New Joker Trailer

So did we already have a thread about this?

Attached: 20181023_n_nerdistnews_jokerupdate_feature-2.jpg (970x545, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That literally says concept in the title, uses set footage, and clips from other films. Nice try shilling your channel

Oh wait, really?
Shit. I utterly fell for it.
Sorry bro. I'm not the guy who made this trailer but I certainly feel stupid for posting it.
Good thing this board is anonymous, or the whole world would know I'm a total faggot

Believe me, they already do.

Tbh I fell for it this morning but it's super obvious from the first shot

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one

I might have fallen for it except I actually saw that movie the Master. You should watch it too, it's a great movie.

Maybe I will. I'll see what it's about

Once I heard Philip Seymour Hoffman's voice, I knew it was a fake It fucking hurt bros.

We'll never have a more kino teaser than this

comic book movies are so grandiose now that anything other than fighting a big bad guy that shoots lasers is going to feel like an anomaly.

whyyyy do we need a Joker movie? why the fuck are they wasting time with that instead of salvaging their cinematic universe?

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Why the fuck are you posting ecelebs, you zoomer faggot?

dont worry, I hate this smasher faggot for his fake trailers.

It had me until I realized it was using scenes from The Master.

I raise you an actually kino teaser

Attached: images (11).jpg (242x210, 15K)

You're OP so you're already a faggot by definition anyway.

Worse, it's RedLetterMedia..


Attached: c5d3020d-8d3b-4688-a3dd-d391f1d8a8d1.png (780x520, 1.44M)

Say It

I totally forgot this was a thing, i loved this as a kid.

We live in a society

It’s so weird to me that they decided to make a Joker film about racism