Splash Entertainment was responsible for the Alpha & Omega sequels

Splash Entertainment was responsible for the Alpha & Omega sequels.

Splash Entertainment was responsible for the Norm of the North sequels.

Now Splash Entertainment is responsible for Rock Dog sequels. Do they not realize this movie bombed?

>Splash is currently working together with Lionsgate Films and Dream Factory Group to produce two additional Norm of the North feature films, set to be launched in 2019. Production has also started on two sequels for the Huayi Brothers’ feature film, Rock Dog, co-distributed with Lionsgate and Universal Studios.

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So it's just like money laundering?

Rock Dog had a respectable $60,000,000 budget with a qualified studio in ReelFX making it. I'll hate to see what it looks like with Splash making the damn thing on a shoestring budget.

Literally the only reason this bombed was corruption involving the largest chain in China not showing it to sabotage it and probably would have done well otherwise. You have a link to this?
If it does happen hopefully we get some more good porn

Norm of the North got a sequel?

I'm not sure why the URL is so weird, but it's the company overview on their website. But a cursory Google would also show linkedin profiles with people working on the sequels for them.


They also have 2x90 listed as the format on their website. I'd be surprised if they stick to that, as the Alpha & Omega and Norm of the North movies were a paltry 45 minutes long.


Nice find, seems to be pretty obscure in there
What kind of plot should we be expecting from these things?

I want to bully Darma so much. For having DFC.

Bullshit. Putting Rock Dock with these abominations. At least there was some effort put into this movie.

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Don't blame me. Blame Splash.

Darma is an underrated waifu and I'd like to see more adoption of her as one

>Rock Dog sequels
For what fucking purpose?? The movie was 100% self-contained!

Attached: how are you feline today.jpg (712x712, 67K)

>the movie was self contained
Friend, that's a mighty naive outlook

Like half of the disney movies that end with "and they lived happily ever after" and yet got direct to video sequels

Are these spin-off sequels even profitable? Who is buying them?

It's just money laundering scheme.

How much you bet it cost them for the IP, one dollar or two?

Still, some anons really liked the characters and somethings for the film so maybe it can do better with a second chance.

Man, it got a spin off series. It's like some surprise hit no one liked or wanted.

I'm convinced they've streamlined Alpha and Omega enough to be profitable just by the handful of furries that buy them

Their films are shit.
The only remotely good film they ever made was La La Land.

>Rock Dog sequels

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You just want to cum all over her nonexistent breasts.

That IS generally what "waifu" means. At least to most people without mental illnesses.

Oh no more furry fuel.. When does it end.

I think they are all on netflix.

she was sweet but her lack of breast triggered me, she dont even have proper female eyelashes, it looks like a twink male character

It's called "reverse trap". And I love it

I loved Rock Dog. Norm of the North felt like cheap version of shrek

Oh look, a CG animal movie and it's about a fox and or wolf.

Actually it's about Dog made of rock

It's about a rock made of a dog

>Splash Entertainment was responsible for the Alpha & Omega sequels.
Bobsheaux was responsible for the tedious and shitty reviews of the aforementioned movies.

i'd watch that over poor man's zootopia/cats don't dance

>Splash is working on TWO sequels for Rock while working on more Norm of the North
The sad thing is, I actually enjoyed Rock Dog. Even with its flaws it was an overall fun and cute movie that at least tried to be something of its own and had an adorable protagonist with some neat character designs. I really wouldn't mind a sequel if it was by the same studio and director, but Splash can't make fuck all with anything they are given because they take the cheapest route possible in their desperate struggle to stay alive.

Everything from story to design is just going to be so unrecognizably ass-backgrounds from here on out, especially since they're 'multi-tasking' these projects.

Feels bad, man.

Attached: Nomoregoodfeels.png (338x381, 230K)

It's nice to know that streaming has only made it easier for direct-to-video movies to continue persisting even in the 21st century.

i'd tap that

That's a bit of the double edge sword. The film didn't do well due to meddling so the fact we are getting sequels is honestly a miracle I would have never thought would have happened, even if they aren't great quality. The opposite would be to never see the characters even spoken about again.
I'm optimistic that they might surprise with something half-decent. At least it gets another day in the sun and an actual franchise when it was left for dead

Literally the only saving grace is that Splash loves their romance storylines so we should be getting a lot more Darma. She only had - maybe - 1:25 worth of screentime in the first movie.

Something surprising about the first one given how it was advertised
If we're getting 2 full-length films. then certainly one will have a focus on her. Then they might get in that obvious ship

with Bodi's Dad!

speaking of, are the voice actors coming back? Mae Whitman, Eddie Izzard, JK Simmons, decent voice talents.

Honestly this just came out and says sequels are happening, I don't think it's known if voice actors would come back. What's the record with other film sequels they worked on?

They're either stupid, delusional, or they just don't care.