Steven Universe Tv Movie Leaked Script

>"The Movie will not be about Steven but is going to handle more mature issues and be centered around Pearl's newly found identity in a gem-human society"
>"After the events of Change your Mind, Pearl discovers her feelings towards Greg had a sexual relationship with him, but sooner whose affairs with other women caused her to hate him and question her commitment to Rose Quartz's philosophy of nonviolence, she continues to explore her sexuality and politics. She befriends a woman named Sonja, and they travel to Ocean Town where they enjoy nude swimming and other excursions. While hiking, Pearl also looks into a cabin and sees two women having lesbian sex. Pearl returns to Beach City, where she stays with the couple Hans and Bim. Bim notices Pearl scratching herself, which Pearl attributes to allergies. After Hans and Bim have an argument, Hans visits Pearl in her bedroom. Bim enters with a magnifying glass and insists at looking at Pearl's hand. She discovers Pearl has scabies, disproving Pearl's belief her constant itching owed to allergies and mosquito bites."
>"Pearl approaches Greg in the car wash where he works, to inform him about the possibility that he also has scabies. He confirms he has been itching and accuses her of giving him the disease, citing her sexual promiscuity. She argues back he is just as promiscuous, resulting in a highly public heated argument. After he leaves his business, they both head to the clinic for treatment."

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That's so stupid I'd believe it was true

Waste of a thread

kill me

John Lennon

Yeah no. Movie ain't going to focus on anyone else but Steven and you know it.

Calling it now.

I would read this fantagraphics comic

Reminder that Sugar and the "crewniverse" are Evil.

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why did you capitalize evil?

idk i'm tired an sick of seeing this shit happen to innocent people.

What if they made a Steven Universe movie where Steven Universe himself never show up or is even mentioned? And then everyone would say "why is this called steven universe if there is no character called steven universe?"

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>That boy ain't right.
>Glitter make-up
>Neon blue colored hair
>Went onto Twitter to state that he had mental illness for attention rather than get his shit straightened out

I blame the parents more than the SU crew for allowing their son to be trannified.

>parents step in to stop rebecca degeneracy
>few days later he has a "mental breakdown"

Was that what happened? Wow, fuck Sugar and the mentally unstable crew behind the show is that's true.

This is similar to the situation in the movie Hercules. Early on, the fatbla mentions a character called Hunkules, let such a character never appears or is alluded to later in the movie. You got critics asking "Who is Hunkules? Why did they mention Hunkules if he isn't in the movie?! I don't get it!"

Yeah, I feel there's only so much parents can do, especially when the kid falls into a bad crowd, and even more so if it relate to a career.
Shit like this makes me scared to have kids desu. Whats worse is that the harder you try to shield them from this shit, the more their rebellious side kicks in. And then their lost forever.
Shit fucking sucks.

you need to scare them by showing them the reality of what they want so that they'll never do it again.
wants to be a tranny: tell them of the dilation and suicides
wants to be a furry/otherkin: leave in a forest for a night fending for themselves
wants an arts degree: show that there little to no work in it


IT USES GOSPEL MUSIC! THAT'S NOT MUSIC FROM ANCIENT GREECE! btw I really love the musical pop songs in this movie set in medieval europe

>yfw you made this filename as a joke a long time ago

This'll make a good doco in twenty years

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I Am Curious what your source is for this, it sounds pretty questionable