Reading paper girls for 80s nostalgia and quirky girls

>reading paper girls for 80s nostalgia and quirky girls

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Other urls found in this thread: is Tamir Rice?

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I mean, she was right.

If it's a question of political shit in comics, that's certainly not new. Obama and Bush were in dozens, even the Ayatollah Khomeini was a villain in Jason Todd's death.

When I was little, I never cared about this shit "OMG her victory is MY victory" bullshit. What has happened to the world?

Corporations are perpetuating and exploiting insecurity in women in order to force them to consume more.

People have gotten so lazy that they need to do mental gymnastics to feel as if they've accomplished something. Because God forbid you make strides to better yourself rather than latch on to the successes of other people as if they were your own.

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Not American here the the hell are Tamir Rice and John Crawford?

Well what happened is that you're self-centered and unaware of the world at large when you were young.

> is Tamir Rice?

Rice was a black who got shot by police. I think Crawford was an actress in the 1930s.

American here, no fucking clue

If you say so

Well user you either think women can't be presidents or you just don't think women want to be president.

You want 80s nostalgia? Then go read or watch something from the 80s.

Or I just don't care.

>>remarks about people latching onto other people's accomplishments in place of their own
Neck yourself, you autist

Because you're self-centered.

i don't get it? okay i get the joke about running but the thing the one on the right says, is this a refference?

What is there not to get? You retarded or something?

It's a reference to the American president being a figurehead. For all we know, women could already be in charge of what America does as a nation.

If you say so.

You saying that you're never excited or happy for another person's accomplishment? That makes you a fucking sociopath.

People voted for Bernie because they know how corrupt she is. That was until the corrupt Democrats rigged the votes and gave it to Hillary. Why bring up a Hillary board and not a Bernie one?

Hitting a milestone like female president is important to people because it proves the world has made progress and opportunities that you once didn't have are now possible to everyone.

Like, a black president was unimaginable for the entire 20th century, and when 24 did it for TV in 2001 it was big fucking deal.

You meant after an entire trade of time battle shit?

Britain already had a female prime minister.

>Like, a black president was unimaginable for the entire 20th century, and when 24 did it for TV in 2001 it was big fucking deal.
Wasn't Morgan Freeman the president in Deep Impact? A film that premiered 4 years earlier and to no fanfare. This whole I NEED REPRESENTATION TO FEEL SATISFIED IN MYSELF shit is way more recent than you think it is.

You understand how america and britain are two different countries right?

They're not excited that Hillary is accomplishing something. They're excited that a GIRL is accomplishing something like that makes it more for them or something.
And you know this. Hillary's whole campaign was based on this being some kind of victory for women everywhere or some shit. Stop acting dumb you bullshitter

>isn't a fictional black president enough?
No you fucking moron, what kind of retarded logic is that?

>They're excited that a GIRL is accomplishing something like that makes it more for them or something.
It factually does.

Yes, but nobody watched Deep Impact, everybody went to see the much more impactful Armageddon. And 24 mattered because it was such a giant pop culture moment globally.

Doesn't change anything when we're talking US politics. People in America still harbor misogynistic "women have no place in politics" feelings. Republicans and their voters especially don't really put much interest in women representation, just look at how many women with an R next to their name there are elected to Senate and Congress. And people like Sarah Palin are just a meme.

Poor kamala

There still hasn't been a black president. Obama is half white. In a couple generations, most Americans will be less than half white. There's no way they're going to consider the first black president to be someone who's whiter than them.

>Hitting a milestone like female president is important to people because it proves the world has made progress
How is that progress?

>obama is half white
He's half black too.

So americans are dumb?

Because hundred years ago we didn't even allow women to vote.

Well why do you think there hasn't been a female president yet?

Why would you be happy at a stranger's accomplishments? Are you fucking retarded?

Sounds like you're the dumb one.

Don't think so, tubby.

>Why would you be happy at a stranger's accomplishments?
Basic human empathy.

Basic my ass, be happy for your friends, not some assholes you've never met.

Vaughan has to bend the knee because his audience got mad at him in one of the first issues because he had a character call someone gay as a pejorative.

She just needs some good 'ol white cock to calm her spic-ass down.

By showing it actually is possible by it actually happening.

So you're telling me that if tomorrow we solved global warming that you wouldn't give a shit.

I don’t see the problem with this. One character is a cynic and one is an optimist. Seems fairly normal.

She's Pakistani

>It factually does
It factually doesn't do shit. Did women really believe they couldn't run for President before Hillary. How did Hillary know to run then?

Britain also banned slavery well before America

user are you pretending to be retarded on purpose?

Oh that wacky Paki.

Does anyone in this thread read comics?

We got a fucker over here thinking a Pakistani American girl is Mexican, and we got OP who is acting surprised that girls who time jumped from the 80s to 2010s are acting excited that a woman has a close shot to becoming president.

Very nice of the people who started it.
>they also still unofficially supported it

>reading paper girls for 80s nostalgia and quirky girls

what's funny is that's her 2008 logo

A problem has to be real for it to be solved.

And how is that progress? What is it we're progressing towards by that?
Because none of the candidates that were women were any good.
Why does it need to happen at all though?

Well how many national candidates for president were women before hilary?

He said British, not sub-Saharan Africa

You would think you tell the difference between an island nation and most of a continent, but well I guess that shows the level of education these days.

True equality.

>What is it we're progressing towards by that?
Equality of the genders.

Wisconsin just legalized voter IDs for illegal immigrants and that was one of the states that helped Trump win in 2016.

He won't be winning again in 2020.

America is fundamentally at odds with itself, its a country that tells every child that they can be President one day - apart from the bit where there's never been a woman in that position.
Having a woman win the presidential election actually validates the concept, so a lot of people were in love with the idea of a female president more so than the actual candidate running.
Hillary was a shite candidate though, and it sucks that the first opportunity for a female front runner was that fucking hag

>the british never had anything to do with the transatlantic slave trade.
wew lad

That would directly affect me, you imbecile.

He won't even be running in 2020, idiot. He's going to drop out after being nominated to screw over the republicans and make them scramble for a replacement. This is why Hillary is going to win.

And so would a women president.

is that comic any good? i like the art

Trump will be impeached before 2020, dumbasses.

Why does it matter? At some point, a woman figured out. "GEE, I COULD RUN TOO" Women aren't stupid, you know.

Only dopes like you try to act like someone accomplishing something is somehow a victory for all similar people. Mostly because you don't have your own victories so you have to leech off others OR you want to make that person's personal victory something greater, like Hillary was going to now save all women in America.

>america is such a shithole that any shitfuck can be president

How would that directly affect you?
>man, the air is so much fresher now that global warming is fixed

I, for one, welcome future President Mountain Dew Camacho.

>At some point, a woman figured out
A woman did.

No, not at all.

And what makes them equal?

Because it would be impressive.

And it's good marketing.
Charles Lindbergh was the first person to solo fly the Atlantic Ocean. Who-fucking-knows was the second person to solo fly the Atlantic, and in better time than Charles.
Third person to solo fly the Atlantic? Amelia Earhart making her the first woman to do it.
One of the key rules of marketing is find a way to be the first. And being the first woman president or first Catholic president or first black president would be a marketing feat tons would find interesting and impressive.

Yeah it would

It's climate change, not just warming. Goddamn Australians are getting cooked alive while you Americans have a polar vortex coming down.

In our live time, stratocumolous clouds might disappear due to the heat, which will add +8°C/14°F to our global temperature though.

Good point. We need the next 40 Presidents to be women just so it's fair.

Hillary already said she isn't running.

You don't know what chain reactions are, do you.

But that's the thing, not just anybody can become President.
You have to be backed by corporations and wealthy families - my point was more so that the lie is perpetuated yet falls apart the moment you look at the who actually has become President.
It's far more of a class issue than a sexism issue at its core

She's a lying cunt. She's going to run anyway.

That's why you should vote for Bernie and back candidates that advocate for getting rid of money in politics through a constitutional amendment.

> spend basically your entire adult career in politics
> one guy who can only runs business badly wins by just talking the dumbest shit
I wouldn't want to try after that. Meanwhile, Bernie the unaccomplished has enough idiots hyping him up.

Geez I wonder why there isn't as many rich and well connected women running for president then.

Why is this thread even going on? It's not talking about comics at all.

>Because it would be impressive.
We're not running for a one-off competition. We're running for command of the world's largest military power on the planet, and several thousand nuclear bombs in a world without any sort of counter measure to them. For four years of that.

>And it's good marketing.
I thought money interests in politics were a bad thing and led to things people didn't want in politics.

Because Obama did so much for black people

White males who have literally had white males represent them in every facet of society, can't see why representation is at all important.

And particularly important in you know representative democracy. Where we elect lawmakers who have to create laws for everybody. I think having people who understand the realities of different experiences is particularly important.

But Hillary not getting elected does prove Sexism is a real force, 46% of the country choose a corrupt failed businessman who can barely speak in complete sentences, over a accomplished Senator and Secretary of State with actual solutions.

At what point did I say I was American, fella?
I don't disagree though, corporations never have interests of the people in mind only the interests of the individual at the top of the pile

Why should they be equal?

Why shouldn't they be?

I didn't say it wasn't also a sexism issue, white women only stopped being second class citizens 100 years ago so obviously Americans need to get over themselves but at the same time it's a more nuanced issue than just sexism

I know what bullshit is.

That's what happens when creators shoehorn political crap into their books

Are you telling me that black people aren't much more politically aggressive these days?

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Yep, apparently black people never knew they could run for President before Obama

>Well how many national candidates for president were women before hilary?
Well actually quite a few, it's just Hilary was the first to buy her way into the nomination of one of the big two parties.

>australia wasn't hot and middle america wasn't cold before al gore invented global warming and then renamed it to climate change

>White males who have literally had white males represent them in every facet of society, can't see why representation is at all important.
No I can see why you think it's important, why it should inspire you and people like you to a certain track in life. It's that what you want is to disregard elections and processes and division of power by states to relate an outcome that you have arbitrarily decided is better for the world because vagina.
And besides, society was running fine without vagina in charge, why fix what isn't broken to appease you? How many generations before you have lived and died in more cohesive and structured societies than you, lacking some notion of equalization of labor that strips our differences and strengths, into a capital mush?

Idiot that thinks the President is a emperor, and not a cog in a process that is literally designed to stop at every point. Obama was useless bar foreign policy after 2010. And now Trump is after 2018.

Because they got better shit to do. Being president is more about ego than anything. Men tend to want to stroke their ego more than women, big whoop as if anyone is surprised by that.

I like it, it's like a non trash stranger things

But they didn't.
I mean OP's pic is hardly political. It's two tween girls from the 1980s getting transported into the future and remarking about a woman running for president. Something pretty much anyone would do from the 80s. I highly doubt it becomes a key plot point and is likely these four panels being the only time it is even brought up in the whole series.

If you double the labor for a field, the demand decreases by half. Wages everywhere have stagnated because there's more than enough people to fill positions than a company would need. So two people work for what was one person's wage. And so families can't function because they don't have the tenable structure of their parents and grandparents, and subconsciously we want to return to that structure. Women look for reasons to quit, men want to make the most, conflicts emerge, and now divorce and family cohesion is broken.

Children are more dysfunctional, leading to further oddities and introspective volatilities, to make us more mush for capital, and hungry for voids we once never needed filling. Why aspire to those sorts of things continuing? Because you called it progress?

He says to another white male.

>>remarking about something in politics.
>>not political

>It's far more of a class issue than a sexism issue at its core
Societies stratify. How many people in the Soviet Union got to lead the people?

I'm just stating the facts, user. And as Neil DeGrasse Tyson points out, the best thing about facts is that even if you don't like them, they're still true.

>Idiot who thinks that American society in the 1950 is the norm everywhere

Well if we're equal that doesn't matter. My facts are to be judged on merit, not gender. Unless of course, you're just lying about your intentions and seek gender equity for its own sake, and use that to elevate a failed leader of foreign relations ready to send us into a war with a nuclear power.

In which case go fuck yaself.

Yes but current intersectionality rules means he isn't black enough since his whiteness removes several oppression points from his race card. Now if he was a 100% Jewish African-American MtF lesbian transgender who cuts herself then maybe the DNC would scout her to replace AOC and Bernie as the new fresh face.

what the facts
two girls talking about politics isn't um about politics?
>> Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Yeah, what I'd expect

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For four panels in a comic that currently has over 25 issues. This is a reference to a political moment, not even a commentary/discussion about it in story. This comic has spent almost 10x as much mentioning arkanoid but it would be pretty dumb to have that be used to have a videogames thread on Yea Forums.

We're not talking about 'everywhere'. What the abo man or the china man does is his business, we're talking about America, a historically and demographically still white christian society, that has functioned for 200 years and become the world superpower, without the problems we're facing right now. And you're not providing excuse for them, you're just saying 'well that wouldn't work in Central Africa or something', well Central Africa didn't go to the moon, and it didn't have the society that raised the men that did that.

Why don't you stop avoiding the argument?

>can't argue with science
>posts memes as his defense

I gracefully accept your admission of defeat. Facts always win. Science always wins.


Jesse Jackson ran in the 80s. It was about being able to actually win that was importan. Shit, a woman actually ran for president before women could even fucking vote.

>Hillary already said she isn't running.

At last, it's Bernie's time to shine!

Yep, and Yea Forums has threads about all kinds of minutiae things in cartoons and comics. Are you just playing thread sheriff now?

That post was in response to somebody citing the show 24 as impactful you fucking bufoon

I haven't heard you post a fact yet.

Maybe I am, partner.

so what your point. That make Obama's victory even more hollow. Obviously Jesse Jackson didn't wait for Obama to come along before he considered running. Are you telling me you'll never try anything until your clone comes along and succeeds?

You have zero understandings of economics or anything. Do you think women weren't working? They were. A specific class of white middle class women stopped, buoyed by the high wages built by America being the only major industrial power left that hadn't been fought on or bombed, with record growth from massive goverment spending, high wages built by the higher education this middle class received from the GI bill, major gains in household wealth through household ownership in newly built redlined suburbs and the New Deal US Government actively siding with workers against big business.

Modern day wealth isn't reaching workers because government has bowed to corporate interests, or is powerless to stop them fleeing abroad.

But yeah society built by white males has always and will always be perfect. I'm sure you would totally be fine being ruled by a single demographic. I'm sure you don't totally have nightmares about ((()))

How do you convince the Minecraft Generation that such a thing as poverty exists?

Seeing Yea Forums damage control itself after the 2016 election for 8 years is the best thing to happen.

>all those comics that shilled Hillary
I love it reading them post election is just so satisfying

>He won't even be running in 2020, idiot.
The utter state of Yea Forumsmblr

The House is already moving to impeach and the GOP in the Senate doesn't support him. He'll be out before the end of the year.

m8, its over just let it go. Hillary is THAT much hated and corrupted.

Take sway their allowance and gaming systems.

But white males aren't a single demographic. First of all white males are very diverse especially if they are porking woman all around the globe in some form of empire. Second small dicked white males are the closest you're going to get to functional hermaphrodites. On the scale of rapist niggers on one side and zombie Asian albinos on the other white men with small dicks are right there in the middle. Even Asians over compensate and get more aggressive.

Is this shilling? I mean OP's pic doesn't even comment on Hillary's run as good or bad or even likely to win or the characters wanting her to win.

>still this triggered by the fact that a woman ran for president

>Do you think women weren't working?
I think they weren't demanding every major field men had for arbitrary representation.
>A specific class of white middle class women stopped, buoyed by the high wages built by America being the only major industrial power left that hadn't been fought on or bombed, with record growth from massive goverment spending, high wages built by the higher education this middle class received from the GI bill, major gains in household wealth through household ownership in newly built redlined suburbs and the New Deal US Government actively siding with workers against big business.
And why isn't extending society to that comfort for everyone in our society progress instead?
>I'm sure you would totally be fine being ruled by a single demographic.
Yes, my demographic.

It's not that I don't want him to. Read the rest of my post. Screenshot it and compare to what happens in 2020 if you want to have your mind blown. I remember this shit from the last time I was alive.

This is the only election era comic worth reading.

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That's what you said last year.

That's not what I meant. Have you ever seen what goes into making a pocket watch in minecraft. It's a lot of work. And that's not even the most complicated thing to craft in the game. How are you going to convince the Minecraft Generation that some people deserve to have secure boxes with lovers and other people deserve to get chased around by sodomites?

If they try to run with AOC and cheat Bernie a 2nd time then Trump might win 2020 the same way he won 2016. Except for hardcore leftists, many centrist democrats are disillusioned/disenfranchised by the DNC for how they cheated Bernie (and they'll do it again). AOC and Kamala Harris haven't created a stable patfirm and are just garbage candidates in general. Beto might be the hip how do you do fellow kifs but he's also a straight white male which is a no-no in the DNC. When NPR even states that Jay Inslee is DoA since the DNC is Identity Politics Final Destination Only, then you know shit's fucked.

Impeach 45 is a nothingburger made to funnel extra money into Democrat's pockets for "overtime" where they parade people around to say Trump is immoral/Orange Man Bad but they haven't got a drop of actual illegality to run on. You're free to REEEE at Trump as much as you want but stop wasting tax payer dollars on stuff that actually isn't going to Impeach him. Ar best they have the DeutscheBank stuff but Mueller is going to drop it bevause while DeutsheBank had to pay fines for Russia stuff, what they drop off was that it was because the Russian Jewish Orthodoxy were funneling money to Putin to give them kickbacks and backroom deals for real estate in Russia on behalf of Israeli Investors. If anything Trump might have a quid pro quo but not with Putin, but with Israeli/Russian Jewish Investors for Trump Tower in Russia. They might be able to Impeach him on that but they'll have to burn Israel in the process and good luck with that. Plus I'll even give you the hypothetical Impeachment goes through, all he has to do is resign like Nixon/Clinton and hand it over to Pence. If you hate Trump then your definitely going to hate Pence since he can't be talked down and would repeal several of the laws Trump did to help LGBTQ+ and is even more Zionist than Ben Shapiro.

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Project uneducation was successful worldwhide

Yeah, but this time they have Abuse of Authority charges due to Trump's use of state of emergency to fund the border wall without House consent. He fell right into their trap.

It was extremely stupid to put Hillary against Trump. Americans will much rather vote for a man as their president than a woman. If it was any other man against Trump, Trump would have lost.

Ok lets have a female Republican president then

Sure, why not.

>Ok lets have a female Republican president then

The way the media eviscerated Sarah Palin when she was Mitt's running mate, I don't think being a woman will protect a Republican candidate from the spear of the mainstream liberal media.

We didn't allow people who didn't own property to vote either and I have yet to see a homeless candidate

Sarah Palin was McCain's running mate and complete fucking moron who deserved being mocked.

But we want a woman to be president don't we?

Yet they’ve had a queen for years

>>who deserved being mocked.
and like that, the whole
>"Hitting a milestone like female president is important to people because it proves the world has made progress and opportunities that you once didn't have are now possible to everyone."
goes right out the window

Top moron right here
I bet you are donating to bernies super beach house again

It's not unprecedented at all, and I think border security with caravans jumping is more of a national emergency than Flint Michigan. It's that the accomplice media has become a propaganda outlet. It doesn't report the news anymore, it actively distorts it.

She was picked for her looks and only her looks.

So you're just as interested in identity politics for yourself. So you're being totally hypocritical spending a thread bitching about a comic panel for commenting on a election sign. Thanks for proving you are a total asshole.

Didn't that come out after the election?

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>So you're just as interested in identity politics for yourself.
I'm interested in a cohesive society for my people.


If she was picked for sexist reasons then it's a sexist action done by men thinking women would be too dumb to see it.

If you're announcing a state of emergency but then in the same breath immediately admit you didn't actually have to do it, you just did it anyway because congress didn't give you the money you wanted, that's not an emergency. You undermined your entire agenda by being a fucking moron. But that's Trump for you. Same thing happened with the Muslim ban, and right leaning SCOTUS only okayed it because they added some superfluous non-muslim countries at the last minute so technically it wasn't a muslim ban anymore.

She was also one of the most divisive, which is why she got beat by a retard like Trump.

Except both Pelosi and Schumer voted on border fencing in the exact verbiage in 2006, but now it's "morally wrong," to fence off our borders. They also like to omit that Obama declared national emergencies 13 times and nine of those emergencies are still in effect. Or W declared a national emergency 14 times, and 10 are still in effect and Clinton made 14 declarations, six of which remain in effect.

Scope indeed.


It would be nice to have a women not indoctrinated by the repressive far right fundamentalists.

Aww yeah Paper Girls thread?

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Hey look my response was struck by the mods. No bullshit going on here no sir.

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Nah dude. I ended all this pretending Americans have what it takes to involve themselves when occupy wall street proved that you could make it as simple as showing up and they wont. What Occupy Wall Street proved was that if America have it's unemployed adult children to liberalism liberalism would chew them up and spit them out with our even giving them a blerb on their resume. It took The Weather Underground a decade to exhibit the cannibalism of politics but we accomplished the revelation of Liberal Evil in 6 months. Likewise any Americans getting worked up for any kind of political turmoil are paid. Period. No town square was left uncomplaining about their down town across the street from city hall Occupy so no town avoided the inoculation against future political machinations.

It's done. You're welcome.
Get me a production team.

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>both Pelosi and Schumer voted on border fencing in the exact verbiage in 200
Because what trump is asking for is retarded.

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For the love of god does anyone have this?

>"Hitting a milestone like female president is important to people because it proves the world has made progress and opportunities that you once didn't have are now possible to everyone."
"OH not that one, suddenly we care about qualifications

It's all pretty much on readcomiconline dot to
But I have the first five issues saved on my phone from when it was once storytimed.

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so nice they put you in charge of what constitutes right and wrong resons. still kinda goes against the original point of how important it is that people see a woman running. What are all those poor little girls going to think when a woman runs and then is called stupid and just eye candy. Gee, one would think that would discourage girls but what do I know.