Characters which are literally you
Characters which are literally you
>dyslectic basement-dwelling 12-year-old
I can believe it.
I'm the only hot middle eastern girl on Yea Forums ama
How can I tell if a falafel or schwarma place is good before I go in?
see if the cook is wearing gloves. if he is, the place sucks
+ a little Comic Book Guy
People are also always confusing me with two hicks who hang out on my porch.
If that's really true, I'd bro you up in a heartbeat user. Dumb but capable friends are the best.
>fat neckbeards attempting and failing to pussybait other anons
back on topic, here's mine.
I'm a ginger manlet with no friends
Farmer #2
>a child is pussybait
State of you mate
I was more of the Edd in my group of friends. I really related to that show as a majority of my childhood was playing around my neighborhood in an trio of friends, each one of us a bit of an outcast. We didnt really have a Ed, kind of just had two Eddys, at least in terms of personality.
this never get's old
I don't look anything like Lars but he's just like me character wise- insecure and a huge douche to people closest to him.
I was trying to think of a character for me, I was reluctantly going to go with Bojack, I completely forgot about Lars. He is such a tryhard insecure asshole, who is consistently a dick to the few people who like him for who he is... he is perfect.
Im chubby and short, talk about films, and Im voiced by Jon Lovitz