How does Yea Forums feel about this classic?

How does Yea Forums feel about this classic?

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I like it more than I probably should.

*intense electric air guitar*

Shouldn't have had all the other heroes and villains. Spidey, Venom, and Black Cat VS Carnage and Shriek. Parker family, obviously, but there was way too much going on.

I liked it. It makes sense that the insanity would pull together this little posse, and the heroes would also need to work together since the FF were out of town. I will grant you that they could have cut out deathlok and demogoblin and lost nothing, but cloak and dagger were vital, the reappearance of firestar was inspired, and black cat is a perfect counterpoint to Shriek. meanwhile anytime Doppelganger shows up, is gon be gud.

It used to be the second worst Spider-Man event behind the Clone Saga, but the amount of garbage that’s come out since then makes it look like one of his best.

That's fair. Maybe cutting some villains and heroes would have made me enjoy the ones left in. Also, I'm predisposed to hate any appearance of Cloak and Dagger because the point I'm at in Amazing and Spectacular, they keep having the exact same boring arc every time they show up.

That's fair. They're one-note ponies.

I liked it should have been the end of Spider-Man

comics are just like music. 90s was bad compared to the 70s but it still gets worse, and it's still catchy and fun more or less

>When Spawn shows up out of nowhere

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I swear to God I'm about to break open my GN to check if this happened because I don't remember it.

oh yeah I forgot about Morby
okay he doesn't need to be there. neither did Cap. then again Morbius and Black Cat are nice together..

when did Spawn get that awesome textured mask? I've never seen that.

also I flat-out forget who the ghoul guy is or what his name was, and I've sat through the opening titles of the game a billion times. I wanna say it was a short one-word thing like Plague

Close, Carrion. He was a botched Jackal clone iirc.

That's Nightwatch, a Spawn rip-off.
Sony is currently working developing a movie about him; despite he only shows up on about 15 comics

that was it
>Botched jackal clone
whoa. that's a cool backstory. ima look that up

oh, you meant a clone OF him, not one he made. wow. uhh how the fuck did he get those powers though? skimming that article didnt explain it. or is it like with morbius where "eh he's a genetically-created vampire.. he can just float and we'll let someone else think of why later, give em a no-prize"

looks kinda cooler than spawn. i'm down.

I don't remember. I think I might own that book though? Regardless, it was because he decayed in the clone capsule, having not been released that made him essentially resemble a spirit of death. He isn't one, just seems like one. So that's kinda where the death powers come from but fuck if I know about levitation.

My main issue with MC is that it's kinda light on plot for it's length. More B-listers join Spidey's gang, they get their asses kicked by Carnage, Spidey gets called a pussy, repeat for 14 issues.
I'm thinking of getting into the Clone Saga. It looks more entertaining story-wise.

it wasn't made with the game in mind, was it? because that's exactly what I'd write in that situation. just replace 'issues' with 'levels'

It was bad. Almost as bad as Spider-Man ever got. Only Kraven's Last Hunt was worse.

I dont know since Im a zoomer

I never understood why Pete couldn't just deal with the symbiote. The best portrayal of it I've ever seen was when it's ridden him to death and gets shot by with sonic blasts to reveal a skeleton but it's not like Pete's a vegetarian.

Because McFarlane wanted to draw the classic suit.

Pure 90s shlock kino.

>Alex Saviuk´s art

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Yeah this is a pretty accurate assessment. But today it would’ve been done in 6 issues and a sequel would come out in 6 months which probably would not be any better.

The event has a big nastolgia factor for a lot of people me included, I think it was my first marvel event and my first time reading characters I’ve come to really like, for instance cap, Morbius, cloak and dagger. But it’s a chore to read through once they start throwing in every ingredient they can find, with the heroes constantly being defeated and saved by another less popular hero.

I read it without any experience with Spider-Man outside of pre-Stern and post-JMS eras.

I hated it, but I could see why it'd be mindless fun. It's best in small doses and falls apart when read as a trade. I can appreciate it as 90s excess, the same way I can enjoy early X-Force, I suppose, but it reads like a Greatest Hits collection, without anything actually being great.

Why, Neighbor?

Still have my issues, loved Venom, loved Black Cat's tits
Oh my god oh my god Black Cat's tits
If only I was old enough for boners when this came out

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Mexicans wanted this story collected or published in any way for years, the Mexican Editor in Chief of Marvel Mexico hated it, and initially said he'd never release it, after a couple years he finally did but it was printed like complete shit, cant really explain it but they got the images wrong, kinda looks like you have cataracts at times or suffer from severe myopia.
Will provide pics if anyone cares.