"we got ghostbustered y'all"

some early reactions coming in

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>superhero movie
>too many quips, not enough good writing
Did anyone really expect anything else?

What does ghostbustered mean in this context? Do they finally accept that shitty movie was just a shallow attempt at reaching feminists' wallets with no actual substance for a good movie?

>marvel movie
>too many quips, not enough good writing

Comicbookgirl on youtube had a good take on this movie's PR nightmare and general pushing of the character down people's throats

Can't wait to see this white male misogynist lose their checkmark.

I dunno if this person is mad it's not as feminist as she was expecting maybe it won't be bad? I'm still not going to be running to the theatre to see it though.

Movie used feminism to generate media attention but didn't actually have any feminist message beyond having women in it, and is just a bog standard hollywood movie and not even a very good one so there's not even any associated prestige for "claiming the movie for feminism" or whatever.

>some early reactions coming in

Mmmm, I love going cherry picking.

Which was?

>Carol defense force out in spades now that people who weren't paid to say nice things get to watch the movie
Oh I can't wait

The old mods deleted twitter screenshot threads. But the new shill mods let them go through for some reason *thinking*

If you're going to type a long rant make a blog or something. Spreading it out over a billion tweets just looks retarded. Not that anyone on Twitter says anything worth reading, but still.

She writes for Vanity fair.

Being good doesn't make money. Controversy makes money. Even if it's artificial controversy generated by studios themselves.

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Considering they said themselves that ghostbusters needed to make half a million to break even ghost busters actually lost more money than annihilation.

Sounds like any other Marvel movie to me. Jokes instead of sincere emotions, conservative subtext it tries to hide through cheap diversity and shameless promotion of the US military. So I expect it to be a huge success like all the other ones.

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But the fact that more people went to go see Ghostbusters at all, despite the overwhelmingly negative reviews attached to it, just means that Sony's PR stunt in drumming up controversy to try and squeeze any penny they could out of potential profit for that money worked.

Marvel movies are already going to make money, so of course a big studio is going to drum up extra hype by saying, "It's POLITICALLY IMPORTANT to go see our movie", especially when it worked so well for Black Panther and Wonder Woman.

Shit, Emoji Movie made double of any LAIKA movie because of all the controversy that was pushed of how it's, "The worst movie ever made, GO CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF!". You think people at Sony didn't try to embrace that when they realized it was the only way that movie was gonna sell some tickets?

So fucking what? every inane thought this bint has is now discussion-worthy? I doubt she's written a single sentence of quality journalism in her life if she reports on fucking Hollywood gossip. You should feel shame for posting this, but you probably don't because you're the kind of mouth breather who reads tweets from nobody tabloid bloggers and thinks its important. Faggot.

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Based DC Chad saving modern film from the virgin marvel and his recent estrogen overdoses.

>it, just means that Sony's PR stunt in drumming up controversy to try and squeeze any penny they could out of potential profit for that money worked
But it didn't because they didn't make a profit. Doing better than a sci fi film based on a book from 2014 doesn't make it a success.

Based Goose saving this movie!

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So making mean faces and screaming isn't feminist and powerful?
uh oh


I suppose this place will be nothing but Carol threads for the rest of the month. Two literally nobody's twitters on page one, Yea Forums is imploding.

Never saw the amount of shitposting around a superhero movie since Black Panther, what's the deal?

Uh I think it premiered tonight in Hollywood so some people that went are reacting to it

>marvel's first black lead movie
>marvel's first woman lead movie
>this board

gosh, i dunno. maybe because the main characters were buddhists.

>>marvel's first black lead movie
>what is Blade?

You never saw all the BvS shitposting? Lucky bastard.

>My cherry picking means I'm right!
>Their cherry picking is paid shills for SJWs!

BvS was years before Black Panther you absolute casual and dunce.

>movie with lots of le fun quippy lines
>Big Moments not very deep when you think about them
So it's every fucking Marvel movie except for maybe Infinity War at points. Did anyone not drawn into the SJW vs. anti-AJW bullshit really think this would be anything but a typical, bog standard Marvel movie?

>Did anyone not drawn into the SJW vs. anti-AJW bullshit really think this would be anything but a typical, bog standard Marvel movie?

Not afraid to go off the grid, this one. I like her!

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We need an automatic filter that replaces Twitter OP images with this one.

>I am a faggot

Coming out is the hardest part, user.

>but didn't actually have any feminist message
what would such a message even be?
Treat women like people? That already happens, theyd have to write a crazy and radical message and that would make the movie flop massively
This is the only possible way to pander to women without losing too much money

I would have thought it would be all the dicks you take up the butt. Guess I'll take the expert's word for it.

Such a goddamn shame about Annihilation. Hell, the latest Melissa McCarthy movie was fantastic too, but I don't see any SJWs getting behind it.

Why do they feel the need to make up words like that? I know it's Twitter, but come on.

What's extra funny is that this along with the other MCU movies have more pro-military propaganda than any other "progressive" messages they pretend to have.

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Popular thing bad!

>footfag antidote
>formerly Chuck
oh man this is gold



"womxn deserve the spotlight too!" message without any substance behind it basically

Look ma, I can cherry pick too!

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I mean they thought they could get away with doing Iron Man comics with a direct tie-in to an arms manufacturer


>marvel's first woman lead movie
>what is Elektra?



You first, gaylord ;•)

How do we do this it sounds wonderful
>He likes shit twitter posts as OP

Go no argument? Blame the jews!

I don't know if it is alzheimers setting in, but I could swear I saw a supergirl movie with my sister as a kid.

They usually mean firsts as far as MCU goes.

I think that's just a TV movie, but it is a real thing

Supergirl isn't Marvel.

This is the dumbest fucking shit.

First off, the two aren't comparable. Annihilation wasn't a wide-release movie. It showed in half the theaters that Ghostbusters did. Ghostbusters also probably lost the studio more money than Annihilation did despite the higher overall take due to all the ancillary costs like advertising, theater rentals, etc.

Kubo also made significantly less because it's a fancy artistic animation film, unlike Emoji which is designed to go broad and appeal to as many people as possible. All the Laika movies bomb at the box office. And it doesn't matter to them because Laika is essentially a playground for the son of the guy who runs Nike. Not to mention the theater counts for Kubo also had it showing at only %75 of the number that Emoji was.

There's also a slew of other factors, but those are the most basic reasons. You don't know shit about what you're talking about.

Watched a guy talking about it who said that the movie itself didn't really have any agenda. Maybe just the marketing.

Ah so it is alzheimers. Thanks bud.

>Showers once a year (on Walpurgis night)
Fucking gold.

He means anything that comes out of Moviebob's mouth.

Not only that, but also an open mouth "male feminist" basedboy

>But the fact that more people went to go see Ghostbusters at all, despite the overwhelmingly negative reviews attached to it, just means that Sony's PR stunt in drumming up controversy to try and squeeze any penny they could out of potential profit for that money worked.

Protip: When they say the Ghostbusters 2016 film got $229.1 million at the worldwide box office, that doesn't mean that the studio gets $229.1 million.

this isn't shitposting it's the most important front in the culture wars

we're changing the world here

That's the US box office. Worldwide the movie made like 600M meaning they still just barely started turning a profit by a thin margin

Stop ironic shitposting. You make actual retards think they belong here.

>but it's meant to be shit bro, just shut down your brain bro, it's on purpose and they know better and you MUST support he brand like everyone of us, bro

He didn't say any of that
Nevermind there's no point trying to talk to you.

Why do demographics large enough to be considered a safe investment by soulless suits throwing around 'you can retire' levels of cash insist on acting like they're a counter-culture?

That advice would've been useful three damn years ago.


>e. Worldwide the movie made like 600M meaning they still just barely started turning a profit by a thin margin
Ghostbusters ended up at around a 70m loss for Sony.

You're probably too young for Yea Forums.

Oh yeah, i forgot technically the company doesn't get the entire BO, so that's at least likely

stop falling for the gross revenue vs cost holy shit are you still 10 or something?

Say what you will about Niggerwood, but at least when I reported company wars shit during his time as a mod, 70 percent chance was that it's gonna be deleted instead of current 0 percent.

>unironically whining for more moderation
>on Yea Forums

Yeah, let's just become a shithole like Yea Forums. That's much better.

>g.g.guys I used to be powerful there it's true, obey me I'm still relevant pleassssse I can't argument my ways there so this is all I have pleasssse give me a crown again ;_;
mentally ill liars like you only deserve a bullet in the neck.

>Unironically advocating for more shitposting

Trash like you deserves AIDS.

You don't get it at all, the twitterati only get whipped into a frenzy when they see it as a culture war victory, taking something away from the boys. They couldn't give less of a shit about original female led properties, they want existing, popular franchises to mold to their will

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Should be very possible to do it with machine learning. Although you do risk some snowy pictures to get replaced as well every now and then.


She's not saying its not feminist enough but that its pushing a shallow and unsatisfying vision of feminism.

I think there is still a place for films with feminist themes but a superhero movie isn't a good vehicle for those sorts of stories. When you really want to delve into the sorts of tangible issues feminism can address you realize you're looking at deeply depressing issues like child abuse and sex trafficking. You can't make a fun, family friendly movie about feminism that isn't more than bland 'You Go Girl!' girlpower feminism.

>implying actual retards don't belong here

>that sticky that made spoilers a bannable offense
The good ol’ days

Its Captain Marvel™


And yet people like you respond for hours on end to even the most obvious of bait, instead of going to threads you like.
Stop pretending like you give a shit about comics or cartoons.

Oh I get it, I just wish it weren't the case.

I would've actually looked forward to seeing Carol beat up Skrulls.
But the movie seems to make the exact same mistakes the comics did and I'm not talking about the fucking costume. So I'm probably gonna pass on it.

Alita Battle Angel was a better Captain Marvel film than Captain Marvel

Still better than being cancer like you who shits up the whole board so good threads are borderline impossible to find.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums.


>", he says, as the board was rendered completely unusable for weeks on end because half the board was nothing but Steven Universe threads

Is this supposed to be an argument or do you just want me to put a cock in your mouth?

>Open mouth in profile picture.

Both are garbage.
Stop shilling this trash you fucking faggot.

I'm saying you should stop pretending to give a shit about the board, if you unironically think "company war threads" rank anywhere on the worst problems that plague this place.

So just the cock in your mouth then. Okay, open wide.

Company wars are one of the biggest cancers upon this board, don't even pretend otherwise you faggot.
>hurr ur pretending because I said so
Please bleed out and die.

Why don't people ever realize that studios don't actually care about supporting anyone's cause or being "powerful?" The absolute only thing they care about at the end of the day is lining their pockets with as much money as possible. Studios will say and do whatever it takes to get butts in seats.

Given the way you post, it doesn't sound like I'd need to open very wide, sweaty.

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>I liked Captain Marvel until i realised people would be more interested if I shat on it

Yeah ok

Is Steven Universe the Yea Forums equivalent of Smash Bros? Bitches keep crying about it

Serves them right for bashing WW
It was a good movie (at least in capeshit standards), actually had feminist messages with some level of subtlety, and wasn't a quipfest, but it didn't have the mark of the mouse, so it wasn't good enough for them.

WW got glowing reviews, the heck are you talking about

We're at a point when Carol Danvers as a whole should be banned from Yea Forums

that's been the Carol Push for a few years now

>Needed to make Half a Million in part due to their Green Screen Time Square looking like Dog Shit that they needed reshoots. That and the fucking dance number.

Can't Ruck the Chuck.

Been watching it before Shazam comes out.

You cherrypicked someone who agrees with OP?
You can tell he thinks it's shit.
"Uneven pacing" and "lots to like" translates to "the story is all over the place" and "I really want to like this movie so my girlfriend will let me watch her have sex"
Even "Brie Larson is expectedly great and inspiring" and "Goose the cat has several scene stealing moments" translates to "Brie Larson scares people" and "the cat is a more likable actor"

Laughing my ass off at ya right now, guy

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You're underestimating how much people love to circlejerk and look to the media to support their opinions. Look at this thread and the number of responses that effectively boil down to people posting on the basis of set, preconceived ideas. Boomers don't watch Fox because they're revealing profound, paradigm-shifting truths, they're watching because Lou Dobbs and a hot blonde women are agreeing with them.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love nothing more to watch another major blockbuster and have people pat them on the back for somehow being progressive and intellectual for consuming a type of media without exceptional standards for either of those criteria.

Sony likes to throw money at their movies like that's going to improve their chances. The TASM movies used to cost as much as an Avengers production

>ten years of marketting Carol as THE premiere Marvel Superheroine for this
i wont say im surprised but fucking lol

in Anhililations defence, the movie didnt even debute in theathers internationally, here in Europe it released on Netflix

What is it with beta males and cats?

A general rule of thumb is 50% for domestic and 30% for international.

The alpha male likes dogs
The beta male likes cats
The omega male believes takes the dogpill

Most beta males can barley function by the self and cats are pretty self sufficient animals. All you need to donate s fill there water feed them and clean the litter box no walking required.

Did '90s and '00s anime star hot dog girls?

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She should be writing on my dick if you catch my drift but who cares just watch the movie and form your own opinion about it.

Wasn't annihilation available on Netflix since day one, though?

That pic is only the american BO, the fact it was so terrible is why the movie landed on Netflix for the rest of the world (not in America)

Oh so it's just a standard MCU movie, well I can enjoy that.

SJWs expect substantial pandering in all events, it can't just have a woman and bash some white males once in a while, it all has to revolve around it or it will be shallow. Unless you design the whole movie around it you won't satisfy them and then you're left with some sellout shit that noone wants to see for all kinds of different reasons. If this shit wasn't leading up to infinity war 2 it would have flopped to SWTOR levels of fail. Infinity war 2 may suffer greatly for revolving around this dumb cunt.

I mean...yes?

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As usual an annoying movie made for an annoying market says they don't like it and won't fucking take what we have to deal with just for them to have.

Dogs are for niggers and people who feel so insecure that they need to feel protected.
Cats are for lazy fucks who want a pet while doing the bare minimum to take care of it.

They tried to make a movie for women but women wanted attention and said they didn't like it.

>I hate to see the butthurt little youtube boys "win"
What a "Us vs Them" mentality. They also just want a good film isntead of a bad one, it's that simple, butthurt littlw twitter girl

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I think a way to view it is that this is a "feminist" movie in the same way that "Ant-man is a heist movie!", "Winter Soldier is a political thriller!", "Thor: Ragnarok is a buddy-cop film!", "Dr. Strange is psychological horror!" etc.

Like, no, it isn't any of those things. It uses some extremely shallow elements of those things as an aesthetic to try and convince people that it isn't just "yet another Marvel superhero action blockbuster" but they still never actually leave the confines of their genre trappings, no matter how much they try to push the idea that each of their movie franchises is actually something totally different.

Captain Marvel is yet another MCU movie, with all the same positives and negatives as those that came before. Maybe it'll be slightly better or slightly worse than the average, but it's not going to be anything beyond more of the same.

>so few likes
roastie btfo, the MCU is still STRONG

She'd be able to write 3 letters at best.

It was pretty good. What didn't you like about it?

Did I seriously just get redirected to a fake Costco ad? Hiro really doesn't give a fuck.

Basically they create fake controversy to boost attention to their otherwise mediocre movie. This totally legit scientist can explain it better that I did.

>the most obvious of bait,
This board's userbase is so bad that "im twelve and what is this" could be a sincere post without memeing.

Is that the queef episode of SP? I always thought that was the most retarded shit, both genders fart but only women have a vagina. I can't remember if anyone ever pointed that out or if it was always "what we cant have fun either?" shit.

The ads were annoying enough.

Too bad Annihilation sucked

>actually had feminist messages with some level of subtlety
Why want it at all.

that's actually pretty insulting instead of the compliment you were going for.

It’s one of the biggest media companies riding a cultural wave in order to turn bigger profits, utilizing characters we’ve all known for many years. Of course we’re talking about, especially when the cultural stuff is so brutally shallow but people still seem to being eating it up.

The entire point is that OP's tweet is about, "We should have things that are GOOD not just trash things with women leads!!!" but good things don't do well at the box office, that's why movies make trash.

Catgirl for the win

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Based and DCpilled

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Don't compare Alita to Captain Marvel. You're lowering Alita too much.

Only after watching it. They were buzzards circling a week before release though. Compare that to CM where most are prepped to push that “will recommend” button on RT before seeing even five minutes of it. Because they are certain it will be “fine” at least

Tell me some highlights pls

Except Fembusters didn't make enough money. It was a financial disaster.

posted this on the other CM thread but whatever
Never heard of The Cinescape before, but here's their non-spoiler review


So you don't have to give them clics if you don't want:
>The good: Fury is great and finally gets enough screentime, Coulson is good but underutilized, Talos is great.
>The bad: Carol is wooden and unemotive, her powers make her too invincible, taking away the suspense. She has no depth, and they compare her to JLaw's Mystique. "Jude Law is in it", meaning he phones it in. Ronan and Korath are insignificant.
>The pacing is bad, the flashbacks are confusing and add very little. There's spectacle, and the movie succeeds on setting up a powerful character to match Thanos, but fails at establishing a new face for the franchise moving forward.

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What the fuck's an intersectional feminist?

>Intersectionality is represented as an analytic framework that attempts to identify how interlocking systems of power impact those who are most marginalized in society.

Bleeding heart garbage

Feminism that benefits black women and transwomen, not just white women like 1st and 2nd wave feminism

Thanks, user.

I loved her as Envy. Where did it all go so wrong?

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The one that ignores the fact that black men face for institutional racism that black women. It's the thought process that social issues can be boiled down to simple addition problems rather than a horribly complex morass where the correct answer is muddled. It caught on.

Ronan's in it? I already like this movie a little more.

Well, now I have no idea what to think.

God, why are American black people so pathetic and in constant need of pity?

Envy was an ice queen, though, so maybe her acting's been wooden the whole time?

The first two are correct. Intersectional feminism literally means interconnecting different sections of feminism with mainstream white woman feminism, meaning including the feminism of minority groups not included thus far.

First wave feminism was straight white women trying to vote, second wave was bisexual and gay white women burning bras, third wave is a transgender woman fighting a second wave lesbian because she doesn't want to fuck her girl penis

I hated Annhilation. More than any other movie I've seen.

There's actually a movie that uses the word "Annihilation" in the title and it's not an arbitrary subtitle? How cringey.

>formerly Chuck

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> women are oppressed
> gays are oppressed
> blacks are oppressed
> gay black women are triple oppressed

Feminist who claims to defend those most vulnerable in society, but since she hails from a rich elite privileged campus, she conveniently lets out class- and poverty issues.

Hello, incels!

>disabled gay black trans sex worker women are sextuply oppressed

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>implying that isn't true

DCEU has one maybe two good movies. I'll take quips and better writing.

How do their brains function?

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It's literally never in the history of the entire human race been easier to be a gay black woman. You have so much unprecedented support and acceptance in this society it's almost baffling. If even this world is too hard for you, you're probably just a weak soul that doesn't belong here

Screw you. Dogs are great.

She wasn't "the main attraction" back then. Now that she is, her head grew big.

im not saying that, im saying that's what intersectional feminism is supposed to be as far as i know
that seems normal
it's be weirder if they were saying it's great just to spite random people on the internet

Shame so many @faggots are still bumping the thread tho.

>It's literally never in the history of the entire human race been easier to be a gay black woman.
That part is true but even earlier in the 20th century? Your ass was oppressed for being black and a woman and ostracized by your sisters for being gay.
>You have so much unprecedented support and acceptance in this society it's almost baffling.
I hope you don't think that whites are oppressed, because that's literally exactly how white people have had it for the past century (if we go by the modern definition of 'white').
>If even this world is too hard for you, you're probably just a weak soul that doesn't belong here
There are still plenty of hateful people out there user, and plenty of gays who deal with having shitty parents who don't accept their sexuality.

Nah you're thinking intersectionally blind feminist.
Intersectional feminist is likely one aware of the broader picture.

This guy is trying so hard to not say "this movie sucks"

Uhh. F@!&ing incels.

Fuck. What. She was Envy? She didn't age well.

>There are still plenty of hateful people out there user
Well la-de-da princess, welcome to the world. You think the rest of us haven't noticed those who only exist to make the world worse? You think your oppreshun is the sum total of what's wrong with the world? Get bent.

an international board about comic books is definitely the best place to discuss social acceptance of minorities

I don't know what you think the human condition is, or what the world is going to be like in the future, but there will literally always be hateful people. We aren't going to remove essential aspects of the human psyche from reality. Life is full of hardship, yes even having your parents not accept your sexuality, which is about as baby dick of a struggle as you can have. Life and society was never meant to be easy or accepting, so why don't you appreciate the fucking amazing landscape of easy and acceptance offered to you as a gay black person instead of desperately craving the perception of being an oppressed victim? It's narcissism and selfishness and you're incapable of seeing that because the idea of gay black victim hood is so much easier.

Literally nowhere else in the world besides America and Europe openly accepts gay people, yet you spend all of your effort shitting on the culture that gave you hard fought acceptance.

>he doesn't know how early press screenings work
If you shit on the movie you won't be invited back to watch Star Wars Episode 9. If you play nice, you can continue having the early scoop on the new Disney movie and get all those valuable clicks.
This is how Hollywood works now, everyone knows you wait until normal people are allowed to see the movie before looking at reviews. The idea being that people who are invited to a red carpet event and pampered with all kinds of swag and goodies are predisposed to be nice to it.

It's not cherrypicking or conspiracy, it's just fact. Captain Marvel was STUNNING AND BRAVE AND PERFECT FILM until this week, and then "it's alright I guess, the cat is cute".

Marvel just been spewing mediocrity after mediocrity lately.

Anyway won't be watching it and I asked my friends from work if they want to watch it and I actually just flat out changed and said you know what? let's watch Alita instead, and they agreed and everyone agreed Captain Marvel looked trash. I'm glad they agreed with me though. Soon we'll be seeing Shazam on April 5 too which is the og Captain Marvel.

It unironically is.

>Intersectional feminist is likely one aware of the broader picture.
She wouldn't be a feminist if she was fully aware of the broader picture.

What is it with you fucks and thinking Alita looks any fucking good.

What exactly is wrong with this forum for any kind of discussion?

look at her in any of her performances. she has no range.

scott pilgrim
that movie where she gets locked in a shed
21 jump street

it's like the bitch had a stroke the most she can do is smirk the corners of her mouth the rest cannot emote.

Aside from Brie really not being the optimal actress for the role Captain Marvel is basically Marvel trying to make fetch happen. its not working, it's never going to happen.

Captain America is strong but nobody expected him to punch out Thanos' lights and save the day, People are looking at avengers and talking about time travel theories and shit and how all the heroes are going to OUTSMART thanos and nobody realizes this will literally end with Captain Marvel punching her way into saving the day.

This, unironically. You have a movie that's actually about nuanced female characters in positions of power, but these troglodytes only care about representation in things that are already established as "boy stuff", even if that connotation isn't exactly accurate. Girls have always read comics, there have always been female superheroes, but now it's a fashion statement so you get all these folks who only really care about the thing from a culture war perspective and that's why it's all going to trash.

uhh no I just suggested we watch Alita instead and i'm actually glad i did that since i'm not really outspoken. Anyway Alita was fine and seems like it's a better film than CM according to these reviews popping up lately

People may have opinions that might upset intersectionalists.

No war but class war eh? Well, yeah, but OTOH as long as it doesn't interfere feminism's a valid little arena.

The kind of white lady who consciously dumbs down her speech when addressing anyone browner than her.

What’s your favorite part in this movie anons? Mine was the skrull with the Australian accent who talks about jazz hands isn’t that funny lol.

>Europe openly accepts gay people
don't know about the rest of europe but here in northern italy people (as in actual people, not celebrities on the tv) go around casually hating on fags and nigs just fine

>They're actually admitting it's not as great as they wanted it to be
>this from the crowd who defended Ghostbusters as "arguably better than the original"
I honestly thought this was gonna be your standard "it's fine" 6/10 marvel movie, now I'm actually interested to see how bad it is.

Poverty is a real issue, microaggressions are not. Put any of these campus feminists on a 2 month period where they get called nasty names everyday, then after that another 2 month where they have no money and no home. Then after that ask them which is more of a problem. 3rd wave feminists fabricate nonissues as "major problems" because they lack the perspective on actual real life hardships completely.

It's a board of people whose interest is comics, not a board of people whose interest is social interactions.
We don't know shit, we know what is in front of our nose at best.

Apparently everyone is autistic for the cat. Women think it's the best shit ever because haha cats and guys like it.

It's sad we have those kinds of posters on this board.

Why are they calling people they agree with incels and manbabies? The fucking state of these people. You're allowed to say Brie Larson is bad as Carol Danvers, lads.

Speak for yourself, you autist retard.

Agreeing with the other user. It was a bit cringy at times, but I can't only blame that on the fact that it's based on an old Japanese manga, since that's pretty much how a lot of these mainstream movies have been. The spectacle was fine. And disregarding the eyes, Alita did some rather erotic posing when she got her new body, which I approve.

This. I fully admit I'm a soft-ass pampered bitch of a dude. I've rarely had to work with my hands and I've been lucky enough to be able to go to school and do the kind of work that plays to my strengths. But even I'm stunned by how out of touch some of these people are and how much outright spite they show the working class (all while claiming to be socialists).

It's just a subset of people who have never had to mow a lawn or do chores or learn to cook or work retail, so the most stressful thing they've had to deal with is someone not tagging their pomegranates on Tumblr.

And it's not like you can't have more than one kind of problem; if I'm in bed with the sniffles, it's not like I'm suddenly feeling happier knowing that some Ethiopian kid is dying of ebola or whatever, but they're loud and wealthy enough to actually affect society and make people think things like microaggressioms are something we should be educating people about instead of how to file your taxes or fix a flat tire or understand when an elected official is lying.

This is what actual autists believe. Above this common autist is the type that knows how to actually function in society; keeping their opinions to themselves and only letting them out in socially acceptable areas. Like here, because it is socially acceptable within this community.

And close to the very top are folk like me, who are vaguely smug about knowing better than the stupid fucks here. At the very top are those who know not to involve themselves in a shit thread.

Oh yeah, i'm sure you're an enlightened individual capable of knowing and understanding the life experience of people across all backgrounds and can therefore base your judgement on something more than "well it looks fine to me".



Yeah, I am a pretty well experienced person who can understand experiences and perspectives outside of myself and make reasoned judgements. I can do this because I've spent my life trying to develop myself as a person

Even assuming what you believe of yourself is true, do you think the "comic book fan" group is a group who would naturally and mostly attract such people?


Look up "woke brands" on YouTube.
Basically by taking the weakest of stances in this wretched culture war movies/brands generate controversy with alt right dipshits resulting in twitterverse falling behind their product in order to not be on the same side as aforementioned dipshits. SJWs keep falling for it, and doofuses on here keep falling for it too.

>>You're allowed to say Brie Larson is bad as Carol Danvers, lads.
Oh, Is that what you think?????


I mean I haven't seen the film yet so I'll wait and see. Not looking good though.

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Wasn’t expecting to see another hbomberguy on Yea Forums

If they're hating it because it's note "woke" enough then it might just be a run of the mill superhero flick that just happens to have a female lead.
Which not only might make it at least watchable but also what all the dumbasses on Twitters should have been hoping for and expecting too.

Everyone was talking like he was going to be crushing men under her heels while free bleeding and wearing a necklace of severed testicles.

Well, that's Yea Forums for you.

Twitter was also talking about it like that, but they thought that'd be a good thing.

I hate that guy

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even "woke SJWs" aren't exactly looking forward to CM, saying stuff like
>i hate how the well has been poisoned by sexist chuds wrt not being excited for captain marvel because i too am not very excited for captain marvel

Bullshit. This is a clear instance where they would make twice as much money by keeping their mouth shut. Men are perverts and actually enjoy seeing women act badass in their male-centric hobbies. There's no need to browbeat them about feminism.

Wrong. Flapping their lid is how Black Panther got to make a billion fucking dollars.

So what are they going to do when the actual reviews on RT go down to 30%?

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I thought Annihilation did good.

The bear monster scene wasn't enough?

That vid's alright, but him implying that the Gilette commercial was at all good was dumb.

>So what are they going to do when the actual reviews on RT go down to 30%?
Not care because even if the movie legitimately deserved a 30% (I doubt it) everyone will assume it's just more /pol/ bombing.
I think you guys don't realize that the mainstream is aware of that shit, /pol/ screencaps calling for "operations" are all over mainstream news and Normiebook so normies know it happens. They probably think it happens even more than it does because they can't tell a troll or shitpost from a bunch of anons literally starting a brigade.

>Played the Most STRAIGHT Gay Jew in videogame history and it isnt SJW garbage

don't drag us into your stupidness

The only review that matters:


(Well, besides Armond "Based Gay Black Conservative" White)

>Armond "Based Gay Black Conservative" White
I was wondering why he does reviews for Out.

>Jeremy is a spineless coward
Ye, no shit

lol u mad?

All words are made up, just like you and I.

The true chad has an animal empire of dogs, cats, fish and atleast 1 reptile preferably a gecko or iguana

Ya damn right Bartowski

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Larson is a self centerd spoiled rich white girl and after getting her Oscar and now that she is getting a lot of attention and fame it all went to her head.

She also developed a savior complex that all the rich Hollywood types do and like them she wants to wank herself while she does things she THINKS will help marginalized people in a significant way but are in fact only helping her in the long run.

She also thinks her movie is some kind of achievement for social justice and treats her movie as anything but popcorn flick, I wouldn't be surprised if she actually thinks she'll win another oscar by playing Captain Marvel.

Quit looking to billion dollar corporations to validate your personal beliefs.

They're not your friends.

They're not your allies.

They're not woke.

They're not based and redpilled.

They just want your money.

Backwards-ass old Hollywood execs that still think that women-led movies don't sell. That's what's stopping them.

That money is from the name Ghostbusters alone retard

We at RT have decided that some movies are unfairly targeted by "trolls" and therefore requires special moderation. Reviews less than favorable will be removed until everyone forgets about this movie for the next huge piece of shit with intentionally controversial advertising.


A million times over.

>Open mouth in profile picture.
>Loves cats


god damn this so much.

>feminists are hating the movie

It's dead on arrival. They were literally the ONLY people defending this movie and now they're openly admitted that it SUCKS. This is already confirmed to be universally acknowledged as the worst superhero movie ever made.

Mad Max did this actually. Fury Road was labeled as being feminist, but really it was just exploring the female side of Max's world a bit and actually came across and showing Max being the testosterone the women needed to inspire them in the first place! Like it doesn't even come across as too feminist, the female characters do some stupid shit too.

But a lot of men didn't watch it because of the feminist label. It was great with the visuals and sets and make up and action. The feminist over-label is counter-marketing.

>WW features female superhero
>everyone loves it
>Captain Marvel features female superhero
>incredibly split down middle
how DChad do it?

I came here to agree with you.


WW was a princess movie disguised as a superhero movie.

Captain Marvel is a superhero movie disguised as a feminist movie.

Or maybe, just maybe, those "manbabies" are actual people who saw all the red flags and knew this movie was going to be an unlikable shit heap from a mile away and were sick of being called racist/sexist/misogynist/manbabies for the umpteenth fucking time.

If you look at the major films that have fallen "victim" to "gatekeeping manchildren", you'll actually notice that they weren't all immediately panned or shunned. There was almost complete hype for Force Awakens, despite the main character being a girl. It wasn't until after the movie that everyone realized how horrible it was, which largely soured people on TLJ, but even the biggest complaints about that stemmed from the actual plot and weren't nearly as loud until after people had seen the film.

There was never even a big smear campaign against Black Panther; people were excited for it as much as any MCU film. "Manbabies" only complained when the movie mutated and begun getting acclaim that it didn't deserve simply because of how black it was, and especially because it was hilarious that a mediocre capeshit film was being heralded as a cultural symbol.

Fans openly mocked Ghostbusters and Captain Marvel because both films just looked fucking dreadful, and the people supporting them immediately began with the "if you hate this movie then you're a misogynistic garbage person" dialogue.

This should be on top of Yea Forums

This is something everybody needs to be reminded of. 99% of the people more powerful than you just want your money.

black panther did well because all the black people wanted to see it (rarity of big budget action movie set in Africa) (no controversy aside from some morons on Twitter)

people wanted to see wonder woman bcs first female superhero and she's really popular (remember: BvS also did really well despite very negative reviews--Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are just highly popular characters) (no controversy)

Ghostbusters did not do well, at least not more than your average poorly-reviewed remake (controversy about the movie/makers of the movie being assholes calling people bigoted)

It's exactly like Ghostbusters
No guts no glory. You wanted to be safe color in the lines, don't push any boundaries. There you go.

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I went to watch it without hearing about the feminist label, and it did feel a bit too on the feminist side for me. It focuses a bit too much on Furiosa to begin with, for instance, rather than on Max. Maybe a better example would have been Beyond Thunderdome, both community leaders were women and all, but Max is still the focus of the whole story.

Bitch hit the wall at 200mph

GOTG had jokes and sincere emotion

Anihillation was awful. It wasn't as awful as the Ghostbusters reboot was, and it also lost less money than Ghostbusters did.

Post cred scene

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Well that's a let down. Seems like a scene from early in the next avengers movie, not a teaser for it.

>black panther did well because all the black people wanted to see it
Right, that 14% of the population really helped to boost the box office to a billion fucking dollars.

Are you even trying ?

Not going to lie, I read "hot dog" girls instead of hot "dog girls", and I was going to ask what anime you've been watching that stars hot dogs

This was the hyped post cred scene !? wtf...

Because that's the only pussy they can get.

And they fired the director for it.

Just with the title of this thread alone, I feel I must post this. youtu.be/UTC4gMxivII

Wonder Woman has personality. Wonder Woman has charm and likability. Wonder Woman has an actual good backstory. Wonder Woman isn't a Mary Sue. Wonder Woman is actually a beloved character worldwide by men AND women. Wonder Woman was one of the first greatest kinds of female representation in comic book history as well as cartoon history.

Captain Marvel is not. She's basically the antithesis of Wonder Woman.

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Then leave cunt

Hey now that's shaming asexual people for their choice, you're being insensitive

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How 'bout screw you and your waste of a post.