>DC is dying
>low sales, having to cut back on titles, chaos behind the scenes, will probably have the plug pulled soon
>Marvel is dying
>sales are down, having to force issues in LCSs, having to waste money on more books to make them seem like a success, Disney is considering closing them down

Is this the end of the Big 2?

And does this mean th rise of IDW? Will both the big companies just license their IPs to IDW (like Disney started doing)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Disney is considering closing them down
Is this true?!!!

Hopefully, the monopoly needs to end. Need to see properties get traction that are not DC or Marel

Marvel and DC are just IP Farms.


What's with the brainlet alarmists in the past two years here?

>Bleeding Cool actually puts it forth the reason Quesada and Cebulski are doing the panel is, in essence, to save Marvel Comics, as sales have been dwindling for years and they need to convince Disney that publishing Marvel comic books - even though they are losing money - is still a good idea because it is the inspiration for markets that do make money, such as Kevin Feige's insanely popular MCU.

>DC is dying
>low sales, having to cut back on titles, chaos behind the scenes, will probably have the plug pulled soon

DC is going to combine titles. Same amount of content just concentrated.

No, it's not. Joe Quesada was heading a panel on why comics are the lifeblood of all the movies Disney is making, so some alarmist thought that meant he was trying to appeal to people to not let Disney close Marvel. It's really dumb.

RIP Marvel

Personally, I just like that IDW has such a wide range of IPs and creativity to make all the stuff they do. I absolutely loved their Ghostbusters comics, and the Star Trek/Dr. Who crossover was pure kino.

so are idw

>implying that isn’t damage control and Joe trying to save Marvel from being closed by Disney

Maybe they shouldn’t have pandered to SJWs.

And nothing of value was lost.

If the big two die, so do most LCS' and that will tank the smaller publishers. People aren't just going to put the same money into indy titles by default if they can't use it on the big two titles they buy out of habit or because they're completists.

Good. Now Manga will Reign supreme.

IDW has been having an insanely rubbish year

Go Woke, Go Broke.


Attached: star-trek-transformers-fortress-tiberius-1150483.jpg (531x816, 124K)

if we lost the big two it would force the artists attached to each company into the freelance/independent market to either stretch or starve, meaning we start getting good comics with the bonus of telling the losers L2code

IDW isn't doing much better really. They've been killing Transformers for a while now.

Shut up nova fag

>Marvel and DC will die
Looks like the future is looking bright.

The Mouse had a less than stellar year last year. With buying Fox, their profits had dwindled, so it makes sense for them to cut back.
They could outsource their characters.
IDW for their Kids/All-Ages books, and Dark Horse for their Teen and Adult titles.


From a financial perspective, yeah.

IDW's in seriously precarious shape financially.

IDW is the opposite of an IP farm. They aren't generating any new ideas for anyone. Except 30 Days of Night. Marvel/DC purely exist to pump out ideas so Disney/Warner can license them out to places like IDW.

>And does this mean th rise of IDW
Some of the lowest selling DC and Marvel books sell MORE by themselves than IDW's entire line does

OP is too stupid to know what relative sales levels are


IDW is in self-destruct mode. They have NO future.

You have no idea what "monopoly" means. Your post is literally THE stupidest post I have ever seen on Yea Forums and that's saying something.

What exactly happened with DC? It feels like everyone just started propagating the message that they're failing without pointing out what has led them to this point.

Because they're going by Rich Johnston's speculations.

>DC is dying
>Marvel is dying
I've been hearing this for over ten years. God knows how long it's actually been said

Karma at its finest.

Sales are in the shitter. Even Heroes in Crisis is selling less than Metal and many Marvel books.

I wouldn't say many Marvel books. Only Spider-Man and 3 brand new #1's. Though it's sales are shit compared to Metal with HiC #5 selling about half of Metal #5.

Good riddance.

IDW is struggling too.

What do you mean by self-destruct mode?

what good could come from this user? You eliminate the big two and the comics industry shrinks even more from what it's become. Comics are already a niche hobby, do you want it to flat out cease to exist? Both publishers have bullshit quirks to them but still, they're the only safeguards to the remnants of this industry.

IDW was literately just busted for fraud today

Comics can fully move to a digital marketplace. Perhaps even an unlimited subscription service like Netflix.

Right, so like I said, it would become even more niche as physical comics faded away into the sands of time and the medium as a whole grew more niche and shite. Not to mention manga would come in and fill in the void left by the comics industry's corpse. Its just a sad state of affairs all around man. That subscription service wouldnt cut it because shit like RCO exists.


Evolve or die. If they can’t adapt, then they shouldn’t perish.


Everything comes to an end someday, user.
Personally I want to see some new comic book publishers come out and make their own shit.

Cosmicbook is just butthurt that Dick Rider sucks


The industry will be forced to change and be reborn.

No, there is no real proof.


How stupid are you?

the pandering to a new diverse audience in the 20012-16 period resulted in increased sales

>dark horse bleeding IPs
>Disney is thinking about shutting down marlel
>IDW slowly dying
>dc slowly dying
>valiant got bought out by a Chinese megacorp for MCU buxx
>Dynamite and Boom will die with the LCS
>image bleeding sales, Kirkman alone keeps them afloat
>Fantagraphics printing less every year
I mean, it’s fucking awful, but it’s not as bad as the magazine market is. Natgeo is literally the only American magazine being printed at a profit these days.

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Fuck off McGloin you didn't even come up with this rumor.

No he's just butthurt period, if it wasn't Dick Rider it would have been something else.

I hope IDW doesn't die until I get my third TMNT/Ghostbuster team up.

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Sales dipped when they went all-in on that.

Attached: marvel in charge of not running things into the ground.png (576x491, 64K)

Like I said, no REAL proof.

Cosmicbook is not a credible source. It's like linking to Infowars about Doomsday Cock leaks.

No, IDW is going to be completely fucked since Marvel and DC getting out of comics would mean all comic shops dying, which would kill IDW's distribution.

It would be better off dead than staying in the state it is

IDW hasn't had a success since they got TMNT. Peove me wrong

Holy shit! DeaDW

>Thinking that it's the SJW boogeyman killing comics and not manga being sold and marketed better in a time where anime is at the peak of its international popularity.

No one wants to buy 37 Spider-man comics by different writers and different artists then have to read a bunch of random X-Men comics because they crossed over and that crossover is important to the current Spider-man storyline.

"Get woke. Go Broke" will never be an actual thing no matter how many times you say it.

Don't forget that Diamond is dying (this may actually be good), they are in financial trouble and the varients at this point are bleeding them dry. Thanks Marvel and Dynamite for that. No seriously, thanks

Do you think comics being glorified sermons are helping in any way? Is it only that last straw on the pile that can be said to have broken the camel's back?


The brainlet's attempt at solving things.

>Do you think comics being glorified sermons are helping in any way?
Yes, I don't read DC or Marvel because it's all garbage but these people are buying just enough comics and movie tickets to keep investors happy. And yes they do buy comics. Just because you don't see them in your LCS doesn't mean they aren't purchasing shit online or digitally. Who do you think is buying funko pop's dogshit?

Yeah! We should keep these characters going for another 50 years! They're not stale at all! Why, the narrative possibilities featuring the same dozenish relevant characters and villains are limitless!!

>Kill everything first instead of creating a solution! Because I don't like thing!

The second phase of the brainlet's argument.

Female Furies took the number 4 spot in sales the week it came out. It was dog shit but it sold

did that ashley wood portfolio ever come out?

Attached: AshleyWood_HC_cvr.jpg (1800x1800, 1.57M)

Oligopoly is the proper term for when it's severely limited like it is if you're going to be that unironic autist, you know what I mean
And if you're going to defend the current situation as good your post will be literally THE stupidest post I have ever seen on Yea Forums and that's saying something.

From what? Comixology? Digital is a fraction of sales.

For that week, among a select number of retailers surveyed, it got to #10:

Batman #64
Justice League #17
Green Lantern #4
Daredevil #1
Uncanny X-Men #11
The Walking Dead #188
Avengers #14
Young Justice #2
Conan the Barbarian #3
Female Furies #1

With one retailer going

>A bad combo this week. Diamond delayed getting us our shipment until Wednesday afternoon and more bad weather made it for a terrible Wednesday. Thursday was very cold, both outside and inside. Not one person picked up Female Furies. After reading it I wanted a refund. Darkseid letting people talk back to him and challenging him to his face and him letting it go? Female Fury bake sale? Has this writer never read a past story with Darkseid in it? Where was the editor on this? Hoping for a better week next week. I know it can not get much worse.

According to comichron, total sales haven't changed much over the years.
(Is comichron a reliable source? It's the one source I found arguing against the perception of comic books dying.)

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>Is comichron a reliable source?

They are reliable, because they do pretty good research on sales using the charts available for years. Seriously, you've been hanging around here and you've never heard of Comichron? It's where the estimated sales numbers come from, which they do from calculating based on the Diamond charts.

I was bored and visited Yea Forums on a whim.

Really going out of your way to prove that guy right huh?

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I'm sorry

If Marvel and DC died, comics as we know them would die along with them. Very, very quickly. Almost overnight.

I wonder how many people would lose their jobs?

That’s a pretty America-centric view. Maybe we’d just go over to graphic novel focused works like other countries.

Well there's approximately 2,306 stores in the US. So including them and every publisher we are talking thousands

Well they will shut them down when sales are bad enough, doubt it's at that point yet though.

Disney/Warner does not need superhero comics in order to make superhero movies, as proven by the fact that comic book interest is dropping while superhero movies are doing great.

It's about money, and comics aren't making them any.

Not without the regular funding. You'd have to really start from scratch. Which you're better off doing now, making your own stuff and publishing it, instead of waiting for Marvel or DC to die off to do so.

I agreewith that man. Its the same with Wolverine or Deadpool.
Dont know if they do this since the beginning, but see X-Men and their inflated series. It is done in waves but still they try to establish too many series at once.

but comic sales are actual pretty stable the past few years?

Honestly, i think that comics are as bought as before.
Just that the earnings are divided by more companies and thanks to the many series split inhouse too.

IDW has been selling comics at a loss for two years straight and their attempt to pivot to making TV shows has left them tens of millions of dollars in debt.

I wonder if they did the typical new business failure.
You start with a loans and think through growing you will get more money but in the end its like a snowball you need to spend more money to stay and than need to grow bigger.

Let's talk about their actual comics. What do your read and what do you like?

Honestly the only thing i have been enjoying from then is Tipton and Tipton Star Trek. But i am a pleb for IDW stuff

Monstress is really good. I need to finish it.

Attached: monstress_001_001.jpg (1987x3056, 1.86M)

>What do your read
>and what do you like?

Fucking kek, that's Image you retard i love it though

>a number one sold well so that means sales are good
Expect them to tank soon

>What do your read and what do you like?
They said nothing about it having to be IDW.

>Let's talk about their actual comics.
So is Yea Forums so brain dead that one sentence has no bearing on the next?

>actual comics
What does that even mean?

IDW comics you fucking dimwit. What thread are you in?

TMNT and its satellites. Great stuff.

Demi God is fun but updates infrequently

Because sales have been cratering for two years.
Anyone with a brain can look at the sales charters and see how the publishers are having to swim faster and faster to keep their heads above water.
Higher and higher prices, more and more variant covers and incentive gimmicks, squeezing a shrinking audience more and more.
It's not fucking sustainable.

You're right here. If Joe wanted to tell Disney that, he's in a position where he could just tell them directly.
You don't go to fucking SXSW in order totell Bob Igor something ffs.

Well the LCSs have enabled Diamond and Marvel's bad behavior for a long time now, so fuck them oh well.

>With buying Fox, their profits had dwindled
They haven't even paid for Fox yet.
Their profits were that bad on the same year that they had Black Panther and Infinity War.
Think about that.
And they haven't even paid for Fox yet.
Think about that.

They HAVE been dying for 20+ years.
They're now nearing actual death.

Muh digital utopianism.

The variants aren't "bleeding [Diamond] dry".
The variants are fucking keeping the lights on.
Not just for Diamond but for the entire industry and DC especially (because they do A and B covers for most their titles).
Yes, we're that bad right now. Things are that bad. Variants and speculation are terrible addictions, but...
Without pumping those nerds who need to buy multiple variants every month, the overall sales would be below terminal at this point.
Tom King's Batman wouldn't be a "85k" seller. Without the nerds who need the A and B cover, without the nerds who need just the B but won't read it...
Tom King's Batman would really only be selling like 50k.

>Female Furies took the number 4 spot in sales the week it came out. It was dog shit but it sold
Jesus fucking christ, it's this kind of misinformation that we have to fight through...
It's this kind of BS that got us in this state. There could have been more of a groundswell of resistance, but you gullible people just believed that
>Everything is fine! I read so on CBR!
Do you also believe that Squirrel Girl sells a lot at Scholastic Book Fairs, even though it isn't in the catalogue?
Do you also believe that Ms Marvel is the best-selling digital comic in the world, because Sana Amanat once said so?

They're comparing sales to 1998, which was amidst the Heroes World crash and Marvel bankruptcy.
In 1998 we also had NEWSSTAND distribution, but Comichron isn't counting that here!
And 2018 had overships and tons o' variants.
All this means is that
>1998 numbers MINUS NEWSSTAND
>2018 numbers (FACTORING IN VARIANT CRAZE, OVERSHIPS, and oh yeah we lost newsstand).
Comichron pulls this shit all the time. "It's not so bad! Look at this month compared to the late '90s!" Your numbers from the late '90s are incomplete, dummies!
This kind of shit from them is really endemic of this mindset that just assumes Diamond is the be-all and end-all of everything ever always.

it had better writing and art than Mister Miracle

Let's be fucking real here. The only reason Marvel is dying is Disney's stalemate with Universal over the Superhero land. If Disney had a clear center to shill capeshit comics to normalfags en-mass they would easily be saving Marvel.

DC is dying due to some retarded attempt to ape the MCU and failing so fucking bad even the actors want out. A retarded push to make new hip superheroes that fucking don't stick and all sorts of other bullshit to ape Marvels success with Replacement of heroes with minorities

TL;DR it's Disney's fault

Attached: IDW sonic.png (702x569, 66K)

Just TMNT and if IDW release The Forever War (Bobby said is still possible) They will have my unconditional support

>why comics are the lifeblood of all the movies Disney is making
How long has it been since this was actually true?
Those retards seriously don't think they're going to get a Riri Williams movie or some shit, do they?

By 1995, direct market was 90% of comic sales and newsstand was 10%. By 2000 newsstand was 5% of comic sales. Saying that Comichron doesn't include newsstand is a very desperate move to prove that Comichron is wrong.

I think just the monthlies can go away. Digital monthlies get collected into physically printed trades.

IDW is going through just as much upheaval as DC if not more

It isn't about making a Riri Williams movie user, though they would have loved it if it worked. It is about someone creating the next Deadpool, or Miles Morales. If they keep churning out shit, they will find a nugget that they can sell as gold fifteen years later.

> Netflix service
Lots of potential here. There could be a basic subscription that lets you pick a number of lines to subscribe to every month and limited access to archived comics. Then there is a premium subscription that provides unlimited access to current and archived comics.

What's more, the monthly format does not need to even be a thing. Just release a few pages every couple of days like webcomics. Physically print them in TPB form. Offer POD as well for past and present comics.

It is often suggested that comics need to return to newsstands but if there was a "Netflix" service that would mean anyone with a smartphone, an app, and a subscription is moments away from accessing whatever comic they desire. I do not believe that print is dead but in the comics industry it quickly could be while the medium survives because of how far down the drain it has circled already.

Comics got too big and unwieldy. We aren't in the golden age any more, and haven't been for a long time. We need to go back to what sells, and stick to the essentials.

Marvel should print, monthly
>Maybe Fantastic Four
>Six Issue Limited Series for whatever is currently in theaters.

DC should publish
>Wonder Woman
>Justice League
>Limited Series for what is in theaters
>Limited Series based on whatever they are shilling for TV.

Smaller lines and less artists and writers to pay will lead to a higher quality product better able to prop up their movie department.

>It is often suggested that comics need to return to newsstands but if there was a "Netflix" service that would mean anyone with a smartphone, an app, and a subscription is moments away from accessing whatever comic they desire. I do not believe that print is dead but in the comics industry it quickly could be while the medium survives because of how far down the drain it has circled already.

You mean like Comixology Unlimited?

I loved IDW Ghostbusters but I am sick of all these crossovers and after having to suffer the 016 team for two for them nearly back to back I really just want to go back to simpler stories.

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The guy who started the rumor literally admitted to it cause he just wanted to stir shit

Indeed. I know it sucks for brick and mortar stores, but people are willing to pay for comics, just not $5 a pop that is mainly filled with ads and fill-in artists.

Set up a digital service for comics in 3 tiers:

Basic: $7.99 a month with access to 2 new comics a week and unlimited access to titles 6 months old. Ads will also appear in the comics themselves.

Premier: $13.99 a month with access to 5 new comics a week and unlimited access to titles 6 months and over.

Super Fan: $19.99 a month with unlimited access to all new comics a week and everything in the archives + exclusive functions like artist and writer QA’s, mail-order gifts, and the limited ability to share titles with friends who aren’t on the top plan.

Easy and to the point.

Let's be realistic: Super-fan package is the ad-free package.

>Comics can fully move to a digital marketplace.

Digital has almost been around for a decade now with same day release as physical copies. It hasn't significantly made sales go up, otherwise people would tout the numbers every year.

>Perhaps even an unlimited subscription service like Netflix.

You do realize that's not a very viable model for anything outside of shuffling back catalog, right? There's not enough money with such a limited base to allow it to produce new material. Comixology offers a subscription service but it's got an actively changing catalog so unless you're a noob it offers nothing to most current comics readers. And Marvel has had their own subscription service for years, which is still full of holes if you're interested in reading certain C-list titles.

Yeah, I was just being too optimistic there.

Marvel went bankrupt in the mid 90s because of the variant covers. It's the same reason Spider-man movies are Sony properties. They sold all their shit to different companies because they ran their business into the ground.

So you're comparing a time when comics had crashed to nothing.. to now.. which means comics have never recovered from the mid 90s.

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>Marvel went bankrupt in the mid 90s because of the variant covers.

Wrong. They went bankrupt because of the owners buying up Malibu Comics, Fleer/Skybox, and Heroes World Distribution among other things. And they still produced variants after they were bankrupt. The comics were the only thing that was making money for them, that's why they still continued.

> It's the same reason Spider-man movies are Sony properties.

Also wrong, the rights were with a different film company in the 80's and 90's. It still didn't have anything to do with the fucking bankruptcy, you dumb zoomer.

No you're stupid.
Variants inflated sales numbers and the owner kept pushing shit. People stopped by because the stories and art went to shit. Buying up other things and getting into toys also fucked them.

And they went bankrupt.

Yes marvel sold them off to all kinds of companies, but the reason marvel doesn't fucking own them all now is because they sold them for capital.

Stop posting because you're fucking stupid.

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IDW will own Dredd, Batman and Spiderman in 5-,10 years.
This will be a spooky timeline lads.

>Muh wojack
>If I call him stupid repeatedly I'll look smart
>I'll share a link I didn't even read carefully
>The reason Marvel doesn't own Spider-Man movie rights is because their business was run into the ground, even though Spider-Man rights were sold in the 1980's, before all that happen

Marvel wasn't even pushing incentivized variants (the kind where you need to order 500 of an issue to buy one super-limited variant) in the early 90's, and that link you posted only gives an Image example. Goddamn, you barely know anything about comics and you pretend to be an expert.

sigh, you just show how stupid you are with another rambling lost post.

This issue sold more than any other, along with the spider-man 1 reboot with Mcfralane. It was 1991. This was part of the reason marvel crashed because of the endless variant covers.

The 1996 bankruptcy came two years before the first modern Marvel movie, Blade, hit theaters. While most of their other plans failed miserably, Blade was part of an ambitious licensing deal that sold the cinematic rights to properties like X-Men and Spider-Man to studios like 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures for quick cash. It was a great idea on paper. Blade was a modest success, Bryan Singer's X-Men helped relaunch the modern era of superhero movies and Sam Raimi's Spider-Man grossed over $400 million. Those Marvel movies began to make a lot of money, except they were making money for everyone but Marvel.
Blade made $70 million at the U.S. box office, but Marvel only pocketed a shocking $25,000. Because of a flat-fee negotiation, Marvel made nothing off the success of X-Men.
In 2003, Endeavor talent agent David Maisel pitched Marvel a simple, but radical idea: why continue to give away your best assets to other companies for a paltry fee? Create your own production studio, develop and produce these titles in house and retain 100% of the profits. At the time, Marvel was intrigued but hesitant to move forward. After about seven years toiling away at profitability in the wake of their bankruptcy, they were finally starting to see some returns, as small as they were. Why risk all that on a plan that leave them broke again?

You fail at life and even posting about comics.

Learn to read you peasant.

Attached: 4c19056c74d9992c70cb677449befe8093eaaf05f818d8528105ca89b5a2f123.jpg (1067x600, 110K)

>>>this issue.

Attached: x-men-comics-1991-cover-chris-claremont.jpg (1280x1979, 1.91M)

Marvel comics was still profitable in the 90s, the parent company took on a ton of debt and purchased a trading card company for too much

you should complain about DC giving 80 variants to a single $10 comic

Storm is so pretty.

In the early 90s, as I said, two fucking times.
Yes they started buying shit away from their core business which helped bankrupt them, that and the comic industry shrunk almost over night because of shit like varient covers.

THIS is why they sold off their film rights.

Why are you retards so retarded?

>Why are you retards so retarded?

Because you're at the same brain level but pretend you aren't

>says marvel wasn't pushing variants in the 90s
Posts pic of X-men 1 from 1991 one of the biggest variant covers in history

>Says marvel didn't sell their rights because of bankrupts
Links to article that states they did just that

>says they produced varients after they went bankrupt in 1996, says comics were making them money when they went bankrupt

No proof, completely confused.

WHy do you keep posting? Recognize your betters child.

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Some day soon the entire direct market is going to be one rich fuck buying a single issue for $1,000,000,000 and certain people are still going to argue that everything is fine because revenue hasn't dropped.

Like I said, you're at the same brain level as everyone in this thread.

My doctor says I have a very special, very high-functioning brain.

you seem upset at reality. Consider killing yourself.