New episode called "The Write Stuff" aired today.
New episode called "The Write Stuff" aired today.
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More Lucy is always welcome.
Why are you posting this? Yea Forums doesn’t watch the loud house or cartoons for that matter.
Just in case.
Thank you.
Have they broken the "This show is shit, add lesbians" alarm yet?
just look at tomorrow's ep
Kids don’t give a damn about shipping yet the writers insist on putting it in there.
remember when this show was about Lincoln and how he interacted with his sisters?
These writers have the creativity of a dead goldfish. It’s no surprise those freelance writers for head poet anxiety outskilled them.
>The Write Stuff
Helga Pataki (9) years old
from Hey Arnold
That was pretty cute. Nothing phenomenal, but I wasn't really expecting all that much. With any luck the rest of the week will be better.
Is there a mega? I'm way behind and after looking on /trash/ it appears 90 percent of episode links are dead.
In other news, the official instagram for the loud house had a poll and lincoln was voted best character with luna 2nd place.
yes. it was boring shit.
Get a load of regular show poster arguing about taste
how does this vote slider thing work?
Why is Luna so popular anyway? I don't hate the characters but I found her irrelevant to the show outside her episodes and the lesbian shit
She’s chill, laid back, and wants to be a cool big sister for lincoln. Too bad the writers can’t think up much to do with her for her actual episodes.
It's certainly better than Loud House.
Pic related.
Only a retard that thinks 80s pop culture references count as jokes would think that.
Her gimmick is far more realistic, making her feel like an actual person more than any of the other sisters aside from maybe Lori. I've never met a single person that ever even competed in a beauty pageant, much less has her whole life revolve around it, but I know tons of people that are super into music for example.
Don't worry, Luna - you'll get em' next time.
As for The Write Stuff - I liked it enough. We're off to a good start for the week. Then again, anything focusing on the sisters/parents and not Lincoln usually are the best episodes of this whole show for me.
Someone who understands Luna better than me - I can respect that, since I really mostly liked her (Luna) because she has the best episodes, IMHO, to be honest about it.
Lincoln wiped the floor with luna and even then she barely beat lucy.
This RSfag gets it perfectly - S1 was pretty forgettable BS. Oh, and Fuck that worthless nigga Clyde.
What is it with all these cartoons and having absolutely obnoxious episode names.
How thriving is the fandom right now? I want to draw more loli and it would be nice to strike while the iron is hot for once.
Subpar writers
This would be a question to ask /TLHG/ on /trash/
Ah right, I forgot it moved there.
>Oh, and Fuck that worthless nigga Clyde.
The best change they made this season was getting rid of his obnoxious obsession with Lori. That alone puts it above the others for me.
yeah that user All they need to do is get him a proper girlfriend and he'll only begin to suck less in my eyes. He'll stuck for being a whiny-ass faget, but whatever.
Yes, and now it's a show about a large family only this time they only use the first draft for scripts.
>hipster rita
I don’t think my dick can take it
Episode could have worked with Lincoln added in funny enough. Could have worked with Lucy to but sadly she was shunted to group status.
Lucy can't carry episodes and it's all because the goth schtick doesn't lend itself for comedy and that bitch just won't emote.
Fuck you, the episode was great and Lucy only made it better with her appearance
>DUDE beatniks snapping their fingers
>they hang out at the coffee place LMAO
Karla is such a hack.
More Rita.
>The lampshade came in second place.
can't wait for the 34 of this episode being called "the white stuff"
she's a not girly sister that wouldn't actually bulley her brother, so boys can like her without feeling gay or masochist
All the regulars are. Only Sammie and Whitney skate by and they're probably only there to balance out Kevin Sullivan.
Sullivan is the only good writer in the show on virtue alone that he doesn't write predictable garbage like Karla or cringe inducing flanderized episodes like Sammie and Whitney, the rest might as well not even exist.
I know you're baiting, but you could at least provide good bait. Drop the words cringe and flanderized; they're overused and don't mean anything anymore. Call out Sammie and Whitney on their yearly April's fools episodes or at least something that means something.
>April Fools
that's exactly what I mean by flanderization, it makes me cringe and I don't see how anybody wouldn't feel that way. plenty of the episodes they've written have the characters take their respective quirks and run them into the ground, like in Cooked! with all the kids and their stupid ideas for the restaurant and that was the entire episode, the April Fools episodes are just the high profile examples for how they can take a character like Luan and exaggerate her schtick to the point where the entire episode centers around it.
>they're overused and don't mean anything anymore
only for you, maybe.
I liked Lucy better when she was Filipino.
She’s good
All sullivan gave the show was shipping, clyde written as a main character, and clyde’s faggot parents. By praising sullivan you’re praising more clyde so get the fuck out.
But what would he have done??? Can you answer that or are you just saying things to say things???
The episode was supposed to be about lucy's writing rather than rita overthrowing the system. With lincoln he would have helped her with her writing better than rita did. Lucy did say in another episode she likes his poems.
So... Just like how he helped Lola to read and get some enjoyment/proper humbling of her character in "Read Aloud", right? Because, like that example - yeah. That would be Lincoln (a character I otherwise don't like all that much...) actually being used as a force of good in something otherwise NOT focused on him (e.g.: his character at his most likable.).
That's actually a good argument. A damn good one for why someone would like this latest episode, too. Thanks for that.
Karla and savino have always put an effort into making lincoln likable and interesting when it's a family episode or the focus is on him. They're generally the best at writing him.
Yeah. Now, I may not fully agree (they ain't perfect at it, hence why I say that), but what you're saying does make sense, compared to others who don't know how to handle Lincoln and make his character suck or not stand out all that great, as a result.
same user Well, here's hoping Luna's episode is better today - I doubt it, though, knowing Sullivan's written it.
It's been shown before that Lucy goes to Lincoln for writing help multiple times and in house of lies we see rita go to Lucy for writing help. Ether have the flip of rita trying to help Lucy but the two struggling and Lincoln aids or have rita overhear lucy going to Lincoln and try to help both wanting to spend time with them and use her talent for good.