>Everyone excepting Superman to make a cameo in Shazam
>The end credit stinger will be Jason momoa Aquaman
Shazam end credit scene
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying the post credits scene isn't gonna set up Black Adam
We can only hope
The end credit is apparently a pay off a long running joke where Billy says he's friends with Shazam, then Shazam finally shows up at the school and he comes with another Superhero, Superman
Though that may be the final scene and not the post credit scene
Sorry, but there's no way this isn't bombing
Yeah that ain't bombing
Are you sure? Are you ready for another bluray?
I heard a rumor Superman shows up but it’s not Cavill so they don’t show his face.
>Implying dc pops will get end credits scenes
Grow the fuck up dc shills
>"Hey boys, got room for one more"
>"We certainly are some kind of......trinity"
Probably setting up a superman mustache joke.
what other mythology related heroes does DC have?
I'd rather get a Mister Mind after credits scene
>this poster
Fuck you I'd watch it.
Jay Garrick tends to get his speed from Mercury. Shining Knight and Madame Xanadu have Arthurian roots. Dr. Fate's Egyptian-themed when he's not going full 'muh order'. Manitou Raven is a thing that exists sometimes.
Fuck you to because so would I
Come on, Billy. Think of the advertisers.
Dr. Fate
Silver Banshee
The n word?
When have you ever seen the Rock forego a credit? When have you ever seen anybody who could rely on him being in their movie fail to advertise that fact? Besides, the producers already said the Rock isn't showing up, and he is one of the producers, so he'd know.
There's no DCEU OP they decided what worked best in Wonder Woman was the fact it wasn't trying to be part of another movie. That was 18 months ago. Move on.
If Cavill was being used you'd know about it by now, if they weren't using him you'd know that too, because he'd have been recast for all the movies.
Sandberg and Safran have already confirmed there's a post-credits scene, it doesn't involve Black Adam (who's not in the movie at all), and it doesn't involve Superman, because none of the other heroes are going to show up:
>it takes place in this DC world, where all these heroes exist, but in some ways, yeah, it's both sort of self-contained, while also being a part of something bigger
Which, you know, is "this" DC world, not necessarily the DCEU continuity world or whatever; could be Worlds of Tomorrow/Arrowverse, could be Lois & Clark, could be Smallville; could be a horrible frankenstein of a whole lot of things just because it's easier to dress a set that way.
>not necessarily the DCEU continuity world or whatever
"This DC world" means THIS DC world
Considering these two and WW are the only viable characters left in the DCCU I can't say I'd be too surprised.
Forgetting someone?
>That building jump
I spoiled myself the funniest part of the whole movie. Fuck me.
well, maybe it isn't
it really doesn't, it's just easier for them to signpost that it's a DC world by using existing media
this movie is the filmic equivalent of a 1990s GeoCities homepage
Will Black Adam show up?
>it really doesn't,
Just give up, faggot. That user proved you wrong
An outrageous idea.
My uncle intern'd for WB one summer back in '86 so I can 100% guarantee the post credit scene is going to be a Static Shock cameo
he proved the director of the movie he's talking about wrong? because that's who's being quoted here >it takes place in this DC world, where all these heroes exist, but in some ways, yeah, it's both sort of self-contained, while also being a part of something bigger
>no Superman
>no other cameos
>no tie-in continuity
>couldn't even afford to pay the Rock to appear
it's a one and done that's never going to get a sequel and doesn't tie into anything because that's not even WB policy on superhero movies any more
I don't know why you guys can't accept Shazam is part of the greater DC movieverse but it's self-contained enough that other films don't impact the story at all.
Only as a hologram in the Rock of Eternity when the Wizard refers to the champion who failed him.
Shazam is better than any other superhero, so any cameo will fall flat. Unless the cameo is Elvis.
>There's no DCEU OP
Except that Aquaman directly mentioned Justice League in a dialogue they could easily cut at any moment if they wanted.
>it's a one and done that's never going to get a sequel and doesn't tie into anything because that's not even WB policy on superhero movies any more
3 of their upcoming movies are sequels
I'm torn between my dislike of the Rock and really wanting to see Black Adam on the screen. I'm glad he's not in this so he still has time to run to Marvel.
Cry more dc shill Cry waaaaaaah
Black Adam starts production in early 2020