What if Frank Castle was a Space Marine?

What if Frank Castle was a Space Marine?

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he would be either: a blood angel or a black templar

I rather want to see em as guardsman who got put in the penal legion

The key factor in Frank isn't much his military branch but that he was in 'nam.

What Xenos would Frank hate the most?

The ones that shot his family

black templar

Who did it?


so dark elder or tau

Dark Eldar.

Lost and the Damned

Frank would be a Chaos Marine, no doubt.

Character falls apart entirely. Space Marines dont get PTSD because they are brainwashed to hell and back, and space marines outside of the Salamanders don't have families.

NO space marines have kids at all, even Salamanders. The process to make you a space marine and eternally loyal to the emperor starts when you are still a child and obliterates your reproductive system and sex drive before they have a chance to develop.

A Frank that has no family to avenge and hasn't been severely scarred by his wartime experiences isn't Frank. He's just a space marine.

It's possible for a marine to have a child, before they undergo the transformation. Space Wolves for example take proven warriors who have fallen in battle, so they're older than the usual recruits.

Most other chapters will take children pre-puberty, but it's not unheard of for an apirant to be 16 or so. The chances of them failing out increases as they age, which is why most tend to be pre-puberty though. So again, it's possible for a non Space Wolf to have a child. Unlikely, but possible.

t. chaplin

He'd be Khornite whether he wanted it or not.

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Pretty sure he would be a catachan jungle fighter

Is jigsaw servent of slaanesh?

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He already (sort of) was.

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Death from above.

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Then he wouldn't have a dead family, now would he?

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Probably would be a part of the Black Templars, Dark Angels or Raven Guard then get conscripted into the Death Watch.

Dark Eldar.

I don’t think he does his whole torture porn shit out of pleasure but to “help” people. At most he’ll be a worshiper of Chaos Undivided.

Night Lord probably, IMO.

Loyalist Night Lord or Fallen Night Lord?


This complicates things.

Roboute Guilliman, on the plea of an Eldar Farseer

>Frankus Fortress
>Guard veteran turned bounty hunter in the underhive if Necromunda, gunning down hererics and redemptionists alike on a oersonal mission to hunt the thing that killed his family.

Nah. Would be a Star Phantom. Considering how much firepower Punisher packs, they'd be the ideal Chapter for him if he were a Space Marine.

Cadia would still stand

Came to post this

>What if Frank Castle was a Space Marine?
Frankred endures...

Frank would be an Inquisitor.

1. If frank was not a space marine he would be one of the Adeptus Arbites
2. It is not unheard of for potential space marine that are to old to get implants like Luther of the dark angles

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Are those seriously assault marines with autocannons?? Are they regular AMs or some special unit?