Post webcomic edits

Post webcomic edits

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I don't get it.

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What is this, text for ANTS?

Attached: Stop that blade.png (800x1189, 622K)

Based Stonetoss poster.
Cucked Antifa poster.

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the mom should be switched to BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH.

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Its an edit thread, user, why don't you edit it yourself?

What was your mom like, user?

It's funny because Yea Forums and Yea Forums would never come to an understanding.

Attached: Clown 2.png (1024x341, 448K)

But I see people post Stonetoss on Yea Forums all the time.

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They're both in the top 3 for bitching about SJWs. Well top 4 I guess ever since Yea Forums decided to switch from pedophilia to /pol2/

I wonder what other hobbies SJWs will manage to ruin.

they managed to make Lego bricks sexist

Have a Thog

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Maybe when you spam it, stonetoss.

Better version.

Attached: IHaveNoSon.png (1000x1000, 302K)

Was and still remains a total bitch

>Yea Forums
>agreeing with the board that loves steven universe and gravity falls


Attached: and then they fucked.png (463x540, 101K)

Which artist is worse, Yea Forums, stonetoss or swords guy? :^)

Stonetoss because he's clearly the more skilled artist but he still chooses to make what is essentially just worse cyanide and happiness.

this comc already exists

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Hard to say. They're both pretty good.

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I'm just posting here so i can pretend like i don't remember the assignment i'm supposed to be working on

Attached: at least it was an unexpected punchline and not just a repeat of the same thingie.png (878x1107, 814K)

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Attached: no its not official but he did make another one where he mocked CAD.png (604x596, 385K)

Ben Garrison does it again!

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current would be forced r9k meme

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Yeah, if there's one thing people on Yea Forums hate more than Reddit, it's cross-boarders


>Yeah, if there's one thing people on Yea Forums hate more than Reddit, it's cross-boarders
Bitch, please. A /d/ is an erect Yea Forums. Then there's shit like Digimon that's allowed on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, AND /m/.

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it's a very new thing because we use to work together all the time.
almost ten years ago 9 boards on Yea Forums got togther to fuck up a Gamespot/Best Buy shameless promotion voting poll.
now if two talk to each other a lot of anons flip their shit.

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I hope that wasn't 10 years ago, because I remember that, and don't want to think I've been visiting this shithole that long.

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Bless you

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summer of 2011 my user.

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I really like this one and you should stop procrastinating, you lazy fuck

Attached: Zen Pencils 2.jpg (980x6810, 1.97M)

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what's the original?

UN definition of genocide is as follows
>Genocide is a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind, …and is contrary to moral law and to the spirit and aims of the United Nations. …
The General Assembly, therefore, affirms that genocide is a crime under international law…whether the crime is committed on religious, racial, political or any other grounds…
Thus, technically, going "fuck [ethnicity], they have no right to exist / their homeland" is advocating genocide. By this definition, what Israel is doing to Palestine is genocide.

not quite a proper edit, but what the Hell?

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I didn't think this was an edit?

Watching cartoons is not a personality trait.

The edit is where the word bot is replaced by /pol/.

Vroom vroom

Good thing UN means jack shit unless major countries step in to enforce it

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>They're both in the top 3 for bitching about SJWs
Nah only invasive /pol/ elements on the boards, though one board did the smarter move and threw them out which garnered much /pol/ asshurt and started cries of "comblr".

Attached: 1446968805424.png (1238x1071, 1.13M)

>invasive /pol/ elements
t. invasive outside element


>everyone's starting to talk about politics
Can we not all simply hate everyone that isn't us??

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Digimon gets a pass because we watched it when we were kids and as adults, wish we could go on adventures with a designated Best friend/bodyguard who can turn into a titty missile T-Rex or a kung fu werewolf.

The USA unironically vetoes most of this shit because of Israel, so there's that. Though the definition stands and to my understanding, this is the most widely used definition of "genocide".

Huh, I thought the edit'd be Russians instead of bots, and the kid at the end edited to look Russian

It's safe to assume "bots" in this context could mean "russian bots".

I generally dislike everyone.

How would you edit the kid to look Russian? Put a red star on his hat? Maybe try to edit it to look like a Ushanka?

"Coffee will raise productivity"
"Wait no!"

I know i should. I've done most work on the first assignment, though

Well, i think they're thinking of "what will eventually happen if whites become a minority in their own countries". Sure, it's skipping a few steps, but i don't see any problem in whites remaining the majority in Europe.

This but unironically. Racial identity is really weird, IMO. I'm currently convinced nobody has any idea what they're talking about, color of their skin be damned. Everyone's just looking for a reason to feel persecuted.
>The Jews aren't some sort of almighty puppet masters, but they're no longer the 'woe is us' ethnicity either
>White people simultaneously get the best and worst shakes out of everyone, depending directly on how rich they are, and are hypocritical as fuck about it
>Black people suffer from crab bucket syndrome harder than anyone else I've seen
>Hispanics are both the safest 'diverse' race and the one that pisses people off the most because immigrants
>Asians have the best and worst stereotypes, being 'natural geniuses' but also 'natural bugmen'.
Shit makes no sense to me.

Fuck off frogposter
You tell him to fuck off
I prefer the Jesus version

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>Put a red star on his hat?
Something like that, or give him one of those thick, furry Russian hats you see in stereotypical depictions of them.
We're not really thinking subtlty here

>No whites are dying
South africa
The UK
Basically what antifa's doing too.

White people are the only race you can openly and publically hate and bash.

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imagine seeing yourself like this and not improving

>Everyone's just looking for a reason to feel persecuted.

That's the modern America for you, enjoy it.

So glad I'm not a part of this shitfest.

I don't know WHY you "not an American, no really"s think that that's just an American thing.

>oh no, the argument about semantics of [thing]has been lost!
>quickly, pretend like the argument is about action being taken about [thing]!

Sorry to hear that, but there's no need to be jealous of people who get along with their parents.

Fucking lmao

Squatting, adidas tracksuit, vodka

>one of those thick, furry Russian hats you see in stereotypical depictions of them
'Ushanka'. The Canadian version is called a trapper hat.
Y-you know, if anyone's curious

ah well, close enough

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Tho... Doesn't seem cherry to leave the site name unoptimised. "Toss" could at least go to "tosser". Kinda means stone needs be altered too, "rockhead" maybe.
"", right in the centreline.

Get off of Yea Forums and do what you need to.

I can never get over how he draws so many of his characters with stubby little t-rex arms.

"Honest Yea Forumsmrade" looks like a bitch. So that part of the edit's right.



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old school

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>the hair on the ass

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>this is the original point of the comic but made retardedly simple

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>Anti-fa is literally a targeted killing of white people
>There is a targeted killing of white people in the UK.
>South Africans are killing farmers in any significant amount

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Surprisingly well played.

theres no way this shit has fans

>being unable to see the meta
And extremists wonder why they're looked down on for gross idiocy.

The only valid type of horseshoe theory if when you apply it to the "By any means necessary" types on both sides. Then they have something in common when they basically agree that killing people or terrorism is acceptable for the cause.

Loss really is a gift.

It's Yea Forums

btw who's swords guy?

This comic was like Stonetoss' bike cuck.

That keeps on giving

Attached: loss qc.png (800x1160, 227K)

It's actually funny and clever when he's not being the Alex Jones comics.

here's another template

Attached: 1443240444732.jpg (650x555, 102K)

Any proof of that?

>Gonna Cry? Gonna Piss Your Pants Maybe? Maybe Shit and Cum?

what does the original say in the final panel?

Please tell me there were fujos who savoured this.

Whomp without Whomp is so much better than Whomp without Agrias

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Whoever thinks this does not at all get the point

Hint: once you go too far in either direction, you're going to find people that is willing to harm/arrest/kill people, so long as they are properly dehumanized enough beforehand

I actually don't see why people hate him. it's just a series of one-off jokes involving swords

Huh, even the right wing version of this meme is more thought out

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Not at all. Both comics straw-man the opponent, but the right one goes further in making one look silly by pretending to fairly represent the opinions by representing common positions. But by making one speak in terse demands and the other lay out explanations in a flowing order, they end up looking further from eachother intellectually than the other one, which isn't more thought out just more conniving (unless you mean "more thought out" in that scummy sense).

I meant that the right wing one had more of an effort compared to the leftist version that only had simple phrases, even the leftist on the right one sounds more reasonable than the right winger on the left one. Not that it wasn't a strawman

Who on the right wants to oppress whom?

The difference is that the left one aims for brevity and to emphasize the horse shoe point while the right one gets tangled up in trying to explain shit in a misleading way to make the author's opinions look convincing. Different goals thus different methods. Both authors could easily have expanded or contracted the verbage of their comics, but they chose not to. Imo it speaks to the confidence of both authors. The left one is confident that the word "oppression" speaks for itself (that it exists and that it is not generally good) while the right one has to very carefully write paragraphs to make his stance look appealing and the other unreasonable.

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>The left one is confident that the word "oppression" speaks for itself (that it exists and that it is not generally good) while the right one has to very carefully write paragraphs to make his stance look appealing and the other unreasonable.
Yeah, it's called nuance and lack of it

I love this

Malicious nuance is worse than a lack of nuance, though I would argue that leaving the stances of both sides unexplained provides more nuance as it presents them on a more even level.

Not really, turn the speech on the right for the one on the left and you get antifa bashing pro-lifers on the streets


What's so hard to understand? Maybe if more people took their time to hear and not necessarily agree with what others have to say instead of filtering it as "HITLER HITLER HITLER" there wouldn't be people punching other people for holding pieces of cardboard written "It's a baby not a choice". But that's really besides the point, all I said was that the second strawman had more thought put into it as in the person who did it went through more of an effort, you're the one talking about some kind of morality

If you think straw-manning is harmful then you should be more opposed to the right one for masquerading as a sort of debate rather than praising it for aligning with your views.

Underrated post

Nigga I posted a bird with a shopped arm followed by a joke that comes down to "heh heh even when they do it low-effort it still has more effort than yours" it's more making fun of leftism than praising the other. I recognize it's a strawman, I just don't care and I don't find the one on the left particularly harmful whatsoever, but when you say that the right one has more of an ill will for trying to explain things is what I find stupid, specially when the strawman on the right doesn't sound exaggerated at all besides being draw as ugly

The right one only "explains things" in a way meant to discredit. Note the lefty's short, disconnected sentences that end in exclamation points. Then the righty's got no exclamation points and uses longer sentences. How the righty uses normative statements while the lefty has non-sequitors with no reasoning explaining them. Do you see it?

Yeah, it's a strawman after all. He's listing the things he believes in but at least it's not just "HOW DARE MEN AND WOMEN FORM HAPPY GENDERNORMATIVE FAMILIES! ABOLISH THE NUCLEAR FAMILY NOW!!!" his beliefs are not bastardised to sound unreasonable

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Alone it isn't completely bastardized but it is when compared to the opposite viewpoint the way both are presented. The unexplaimed statement "The nuclear family should be done away with for optimum sociological liberty!" compared to a normative statement, "The family unit is the best form of financial and psychological welfare," doesn't help anyone understand the former's reasoning. It just paints him as absurd. The nuclear family is not the same thing as the family unit, and, "...should be done away with..." sounds vaguely threatening, as if the nuclear family is about to be made illegal.
The author is essentially messaging your capslock rant but with extra steps.


Attached: respkt.png (666x2038, 1.39M)

>Alone it isn't completely bastardized but it is when compared to the opposite viewpoint the way both are presented.
Congratulations, we just went through what consists a strawman comic, but eventhough it's a strawman comic it's much more honest and nuanced than the left one. But all i've pointed out on my original post was that the person who made the MS Paint comic went through more of an effort to make it compared to the author of the webcomic

We've already been through this. It is less honest because it lies and omits about parts of certain viewpoints, whereas the other comic does not try to deceive the reader by avoiding the discussion entirely. You will find far more people willing to argue how some forms of oppression can be beneficial to society than you will people who argue! In spastic! Short little! Sentences!
A lot of the time people might just deny that they abet forms of oppression, usually with stuff like "I'm not oppressing women, I'm saving fetuses," or "I'm not oppressing certain voting demographics, I'm preventing the potential for voter fraud." Oppression is just a neat little word that's easy to latch to, but with both of those examples one can argue how even if it is technically more oppressive to take conservative stances, it's in the end better for society. So by leaving the debate open, the left comic is being more honest.


I assume the original comic is 40 percent words?

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This isn't an edit, but I'm posting it because the edit isn't funny without the original

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and the edit

Attached: least I could do.jpg (1000x336, 238K)

What? What caused this?

It does omits details but it doesn't lie. I really don't see prohibiting abortion or not giving civil rights(which are different from human rights, mind you) to non citzens as forms of oppresion and even on your logic abortion could be called "fetus oppresion" so the girl on the left comic would also be a hypocrit assuming she was pro-choice, so I'm impressed you've managed to make the strawman sound reasonable on this context of "everything can be oppresive if you look hard enough" eventhough I don't think it was the author's intentions. But that's a matter of personal opinion and my point was never about honestity

Aaaaah, I forgot how much of a cunt Sohmer is.

What is/q/

There used to be a ton of edits of this fags comics, requesting

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>not JPG of Truth.jpg

Attached: Like so.jpg (556x960, 129K)

why is cuck porn always connected to interracial?
Why not ugly old japanese man?

That market is already oversaturated.

Attached: fatedit.png (1255x3994, 3.38M)

>White people are the only race you can openly and publically hate and bash.
we can take it, other races are too shit
it's the same reason as to why a woman hitting a man is not seen too badly by society, it's not like she's going to do shit, not unless she's built like a fridge

That's actually kinda clever.

Wasn't ALttP the only time Zelda was in a cell and even so very briefly? Also there's nothing brave about being forced into a cell, being brave is getting out of your zone of confort

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I love how all these comics accompany their peaceful message with physical violence. They don't even realize it.

Unironically what a fucking time to be alive.

This is a nice edit But my fatfag side tells me shower curtain girl is kinda cute

Order of the Stick isn't Subnormality levels, but yeah. Serious Thogging (named after a character in the comic) usually just involves stripping out unnecessary words to show that the writer could've trimmed it down. Less serious thogging leads to sex jokes (mostly about the d in a). This particular Thog decided to go a bit more silly than usual.

The whole thing came about because some dude over at /tg/ said he couldn't read OotS because the maximum words per minute he could read was 10. Naturally, people started taking the piss and stripping words to make it so dumb even Thog could understand it. It's kinda become tradition now.

Attached: OotS1157.png (917x1194, 411K)


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>Rules of nature
>Social Justice

I don't agree with either of them, BUT!
I think that's because the left wing has become so typical that it's easier for them to just convey their ideas in simple catchphrases.
Rgihties on the other hand, are more criticized, and need to be more composed to make other people understand what they're trying to say

>titty t-rex

I remember when I was 7 I thought Digimon was a ripoff of pokemon because of the name

Attached: fighting.png (1100x1812, 856K)

These fucking edits holy shit

Is this suddenly a cringe thread?

A classic

Bernie and his supporters caused that.


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what's the original?

>read OOTS like 10 years ago when I was in highschool or something
>at that time the dwarf died and turned into a vampire or whatever and the necromancer leveled that weeaboo city
>OOTS is still going

Gonna check back in 5 years. Sequential Art is also still going apparently, despite not having a plot. And dumbing of age is still stuck in the first half of the first semester, 9 years later.

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Pretty much just the left image with the caption "Transphobia".


I don't think this is an edit

So it used to be accurate, then. Shame it had to be ruined by rightwing shilling.

the man is probably white in the original

The original of that comic is stupid in the sense it's the other way around 99% of the time.

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is this the "nice guy" thing but for women?

Does anybody else read that guy in the first panel as Duke Nukem?

Found the mentally ill person.


Attached: cringefre.jpg (854x480, 48K)

>nelson mandela

Close enough

I like the one where he isn't smiling and the tranny isn't in tears myself.

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Guess I'd have to see it to judge. Personally, knowing that his mental illness and inability to fool anyone is causing him enough mental anguish to cry makes the edit for me.

That one's okay, too.

>"shilling" facts and common sense

I like "are you winning son" edit more


Attached: whereisit.gif (680x1075, 284K)

Shit, is there any hentai/porn comics like this?

The original, or the other edit?

The other edit. The original had him saying "Nice." in the last panel.

Attached: Heheheathcliff.png (1200x1200, 1.47M)

>dude trust me i'm a fairy

editing dogisagi makes it more coherent

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>remembering when she found out about the edits and lost her temper because her brother is a big gay and her parents are Swedish immigrants

lmao, but she has to go back

Are you asking for porn about a little cucked boy?

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I think these are some of my favourites in the thread. I think it's the innocuous art style that makes it work

Did she get mad at the racist edits, or the ones where she fucks dogs?

What is the point of just putting in Heathcliff randomly?

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Why would it matter if her parents are Swedish immigrants? Are they here illegally?

I've been here since 2004. It just feels like yesterday.

Don't you mean realistic?

that horse is a fag

>sucking one board's cock for a prolonged period of time

Is there a difference?

Attached: FOR FREE.jpg (320x401, 66K)

wow the irony
>not all gold diggers

Does it have to be a webcomic?

Attached: kitbullreality.jpg (868x490, 81K)

redrawing the entire last panel is more than an edit

Do you really think I'm creative?


Attached: gavin.gif (277x313, 1.93M)

This made sense until the end. how would this pansy dad be a spanker?

I don't even think he was discouraged. His art was clearly not quite good enough to get him into art college.
His sense of perspective and scale was fucked, and he only really learned to draw architecture well years later. His depictions of people were dark and soulless and vague. Even the building scenes lacked people and felt empty and lonely.

The problem is THEM is in charge of what US is seen as. They get to write the books with the definitions
and even the US that makes political jokes or comics or whatever, dose it according to THEM's definition
so I can't even enjoy some shit I agree with because partway through it'll switch to unintentional strawmanning. because they've become the accusation.

>His art was clearly not quite good enough to get him into art college.
I thought his scenery was pretty good; certainly better than whatever schlock menstrual blood paintings get you into art school these days.
And isn't the entire point of art school to make you a better artist? A portfolio with shit like this would be more than enough to get you into most artschools in the US these days, unless you included a note in your application like "Also, I want to gas all the jews".

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I think his art looked fucking great

The message I'm getting here is "modern media sucks because the people with no talent are encouraged by blindly-encouraging parents, while people with common sense and taste recognize they have no chance, and don't bother."
which basically explains Egoraptor. though 'living in california' is also a prerequisite to success.

No, I'm asking for porn about a college-age cucked boy being reverse-feminized by a big buff college-age bull.

>implying that he's spanking in a punishing way

That's not the theme of that comic or the edit.

isn't this the dildo hipster?

The original was pathetic, but this one is just as bad. Who the fuck gets salty enough to make an edit? Only someone whose feelings have been hurt greatly by it.

His perspective work sucked, and he practiced classical art at a time when it'd be like starting a webcomic right at the point of their decline.

>argument: the medical community agrees that transitioning is the best treatment for gender dysphoria
>counter-argument: but they're icky looking! eww!!
You know c-section scars look kinda ugly? I guess we should just let people die in labor.

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>why is cuck porn always connected to interracial?

I don't fucking know and its goddamn disgusting.

This shit will never not make me laugh.

>the medical community
you mean the people that prescribe drugs to stuff their own pockets are prescribing drugs to stuff their own pockets?
What a fucking twist

>implying that transitioning makes you into the sex you're going for instead of just a mutilated version of your actual sex.

except HRT doesn't help in those cases and leads to an alarming rate of suicide.

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Nah, the editor didn't know his shit. If boys start taking hormones before puberty they basically become their "what if" female selves sans vagina. So a lot of them look pretty hot, it's the people who started hormones really late and had a manly mug to begin with that look like men in drag regardless of the medicine.

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Probably one of the single most interesting psychological phenomena in history.

Fuckin A that one got me.

Gee, almost like he realized he could use professional instruction to improve his style or something. If only there were a place to do that.

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why is a tranny bringing up the problems of women

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>social justice
How about no?

Finished that off for you, user.

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That shit hurted

Attached: going to see black panther.png (1400x980, 1.11M)

A fucking masterpiece

The first guy made no effort to hold her hand when the wind started to blow

underrated post

He spanks the dad

Wow, defending the cunt AND upset that the cuck didn't serve her every whim.

don't blame your mom for your incel life, user

Hi Robert. Can I have that blu-ray with a side of fries?

Sonic Boom was better than everyone thought it was going to be
Adult Swim is pretty great
Megas XLR and Motorcity kick ass

I'd love to see anyone on Yea Forums disagree with that

Attached: 1461611713387.png (900x289, 226K)

My father gave me autism and cowardice and my mother doubled up on cowardice, submissiveness, and poor life choices.

made me kek.

Best in the thread.

Anyone who uses the term incel as an insult outs themselves as horribly shallow person who must blame their problems on men not being sexy enough.

That comic is a good representation of what's going on with declining birth rates, divorce rates and many other problems. But alas, the orgy of sexual validation is literally threatened with responsibility and commit. They think they're going to be 20 year old porn stars their whole lives...

A woman who doesn't want to face the truth.

What is malicious nuance?

To further your point, the right comic gives some points that can be argued over. Both the left and right have enough to at least discuss. Oppression without any context as to what you mean oppression to be in that context is just shit posting. It could be "good is good" and it would be about as meaningful of a statement.

reminded me of this

Attached: Dl8QdTUVsAA7JUB.jpg (749x717, 67K)

Based and Redpilled.

This is accurate in a lot of levels.

That was one time. And it was more Yea Forums riding Yea Forums's coat tails at the time, which in case you haven't noticed, Yea Forums likes to do. There's always one board that it latches on to as "bros" or like "best boards" type bullshit.

*Spoilers* No one fucking likes you Yea Forums. You obsess over boards that do not even register you. Remember "Yea Forums is rage!"?

Yeah, no. No you aren't.


My racial identity boils down to:
>people who look too different from me literally fucking disgust me on a primal level
Hence, I don't want to live with such people, nor do I recognize any kinship with them. This has grave implications towards the legal notion of shared citizenship with these "people", with whom I'd never voluntarily associate with or help in any way. In short, I don't feel any moral or ethical responsibility towards people who do not belong to my race.

>failing this hard at understanding the very simple concept of demographic change.

Whites becoming a minority in their ancestral homelands leads to whites losing political power in their ancestral homes, and thus places them at the mercy of non-white groups who have no allegiance to the white natives.

There is zero reason for any white European who wants to ensure that his/her children retain a future where they are their own masters, to support multiculturalism and immigration.

Attached: 23ABF076-346A-4051-B2E7-0DEF14CF84CC.jpg (739x415, 30K)

>muh oppression being a valid point.
Fucking slave/victim morality faggots have ruined the west.

Attached: based and redpilled.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

I want to modify it to say "I'm gonna" instead of "I'm going to" but I'm worried messing with it in Paint will screw it up

>Implying that the (((medical community))) isn't financially incentivized to push people towards transitioning via how expensive those hormone pills and surgeries are.

Why would the people who get paid by chopping you up and feeding you pills not tell you to chop yourself up and take pills?

So the social attention of acting queer covers up the fact that faggots are horrible people underneath?

has anybody drawn porn of these two yet

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The amount of butthurt this edit caused was outstanding.

Let's be real here, it was Stonetoss' loss

No dipshit, the political shitslinging ITT. I don't care about what you're talking about, my problem is that stupid political bullshit keeps these threads from being fun.

>And dumbing of age is still stuck in the first half of the first semester, 9 years later.

The compressed timeline in Dumbing of Age in incredible when you plot it out. Amber stabbed a dude on the steps of the dorm Friday night, left school, and came back....Tuesday morning, and then Tuesday night she got into a completely different knife-fight on the steps of the dorm for unrelated reasons.

this one is begging for an animated version of the door's contents

Post edits

>tfw when you've been coming here since 2004 for the porn and didn't realize until 5 years later there were sfw boards
>tfw when still get called a newfag for not remembering old memes because was too busy fapping

I kind of merged all the edits for this comic that I could find.

I think this is a more "realistic" approach to how this conflict went down.

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oof, that's savage.

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>the one that pisses people off the most because immigrants
I mean, so were the Irish and Italians, but here we are.

Attached: 2VbLaZ6.png (1224x1180, 1.26M)

The thing that really fucked up Adolf was that little, uneventful event in history we all know as WWI, that's when Adolf the artist officially died. That's when Germany as it was known died.

Attached: 2ZqNYOt.png (1125x1899, 1.4M)

It's intentional, and you might be autistic. Sorry.

Attached: mOMRqks.png (1125x1388, 1.56M)

Attached: Uw3wFto.png (1125x1988, 2.39M)

So fucking unfunny, who the fuck saved this shit

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Attached: XAxgQ1n.jpg (1800x4134, 852K)

It's a meme you dumbfuck

Her parents are naturalized citizens, it was just the typical "I'm a white woman with a tangential connection to OPPRESSED GROUP so that makes me oppressed to! pay attention please!" bullshit.

>Toedad saga was 3 years ago

>Another Yea Forums thread is contaminated by /pol/

Christ guys, can we get back to posting edits?

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Attached: Bi23VS4.png (948x1115, 1.23M)

Those comics are literally edits though. What's the point of sperging about "le mean edits" anyway?

Not the comics, just all the fucking griping. Let's just post funny comics and laugh, man.

Okay. Someone explain this one to me, I am at a loss. And that isn't me trying to signal I have spotted a hidden loss, I just don't know how else to say that I am at a loss.


Attached: 4pgpNcN.jpg (480x608, 67K)

It sucks that KC Green himself actually got hounded for it though.
Fucker actually apologized for what other people outside his control did.


Attached: 1547465821853.png (336x243, 24K)

user, for fucks sake read the FAQ, how fucking hard is it to read the god damn FAQ. I don't fucking care if it's out of date it's mandatory reading for a reason.

I've seen many an edit of this comic, but nothing has ever been funnier than the original

Big kek.

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>rape is batman
Gordon, you need to stop.

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What was the point of this edit?

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this isn't from that furry abortion comic, is it?

it made me laugh

that was a fun thread

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what i like about this comic and its many forms is that its failing to realise that the advertising tactic exists to create outrage. Brie larson isn't the ad. by making the comic, you are.

A fifth tier meme. Nice.

You've had Trump and a Republican led legislative branch for years now, quit bitching.

isn't islam a jesus religion?


Well, I guess her jumper is pretty tacky

>kirby and ddd playing chess

they're playing checkers

I'm really sick of this persecution complex.

true, my dude

Attached: eve loss.png (596x250, 20K)

fuck yea brotha

Attached: 1529422046147.png (596x250, 599K)

> isn't islam a jesus religion?

isn't flat-earth theory a branch of science?

wish the girl on the left would make me smell her ass

It's more an AU with redefining his role

if you are in a relation ship with someone and they do nothing to support you when your life gets thrown to shit then are you wrong to leave them?

I can't believe I laughed at a /pol/ comic

It would be entirely in character for dick to say this.

OC i made a while ago

Attached: 1540175848775.png (689x900, 854K)

>final panel
To be completely honest with my experiences with furry comics and sudden, out of the blue nudity, I wouldn't be surprised if this was real.

I love these.


Make the ending less obvious

Ignore poppy posts
Report poppy posters

>People are reposting my edit

Attached: 7.png (1213x807, 1.11M)

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Anyone have the lovecraft one?

My personal favourite.

Attached: 1457391696173.png (913x1194, 542K)


>I actually don't see why people hate him

The story makes no fucking sense.

But Raj is the feminine one

love it

this one doesn't really work imo, saying you like muscular girls is not something anyone would be ashamed of

Maybe not really ashamed, but confessing a fetish to such a quiestion is a bit high on an autism spectrum.

You don't understand the premise of the comic itself and the underlying message
It's not that you're ashamed of your fetish, it's that deep down you know you will not ever be able to obtain such type in reality to your specifications
Which is why every single time the images used are in drawn form.

that's still interracial if you're white, but I get your point

>Not using the eyebrow edit

Attached: rock throw_alt.png (1000x1000, 192K)

This page is the worst and the best thing ever

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You discord trannies need to kill yourselves faster.

but if you hang on them they're too clingy. you a woman by any chance?

Some faggots are horrible people but when you tell them anything about it they just say that you are homophobic.

>that last line
holy fuck, got me good

Attached: a thousand buck fuck.png (970x377, 327K)

>sonic mega storytime
>Yea Forums backed Yea Forums on Penders

>tranny discord blue checkmark dilation
What's the deal with you guys, anyway? It's like you've gotten exponentially more incoherent in the past couple months.

Khajiit has wares if you have the coin

>failing to realise that the advertising tactic exists to create outrage
How many outrages is a loaf of bread?


>How many outrages is a loaf of bread?

about the same price as tickets to the circus

Another Hellblazer by Garth Ennis

Too bad, those are some of the funniest edits in this thread. You guys should head back to /pol/.

Attached: IMG_20190306_081024.png (401x341, 117K)

underrated, thanks user


That's such terrible Disney bullshit.
My parents have been married for 40 years now and their secret is very simple: they work to stay together. They put effort into the relationship. They don't just expect things to magically work without them doing anything.

Not for Chad

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I made a small but very important change.

Attached: 18.png (917x1194, 572K)

why is his friend possessed by babidi

They're working on LARPs now. For example, in Amtgard, they've outlawed playing as drow because someone thought that it looked too much like blackface.

Attached: drow ranger.jpg (500x750, 167K)

I'd like to see some source on that.

this is one of the most pathetic comics I have ever seen and the author should be ridiculized for it
great work

Maybe one day white people can freely walk the streets, hold government office, and get the top executive jobs. one day.

best one so far

This comic has already achieved perfected with the steel beams edit.

There are lots of posts about it on their Facebook page.

you mother fucker
that's not funny, my brother died that way

You laugh now, but having seen how only minorities are promoted at work now is disconcerting. When an engineering department gives up on meritocracy, you know shit is about to hit the fan.

Dax Riggs is one underrated motherfucker

Right, had to do some digging on there because this hasn't blown up at all (ergo google was a useless piece of shit) and this is hilarious in a sad way.
Man, if you mistake a simple black body/face paint for blackface then you have some issues. Also
>Satyr needs "Topless" removed so that trans/ace members won't be uncomfortable.
is just the icing.

Attached: 1395288521715.png (250x250, 136K)

Implying that's even actually his kid

also, your dad lets your mom sleep with a black guy once a month

>its all downhill from here
fuck, it hurts how right that is

Poor kid

Good god, even edited they can't make Poppy o Possum good.

Is this an Assassin's Creed reference?

Goddamnit Ronnie why do you make me feel these feels

I love it when self-destructive idiots give life advice.

Very good.

First one to make me LOL. Well done, super-Satan.

>White people are the only race you can openly and publically hate and bash.

Really. Never seen that yet.

Actually I am. I love learning shit like that.

"You're so ugly! Why are you so ugly all the time?"

But you are a stonetoss fan
how many of these edits have you made?
How many stonetoss comics have you read?
Calling ironic doesn't change the fact that you are still wasting your time on it.

...This isn't satire, this is literally what happened

Which is a staggeringly fucked-up thing to consider.

Curious how he draws guys with no teeth and half-open mouths. Kind of suggestive. Odd quirk.

>I thought Digimon was a ripoff of pokemon because of the name

It's... not??

That's when the entire Ascension of the West died, user. WWI still may lead to our deaths, and it's certainly lead to the rapid degradation of our culture.

Is there a "not all women" version of this?

You have good writing skills for someone whom I must assume is typing this with their nose since they're in a gimp suit.


Fuck that's obscure.

And I am so old.

Is this an edit? This is hilarious

I thought the point of the comic was that the girl doesn't match the guys desire and doesn't want to hurt her and/or his chances, so he lies.

What's the original

My mother gave me the realization that women are irrational and must be accounted for.

the original

Attached: sub-buzz-15530-1507408840-1.png (1188x662, 140K)

>Brie Larson

At least people know how awful she is now.

>Bluish grey

They're fucking retarded

H-here. Please give wares

Attached: gold.jpg (1300x1300, 249K)

>white south african farmers are killing black teenagers for allegedly stealing fucking dandelions
>surprised when angry mobs kill them in retaliation


>Dobson's Miscarriage of Justice

The USA freely redefines the meaning of genocide because the US government doesnt want to intervene in genocides that they dont care about but still say they have always maintained a policy to intervene in genocides when its necessary to intervene somewhere for their economic interests and pretend it was for a humanitarian reason. A good example of that is the US saying the Rwandan genocide wasnt a genocide.

So what? You should want to see both nazis and commies harmed, arrested, or killed

Attached: stone.png (1000x1000, 137K)

Yea Forums and Yea Forums would much sooner truce than /pol/ and tumblr.

>you will never again see a Yea Forums random comic thread without some faggot mass posting MAGA bullshit
>you will never go back to the days of legorobot and Kelly
Kill everyone over 40 and under 25

Attached: 103.jpg (543x960, 114K)

Nobody is denying that whites hold more public offices, and other powerful positions.
But merely suggesting that this guy being treated like shit is fine because "he's white"... yeah that's retarded, and you need to understand that is what you're doing

>this guy being treated like shit
lol wat

Nigger are you high

sure, if they try to hurt other people, they need to be dealt with, but i don't want people to be hurt or killed simply because they are commies or nazies. Even shitty opinions like those need to be allowed, so long as people are dealt with based on their -actions-

the smiling maga-kid was being talked about in the media for days, and people even spread his name, encouraging people to find him
If that's not "treating someone like shit" i don't know what is. And can you really excuse that behavior simply by saying "he's white, and whites hold the upper hand in society"?

they both hate dobson

Oh man, he was TALKED ABOUT!? For something he did in a public place on camera!?!?!?!? ONLINE!!!!1111!!!!!!????///

That poor boy! Does he need help!? Therapy? Reparations?

Attached: akanewalkinggarbage.jpg (853x480, 76K)

>he was talked about in the media
Allow me to defer to the wise words of the scholar known as Tyler, The Creator:
"hahaha nigga just walk away from the screen like nigga close your eyes haha"

Attached: hornsounds.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

>By this definition, what Israel is doing to Palestine is genocide.

Yeah but fuck Israel

The original intent was that of not appearing like a creepy ass mother fucker, as is shown in the original comic here
the spin that's been given instead to the edits has diverted it to a more visual and immediate inflection, but at the same diluted the punchline and diverted from the original intent of the artist
I guess the bottom line stays the same, don't actually tell people your sexual preferences and be branded a weirdo.

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Notoriety like that would slay me on the spot desu
I don't even want to think what kind of evil bullshit I could pull out of the proverbial cylinder with that much media attention, Jesus Christ

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Thanks, doc.

eyebrow for Ed

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I think it was less that people were talking about them and more that people wanted the kids dead. It also didn't help that people wanted and got their information.

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