There are people who actually believe this will flop

>there are people who actually believe this will flop
Why do this to yourselves?

Attached: CM trailer.webm (1280x542, 2.12M)

No one believes it'll flop. But Brie won't be the face of the MCU like she expects. Feige will use the Endgame cut that has less Carol scenes, and she'll get one more sequel. But she won't appear in any other MCU flicks.

>the Endgame cut that has less Carol scenes

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Probably truev

I don't see how CM can flop
-it's Marvel
-it's a new hero
-It's set in the 90's
-beloved recurring characters are in it
-there's a cat
maybe it won't get nominated for the oscars unless something mindblowing happens in the movie. big whoop.

I'm more worried about Shazam! there's close to no advertisement for this movie and it really looks like it'll be good and wholesome and far removed from the Hack Snyder nightmare world we had until Aquabore.

No one in their right mind thinks this will flop, same with Black Panther, being an MCU movie alone guarantees it'll be successful. That said, she's not going to blow up like she thinks she will and if she's made the face of the MCU people are going to be turned off because people think Larson is a massive cunt

It won't flop, but I can easily see people calling it the worst Marvel movie.

>Latest conspiracy meme that's been around for maybe a day
>Probably true

>because shitposters want to push the narrative that Larson is a massive cunt

It will not surpass the billion, Black Panther was an exception... as I said several time, CM will be closer to Dr Strange, maybe a bit better, 900 million at best.

94% on RT... 74% the movie + 10% because she's a woman + 10% because it's an MCU movie.

Theres a new trailer on Monday and I have a feeling they're going to do a marketing blitz from then, have the trailer attached to Captain Marvel to boost effectiveness. No idea whether or not it'll do any good, I can only hope

Have you read any of her Twitter stuff or heard anything she's said? She's a horrible, narcissistic cunt, pic related.

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>Feige will use the Endgame cut that has less Carol scenes
this is what incels actually believe

Yea Forums has been hoping for an MCU flop since the first Guardians. It's just routine at this point.

>Endgame cut that has less Carol scenes

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it's just another self discovering marvel movie

yeah, me too actually. It's probably gonna be painfully avarage
is right

even if any of that was true and it isn't. I was able to look past the fact that I hate Ben Affleck and went to watch BvS and JL and judged the movies on their faults rather than on my bias, why shouldn't Brie get that same benefit?

>Yea Forums has been hoping for an MCU flop since the first Guardians.

Didn't this kinda' flop?

Attached: Ant-Man & The Wasp.jpg (475x679, 92K)

I don’t know if Brie is a cunt or not and idc because she’s an actress playing a character.

That being said, if she actually thing she’s going to be the star of the next generation she’s on crack. That is actually the funniest thing I’ve heard today. In a lineup of Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Academy Award winner Black Panther, a female Green Lantern knock off barely rates. Incels and fanboys alike ridiculously overhyping Carol fucking Danver’s genre impact.

cool rumor bro

Lmao baby btfo

people said the same thing about c-lister Iron Man back in 2008.

>even if any of that was true and it isn't.
Are you serious? Brie "a man asked me for my phone number, I was attacked" Larson is a shitty person.
>I was able to look past the fact that I hate Ben Affleck and went to watch BvS and JL and judged the movies on their faults rather than on my bias
And? I don't like Larson because she acts like a cunt, I'm not saying this is going to hamper the quality of the movie or anything (though the trailers don't inspire confidence), I still don't like her as a person

I bet you think you're so influential.

>Complaining about an unsolicited advance from someone in a position of authority

She did nothing wrong, really.

Narcissism is really attractive in a woman.

Does Brie actually believe that, or is Disney just pushing that because they really want a Tony Stark replacement before RDJ's contract runs out?

Absolutely not, why would I think that? I just think Larson is a cunt, that's it really. I don't think her movie is going to bomb or anything like that, why are you so mad that I don't like Larson?
Or she could have just brushed it off like the nothing that it was?


cool, now you're trying to put words in my mouth.

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That’s not the same at all, c-listed Iron Man has only c-lister Iron Man to compete with an MCU that he founded. RDJ (And, arguably Evans) being the face(s) of Marvel is hardly a shocker as they were both first phase heroes and they both played pivotal characters in the MCUs developing story over the past ten years.

Now, the stage is a bit different. Phases 4-6 will have Spider-Man, whose numbers speak for themselves, a hero that brought in a whole demographic MCU over night, and the X-Men m who will probably start trickling in during these phases too. Sure, the MCU has a knack for making nobodies house hold names, but the competition is much stiffer this time around and I can’t picture a world where Peter Parker takes backseat to a character Marvel has tried and failed for years to bring into the mainstream

Of course not, The Mouse won't allow it to fail. I personally wish it would though.

I'd give Brie my left nut if she could fuck this up enough that Marvel finally stops pushing Carol and replaces her with someone who's actually entertaining and likable.

I mean, at least Monica gets some spotlight; even if it's as a cheerleader.

They're also incidentally the two best actors, aside from Samuel L. Jackson.

It will be another Ant Man and the Wasp

I'm sure people will love the movie.

If she had hit on him that would have been unsolicited too. In your fantasy world, no one would ever make a move.

Meaning that it makes money and is generally well received?

I can't get over the parmesan tagliatelle shoelaces. Fashion sucks.

bro she punched that fucking baby

That movie flopped, user

Oh did it?

Attached: Capture.png (556x670, 36K)

Thankfully it was white and male, so no foul.

movies are undeniably what made Iron Man famous overnight, and that's why movies can streamline decades of comic storylines into 2 hour movies,

this happened with Tony where they pick the good stuff out of 80 years of comic books. Tony's alcoholism was never brought over but Demon in a Bottle was, same happened to Cap, Thor and the rest. the same will happen to Carol.

People liked Ant Man 2, it just didn't have a lot of staying power. It was always going to be a breather movie after Infinity War.

Oh, there are people genuinely believe it will flop. The same people that believed IW would flop, and BP would flop. They're desperate for something to affirm their delusional fantasy of a world where, actually, everyone is like them and hates the things they hate.

When this movie succeeds, they'll perform the latest in a thrilling array of mental gymnastics in order to pretend that somehow everything was rigged, or it didn't really break even, or the box office is lying.

And, as usual, it will be a fucking treat to watch.

No it didn't especially for what it cost to make. Still if it made Ant-Man & Wasp money it probably would not meet whatever high expectations Marvel Studios had for Captain Marvel seeing how they are paying a lot for marketing since almost wherever I go I see marketing for this movie.

But it wouldn't flop.

Captain fungus

So what's your opinion of Mel Gibson, user?

It was released in Europe a month later because of the world cup too, so it would have made more

there's no way it will flop, they are buying and giving away free tickets so people can go and watch it for "free", they can't let the movie flop since she's supposed to be the main hero of the next avengers movie. this movie will no flop under any circumstances.

It's fun to pretend, isn't it?

nothing can make this movie flop, not even God, and at this point Disney is more powerful than any God.

Yea Forums believes all sorts of stupid shit

In fact right now they believe Disney is forcing every theater in the world to close down screens that aren't showing Captain Marvel

I don't give enough of a shit about Captain Marvel to believe it'll do anything.

china does it all the time in their theaters

>Ripped a joke right out of 'the campaign'