Is king of the hill to blame for everyone on Yea Forums being conservative?
Is king of the hill to blame for everyone on Yea Forums being conservative?
No, because if anyone really watched that show, they'd know it's not about being right or left, but being against jackassery.
I love KoTH and I’m a SocDem.
True national unity and peace could be achieved if every conservative was more like Hank.
No. Yea Forums is counterculture, and the pendulum has shifted.
There is an entire episode about Hank being disappointed in George Bush's handshake
This. I’m now a registered dem because of the gop’s continuous wingnuttery and extremism
No, it’s the feminists fault for that
pearl clutching clickbait and virtue signalling neoliberals did that, user.
none of the conservatives on Yea Forums are old enough to have watched king of the hill
charcoal is better than propane
Yea Forums has always been crazy conservative.
>the anime forum is conservative
Your newfag is showing.
>calling other people newfags
>"Yea Forums has always been crazy conservative"
Doubling down's not helping.
shitters who engage in double standards and literal retards took over.
oh sure, the site that loves chinese cartoons about gay robots sounds totally conservative.
He's right actually, the site that started off as an anime forum created by a teenager who also later turned out to be gay can't be really conservative at its core
It's always been a mix of libfags and conservatards honestly
Moot dressing like teh little girl one post, gas the jews the next.
Except now the hatred seem less like edgy teens spouting off Hitler memes and more like "Shall we begin the Pogrom on Friday? Or is next week better for everyone?"
Yea Forums use to be relatively politically neutral, with folks shouting nigger and posting nazis in an effort to be edgy, while expressing hatred of religious fundies and the bush administration
over time it became flooded by actual white nationalists who saw the others being edgy and believed they were in good company.
in a perfect world, Yea Forums would be multigender af, love anime and cartoons and Yea Forums wouldn't exist.
Yea Forums use to just do things for the lulz
now everything got a political angle
I Don't know guys, whenever I'm on /trash/ jerking it to cartoon characters I keep thinking 'man, this place is conservative', and I'm sure the people on /d/ whacking it to ducking nipple penetration are thinking the same thing because we all know the truth, as do the blokes in the xeno thread in aco because KOTH showed us all the way.
actually Yea Forums unanimously agrees with my personal beliefs, and always did. as someone who arrived here all the way from back in last summer, I would know
reaction images =/= arguments
White nationalists may have come from the outside, but all the kids posting "nigger nigger double nigger" on Yea Forums ten years ago all just became white nationalists.
please, no one on Yea Forums would ever use the words "multigender af" in good faith.
>over time it became flooded by actual white nationalists who saw the others being edgy and believed they were in good company.
nah, just the
> religious fundies and the bush administration
changed to sjw censorship instead. Yea Forums is counter culture.
But Yea Forums is overwhelmingly centrist.
also seems likely
your trigger words are no concern to me or anybody, and try something better than ad populum.
>only the strawman changed.
so? it's still autistic edgelords attracting more autistic edgelords.
I don't think you know what that phrase means but alright
>>only the strawman changed
this is too profound for Yea Forums, you need to leave
People on Yea Forums aren't conservative as much as they are reactionary. They hate change.
Yea Forums at it's hart is just for the lulz. Even if some fags here don't get it.
Bullshit, I remember way back when Yea Forums protested against westboro and other hard right shit. It's just counterculture that's driving the conservative bend. If you fail to see that then you're probably a newfag pretending to be old.
You're the minority and don't have control of the narrative.
You're an idiot
Go back
No, they left and all the kiddies took it too seriously.
Hal Turner in 2005 would tell you something very different
Conservatives look up to Hank, liberals pity him.
Pity him for what?
Aside from being married to an insufferable cunt and having a son with questionable interests, he's doing pretty all right for himself.
He's laughable. So are you.
Yea Forums gotta be the greatest example of the principle that pretending to be an idiot eventually will attract legit ones
Well, he is a cartoon character.
It sure has too. Fuck all rightists.
All rightists are.
Oh, okay.
Yea Forums is for what’s funny, Trump is funny.
Yup. They are all cartoonishly dumb.
Let's be real here
With /pol/'s autistic standards, Hank Hill would be called an SJW for just being a simple conservative rather than a autist screaming "DAY OF THE ROPE"
So what cartoon did you watch the be so stupid?
>Wow this group is wacky wanting a wall protecting our population, better join the pedos and after birth baby killers.
Fuck off Bobby, you stupid fat faggot.
You're not funny
>crazy conservative
Wrong, Yea Forums has always been rather libertarian, but they've told both sides of the aisle to jump in a lake.
Unironically using kek. You're an incel.
Watching Yea Forums talks about politics is always funny.
Tumblr is to blame for "everyone on Yea Forums being conservative".
All rightists are wrong.
It sure is.
You're wrong
kek is "lol" in greenskin which is the main language or horde, so yeah.
I mean it being counter culture doesn't totally make sense. In the US conservatism IS the dominant culture, it's owns almost all branches of government, entirely owns business, and owns the most popular media outlets. The only thing 'counter' is that young people are mostly left so the shunned autists here go to the opposite.
You're an idiot. Go back.
stormfags and electionfags think the site has always catered to them just because they won't go the fuck away
lmao wrong
It was teens being offensive for the sake of being offensive
>no source
>text on an image
ok pol
>Too stupid to use Google
When will you third worlders learn?
>not cartoony image
>not a cap from an actual Yea Forums poster
Are you retarded or just butthurt? Why would you post some britshit as a comeback?
I just posted an image.
You're the one that's getting butthurt.
No, Yea Forums has ALWAYS been racist, nothing wrong with that, it's just that americans morons believe that being racist = right wing.
King of the Hill is my favorite show and I'm a leftist in a deep south community. The characters remind me of my friends, the people I respect despite our political differences and remind me that /pol/tard trolls aren't really representative of the average right-leaning American, and the leftist caricatures are hilarious and remind me to not become a parody of my beliefs.
It's pretty even-handed in it's portrayal of every social group and the show doesn't really have any overt political themes other than the fact that being a piece of shit is universal.
>Go back.
Been here far longer than you have, faggot.
I actually know what things were like before tumblr existed.
young people were mostly left back then too, the counter culture argument never really made sense
the site's reputation just shifted and now it attracts the wrong kind of retard
Phone poster!
No. Frog posters need to go back. You're not wanted on 4 channel.
So this is parody, correct? None of these answers are even remotely close to the simple truth. Yea Forums is, has always been, and will always be a counter-culture of contrarians and malingerers. It is our one defining trait. Do you REALLY need an explanation of why during the heels of the post-911 culture of bow-beating and insulting everyone's intelligence in order to wage wars of convenience and further traditionalist doctrine that Yea Forums seemed more liberal than during the heels of a progressive counter-movement using the exact same tactics?
You're so dumb. Russian shill.
>everyone on Yea Forums is conservative
An image about brits, bongs being retarded doesnt make your average american any less stupid or ignorant, and doesnt change the fact Americans in this board unironically believe russia wants to conquer the world and that america is some superhero protecting the world from the evil chinese
Fake news, lol
>Getting this mad over an image
It doesn't. Rightists are all evil racists.
Hey user, you're a [insert label here].
>proving him right
No you haven't. You're not even American.
You know that's literally a phrase that an user coined which we turned into a meme right?
All rightists need to leave
He is a slave to normativity (his personal idea of it, anyway), neurotically trying to enforce it into the slightest minutia. The smallest deviation will drag him down into the pits of despair, sometimes putting his family life at stake.
A pitiful (entertaining) existence.
Free thinking and anonymity is to blame actually.
Rightists don't know how to think freely
You make a good point. I guess it's easy to forget that people like this do exist, since he seems like an over exaggerated parody. That's pretty interesting to think about. Thanks.
>buuuut Brits!
There's no reason to believe that poster is british.
On here, you are surrounded by them.
I never said he was. I just wanted to post that image. Why is everyone getting so butthurt about it?
Thinking freely isn't by default the opposite of what rightists think.
I'm on 4channel and not conservative.
Eat a dick faggot OP
Don't reply to him. He keeps spamming the thread for attention because no one will give it to him. Every post with 'rightists' in it is the same dude.
this thread is what Yea Forums is. Why don't you take one fucking step back, take a big fucking breath and fucking observe for a bit. Now fuck off
Rightists just don't think
You can't possibly know that without being one yourself.
You mad, Russian?
That is some retarded logic right there.
>not republicunt
>or conservitard
one job user
It's not like they are actually conservative at all or even American
That's basically libertarianism.
Yea Forums has always been for the right to be a jackass, and as long liberals continue being as big stuck-up moralists as soccer moms in the 90s used to be, Yea Forums will never be liberal again.
Everything has been politicized to hell and back. Not just Yea Forums.
Fuck you're dumb. We have always hated rightists.
Well that's also a way to look at it
However Americans don't understand centrism whatsoever in the same way that fish don't understand water.
Oooo, but certainly yooouu must, right?
Sooooo smaaart
US isn't a monarchy, the state is actively forbidden to tamper with neolib corporations outside of when the country is held hostage for ransom bailouts, and the church doesn't have direct representation in politics.
The culture may be overwhelmingly conservative but the dominant powers are not. If we want to get technical Yea Forums politics as of this decade have swung from being counter-culture to counter-social as a result of the media - the primary thing Yea Forums cares about - becoming de-cultured and politicized.
You're so full of shit, Russian. America wand rightists stomped out.
Trannies need to die quicker desu.
Yeah, because there's usually more than two parties that differ only by which corporations they suck off outside of America, at least as far as the civilized world is concerned.
So much edgggge
Sooooo cooooool
Spoken like someone who isn't American. Great job.
You seem troubled, bratan.
Thanks, I guess.
>6 hours
Wew. What happened to ignoring low effort bait threads?
Rightists are evil and don't deserve citizenship.
We should just fill it with garbage until it dies.
Recently twoxchromosome a subplebbit dedicated to women lost its last female mod, only trannies there now. That is the fate of all places that tolerate your kind.
You're false-flagging.
You're not welcome. Even after blumpf, we will still be the city on the hill.
I'm sure you're soooooo credible
All that needed to be said.
No. It's true. All rightists need to be exiled.
It's making fun of rightists. Clearly.
Yea Forums is genuinely full of newfags who refuse to lurk.
And the boogieman is also real! OooOOO
No. Inbreeding is to blame for everyone on Yea Forums being conservative.
Yea Forums isn't one ideology.
So what of the dems wingnuttery and extremism?
I don't have an appropriate image to describe the density of bait in this thread.
Fake news. Rightists won't stop crying.
This board alone is about 75% of the reason I'm conservative.
nah, it's called moving out of Mommy and Daddy's house
king of the hill wasn't a very conservative tv series, imo. Hank is an emotionally stunted adult and much of the plot revolved around him struggling to grasp and possibly appreciate the ever-changing facets of his life and the world of his day to day.
I love the opening theme. So much shit happens, but throughout the day, these fuckers still stand around drinking beer doing jack shit.
No,Yea Forums is about a bunch of social rejects ironically acted like nazis to try to get normies away from the website and then a bunch of neo-nazis took advantage of that and turned you dumbasses into real neo-nazis.
Hank isn't conservative, he's just old fashioned.
That is certainly sometimes the thrust but sometimes Hank is the One Sane Man who resists newfangled bullshit that many others fall for.
It's a series that presents a conservative main character as flawed but basically and strongly decent.
Almost like he wants to conserve good aspects of the past.
Hello newfag. You know nothing.
Yea Forums was never pro-Obama, that screenshot is notable because it was the exception
Sure, but he can--and has--learned to embrace and enjoy new things, although he takes some getting used to it.
Yea Forums used to have organized prank calls against racist radio hosts for the lulz.
/int/ was fairly pro-obama, but it was mostly due their hatred of Bush's interventionism, they started hating obama as soon as he took the office.
>a conservative is incapable of embracing and enjoying new things
Come on, now.
Bullshit, I lived through the Obama years. Before that (and hell, even during) it was Ron Paul. nu-Yea Forums (not zombie Yea Forums like now) was sucking his dick.
Not even a dem but come on user, you are just proving his point.
fpbp OP is just baiting
I'm not sure about the pedo thing unless he's referring to Epstien/Clinton/lolita express. The post-birth abortion thing was advocated by Democrats on record a few weeks ago though.
Conservative ideology at its absolute most basic definition is just an attempt to conserve old fashioned ideas. I don't know what your personal definition of a conservative is, but Hank is absolutely conservative, he's just conservative on a more basic level than a lot of modern American conservatives are. As expected of a stupid fucking tripfaggot
Not that guy, Anime is more conservative that the shit we get in the west (which is saying a lot, I know). And how does the creator of the website being gay have to do with how the majority of its users swing politically?
Did they ever hint or imply that KotH is in the same universe as Beavis and Butthead?
>is king of the hill to blame for the same kind of bitter, performative Nazism that teenagers have been doing online for decades
I’ll tel you what. OP is either baiting or completely naive.
No, shifting politics and the demographics of Yea Forums did.
I like to think most of you retards that post here dont want your names and faces posted online with your most retarded of posts.
>Americans don't understand centrism
This. There is very little that I find as baffling as the weird bullshit that radicals have made up about centrists and the unbridled hatred they feign for someone who ostensibly at least shares some of their views and concerns. It really does prove that horseshoe theory is sound and liberal AND conservative extremists simply hate anything that doesn't align with their agenda 100%.
Go get yourself 1 free internet, user.
You've earned it.
Not all old ideas are bad. Liberal ideology and neocon warmongering are at the forefront in regards to our suicide rates as of late. Humans were not meant to live this way.
>be pregnant
>so excited for baby
>uh oh, the doctor says there's a horrible abnormality and the baby will be retarded and in constant pain its whole life
>can't abort, can't put up for adoption, have to make the best of this challenge
>time to deliver
>uh oh, due to the malformation delivering the baby will kill me
>but aborting at this point is illegal
>well, I'll die and leave my husband to raise a permanently suffering invalid alone, but at least christians are pleased with themselves
God bless America
You'll be the first to get the bullet, commies.
desu, all Americans deserve one.
There is no gat dang way Hank would have voted for Trump. So no, not every person with conservative values is a sell out retard.
Why couldn't you put up for adoption?
>anime is conservative
Please kill yourself for the good of the species.
God I hate every one of you retarded kids that came here after /stormfront/ was rebuilt, you're such utterly gullible and manipulable twats with no capacity for sober thought or reflection
IDK Trump is a businessman so he might have a good firm handshake.
I bet he's a wriggler.
>Yea Forums
Its really wild to see conservatives mock liberals for muh feels vs reals and then try to pull that shit with abortion. So much of their arguments just boil down to WELL THE WOMAN SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR HER SIN OF SLEEPING WITH A MAN! Ah well, at least they lost that fight.
Isn't one of the website rules to keep /Pol/ in /pol/?
It's really just a pervasive level of magical thinking. They don't understand the logistics of a problem and pretend we live in a just world so their simplistic black and white bullshit must work. Critical thinking? Fuck that noise. We purely rhetorical now.
>just put the child up for adoption, we've solved the problem :^) out of sight, out of mind!
Ah well, good fucking luck to anyone trying because they'll be torn apart in 2020, especially since Trump failed so hard on his stupid shutdown.
/pol/ threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
Nice fuckup
The thread should have just ended here.
>old Yea Forums
It was a forum for retards, not political views. Stormfags ruined this site.
What really are the logistics that anti-abortions refuse to see? Ultimately, abortion is a tradeoff liberals are willing to live with because sexual permissiveness is too precious a thing for their libertine worldview for a few undrained babyskulls to get in the way of.
actually it's more like you don't get to murder people because you're an impulsive retard. But, do go ahead and flush that child out after the nigger you let cum in you four weeks ago ghosts your ass.
Yea Forums has always been counter-culture. Right now, being conservative is counter-culture.
>what is a tunnel
>what is a ladder
>what is some rope.
Walls are useless.
>murder people
We're talking about abortion, dipshit, and if you're a man you have literally nothing to contribute to the conversation.
>What really are the logistics that anti-abortions refuse to see?
followed immediately by
>abortion is a tradeoff liberals are willing to live with because sexual permissiveness is too precious
in response to a chain directly referencing maternal mortality and congenital defects
There are no words.
I hope your pro-choice arguments are more than just semantic worldplay and ad hominem.
Except most abortions are elective you disingenuous faggot.
>There are no words
Yes there are, there are tons of words that would make an appropriate response: retard, moron, dipshit, loon, wanker, idiot, oaf, clown, dunce, etc.
Says the guy who called abortion murder, how adorable.
Why is this thread still here anyways? You guys have lazier mods than Yea Forums.
>What really are the logistics that anti-abortions refuse to see?
Birth defects, risk to the mother, rape pregnancies, the fact that making it illegal creates a black market, long-term economic and social damages from unwanted children (IGN protip: the biggest drops in crime we've ever seen in the US all came exactly 18 years after abortion was made legal. Some states made it legal 3 years earlier and crime dropped 3 years earlier).
>We should make this thing blanket illegal despite my acknowledging that there are times when it would be necessary
Well aren't you a spiteful little cunt
The simple truth is that if a woman is too weak to survive child-birth then she deserves to die. At least there's a possibility the child will have inherited the father's strength, but if not it is up to God to take that life and not the weak sniveling quim that is responsible for birth.
Right on. Women believe that believe they have opinions are brainwashed by the corporate masons and jews. Children are more important than women. Never forget the future of our race is in peril.
that wasn't me, faggot. but, yeah, it's infanticide and it's a pretty reprehensible act that owes itself to the fact that the condemned can't speak to its own defense.
>so retarded you can see you’re proving him right
>abortion is infanticide
I think you mean fetusicide
>Trump is building the wall
Oh no, he hasn't seen the news in months....
I miss D posting
Birth defects, health risks and rape collectively constitute something like less than 10% of reasons for abortions. But I at least admire your utilitarian position seeing as how abortion is one of the issues where lefties' unearned moral righteousness is most exposed.
>if people are inconvenient just kill them
>Birth defects, health risks and rape collectively constitute something like less than 10% of reasons for abortions
oh hey look my response is already there in the post you quoted:
>We should make this thing blanket illegal despite my acknowledging that there are times when it would be necessary
Well aren't you a spiteful little cunt
>Birth defects, risk to the mother, rape pregnancies, the fact that making it illegal creates a black market, long-term economic and social damages from unwanted children (IGN protip: the biggest drops in crime we've ever seen in the US all came exactly 18 years after abortion was made legal. Some states made it legal 3 years earlier and crime dropped 3 years earlier).
This can easily be explained by the fact that (they) receded (their) crime-waves at the same time as their Sodomic legal satanforms to falsify a trend. The solution to our American Dream lie in the benevolence and faith in Jesus Christ, not in child murder. As we have turned from God, so has society pummeled, and two wrongs do not make a right. Be fruitful and multiply and build a future for our children, a paradise worthy of our Lord, in America!
Except the pro-choice argument as presented is not confined to this narrow subset of cases is it? It's wrapped up in moralistic language of a "woman's right to choose" and recent legislation in New York state has tried to further the liberalization of abortion along this vein. So yeah, you're a disingenuous faggot that can't concede that the sacred cow of women's sexual permissiveness is a paramount value that drives most policy prescription in this area.
I never understand this.
Most severe abnormalities can e detected during the second or even first trimester. Third trimester abortions are so rare that any attempt to push for them will always seem dubious, and post-natal abortions are outright murder, and the Democratic party is literally advocating for it.
I think the catholic church has a valid stance on this matter, not that crypto-Satanist lefty shills will ever stand to agree with them. The Catholic church recognizes that it is cruel to force an otherwise nonviable person to survive off machinery. Allowing a deformed child to die in dignity when death can only be staved off without life ever truly occurring is considered acceptable by the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
But what Dems are trying to do is legalize murder. Or rather, in some states, they have. It's the logical endgame of this hot mess of a sexual revolution, the utter devastation of the family unit. People like pushing those 1% cases as examples, but the vast majority of abortions are of viable fetuses in healthy pregnancies.
>I think the catholic church has a valid stance on this matter
Why would a non-Catholic woman give a shit what the Pope says? If she doesn't listen would they steal her baby to rape?
Post-birth abortion which is being pushed is infanticide.
>you made an argument I can't beat for something I'm against so I'm just going to ignore it entirely and pretend the only argument is the one of straw that I already beat in my head
cool story, bro
>Post-birth abortion which is being pushed is infanticide.
Who is pushing that, your parents?
>And then everyone on the bus clapped.
I'm not saying the Church is free of problems, they made a huge mistake by trying to be tolerant of gays in the 60's and are still paying for it today. I pray they won't make that mistake again.
But they have a considerably more compassionate logos to their stance on abortion than the average person does, and their logic is absolutely more sound than anyone that's "pro-choice"
>what is occums razor
NY and VA
>compassionate on abortion
>"lol shit sucks ladies guess you shouldn't have gotten pregnant"
Woah wtf I feel ready to convert!?
Actually why is this thread still here? Should I start posting porn or something?
Trump is also a yankee.
I decided to google "post-birth abortion" despite knowing that's not a thing and found the actual information regarding the bill.
In the extremely rare case of an aborted fetus surviving the procedure and delivery the parents would normally have the option of providing only comfort care or attempting life-saving care (like you would with pretty much any ultra-high-risk patient over which you have power of attorney). The bill would remove the parent's legal rights and force the doctors to attempt life-saving care despite that being akin to giving CPR to a man with no heart.
The only real effects of the bill would be to increase the costs, emotional and monetary, of this situation for the parents and to make conservative Christians feel cozy.
Logistics and details fucking matter.
Advocacy for abortion in those minority scenarios you listed is not where the national debate is, in case you were wondering. If you want it to be, then you should be in the coalition of people trying to move the needle to at least there. Unless, again, you agree also with abortion on demand.
Since the "mods" are AWOL, I have no choice but to utilize scorched earth self moderation tactics in order to purge this shitty thread from here. You're both welcome and encouraged to roll as many times as you desire, just remember to sage, or else your roll is null and void.
>You should seek to be carefully selective of your partners to provide the best environments within which to raise your children.
>If you do become pregnant at an otherwise inopportune time due to your lack of adherence to (1), you should do your best to accept the responsibility of motherhood for the sake of your child.
>If something occurs that makes your child's survival no longer an option, we understand that it is sometimes necessary to accept this and urge you to give the child what dignity it can be afforded as a member of the human race in its passing.
>Nah senpai that's not compassionate toss that little shit in the medical waste bin I don't want kids lmao
Okay, user. You've bested me with your superior morality.
>he still thinks there's a magical barrier between a fetus and a baby
i thought only teenagers were dumb enough to think that.
>and if you're a man you have literally nothing to contribute to the conversation.
are you embracing being an idiot who has no basis for your opinions? well lots of people use rational thought and logic
>google confirmed my biases
>maybe if I only post about how I won the argument people will intuitively think I did
>just world theory
boi i m laffing
It wasn't about partial birth abortion, it was after-birth infanticide. Stay on topic.
>mods delete porn
>leave /pol/ thread
Jesus christ what a fucking shitshow this site is now
I'm warned and the thread is still up? Fucking kill yourselves, mods.
>after-birth infanticide
Not a thing. See Turns out being a day-glo orange con man doesn't make you an expert on neonatal medicine
>after birth baby killers.
This nigga actually believes the lie the GOP is pedaling to fear monger because they can't tout any real achievements for election season, like the tax bill that stole money from the middle class and gave it to rich people
Hey, mods, I know you're too busy autistically deleting any discussion of Homestuck, but could you make haste and prune with rotting thread already? I'd really appreciate it.
and propane
I wish our mods were aborted
you can understand why middle-class, largely white people on reddit would be willing to believe the airs of being superior organisms, but basement dwellers who bicker about video games and cartoons shouldn't view themselves as being better than anyone, including people who 'commit crime'.
You're all just a bunch of ad hominems.
Oh, I'm afraid that'd be what we call a 78th trimester abortion, we'll have to see about making that legal.
You have no idea what eugenics is
>stole money from the middle class and gave it to rich people
Not taxing someone as much as you did yesterday is not giving them a gift.
This whole conversation should have just ended here. Here's another You for user. You actually get what KotH is all about.
What are you reading? The document I'm reading is the bill as passed in the recent Vermont vote, and there's nothing in the document text saying doctors are obliged to help resuscitate surviving offspring. In fact, women cannot face legal punishment for attempting to induce or successfully self-performing an abortion at any point of pregnancy in the state of Vermont, that including partial birth abortions.
gotta say part of my ideology especially work ethic did come from Hank, he may be a gary stu but he's a great role model
What the fuck
The other user was referring to the presidential cheeto's tweet which was about a bill that dems didn't let get to a vote that would revoke the parent's right to choose comfort care as opposed to life-saving care.
It's federal legislation, not state, and the legislation didn't make it to a vote.
I think I'm starting to grasp at what the anti-abortion sperg is trying to convey, which is either or both that a) women's sexual permissiveness is immoral because it generates pregnancies that society can't cope with and must be pragmatically aborted and b) as the abortions occur due to pragmatism they cannot be considered morally motivated or right.
So if you people want to shut him up all you have to do is to demonstrate that women's sexual permissiveness is fundamentally moral and that all consequential abortions are not pragmatic but rather moral in nature.
With that bulwark your opponent will have no choice but to take to weapons of war to convince you otherwise, as it constitutes a full partition on the concept of morality.
Or you can start posting brony porn like a bunch of babies, that works too.
Lefties are moral nihilists so they can't make that argument.
Okay. The majority of the outrage I've heard regarding abortion recently has been New York, Virginia, and Vermont all beginning to have postnatal abortion conversations.
Maybe they can't, but I can. Doesn't look like I'll have time for it though.
It's hard to make an argument, when you are virtue signalling
Godspeed, user.
Whine harder, it sure is going to work
I guess that the mods did their job, like that user wanted? Hopefully he is happier on the other side of the Yea Forums
I hope it doesn't involve invocation of post-enlightenment equality-as-moral claptrap. That shit is weak.
It was strong enough to beat Nazi Germany.
Beware the irrepressible equality on Russia's western border.
But germans were the original sjws. They were vegeterians, fought for animal rights, pro-abortion, hated christianity, loved muslims, and promoted women rights
Nazi Germany got involved in a war it couldn't win from the start, defeating a doomed enemy isn't exactly a testament of strength.
What if I'm not conservative, but just hate leftist moralfags and enjoy pissing them off?
You're moving the goalposts. Wether equal in poverty or in wealth, the Allies still beat the Axis, which objectively makes it the stronger ideal. And as to the misanthropy of Stalinism, it ended with Stalin.
Stop with the historicism.
I suppose you want to wait for the second Civil War as well?
How come it's always the egalitarians that are conveniently on the more powerful side anyway?
>the Allies still beat the Axis, which objectively makes it the stronger ideal
No, it just attests that they had a stronger war-making potential.
Might may not make right but weakness is always wrong.
>And as to the misanthropy of Stalinism, it ended with Stalin.
Lol no. I hate the hypocrisy of the west. Stalin was as bad as Hitler, if not worse, and the communism = nazis. The west were always convenient and spineless cowards who were to throw others under the bus. What is happening right now is poetic justice and fucking karma you collected through the last 100 years
But the US was not egalitarian at the time and is even more against the idea of egalitarianism now.
Egalitarianism is equality of opportunity; Western culture now demands equality of outcome.
>the Allies still beat the Axis, which objectively makes it the stronger ideal.
The Allies beat the Axis because their combined manpower and industrial output far exceeded those of the Axis members. It had nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with manpower and production. I say this as somebody that supports the Allies' ideals sans the Soviets, unless you honestly want to make the argument that totalitarianism is superior to democracy because the Roman Empire defeated the Greeks.
You’re implying that the lessons it taught us weren’t good ones.
Why would anyone want egalitarianism? If someone sucks at life, then he/she should go fuck themselves
Money you don't have to spend, that you would have had to spend is money you effectively gained. Why do you think so many companies tax avoid and pay entry level people as low wages as possible?
A trick question: which countries / nations were part of the allies. I wonder if you're going to mention one country that got betrayed hard by the allies, but which helped the allies enormously
Are you the same poster I was replying to? I was explaining that labeling the allies as egalitarian was wrong, which it was, not assigning a worthiness to egalitarianism as an ideal
Stalinism was worse than Hitler but you've carefully forgotten that Stalin also died.
The Union was not egalitarian at the time of the Civil War? You figure that freeing the slaves is not an egalitarian objective?
Egalitarianism is so abstract a concept as to be meaningless. Its an ideal that everyone pledges allegiance to right before they go out the door in the morning to get one over on their fellow man.
>Stalinism was worse than Hitler but you've carefully forgotten that Stalin also died.
In peace, and without a trial for his crimes.
Jesus, even after a mass deletion, you all still keep going. Ollie fucking outie, bitches.
Do you want me to sing a song for you?
>it's a Connie episode
The Allies were allowing women to work their factories while the Nazis were putting their people in work camps.
The Romans conquered Greece while a Republic, brainlet.
You can keep your head buried in the sand for only so long, user.
It was not. The Union didn't engage in the civil war with the intent of freeing slaves to integrate them into their society; they still punished and frowned upon any real extent of integration and criminalized miscegenation for some time afterward. Union border states vehemently opposed the Emancipation Proclamation.
The battle between the parties in the Civil War was over the right for states to defect from federal allegiance and the peril of having hostile national parties so near one another, and in the South, the risk of the destruction of their economy in a manner that wasn't productive for them at all, even if they did need to transition from slavery. It wasn't a moral crusade for blacks like pop culture would have you believe. Lincoln himself didn't even believe blacks equal persons to whites.
France, Britain, Poland, the Low Countries, The United States, China, Greece, Norway, Yugoslavia, all of Latin America, all Allied dependencies and colonies, and the Czechoslovak government in exile.
I'm assuming you were talking about Poland. I didn't forget Poland because they were a huge fucking part of the war.
America needs to rally around the things that really define us. Respect for our countrymen through advocacy for basic rights and democracy.
He was unpersoned after his death for his many crimes against the Soviet people. It's only now that Putin needs an appeal to national unity that badmouthing Stalin has become an offence.
The Soviet Union doesn't begin and end with Stalin.
Cough... Snort
La la la la, Life is Life
We all take the power and we all take the rest.
Every minute every hour someone shitposts for the lols
Everybody sing
>bluh bluh yuge poltics
>me big important nastyboy on candadian duck enthusiasts private messenger
You have a containment board for a reason. Use it. I could give a shit less about what you actually believe.
Yea Forums's conservative is about praising ignorance and hate.
King of the Hill didn't have anything like that, if anything it's about looking at other people as positive as possible and leaving them be even if you don't agree with it.
It remains backwards to refer to not removing money from someone as giving money to them.
I must say I am impressed. I can finally rest in peace, didn't expect a correct answer, I guess that you are not american? Or british?
Yes, they truly were inclusive and respected people of all race and creeds, no wait...
America is a hollowed-out strip mall. You can't bind people with appeals to abstract principles that are not even universally agreed on anymore anyway.
The soviet union was a Thing That Should Not Have Been.
The Left openly mocks both.
>Union border states vehemently opposed the Emancipation Proclamation.
You do realize the emancipation proclamation didn't apply to the border states, right? No?
That's ok, maybe try reading a book sometime.
>implying sjws do
oh, and nazis also were rabid anti-banksters.
I am American, I just have a real knowledge of the Second World War because it's been an area of interest for me, and I've always been personally fascinated with history. Our education system is absolute dogshit but anybody that gives half of a rat's ass can learn these things on their own.
This is just deflection on your part. An effort to end slavery doesn't need to be morally motivated by an intrinsic need for equality to be an egalitarian objective and to demonstrate the necessity of egalitarianism. Ultimately the side that relied on slaves lost and the one that didn't won. This speaks to the strength of egalitarianism. And where there is strength, morality follows.
Frankly, it's a huge relief, that at least one person there has a brain, because I am really worried about americans.
Maybe if you're a Libertarian, but if you're an economist, a CEO, or a reasonable person its not.
Do people really unironically believe this milquetoast shit? Stop buying into grand political narratives like a rube.
I know it didn't, and it was still opposed even within them. It goes to show that there wasn't much enthusiasm for the abolition of slavery under some moral pretense.
Worry about yourself, assuming you don't live in New Zealand.
SJW is a meaningless pejorative now, so I have now way of knowing what group of people you are referring to.
>Worry about yourself
Frankly, I am tired of it all and I hope I can have an eternal rest soon
The Confederacy lacked the industrial capacity the Union had, it had nothing to do with morality. History isn't a Naruto arc where the narrator's chosen morality is displayed as superior through a series of winning battles. By that logic, Brevik's philosophy is superior to that of the children he killed simply on the basis that he managed to kill them all and they didn't kill him.
Hmmm.... That's a good point. Now I am in the pickle. Especially that it's hard to differentiate one retard group from another these days
Country as a whole's always been a mix of crazy or stupid, but there's naturally outliers like pretty much anywhere. We're still not nearly as divided as we were in the late 60s - very early 70s when there were actual large-scale communist and anarchist riots breaking out and destroying parts of cities and the government was literally calling in tanks to restore order. Shit's fucked but not as fucked as it could be.
You're right. His philosophy should be considered correct in spite of him killing the children.
>all wealth belongs to the state
I am happy to oppose this idea.
I would argue that your society might be a little rotten on the inside, and I'm speaking about the demoralization. For an outsider it looks like USA wants to redefine itself, but doesn't really know which path it wants to choose, not to mention that national ego-centrism, or just plain selfishness makes not only USA as a whole incapable of co-operation, but also having the basic human interactions eroded. And sure, in the 70s you might had these types of happening, but only now and recently you have politicians who happen to have openly communist ideas, and instead of being considered fringe, they are being treated very seriously
I mean leftism is a spectrum and there are plenty of vocal voices that engage in pointless jackassery, which is why I mostly pay attention to policy. But I think the leftists with substantive critiques are drowned out by whiny twitter blue check marks that feeds the massive reactionary right culture we have
I unironically believe that assuming sexual permissiveness applies in equal measure to both men and women as a liberation from the social artifacts that would otherwise dictate the interaction between genders, it is an inherently moral consequence of humanism, the pretext being that human beings are sexual.
Thence a counterargument to abortions cannot be expressed as a critique of a moral void on the part of the woman, as the woman is fulfilling her moral obligation to be a part of humankind's sexual intercourse, wherein there is no justifiable reason that there should be harmful consequences. Therefore abortion cannot be immoral. And if you disagree with the notion that women have the same right to sexual permissiveness as men, you violate the universal morality principle or consider women as not part of the universality. Which makes you non-egalitarian, and by the proxy of weakness of the non-egalitarian powers, wrong. QED.
In a functioning democracy or democratic republic, the government is representative of the people.
So here's a fun game for you to play: any time you write "the government" or "the state" when talking about politics, replace it with "the people."
As in "all wealth belongs to the people"
That's exactly what history is, and Breivik's murders speaks to the corrupt weakness of modern Europe where their fallible social codes are incapable of even keeping their children safe.
Yeah, I think it's a fact that what is considered these days "left" used to be considered far left decades ago, which is also why people who have centrist views are sometimes called right-wing by these radical left type of people, and as result spark a radical right reactions in turn
No, it's edgy teenagers who listen to youtubers whose grift is saying 'straight white men are the most oppressed group in the world' ad infinium who are to blame.
This applies if you also assume that men fulfill the same moral obligation by their participation in sexuality alone and have no obligation to support any children that women have.
They do not unless bound by law, which as we know are not always moral.
A lot of what you knuckleheads call reactionary right-wingers are people who have seen the fallout from the social engineering policy prescriptions of 1960s New Leftists and reverting to what they intuitively new to be previously true.
In which case I agree that the logical and moral thing to do given this settlement would be to abolish laws requiring men to support children, and, by that extension, abolish any form of welfare.
It's only a partial solution, because at the same time, if you don't want to give anything to the people, you also shouldn't take too much from them either. The root of the problem is that governments got bloated and greedy for the money from taxes
Just don't be surprised when so many societies come up short when it really comes to demonstrate that power.
>all this normative claptrap
make whatever appeals to your unsubstantiated principles you want, they are still not moral imperatives.
While I agree it's only morally fair for the wealthy to pay the taxes too, it's very hard in practice to execute that law, which is why often it's easier to lure them into doing it on their own, rather than forcing it. But then again, I'm not sure anymore of anything
They are if you can't stop me enforcing them.
>force is the only prime mover
now we finally agree.
That sounds like a date proposal. Challenge accepted, and I'll prepare the lube
You guys are just looking at America which kind of slews your perception. Truth is compared to most developed democracies, America is just a right wing country. To Europeans, Bernie Sanders is a Centrisf and American centrism is just center right.
Not very conniving. An abstract like "the people" can function when talking about abstracts principles like rights which apply to all "the people" but not when it's something concrete like wealth.
Not to mention that bureaucracies that manage other people's money tend to corrupt.
But I specifically was thinking of Sanders as the far left. Decades ago someone like him would ignite far in USA, and nowadays he is more or less accepted by american YOUTH
It is only hypocritical for the moralist to use force for their philosophy. "I'm forcing you to do this because it is right!" is hypocrisy. But an idealist says otherwise. An idealist says: "It's right because I'm forcing you to do this, and if you could force me to stop then it wouldn't be right." And so, Kant's concepts of categorical imperative and universal principle are maintained, though I suppose not always in the way that he had hoped.
left and right are outdated terms that inadequately describe the lens through which the world should be viewed: nationalism vs. globalism. what use is liberalism when you're getting overrun by the third world?
the erosion of nationalism and its present-day consequences is what is necessitating a return to that dichotomy, the nationalist parties will tell you.
Change is one thing. Mutation is another. You know what I hate? People throwing their weight around and telling me what I should think. Ridiculous people who think their gas doesn't stink. Once upon a time it was teleevangelists telling people that Mortal Kombat is going to turn kids into killers. Now it's the deranged and their handlers telling me that women can have dicks and that some people are inherently criminal because of their skin colour.
demography is destiny. look how POCs vote. go from there.
i'm oldfag enough to remember when everyone hated george bush and his fabricated iraq war and his patriot act, which were supported by both political parties and not the public, except for fox news viewers who thought that 'saddamn hussein did 911.'
Yea Forums is populist, not centrist. we're as far left as you can get without dissolving the right to tell people to get the fuck off our lawn. freedom of speech and the right for the common man to own guns and being anti war are all left wing values, along with hedonism and individualism.
the lolbertarians really fucked this place up.
nothing about Yea Forums's current place on the political spectrum conflicts with those older views during the Bush neocon era.
>the right for the common man to own guns and being anti war are all left wing values
Fuck, I almost fell for it.
Let's not mince words.
If left-Yea Forums and right-Yea Forums could revoke the anonymity of the other side with no consequence to themselves and delete all opposing views on sight, they would.
Current Yea Forums doesn't believe in free speech.
c'mon we're not that bad. we just enjoy pissing off the other side, but I doubt we would just off someone else physically
what happens when you have a plurality of people that are beyond being reasoned with?
You cope, leave or fight in that order of possibility.
And I mean a real fight, with murderous intent. Arguments do not reduce the plurality.
The GOP establishment is largely fine with immigration. It's why Trump won the nomination: he was the only one to explicitly make it a central issue in the election. Your point that immigrants vote Dem just reinforces the notion that tribalism is inevitable and creates wedge issues where previously there were none.
When welfare was passed in the sixties, the social scientists who advocated for it said that it would take twenty years before we could re-examine its effects on poverty. Those twenty years came and went and all we have gotten in return is a barely-decreased poverty rate and more single-motherhood as a result of the moral hazard the policy created.
UBI isn't sustainable and it's better to remain perfectly clear on the fact it's a ludicrous idea than to pitch delusions for votes, even if both parties currently do just that to some extent.
Cause they're British user
The GOP is the party of Trump, they are parroting him. Example, Trump is signing a prison reform bill which the Rep. congress would never write on their own. When he announced at the state of the union, they all cheered. I said POC would vote for Dems not just immigrants also you can't vote if you're not a US citizen. What country are you living in? tribalism has been here for a while. Because the truth is American lack any real kind of political ideology they base their opinions off of and we just root for teams.
What study are you quoting on welfare? The reason these people need welfare is because the companies they are working for don't provide them with wages they can live off of.
What do you do with the 60 year old truckers who are to old to be retrained in the growing tech field and can't find a job? Also unsustainable how? The money is going back into the economy because poor people send it instead of hoarding it.
There literally isn't enough tax revenue for it. You'd have to hit a near-100% tax rate -- actually above that -- to implement UBI to any meaningful extent, and that money would just flee the nation. Trial runs on UBI have shown it's economically impossible to implement somewhere as large as the US.
You phase those 60 year old truckers out as they retire.
Hank suffers from being a stubborn conservative throughout the entire series