Disney has failed to change Ms Marvel to Captain Marvel in comics

And now it also failed on the Big Screen
Did they will learn anything from this biggest mistake?

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>Disney and Marvel are run by a bunch of prudes who want to cover women up and repress female sexuality.

Unfortunately no, they wont lighten up and become sex-positive any time soon.

whose the ugly old bag upper left who looks like their having a mid life crisis spamming their hate of men and white people all over the place?

just wait until they start normalizing pedophilia since Disney is run by the same tribe who runs hollywood and they kicked out anyone not one of them on the board of directors at Disney.

It's not Yea Forums nothing happened yet. You guys said the same about Black Panther so...

noone said it would fail, just that they thought it would suck which it did because they cucked BP making him incapable of tripping over his shoelaces without his mary sue sister.

>Trying to lie about something that happened a year ago

you know what's wierd.
Spiderverse managed to make Miles into a good character... why cant these guys manage to make Brei still unlikable as well as carol.

That's because Captain Marvel is nothing more but a overglorified commercial for Carol, the new face of the Avengers/MCU.

they'll double down

>noone said it would fail
Now that's just straight-up bullshit and you know it. At least be subtle with your revisionism, user.

The embargo is over, the first reviews are coming out, they are saying that the movie is a disaster


>>Disney and Marvel are run by a bunch of prudes who want to cover women up and repress female sexuality.
>Unfortunately no, they wont lighten up and become sex-positive any time soon.

This don't make any sense, they have already announced that will have several gays characters in phase 4
But women have to be chased using a burqa

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Captain Marvel is literally a Disney creation for MCU
They tried to do a SJW shit and everyone knows the story, it was a mistake and they are repeating the wrong comics formula in the movies
Everyone warned that the character was bad, but their arrogance is so big that they do not listen, add that to Larson's mouth and a bad movie

I'm a horny neckbeard like everyone else, and honestly I really like the Elektra redesign.

They haven't failed until they see the profits. Carol is a failure in the comics not because of your subjective opinion but because her sales are so shit she has to be force relaunched all the time. If the movie bombs financially, only then their failure would be complete.

not posting superior mark bagley ms marvel.

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When was Ms Marvel a success?

Never. That's why they changed her super persona four times.

Yea Forums said China would hate BP, because China rightfully doesn't like niggers. But in that, we were wrong. No MCU shit has ever failed, and it never will as long as Kevin Faggy is running things.

Because they refuse to use what made Ms Marvel Carol interesting; sex appeal, and being a drunken fuckup


Fuck you


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>Did they will learn anything from this biggest mistake?
they will learn leather swimsuits are where the money is

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Carol Ms Marvel

I not a comic reader, but I heard people dont like Kamala

Are you ready for the scene where she sees/is offered a swimsuit and says "that's stupid" with a don't you shit on me white man face?

I hope you're delusional and no expecting us to beleive this

Why are Disney animated characters always curvy yet when they hire real women they look like men?

>why aren't real women as curvy as drawings

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>And now it also failed on the Big Screen
You mean is going to break records and become the new face of the MCU?
Cause that's what's ACTUALLY happening

ya drunk user? even the shills are saying the movie is bad, althou I thought I believe thats a strategy to make people want to check it out to see how bad it is

What fantasy world do you live in?

>that outfit
in practice, she would most certainly be harassed on a daily basis, and probably raped by fellow supes and villains.

She acually got raped once... and gave birth to her rapist too

This reads like someone who has never looked at a human being outside of their computer screens.

comics dont need to be that realistic, otherwise batmans cape would be cought in the corner of a building and he would die asphyxiated

I'm not an avid comic reader. That black leotard and red ribbon looks great for sure, though my all time favorite introduction to Carol was whatever this is.
Just a drunken mess, I love it. Though, I really like military-esque Carol, too. She's cool. I suppose my reception to her design ties heavily to the talent of the artist. Long-haired Carol in this outfit isn't working so well for me. Maybe a pony tail / hair knot?

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when she was depowered by Rogue.