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New stuff
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Whats the name of the comic?
Who are those men in black?
her guard she is rich and want to keep fur as a pet
Hooray! Someone who doesn’t hate the furry girl!
Who the fuck is translating these?
Definitely not a native english speaker.
>Will there be someone in this world that doesn't hate me?
>The only one who does will most likely lock them in their backyard and force them to be cute for their amusement
This is the biggest monkey paw ever
Why is it going to a human school?
Most satisfying panel.
Why is everyone in this world a complete asshole?
>feel for little wolf girl
>never gets better
>she just get shit on
>author shills his patreon
Fuck this guy for emotionally manipulating me
What exactly is this?
>genuinely interesting comic about a mythical creature in the modern world struggling in the human society she lives in (bullying, harassment etc.)
>childhood tanned girl seemed to play an important role as well as raise speculations on whether she will help her old friend or do the absolute worse towards her- aka have actual plot
>turn it into some yandere yuri slice-of-life shit
fucking christ the potential being drained away on this frustrates me like fuck
I mean sure its edgy at times but that speculation of "oh shit what's gonna happen next, is this story going to have bad ending or will the author do something unexpected and give it a bittersweet, or even a happy ending" was great.
Its just the furry version of that brown loli bully comic.
>>never gets better
>>she just get shit on
Welcome to reality.
man that generic ass anime rich girl doesn't even look like she belongs in the setting.
But will somebody finally stand up for her and help her?
>brown loli bully comic
Sauce, asking because im an angst fag, not a lolifag.
I bet its gonna be blonde chick who comes to the rescue first.
Only if you give the creator money.
the brown loli bully comic is Don't Mess with Me, Nagatoro. if you seen this smug face before that's Nagatoro
last time we saw the brown girl, she was looking away from her friends who were bullying fur. they also played together briefly as kids so brownie will probably save the day at some point
She will take matters into her own paws
This artist is great and has a very nice style. But this comic of his is clear 'bait' and seems more like a silly abuse-fetish or a ploy to get people to donate to his patreon.
I still can't believe that this guy's blatant fetish comic went (somewhat) mainstream.
It is really painful. This, or the use of comic sans.
>yfw can't unsee now
It's an improvement, I guess.
Did I miss a lot?
I think the last panels I saw were her eating on the roof and coming across that girl who was nice to her long ago.
This seems like a completely different comic
What the fuck is this shit, and how is it Yea Forums?
it's a comic
this is a board to discuss those, and cartoons
seems like a translated web-manga to me, so no, it doesn’t seem like Yea Forums.
You still haven’t answered what this comic is about. Some rich girl wanting to enslave a furry girl as a pet, and that furry girl is bullied by everyone?
It was never interesting and was always wankery
thought it'd be something like this with a crunchier snap
yeah, that's it
it is a comic though, it's thai not japanese
Well, if mods have banned me once for discussing Chinese animation and literally telling to me fuck off to Yea Forums, then why would they consider THIS Yea Forums related?
can we not bring the wraith of the mod upon me
well? Continue user
I’m not trying to, I’m just telling you that they’re corrupt and will try to find an excuse to delete this thread, maybe even ban you to rub some salt into the wound.
I think the mods are cool people and would not ban me...
no because once people are nice to her and accept her the comic is over and the creator can't profit anymore
that's just your asshole ideas user
there are ways to continue this comic in a sweet and heartfelt way
based, thanks user