gen X to Gen Z.

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This show also had a sexy teenager who lived in a junkyard that wanted to fuck her teacher who she might be the illegitimate daughter of

I don't know what it is about babs but goddamn I should not have stirrings for a cartoon rabbit teen.

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Werent they all 10 to 13 years old?

The royalties hurt a lot of stuff I grew up with
>can't watch Captain N or Super Mario Bros the way they aired
>DVD release of Kidd Video never
>Muppet Babies never going to happen
Goddamn 80s why were you so obsessed with licensed music

They're 14

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>Cartoons today don't do shit like that.
And for a good reason, cartoons that have heavy use of pop culture references and copywritten material like songs of clips from other movies risk not being able air or being re-released in the future because of copywrite disputes.

Class of 3000, and Tiny Toons probably will never seen the light again due to how expensive is to license all the songs in those shows.

Pop culture references sounds more like a fair use thing. I do wonder if companies negotiate for permanent non-exclusive copywritten deals these days, so as to not worry about renewal BS. Hopefully it's less costly these days.
I know that Pre-to-early internet era shows like daria & scrubs negotiated copyright deals for tv broadcasts. They had no idea digital distribution would be a thing and DVD sales were an after thought. Hopefully that mess is being prevented today.

Can you think of any animated series that debuted in the last five years that was actually set in the real world or a heightened version of the real world? Where it would make sense for the show to reference or comment on pop culture like that? Most shows nowadays are set in their own particular settings with their own canon and worldbuilding, and aren't meant to riff on things outside of itself like that.

Stricter advertising laws today?

Regular Show?

Wait, were they? I always figured they were supposed to be in college what with going to a university and all that.

Debuted in 2010, and ended almost two years ago. I'd say the only truly recent show that riffs on pop culture is OK-KO and that is more 90s nostalgia than current.

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Imagine sucking Bugs' cock while he crossdresses haha

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Party on Garth