Questionable Yea Forumsntent Thread


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Did we really need this thread?
Why do we keep having these threads?

>brun with long hair

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Why do we continue to suffer Questionable Content and Willis threads? I know they're Yea Forums related but they invariably become shitposting

Should just combined them both into one 'Shitty Webcomic' thread.

Dude was a shithead but turned his life around and glides on a wingsuit for a living so he's awesome.
What's the problem here, OP?

You're right; let's start more threads with a screencap of some rando's tweet or facebook post.

So Black Faye has always been terrible.

>pro wing suit glider
>motivational speaker
Makes sense. Most chads I knew in high school did great


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Sounds like the bully is doing way better than being an autistic freeloader living parasitically off of friends

It's much more likely that Brun would be preyed upon by stacy rather than chad. Girl bullying is some psychopathic shit. I'd rather get beat up.

>pro wing suit glider
He'll be dead soon.

That's not bullying, though. That's insecurity feeding into high school level banter. After the 4th panel the guys would have probably said something like "daaaamn!" and laughed.

And can a barista slam any one else's profession?

>High School is going to be the best part of your life
>Main characters are baristas, bartenders and librarians
>used to be an in-comic joke that none of their careers were viable

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This comic is terrible.

>dudes just standing there like they totally got pwnd
>implying they wouldn’t say something like “shut up retard!”

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I wonder how many black dudes hit on Brun's autistic ass and had to be chased away by Black Faye. That's probably how they ended up friends. I seriously don't remember Black Faye's name.

So what kind of exotic is she?

This is how Jeph wished his bullying went down.

Sandnigger. We were close when we said she was a Syrian refugee, but not quite.

>You're a sad man that belittles others and this will be the best time of your unsuccessful life
>That guy is a pro at something he loves and has a good job that lets him travel around and improve people's lives.

Haha, yeah FUCK white people, I wish all those racist slave owners were fucking dead, every last white man, white woman and white child deserves immediate death!

They'll never be peaceful like us.

So ugly and disgusting, but a little younger and even more like a caveman.

Considering how few owned slaves, you wouldn't be deleting many ancestors. And considering how heavy Jews invested in the slave trade in regards to shipping, that's rather anti-semetic as well.

what the fuck around you talking about ancestors? I'm talking about YOU, you benefit from slavery right now and you always have.

Reminder that Jeph thinks that any white dude would want to bang that fat, ugly, dykey-looking nigger or Ms. Autistic Eyebrow Bushes.

The sheer amount of characters in his comics that likely don't shave their pits makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

>these shitty bait webcomics lead to shitty threads
Or we could talk about comics or cartoons? Hell, storytiming a comic, any comic, is 20 times better than yet another round of "lets laugh at this shit!" Hell, storytiming QC would be a better read than the average QC thread.

Considering slaves were freed and allowed to stay and breed, I'd say we're all suffering from bringing over so many nignogs. All for the sake of shipping more cotton to Europe during a clothing boom.

>tfw librarian
I love books but my god there is no money in this.

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But African tribes owned slaves. Some still own slaves today.

>Damn, Brun, that was a pretty sick burn. You wanna come to the skate park with us after school?
>I-I... I guess that would be all ri-
>Yeah, we're going to be smashing antique clocks!
>*racist caricature of a black woman says something sassy yet completely non-threatening*
>"And that is why I have to wear this ankle bracelet, Clinton."

>I wish all those racist slave owners were fucking dead
Good news, bad news.
Good news: Nobody who lived during the 1800s is still alive.
Bad news: There's still slavery in Africa. Same assholes who sold the Transatlantic Slaves. Thanks fellow Africans!

>Pro-wingsuit glider and motivational speaker

Chads don't skate.

Well, not the SAME ones
I imagine most, if not all of the slave sellers back in the 1400s-1800s are dead now; but their kids are keeping the tradition alive, though!

this is supposed to be set sometime in the very early 2000s, so I figured that she was in high school when the skating craze was in full swing

>Early 2000s
>Skating craze in full swing

Are you fucking pissing up my back?

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By not being slave owners?
Are you retarded?

> be an unpopular nerd in highschool
> whenever people try to consol me, they tell me 'it sucks now, but you're going be really smart and make a lot of money someday because thats whats nerds do.'
> Thats obviously a stupid wish fulfillment fantasy and I refuse to put stock in it
> 10 years later and I have a job in computer science that I swear to god isn't as difficult as a lot of people claim it is, and I make more money than both my parents combined.

On the one hand, I can't complain about being well off. On the other hand, I feel like I am perpetuating a stereotype.

Also, did you know that 50% of any kind of computer science work is just knowing how to google the question? Its true!

I was talking about the late 90s, assuming she's like 20-25

How that nigger dyke looked like in high school with that hair.

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I was talking about the African slave owners, user, sorry if that wasn't clear

I'm sorry man, that wasn't directed at you. I'm glad you found a job you like, but these characters have admitted none of them think their careers with the books are permanent.

I regularly drink with 40-70 year olds who work as delivery drivers and it's just sad and frustrating. Alcoholics with nothing going for them who only talk about the past and whatever issue they have with each other this week. And I guarantee at least one of the cast would end up exactly like them.

Anyways, hope you work your way up to archivist or historian or whatever.

>mfw I drove a man older than my father to his house last week because he was staggering drunk
>he couldn't walk because he'd broken his foot after drinking a few months ago
>couldn't go to his job
>about to be homeless because he can't drive with a broken foot
>he's going to kill himself or someone one of these days drunk driving
>mfw all of this is going through my head while he's mumbling how good of a person I am for helping him
>There but for the Grace of God go I

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Ah, you said slave "sellers", not owners, so you were talking about the Africans. I thought you were talking about the slave owners whose kids didn't "keep the tradition alive". Gotcha.

Thought you were the "kill white people" retard user.

>job is basically IT/general engineer/basic com sci around an office of HR/Communication majors
m8, you're underestimating it.

>What do you call a nerd when he grows up?
yeah, those wish fulfillments were something, but they never told us that social skills and confidence developed during school years would be instrumental in obtaining jobs and managerial positions.

Slavery exploded again across Aisa and Africa as the old European empires receded. The Royal Navy was the biggest anti-slaving force in the world and the most successful one. In India alone there are nearly 20 million slaves that are known about.

The cast of Questionable Content live in the same universe as that retarded YouTube series, People Watching.

A city where the entire population consists of mentally ill hipsters and leftists and we're expected to believe it wouldn't collapse in on itself within the week.

We should avoid taking risks in life so that we may make it safely to the grave.

>mentally ill hipsters and leftists
you sound like a fun guy

If half your job is googling stuff, you probably aren't an actual computer scientist; you're tech support or a junior programmer.

No shame in either, but something to be cognizant of.

>Jeph Ja-hack-wes too chickenshit to make a non-white male seem even mildly unpleasant

The fuck is he on, jocks back in HS for me were all kinds of skin tones. Anybody can be an asshole. Or a good person.

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If you mean "functional adult" then yes. Unlike the subject matter in question and likely yourself.

The only issue one would take with that comment is that adding "mentally ill" is automatically implied when dealing with hipsters and leftists. Doesn't really need to be said.

Oh, you're a right winger.
That explains how retarded you sound.

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Only a gigantic faggot out of touch with being bullied would think that's how "bullies" talk or how they would react to that autistic response. Also the jocks never wore their letter jackets around class. This is a blatant "HELLO FELLOW KIDS" moment from a 40 something whatever gender faggot Jeph is.

Lets also not ignore the fact that the negress' outfit would definitely be against school policy.

>someone insults the left
>it takes you multiple comments for you to realize they aren't on the left
Way to prove his point.

They're trying to make it seem like he's only doing that stuff because of what Brun said.

Because the idea that the people who were assholes to you in high school actually accomplishing something really fucks with a lot of webcomic artists.


They would have poured milk on her head or interrupted her halfway through that long, autistic diatribe.

>High school will be the best part of yo-

This page reeks of fucking old 90s Afterschool specials and out-of-touch """"adults""".

Jocks wore their jackets when I was in high school. Also, they weren't really bullies, and this is coming from someone very bullyable. In my experience I was more likely to get bullied by others in my circle (other nerds), and sometimes the, uh, "urban" kids. Never jocks, though, unless they were also urban.

I can literally smell the shit coming off that fictional retarded girl.

Dude, no one has ever gone into library science for the money, it's all about the job security. Name me one other profession where you can find someone pushing 80 and no one will think it weird.

The author lives in a world where ultra-left, LGBT+ headcases give him insane amounts of money to feed their mental illnesses with his shitty drawings.

He has no concept of a coffee house, bar, or business of any kind needing employees or management who aren't as fucked in the head as the cast of QC to keep afloat.

It's the reason all the quirky "Socialist Restaurant" type diners and what not in hipster areas crash and burn after a few weeks.

you could bookend damn-near every QC issue like that and it would still work.

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I’ve been out of high school for a good 13 years now, but I don’t recall the jocks/popular kids as being all the mean. We all just kind of hung out at our own little group and we tried to be fairly inclusive (hell, I was part of said group and I sucked at sports). I don’t know if it was because our sports teams were terrible so there was no real hierarchy of jock importance, but no one hd any real reason to be a dick to others.

Most actually bullying was, like another user noted, more likely to be inside your own clique.

>Motivational speaker. Improves people's lives.
If motivational speakers worked, they'd be less motivational speakers in the world.

I mean, it was the era of Tony Hawk and all.

When i was that age the Jock/Nerd split basically didn't exist at my school, the same person who introduced me to /tg/-stuff like DnD, Magic and Warhammer and liked to sperg with me was also one of the best all-around athletes of the schools.

Honestly it is a bit of a false dichotomy as far as im concerned since "Nerds" can end up being surprisingly physical because they need to lug around books and computers all day and "Jocks" have intellectual sides due taking their physical states into a science of its own as they min-max for better performance.

Honestly JOCK VS NERD is a bit of a peeve for me due that reason.

Try saying cringey aloud and then tell me that that's not as equally terrible as what Jeph wrote.

Same for mine. It was more like a sliding scale of social awareness and comfortableness. There were socially unaware jocks, and socially aware nerds.

Why did we have to have a sudden cut to Brun's high school days?
How does this tie into renting a new apartment or contracting rabies from wild bats?

Sounds like you've been called cringey a lot in life.

Jeph lives in a world where if you aren't fat, non-white, a faggot, or a tranny, then you might as well be Hitler.

Brun's a bartender in a college/high end area so she could potentially be pulling in a decent salary through tips.

>Brun, it's me, Jed, from high school.
>I doubt you remember it but you told me off once, that I was going to peak in high school?
>Either way, I want to thank you for it.
>Back then I was barely getting a good enough GPA to stay on the team, spending my free time slacking off or drinking, and being just a complete asshole.
>And what you said was just what I needed to hear.
>I had my first existential moment that day, and it really lit a fire under my ass realizing that I didn't like who I was or that I didn't have a good future ahead of me if I stayed on that path.
>I'm sorry I was a complete shitbag to you back then, because you were the best thing to happen to me.

>popular kids as being all the mean
Mean kids =/= popular. Popular means most people like you. Nobody likes the assholes. The popular kids are the ones who are decent, good at something (sports or math or whatever), and get along with everyone. This trope of jocks and popular kids being mean started out as some lazy-ass screenwriting from the 1950s, and probably wasn't realistic then, either.

Reflection is a reactionary defence. An especially poor defence, when anyone who owns an xbox has been called cringey at some point.

Bartender mocking someone who gets to wingsuit glide and make speeches for a living seems hilarious to me. Hes basically living the dream while shes serving drunks.

This. The popular kids were above average at everything they did. But never stood out. Taller than average. But not lanky. Friends with everyone, including bullies and the bullied. In real life, popular kids are just easy-going born lucky types. You can realistically write a popular kid as a psychopath, but never an outright bully.

I could see it as realistic in the old stereotypical small midwest school. Where the entire student body could fit in like four classrooms these days.

Aren't you reading into this too much? Putting a scene in a racial context where it's not needed. There's nothing in this page explicitly about race; the fact that the bullies happen to be white people isn't an indictment against whites.

The dude in the white hat is even actually being portrayed as a nice guy.

Remember when flashbacks in QC used to be funny?
Like when tiny Martin, I actually forgot his name for a moment there, used his mom's fetish gear as a super hero costume or something.
Or when Faye's dad blew his brain out all over her sweatpants?

this is the kind of thing a loser like Jeph thinks would happen, the comic is basically escapism at this point from his shitty life.

and then he clapped, and gave her $100.

op's really just gonna pretend he didn't get bullied in middle school huh

I'll quibble on that. There are popular kids that are assholes and bullies, but their popularity usually stems from having things other people like. For example, one of the popular kids in my high school was a complete douchebag but he threw frequent parties and his parents owned a beach house. Everyone liked things about about him, but they didn't necessarily like him.

i know i'm a few threads late but i really needed to vent about that. the guy was acting kinda douchey but everyone got super upset less that he was acting douchey and more that he had the AUDACITY to show any interest in her or her ancestry.

i know jeph likes to virtue signal hard but that was a new low mostly because it didn't make any fucking sense.

Random people coming up to him and telling him to "say something weird" sounds like something straight out of a shitty after school movie.

I'd bet OP wasn't even bullied but just hated how popular jocks were.

But she's a bar-back.

She was a bartender before her old job burned down. Which given Jeph's decompression was probably only a couple days ago.

who the fuck is Khoury

Renee went through a phase in high school where she tried to give herself an exotic name.

>But African tribes owned slaves

Slavery in Africa during the trans-atlantic slave trade was often drastically different from slavery in the US. Slavery has several different forms and it’s not all chattel slavery as pract9ced in the west.

I mean... more often than not, yeah we are. I mean, shit, our demographic elected trump for christ's sake


Why does this comic makes me so angry! i am gonna beat the living shit of my wife and then go play some games

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I really enjoy how even in his pathetic revenge fantasy, the best Jip Japes can manage to do is have his losers weakly rationalize the jock's success and renown compared to their own utterly pathetic and worthless lives.

I bet the jock has 5 kids, too.

>white people own slaves
>black people own slaves

do u fukkin monkeys ever even fukkin hear urselves wit dis shit?

>Nameless loser, it's me, Jed, from high school
>You weren't even a speed bump on my road to success
>You were so meaningless to me I barely remember your face let alone your name


This was the original comment. It's bait. Bad bait. Take solace in that you weren't the only person to bite.

Shut the fuck up, this is our biggest window into Jip Japes' mental illnesses since the Trappening.

okay so where's the part where she gets gangbanged by them

>Nobody likes the assholes.
Nobody likes people who are assholes to them.
Lots of people can live with people who are assholes to people nobody else likes anyway cause they're all weird n shit

This shit is still going? Christ, I thought Jeph would've killed himself by now.

>plenty of white men who are good people in the comic
>feature a few bad white people
when will that non-logic end ?

Be a little more patient. That part comes after the part where she uses her thick neanderthal eyebrows to give blondie a browjob.

When it stops getting lots of replies on every dumb thread that uses said non-logic?

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>Also, did you know that 50% of any kind of computer science work is just knowing how to google the question? Its true!
Every time Stackoverflow crash, there is a worldwide drop in production.

>Pro wingsuit glider
>motivational speaker

>minimum wage job
>couch surfing

but its ok, Brun is so much better because she gave him a "complex" . Jesus christ jeph, you are a tool

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>parrots that old "your bullies peaked in high school, ONE DAY YOU'LL SHOW THEM ALL" chestnut
>disproves it IN THE SAME COMIC by pointing out how financially and socially successful the bully became

I'll say this for Jeph, it's a pretty spot-on depiction of how these things tend to turn out for socially inept nerds with no internal motivation to improve their lives other than the vague feeling that they're obviously superior to "jocks" just because.

>You gave that dude a COMPLEX
>Nevermind you've done nothing with your life besides sit around crying
What is Jeph even trying to say?
Dumb character is dumb and jocks go on to do something with their life?
There's no moral here besides "Look at stupid these brown people are"

Out of habit?

>Christ, I thought Jeph would've killed himself by now.
We should be so lucky.

money isnt everything user

So now he's just ripping off XKCD?

Why is it so difficult to appeal to modern age crazies while still portraying them as good people??

I really love how he thinks autism means you are incapable of showing emotion or having a personality. The author is so unintentionally hurtful it's beautiful. He's so desperate to please and yet gets everything so wrong.

This is why i watch the QC threads on Yea Forums.
The edits, i just love them.

> High school
> anything but shit
Only failures think high school was their peak.

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>he thinks librarians are just women who put the books back on the shelves and go "shhh"
get a masters in library science and you'll be raking in the $$$

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>Those 3 ended up just fine
>Jed went on to get a scholarship to Alabama State
>Far Right kid ended up becoming a head engineer for a contracting firm
>Far left kid went onto become a Senator
>Some say to this day, you can still hear the Niggress and Mussie bitch seething

>library science
How does the scientific method have anything whatsoever to do with researching and reshelving?

>Alabama State
>Just fine

I want Jed to go all My Fair Lady on Brun.

>slavery is DIFFERENT and not as bad when poc do it!
Fucking really.

Dewey Decimal System

Wait, what? They knew each other in high school? I thought they just met each other in the cafe?

>Gave him a complex
That dude sounds to have it together, I mean windsuit glider is a profession you have to love to do, and motivational speaker. So he helps people for second job, how did this guys lose compared to a bartender?

he didn't which shows how delusional ol stabby really is

if you stop posting it, people stop talking about it

why the fuck is she eating a tomato for lunch

Because her family is too poor to afford raisins you insensitive fuck.

Jesus, that's rough man

The stereotypical question posed to women by nice guys is, "How can you be with that asshole?!" The answer is that he isn't an asshole to her and is an adequate or better provider.

But user there was that time where some unnamed NPC said that a Blue Yeti microphone was too masculine to be used by a girl. I'm sorry but this condemns the entire white male race for eternity.

AKA the place where every single question asked is "off-topic" or "redundant".

>what the fuck around you talking about ancestors?

he's talking about how if you check US census data from the 1860s before the civil war popped off, you'll discover that 40% of Jews owned slaves but only .08% of whites did.

It’s funny because it’s actually wrong. Those bullies are the ones who make connections, build bridges for being able to jump higher and higher in society.

Alabama state is a hcbu I’m pretty sure.

you mean coon college

All this comic does is provide evidence that Jeph still dwells on shit people said to him in high school.

Maybe the local food pantry was run by insufferable and out of touch hipsters, who think that locally sourced, urban farmed, heirloom tomatoes are a perfect staple for a monthly food parcel.

This seems vindictive and exploitative. Brun clapped back on a high school jock who became a hang gliding instructor and motivational speaker, then later becomes homeless and coasting on reminding friends of how much of an asshole that guy was.

Jeph has convinced me autists are sociopaths.

Am I the only one that wants to see chad enter the picture, take pity, and revenge fuck Brun?

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>Aren't you reading into this too much? Putting a scene in a racial context where it's not needed.
The left started it, we're just going to finish it.

To be fair, it seems like Brun's entire social life until she met Clinton consisted entirely of Renee.

He's not homeless though. It's literally the first mention of him and last panel states that's what he's currently doing. Your reading comprehension is shit.
It's actually JOCK BULLY BAD, idiot.

In the distant, trans-humanist future Jeph writes, it's nice to know the varsity football team still behaves like the 50's stereotype.

And work, but yeah, I honk that's what Jeph' going for.

>Brun was sandnigger Daria
How did she become more autistic and unable to pick up nuance as time went on?
Is it the fat? Did the fat make her stupid?

There was that crazy drunk at the bar, too.

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>I don't re a the comic I bitch about nurrrrrrr kill myself
They're getting a place together, literally what is going on in this scene, before the conversation got derailed about jocks making fuck of autists

Having Jeff Hacks for a god is what made her stupid.

I'm sorry but what the fuck? why is that brown chick called Brun? That literally means brown in french. Why is the color of her skin her defining trait? why would the author do this? I stopped reading this comic years ago.

That's actually funny, but it's because her parents immigrated to Switzerland or Germany or something and named her Brunhikda so she could fit in, they then moved to the states. Or something like that.
So you're close, he actually named a hefty Brown girl "bear" in krautonese

This is how I wish my bullying went down too but it just ended up with my bullies paying a retarded kid to beat me up.

to be fair half the joke is subverting audience expectations

I was sure it would've happened after his wife left him after only being married for like what, six months?

>being married to this

he deserved it desu

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You got me curious. He announced his marriage with strip 1237, published approximately September 23, 2008. He announced his "amicable separation" with strip 2612, published approximately January 5, 2014.

jesus, he really was scraping the bottom of the barrel, wasn't he?

damn, six years? really? it felt so short.

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So many red flags, wow

>tfw all my bullies are miserable failures

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But imagine how intolerable Jeph would have to be for a woman with no options to dump a millionaire who was still accelerating cash flow at the time she dumped him.


despite being a popular webcomic, i doubt jeph is a millionaire, but yeah. I can only imagine how low that woman's standards are, and for jeph to fall below them is pathetic. one has to wonder if his increasing sjw antics was what tipped her over the edge.

god i'd rather be single my entire life and die a wizard than marry that fucking goblin.

How can you not be a millionaire when pulling in excess $200k per year minimum? I know Jeph loves exotic guitars but that is a lot of guitars. Also, caps of her Twitter have been posted before; she's just as insufferable as he is with the feminism, etc.

That's an ugly dude.

Even my worst eh I'm not getting it anywhere else tonight were never coyote ugly. And never a coyote ugly tranny.

wow, he makes that much pandering to bored millenials?

His Patreon pulls an estimated $15k/month and the comic made enough from cons and ad dollars to support two people in a relatively expensive area before the Patreon. It has to be at least a quarter mil per year, though some of that is going to the ex-wife. Besides potential alimony, supposedly she still runs the backend of the business. What a horrible arrangement, Jeph.

god, at the risk of sounding like one of those mgtow faggots, how is it in 2019 women can still steal half of your paycheck on the basis of nothing more than "for 6 years I grew accustomed to it." bitch get your own fucking job and your own fucking money.

At least there are no kids and this no second alimony in the form of ridiculous child support payments.

>get a masters in library science and you'll be raking in the $$$

Where and how?

Academic cronyism and tenure.

>And then everyone clapped
>I looked up Jed. He's living life to the fullest and helping hundred of people while we're here being faggots. This is, of course, because you totally laid down the epic truth bomb on the patriarchy xD

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>AR-15 earrings

This whole arc has made no sense. Starting with how she really should up for principles by kicking out the hookup AFTER she rewarded his attitude with sex. Never seeing the dumb bitch after is exactly what he wants.

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Jeph tries to draw a skyline but it looks like legos

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Renee's characterization makes plenty of sense if you interpret her actions as subtle attempts to manipulate Brun into a dependent sexual relationship with her.

I mean, calling someone "exotic" is kind of patronizing, but the fat black chick was ready to throw him out JUST for asking the autistic black chick where she was from. Does Jeph live in a world where showing interest in someone is offensive?


Why is this guy a such a jerk? He treats women like shit! I sucked his dick but he's still treating women like shit! That guy I would never have sex with even told him he was wrong to treat women like shit, but he still treats women like shit! What could possibly be motivating his behavior?


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Read a book

>doctor informs you about a condition that you have and how to treat or live with it
>somehow the doctor is an asshole for this

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She's autistic. Her thought processes are literally retarded.

>fembot holds masturbation sleeve between her legs to simulate a vagina
>boybot forgoes the strap on and decides to fist the robot
>Faye isn't heeding the warnings

i have assburgers. literally.
not once have i ever thought to blame the fucking doctor for my condition, nor has anyone else with the same condition i have met thought to do so either.

The earrings are shockingly the biggest red flags here, holy God damn that's some tacky shit.

>no chin
>tasteless earrings
>"i'm special!" haircut
>bugman/woman glasses
>unable to determine if 25 or 55
>yellow, crooked teeth
>looks kinda chunky but has no titties to speak of
jeph sure knows how to pick 'em, huh.

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Being maimed by sex toys is funny you dead-on-the-inside retard

If you are a NEET and they're taxpayers but you leech off their taxes, you probably come out ahead

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>tasteless earrings

This comic helps me understand why people voted for Trump.

>Does Jeph live in a world where showing interest in someone is offensive?
He must, he didn't even exaggerate his dialogue. Why do people like him not understand that ancestry is just a get-to-know-you-better conversation point?
Also jesus that perspective in panel 3.

>hey remember that bully from highschool?
>he's a successful pro-athlete who inspires others
>lol we sure showed him!
Yeah, whatshername and Brun's post-highschool lives seem so great in comparison.

Because sometimes the lewds the drawfag does are amusing

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Fucking retard.

I forgot that Brun was initially a gruff bartender instead of an emotionless autist.
Have we even seen her with an angry expression since then?


Attached: eh requel.png (807x774, 791K)

Oh man, I haven't heard that in years.
Thanks for reminding me.

>being as weak as that basedbot
I have been training my whole life for this.
I have drank gallons of gmo milk to make my bones stronger than steel.
I have lifted the heaviest weights to make my muscles stronger than hydraulics.
I am the robofucker. You cannot stop me.

How old is Jeff now? How long ago was it that he smashed his hand up? I can’t even remember what made him do it.

>I can’t even remember what made him do it.
It was during the house party arc, I think the same one where Marten and the tranny hooked up.
He drew Marigold in a bathing suit, and his Tumblr fans chewed him out for not giving her enough fat rolls and stretch marks so he got drunk and stabbed himself in the hand.
Thus began Jeph's perpetual fear of retaliation from his rabid fans should he ever write anything that might not be progressive enough.


>Autistic [read: unhappy and probably socially stunted introverts]
>They're just SPESHUL

Haha yeah it's not like most people with high-functioning autism spend years of humiliating and painful trial and error trying to learn how to fit in with greater society but end up dying alone anyway after they find out the hard way that you can't bullshit your way through some things and that in the end all of their blood, sweat and tears meant nothing. It's not like being alone your entire life even when you're with other people changes anything in a person, and neither does the fact that even the people who love you unconditionally and have known you your whole life don't know about the void in your head and in your heart and when you tell them after repeated begging they start crying so you start lying and then keep lying to make them feel better because your failure as a child hurts you more than lying does. It's not like people with autism often want the same things as others but are stuck on the outside looking in and end up having to choose between deception, solitude or dysfunction. Thank god having autism isn't anything like how I described it and is all about being smart and quiet and getting picked on.

Wow why are white people such niggers?

>misreads a dude’s post while telling him to lrn2readingcomprehension
Oh, the ironing!

Bear in German is “bär.” Crazy, I know.

>"y-yeah Chad is g-gonna fail at l-life"
>*has a xirfriend*
>*meanwhile Chad is CEO and hapilly married with a smoking redhead*
>"hahahaha, take that bullies"
In what world do these freaks live?

Attached: giphy (4).gif (540x304, 1.14M)

Marygold wasn't even fat to begin with, just a nerd with an ugly face.

Wait, why was the DOA thread deleted but the QC thread remains?

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it might be that she just has anxiety around doctors.

>Marygold wasn't even fat to begin with, just a nerd with an ugly face.

her weight obviously yo-yoed a lot

They would frequently castrate slaves destined for the Middle East.


I miss Hanners. She was my waifu. I wanted to watch her panic after jizzing on her tits.

Are they deleted or do they just 404?

404'd I guess. What's the difference?

To avoid slave populations rising in numbers. You have a constant stream of them from Africa and established supply chains dating back millennia at that point, why risk the instability?

Attached: 1537251955018.jpg (593x768, 106K)

Why would that be a problem with just the Middle East, though? Why wouldn't they castrate all of the slaves they ship off anywhere?

Sometimes a thread just falls off naturally due to no new posts and more new threads, other times a mod deletes it. A mod definitely had it out for DOA in the past.

Because that's how the various Islamic empires liked their black slaves.

This feels pretty tinfoil hat-ish, but I sometimes wonder if webcomic artists like Dobson and Ishida and Willis behind the scenes threaten to sue the site or something if they catch any of the shitflinging threads about them escalate to what could be interpreted as a call to arms. At least, I suspect Dobson would be likely to try this. The mods would be spineless enough to delete any thread connected to them on sight even if they could obviously never follow through with the threat.

But Jeph would never do this because he secretly masochistically loves lurking in the threads and drawing inspiration from them.

Sinfest threads don't really go anywhere, they usually descend into arguments about feminism and how crazy Ishida is.

Dobson hasn't posted much art since getting banned from twitter twice. He's apparently working on some lesbian muslim vampire comic.

No, this was 404'd. Theads that die due to lack of interest get closed and archived but you can still find it in your history

>He's apparently working on some lesbian muslim vampire comic.
do their hijabs keep them safe from sunlight?

Can confirm. When I was in high school the only ones who were bullied were the people who kinda deserved it because they annoyed everyone and I mean literally everyone and lacked so much self awareness that they were just awful to be around. Even an unpopular wallflower loser without friends like myself was left alone.

The only kids I remember getting consistently bullied in highschool were the ones who were physically deformed and/or didn’t bath enough and smelled bad. There was also this one brown nosing jerk that everyone hated the shit out of, but even he never actually got bullied, we just talked shit about him behind his back a lot.

QC threads tend to descend into arguments about politics and how crazy Jacques is. The only real difference is that the art is way shittier in QC so you can't even say "well, at least the art is good", because it's fucking trash. I genuinely don't understand why QC threads are still allowed, hell almost every single thread has multiple anons calling for QC threads to just be merged into shitty webcomic threads.

QC threads have better fanart.

This is dumb because it means the whole problem could be avoided with a robot fitting room.

I heard a rumor a while ago that DoA was "kill on sight" by the mods but never heard a sufficient explanation why. There isn't a whole lot of difference between the two comics at least in terms of demographic appeal. The authors are even best friends, at least in the public-facing webcomic world.

QC's art is shitter than DoA's, but I don't know about "way shittier". They're both low quality webcomic tier. Unlike Jeph, Willis can sorta into perspective and shading but his style and coloring are very bland and generic.

>apparently working on some lesbian muslim vampire comic

Links? Tell me more.

It's even stupider when you realize this already exists in lore and was covered on-screen.

Attached: 1997.png (600x1417, 232K)

He's being pretty tight lipped about it. But apparently he's been working on it since 2016.

Attached: Dobson_NewProject.png (479x657, 57K)

>a comic with no plot or conflict full of tokens
That hehe silly comic was right again.

I really dig shonen battle robot Bubbles.

Slave castrations were primarily carried out on slaves intended for domestic or government service.

Back when DoA threads were pretty common the usual explanation given as to why threads were culled was that they veered to talking about politics or commentators on the DoA website. The DoA thread a few days ago lasted about 60 posts and was archived though.

for me the jocks weren't jerks, but they certainly weren't nerds. I don't think there was ever any organized group for /tg/ or Yea Forums tier stuff, just video games.

>plenty of white men who are good people in the comic
Steve's out and turned into a jobless alcoholic. Marten's out and was portrayed as the dick during the breakup with goth girl. Cliff's confirmed a dick. Sven's forgotten completely and did nothing wrong but the comic pretended he raped Faye.

The only white men not portrayed as dicks are big boy from the bakery and Marten's gay dad.

what is this?

>it's rude to ask people about their ethnicity
What the fuck, no it's not. Who the fuck thinks this? I mean if you ask an Asian person "what kind of gook are you" that's one thing, but since fucking when are you not allowed to be curious about people's heritage? That's some insane white guilt right there.

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Autistic people don't think like this, it's just how Jeph THINKS autistic people are like because he never does any goddamn research about the different types of people in his strip beyond what his socjus and tumblr friends tell him.

Jews were the slave owners though

This is like one of things you THINK would BTFO people but most people don't give a shit and it just makes you look like an edgelord. Also there's a chance YOUR life is only gonna get worse from here too.

I was referring to Sinfest with the "way shittier" comment.

Sam's dad acts reasonably as a father trying to protect his daughter, but he probably comes off boorish to teenage girls mad at their own dads.

Somehow this line of thinking has become mainstreamed. I think there could be a hypothetical case for it if the mainstream opinion was one of civic nationalism where origin culture is diminished in favor of patriotism, but this isn't the case. So called multiculturalism is glorified and thus curiosity about ethnicity and culture is actively fostered by those who condemn it. It's like we should happily accept cultural differences but never ever bring them up in conversation.

God I hope the SJW find some flaw with it and crucifies the blue bear

Oh, okay. Never mind then. Tatsuya is indeed a way better artist than Jeph (and Willis).

A higher percentage of jews owned slaves than whites, but a higher number of whites in total owned them.

He's covering all his bases first.

Attached: Dobson_MuslimVampire.png (500x220, 17K)

I really don't get how a fat white american thinks that he can write a muslim character

>The art in QC is worse than the art in Sinfest
I mean, to an untrained eye Sinfest is the better comic because it does a lot more with shading and Ishida puts way more effort into backgrounds, but if you strip that away and look at the art itself it's not amazing. They're cartoons - really simple shapes that are easy to draw for a daily comic.

I'd say that this is unfair to Ishida since the style fits the medium, but from time to time he does "reality zone" comics where he draws the people looking "real", and he kinda screws up their faces and doesn't seem to know how to do it. In fact, I think he only just recently started putting any shape on his characters' feet, because for years they were more like hooves.

Ishida's an example of an artist who's gotten really good at doing the one thing he draws all the time, but in terms of actual skill, it looks like he's far from any sort of master. I think perhaps some critics have noticed this, because he spent a while depicting an art critic as being wrong and stupid.

>her weight obviously yo-yoed a lot
Sure, but that is just because Jeph is a shitty artist.

What the fuck? No immigrant or child of a immigrant is gonna get pissed at you for asking where their originate.

We're proud of our culture and origins.

But sinfest art style makes my pepe the hardest, and that is all that really matters.

I mean you're not wrong
But QC's art is still significantly worse and I don't see why you'd type all of that out without addressing the central point. Jacques can't even draw cartoony faces well or consistently, just look at OP.

I can see why he's such good friends with David Willis

>I don't get why you'd type all that out when QC's art is still shit
It totally is still shit. But what I'm saying is that Sinfest is more simplified. It's more aesthetically pleasing, sure, but if you're comparing the two on a technical level, Sinfest has the edge on aesthetics more than on sheer skill.

This is important. It's absolutely not trivial because it's what the normal viewer is going to notice. But if Jacques simplified his art to Sinfest's level and started using a lot of round edges instead of that pointy anime atrocity style of faces, he might not be all that far behind in terms of the basics.

>Be me, a 32 year old guy
>Don't use any social media as I just don't care about that stuff
>Buddy comes over, while hanging out he tells me that a guy from our graduating class who would be considered a chad committed suicide last week as he read it off of Facebook.
>Oh wow...haven't thought about him in years
>Yeah, guy dropped out of college after getting girlfriend knocked up. He was in a car wreck and she died. Guess last week was the anniversary of her death or something

Now I feel like you're giving Jacques too much credit. Sure Sinfest's art is simplified and hidden behind a bunch of tricks, but Ishida still shows that he can do things like consistent faces across panels and complex perspective. Not that it's anything especially advanced or mind-blowing, but he can. Jacques struggles with even basic perspective or keeping faces even remotely consistent, and his style's hardly complex. There are a lot of comics out there with way more detail than QC or Sinfest that manage to pull of both of those things just fine. Hell he seems to struggle with even basic form a lot of the time, look at the apple in OP's image, I'd think it was a tomato if not for the fact it was sitting alone on a school cafeteria trey.

>Muslim doctrine prohibits consumption of meat that is not slaughtered via Zabiha (halal)
>Zabiha requires that the animal's throat be cut and all the blood be drained from the body before it can be eaten
>make a Muslim character who exclusively consumes blood
I can't foresee any problems or criticisms with this idea at all.
Surely he'll do actual research into Islam and the religious and social implications of being forced to violate your beliefs to stay alive.
Surely he didn't just mean "brown vampire in a hijab," right?

It's already been done.
'A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night' (2014)

Yeah... Okay, I've got no rebuttal for that. I'll admit, these old school bullies are supposed to be heckling from a dominant position, but they're somehow looking straight into camera instead of looming over it.

Ironically, I think if Jacques were to simplify the form of his characters into basic circles and cartoony cylinders, he'd wind up getting better at perspective as a consequence of using easier forms.

>average QC thread
>15 replies
>QC strip has some sort of race or gender issue mentioned or implied in even the most subtle way
>300 replies

Ironically most of the thread is focused on Jacques, either questioning his sanity or criticizing his art

How zhit 2 new perspectives!
Way to go hackgeese!

Yes, shut it down.

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Imagine drawing three thousand nine hundred and fifty three different comics over the course of over fifteen years and your art still looking like this

How offensive. The only way to make a woman quiet is to knock her out!

What a pussy

>You gave that dude a complex

Having a high octane job and speaking to thousands daily is having a complex?

I don't see how being a miserably depressed loser destined to die in poverty and alone without having experienced love or satisfaction with ones work is "coming out ahead"

He developed a complex to lead and exciting, high paying job, and to inspire people. Because obviously nobody would ever pursue happiness, money, and social status unless an autistic girl called you names in high school.

>pursue money

I mean, being a professional wingsuit flyer isn't exactly "rich"

Internet exists. NEETs: 1, (You): -1

Compared to a professional couch surfer he's practically Warren Buffet.

I just realized something.
Was the nigger a qt big tiddy goth gf in school???????

She was a free rental, not a gf. But otherwise yes.

Probably done better than Dobson's version as well.

>original-style AnthroPC chassis
How long has it been since we've seen one of those that wasn't Pintsize?

>the vague feeling that they're obviously superior to "jocks"

Which would be right, as jocks are pretty low life forms.

Why do you never just hide the threads and simply never come in?

it's your fault if you aren't happy here. You never choose to avoid the problem. Loads of comics I don't like. So I never go into those threads.

The "Hard reset" comment was actually faintly funny.

You've got to be fucking shitting me.
He's still doing this shit?
You faggots are still READING IT?
This thread is TWO DAYS OLD?

What the fuck is wrong with you all. I dropped this garbage years ago, some plot line about a robot checking a human's privilege, fucking retarded ass trash. There's no reason to waste time on this absolute pile of filth. It's not even funny for "haha let's keep watching jeph be a fuckup". It burned through the last of its ironic comedy value ages ago. Stop polluting the board with this dreck.


Considering his fetishization of lesbians, that'll be easy

>yoyod a lot
once he started drawing her as fat, she's been consistently fat apart from the one time she took her shirt off

I'd giver her a 'hard reset' if you know what I mean

But if we don't post it here, we have to go to his site...

Big tiddies don’t count when they’re attached to hambeasts.

>Steve's out and turned into a jobless alcoholic.

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This has been my experience as well, and I've worked with hundreds of immigrants and I'm one of those job stealing cunts too
Get them going and they will not stop gushing about their culture.
I guess it's different where stabby lives.

Brun isn't an immigrant, her parents were. Assuming that she doesn't have any kind of accent, it'd be very weird and off-putting to ask where she's from. Of course, by that same metric nobody would bother to ask her where she's from either.

>Assuming that she doesn't have any kind of accent, it'd be very weird and off-putting to ask where she's from.
It's not, people are naturally curious about what kind of brown you are.

Sure, but just asking someone their ethnicity without a lead-in is considered prying.

Sure, but even children of immigrants didn't seem to mind talking about where their family is from, some of them pointing it out themselves ("Hey, that dude speaks the language of where my family is from!").
Granted I only know a few dozen of those and I'm not in the USA. Seems to be a lot touchier subject there for some reason, even though they had way less ethnic animosities than Europe.

yeah i cringed too

That's because lacking any kind of sign that one is an immigrant, such as an accent, the assumption is that one is an American. Faye, who canonically has a Southern accent, should get asked where she's from far more often.

I can see that going the "muslim lesbian so progressive" route

Nothing wrong with that.
No one needs to ask because everyone in the US knows what a southern accent sounds like.

Really, this should just be combined with the DoA thread. Both threads only exist so they can be shat on repeatedly. Neither are going to get better. Might as well save space for the rest of the board.

There’s more than the one variety of southern American accent. I get asked where I come from all the time a bizarre amount of people think I’m British which is all sorts of insulting

I thought Faye hid her accent and it only appeared when she's drunk?

Let me guess, Appalachian? I get asked where I'm from all the time too despite having always lived in the South because my accent is very light.

It's because like most of these virtue signallers Jeph lives in a 90+% white area and goes months without seeing someone darker than a Spaniard. He's just guessing because he doesn't really know.

Faye has long been soft retconned as a local. The whole southern belle thing disappeared within the first few years of the comic. It's too much work to show Faye as someone who doesn't totally fit in with the local New England crowd so Jeph just made her like everyone else. Even Marten has gotten this treatment. Early on elements of him being Californian came into play but now that's been forgotten.

People still wonder what kind of southerner you are.

Given the time period that has passed in-universe the culture shock would have slowly dissipated. Even with his decompression something like 18 months to 2 years have passed since the start of the comic so having everyone with the same outsider issues would be weird.

Marten and Faye meet a lot of people, though, and no one comments on how they sound like they're not local. Can they really perfectly fake a New England accent? Also, if you take a transplant from across the country and mix him in with a bunch of people who basically never leave town, things are going to come up and long after the initial move.

Sure, except their social lives are insular and tiny.

>what kind of southerner
There's literally no difference between southerners except Floridians, and even then it's only because the Cubans and Jews skew the overwhelming demographics of obese illiterate white and black Americans

Nah, an Alabaman and Texan sound very different, and those sound different from an Georgian. Tennesseans and Mississippians sound pretty similar along the west, but someone from Knoxville doesn't sound like someone from Oxford.
>t. Southerner that's been to all of those places.