inb4 Grant Morrison's irrelevant quote about batmobile tires (which is actually AGAINST tradition of old school comics as 99% was always given some explanation)

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it's probably custom made, he's been with the B.P.R.D. since he was a kid.
Atleast it looks like it can slide over most of the time.


nice dubs,
is there a panel or somthng?

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It probably just has dome buttons on the inseam so it can be loosened.

Del Torro's HB have strap belts behind his right sleeve.

In the movies his coat had some kind of straps on the right arm, so it's like an oversized sleeve he then adjusts.

what's this about the batmobile tires though?

Morrison was saying that kids know to shut their brains off for a fantasy story but adults don't.

(ROLLING STONE) Even as Hollywood transforms itself into a superhero-industrial complex, struggling to find “gritty” and “realistic” takes on flying Übermenschen in rubber suits, Morrison revels in the glorious madness of these stories. “People say kids can’t understand the difference between fact and fiction, but that’s bullshit,” he says. “Kids understand that real crabs don’t sing like the ones in The Little Mermaid. But you give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like ‘How does Superman fly? How do those eyebeams work? Who pumps the Batmobile’s tires?’ It’s a fucking made-up story, you idiot! Nobody pumps the tires!”

One sleeve at a time.

Sounds like lazy excuse to not work on coherency

If "a guy becomes a god because the sun is yellow" is enough of a coherent premise enough for you, you don't have the right to complain.

What the fuck is that suppose to mean?! That IS explanation. Because Kryptonians work that way.
Not like "there is a doctor - OC guy that we never saw before that is make clone slaves that Superman trusts his super formula"
Or "just turn your brain off/it's multiversity dude lmao"
Especially when he talks about kids, I don't know about you or how Morrison grew up, but I know myself that I always wanted to know explanation of things. Doesn't matter if it know science accurate towards OUR world (although they pretty much always tried to be towards scientific data of THOSE years)

OP, not

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Oh, so you're one of those retards who think realism equals coherency.

In fairness this was before the autism boom

I love this quote. I hate how movies have always been ashamed of spandex.
I fucking love Kingdom Hearts too.

it's clearly wrapped around it in that very picture

I always figured it was less an attempt to excuse coherency and more saying that if it doesn't matter to the story being told, you don't need to worry about it. Superman flies the same way that the batmobile's tires get pumped. Not everything needs an explanation.

It's just an unneeded detail that doesn't get explained because it doesn't further the story. Knowing who pumps the batmobile's tires doesn't bring Batman any closer to beating the Riddler so it doesn't get a panel in the comic. You sound exactly like the kind of dipshit Morrison was mocking.

thats... why its such an oversized coat even for him?

only MCU movies (pre Spider-Man and Black Panther) and FoX-Men are.

I guess you hate classic comics.>Superman flies the same way that the batmobile's tires get pumped
no he is not, there was always an explanation. Plausable or not.

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Hi, Grant.

>Knowing who pumps the batmobile's tires doesn't bring Batman any closer to beating the Riddler so it doesn't get a panel in the comic
but knowing that characters are living in 2D world does, right, Grant?

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What do you mean? That coat is baggy as shit, he just puts it on.

>I fucking love Kingdom Hearts too.
????????????? Kingdom Hearts is fucking nausea-inducing with how roundabout they explain everything. Maybe not the high stuff like "how does the keyblade work" but the low stuff of "how do hearts work" is downright shit and they never stfu about it.

> Nobody pumps the tires
Harold, a mute hunchback chum of Batman's, does it, you limey cocksucker.

So do you have any thing to actually say here or are you just gonna keep deliberately misinterpreting what he's saying to complain?

Not everything needs an explanation, but kids honestly ask more questions than adults.

does Morrison not think Batman changes his own tires? what type of man doesn't change his own tires? Morrison is a homo

But there doesn't NEED to be an explanation. That's the point.

There was a scene in Venture Brothers about this that I liked. They're trying to figure out who "Zeus" is, and Brock's the only person that says it might just be a dude who can fucking fly.